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Full text of "Ying Yüeh tzu tien = An English and Cantonese dictionary : for the use of those who wish to learn the spoken language of Canton Province"

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Sixth BMvitton. 
With the Changing Tones marked. 

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- Hongkong: 



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Registered in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 10 of 1888, at 
the Office of the Registrar General, Supreme Court House, Hongkong. 


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THE system of spelling here used is adapted from that of 

Dr. Williams’ Tonic Dictionary, only dispensing with his diacritic 
marks for the sake of convenience in writing and printing, and, it 
is hoped, also in using the Dictionary. The vowels are to be 
pronounced as follows :— a | 

aa, and a final, as in father. 

a, not final, as. in company. 

é, as in they. Heke 

z, as in machine;but before ng and # as in hing. 

0, final as in zo, and not final, as in kof. 

oh, as in horn. 

g,as in Géthe. 

00, as in school. 

u, as in fun, (interchanged with short a.) 

wu, nearly as in dull. 

ue, as u in Tribner. 

ai, as y in fly. 

aat, as a with ea in far-reaching. 

au, aS ow in now. 

aau, as a with w in far ruling. 

éu, as eyo in beyond, or ayo in crayon. 

tu, as ee with ou in see you. 

oz, as oy in boy. 

ut, nearly as in Louts. 

00t, aS IN cooing. — 

' ggeé or sz’ is a mere buzz, with scarcely any vowel sound. 


The use of short # in many cases where the other Dictionaries 
have short @ is to prevent a habit which English learners are very 
liable to get into of pronouncing, for example, Fe ‘mun,’ people, 
exactly the same as the English word ‘man’; HE ‘Fut,’ Buddha, 
the same as the English word ‘fat,’ &c. The broader Scotch a 
is a little nearer the Cantonese, but Ape is in any case not ‘fan’ 

but ‘ fun.’ 

The double z is a little different from double 0. ‘Kau-loon’ 
should be written Kau-luung, the second syllable being indeed 
quite different from the English ‘lung,’ yet not by any means the 
same as the Scotch ‘loon.’ 

Words ending in we (z) often vary in Canton so as to be not 
distinguishable from words ending in wz; but it is an exaggera- 

tion to make == ‘hue rhyme with IK “shut. 

The only vowel used with a diacritical mark is d, and it is 
of rare occurrence. I cannot accept, even on the authority of 
Mr. Parker, this vowel as a substitute for ew in sheung, sheuk, &c. 
There is some truth in the suggestion, but if. sheuug gives too 
much of a diphthong, séng gives too little. Considering that 

B} long and ies leung rhyme with each other in the universal 

language of China, it would seem almost better to write the 
Cantonese sounds Jozg and Jeong, than to introduce the peculiar 
6, which, after all, does not represent the Cantonese perfectly. 
However, students may take Mr. Ball’s skéng, long, &c. as a 
warning not to exaggerate the diphthong. 

The 8 Tones.—There are only eight regular tones in the 
Chinese language, and even these are not all found in many 
dialects. The upper_series of tones is printed inJtalics, and the 
lower series in Roman letters. Syllables printed in Italics . 
must always be pronounced on a higher key than the others. 
(4) Syllables without any tonal mark are in the ‘even’ tone. 



(2) Those with a tonal mark (‘) on the upper left corner are in the 
‘rising’ tone. (3) Those with a tonal mark (’) on the upper right 
corner are in the ‘going’ tone. (4) And words ending in &, Z, or ¢ 
are inthe ‘abrupt’ tone; that is to say, they end in a close consonant 
which cannot be sung out. It seems to me that the first tone 
might more properly be called the ‘natural’ and the third the 
‘even’ tone; for the third or ‘going’ tone resembles a note of 
music which continues at the same pitch. It begins rather lower 
than the first, but does not drop at all. 

The following is an example of the eight tones applied to 
what the Chinese regard as one syllable (¢ being only a modifica- 

- tion of 2) :— 
Williams. Williams. 
2p. even res WUier (Wall == wun (Wan 

ae aie C C ¢ 
fb rising | & wun wan FF wan wan 
> > > > 
=F going | PH wun wan EE wun wan* 

A abrupt i wut — wat, A wut wat, 

Additional Tones :—We are indebted to Mr. E. H. Parker for 
first calling attention to other tones, besides the above eight, 
which occur in Canton Colloquial. 

First, there are three even tones instead of two, the upper- 
most one being a sort of cry. A typical case is ,waau, a cat, the 
name being an imitation ofits cry. These uppermost even tones 
are distinguished in this Edition of the Cantonese Dictionary by 
a tonal mark on the lower left corner of the syllable in addition 
to its being printed in Italics. I have been guided entirely by a 
Cantonese Teacher in this and the following distinctions of tones. 

Second, there are three abrupt tones instead of two, the 
middle one being about as much lower than the one above as 
the upper ‘going’ tone is lower than the upper ‘even.’ This 


lowering of the upper fourth tone takes place almost invariably 
in connection with long or broad vowels. The first tonal exercise 

familiar to most beginners affords an example of it— 
Sin “Sin Sin’ Sit . 

The z being long (= ee) the fourth tone follows the cadence 
of the third; so that this middle fourth tone is appropriately 
marked like the third. What is probably the normal upper fourth 
tone is heard where the vowel is short, as in— 

Sing “Sing Sing Sik. 

Third, all the tones, except perhaps the upper even and the 
upper abrupt, are liable to be changed into an exaggerated rising 
tone; the initial letter always following the properctonen@feathe 
word, and the raising of the voice commencing from that pitch 
whatever itmay .be. This exaggerated rising tone is indicated 
by an asterisk on the upper left side of the syllable. For example, 
the character vr (near) has three pronunciations according to 
the shades of meaning, kan’, ‘k‘an, and *kan?. The last is to 

commence like the first and has no aspirate (‘) but it rises even 
more than the second. 

It is well to keep in mind that the lower-even and the lower 
rising tones always take the aspirate after ch, &, Pp; Z, and és, 
while the lower ‘going’ tone never takes it, and the lower abrupt 
tone seldom. There is some little help in this to a foreigner in 
distinguishing so many tones. 

More than nine-tenths of the characters given as equivalents 
of English words in this Dictionary will answer equally well for 
the general language of China; and I have thought it well with 
this in view to substitute authorized characters for p% m, 
DEF. ke’, Aq mo, Be lai, &c. in many cases while retaining 
the colloquial sounds. It seems a little absurd to write Bg for 

‘lai,’ to come, when the proper character Ale ‘loi’ is pronounced 


‘lai’ in other dialects. This sort of thing, like the multiplication 
of ‘easy wénli’ versions of the Scriptures, will in the end only 
multiply) difficulties. | 

This Dictionary was from the first intended for English people 
rather than Chinese, and those who consult it are requested, if 
they fail to find any particular English word, to look for a 
synonym or an approximate synonym ; and to learn to form parts 
of speech themselves from the material given, thus :— 

Adjectives may be formed at pleasure by adding #e’ to nouns 
and verbs. 

Verbs may often be formed by placing ‘ching or tso’ before 
adjectives, as ‘ching-paak, to whiten. 

Sometimes an alternative pronunciation of a syllable is given 
in parentheses which will generally be found equally or more 
colloquial. For example, under ‘ Adjoin,’ foo’-kan’ (‘k‘an), is an 
abbreviated way of saying, foo’-kan’, or foo’-‘k‘an. . 

HONGKONG, 28th March, 1891. 



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ee Fo 


A, an, (one) — yat. [The 
numerals or classifiers are 
given after (a) or (an) under 
different nouns. The most 
common of all numerals is 

1 koh’, a3 — {i XX yat~ 

“one man” or 
> but where other 
numerals are given they must 

koh’ -yan, 
“a man,’ 

be used in connection with 
the classes of nouns to which 
they respectively belong, as 
—— 4G EER yat-chek -shane , 
“a beast,” — (% Ff yat- 
t‘iu-* ue, “a fish.” ] 

Abacus, is fib suen -p‘oon, 

(an), — AR iJ fies 2 yat 

ko “guen -p‘oon. 

Abaft, | hy EB heung - 

C . 
shuen- mi. 

Abandon, 7 ae “she-hi . 

Abate, vey “y “kaam- ‘shit. 
Abbey, (Bud.) jf Sf Fut- 
*tsze, (an) — ii Oh SF 

yat- aan-Pute*isae , (Tau.) 
4 fi To -koon’, Scape 
eB 39 [SE sau-to "yen. 

Abbot, (Bud.) Fy xk fong- 
cheung” ; ey _ AE Ai 
Sa yat-wai fong- -cheung’ ; 
(Tau) Nel 43 ine ‘cheung. 

Pes in vEK, a “raam- 

Abbreviation, (in writing) Ey 
EN “Teaam-put. 

Abet, Ah HA) pong- -chob’. 

Abhor, ¥ 4jif tsang-im . 




Abide, fe fi chue -shat, FE 
y chue- ‘ha, noi . 
Ability, A He ts‘oi-nang, ZI 
| a ‘poon- ‘ling, HE BA 

nang-kohn . 

Abjure, ir. ia #h * shai - 

Able, BE nang, om Ooi. 
Aboard, 4E pie in tsoi - 
shuen-sheung’ Wi Aft Be 

“hai-shuen-shue . 
Abolish, 3 fz fai -ch'ne. 
Abominable, ff Be Ps pak’ - 
Abominate, 22 Ni chi -tsang. 
Aborigines, a AK ‘to-yan, 
(of China) fy Miu-‘tsze. 
Abortion, a ie toh’ -t'oi ah 
Abound, REMS B ch'ue - 
ch‘ue -too-toh, BB JX fuung- 

shing . 

About, (round-) FR fia] chav- 

wai, (more or less) a aS 
sheung’ -*ha’, Te: oe pe 
yau, (about to) He His 

. tseung-* kan? (concerning) 
ea luun’. 

Above, _f. sheung’. 

Abreast, fi Ja ping -kin, — 
WY yat-paake , 

Abridge, Ai J “aan-leuk, 
vie al 3 “ching- kaan- 

Abroad, 4h ngoi . 

Abrogate, RS fai. 

Abrupt, BE Wy tat-ngat. 

Abruptly, Zé FA tat-in. 

Abscess, fa 38 nuung- 
Abscond, Se 3BE . ‘toh-pi’, 

Cth money) it FB y+ 

“hi- Smi-chue . 

Absent, JA LE ’m-tsoi . 
Absolutely, JZ XE KE pit-ting’. 
Absolve, 7X she . 

Absorb, ex >. shol -hue . 

Abstain from, 7 Iai . 

Abstracted, baa iz * mong- 
ying, 7A A yu “seuig- 

Abstruse, we A. shum-o . 

Absurd, EIA a <> 3B ten 
*m-hop- li, YE He wan’- 

cheung . 

Abundant, By ee fuung-fan ; 




Abuse, arias) Bl, FA Iuen- 
yuung’, (people) => st ig, i 
ma, : PP fan dad: 

Abyss, | oe whl shum-uen. 

Acacia, <> JA kum-fuung , 
Ee FA 4G, shing-sik-fa. 

Accept, KE aN aie 

Access, Ze wr “tsau- 


Accidental, j=4 Ap i -ngoi . 


¢ ngau-in. 

Acclamation, WK ee ey Ae 

ts‘ai-sheng-hoht- ts‘ou, 

Acclimaied, Hk IK + fuuk- 

« shui-° to. 

Acclivity, 78+ 8 ts‘e-poh. 

_ Accommodate, $i 
ts‘nung * pin’, 4K t. 

Accompany, fal BH t‘uung- 
maai, [RF p‘ooi. 
Accomplice, #t Af. tsuung’- 

*faan . 
Accomplish, BX shing. 
Accord, #4 Fal sewng-woh. 
According to, Ha 4 chive -i. 

erordingly, oe Br “kom- 

Account, (money) af Ff sho - 

muuk, fi cheung -ruuk, 

Accountable, 5 -iF shi-mun .. 

Accountant, pas [EL “cheung- 

# kwai. 

Accumulate, 4 HH tsaap- 


Accumulation, FT FA piite, pig 

ChfOUg Ob NEE SE oie 

Accurate, ik ral ‘mo-ts‘oh. 

Aceusation, =] Ha ko - 
, chong’. 
Accuse, =} ko’ , (a- “SHPO 

VX or kuung-Kit . 
Accustomed, HEI Fe kwaan - 
cree ea uung . 
Achieve, BV RL shing-tsan’. 

Achievement, fy J} shing- 

Acid, pee suen. 
Acknowledge, 2% ying’. 
Acorn, 44.8% shek-luut. 
Acquaintance, Be aug shuuk- 
shik, FE Fay seung-shik. 
Acquire, 45 Bi) tak-‘to, FB 




Acquit, ii 4né 5 “i-‘mo- 
tsui , if 4 FB “shum- 

“mo-tsui . 

Acre, (Chinese) iA ‘mau (64 
=—=1 Eng.), 

Acrid, 35R laat. 

Across, #55 waang, 3 kwolh’. 

Act, 54 tso. , TT hang, Hil 
ae es tso -sze ~kohn . 

Acting officer, 34 44. ‘ch‘ue- 

Actions #7 #% hang-wai. 

Action-at-law, HA inl tsuung - 

Actionable, A) 4 ae “hoh- 
ko -faat . 

Active, FPR shat faa, = 

oot- tuung . 

Actor, (play-) BF hi - ‘tsze. 
Acute, Ze gf isim-yui , 
(clever) te fil ling-li’. 
Adam’s apple, If ff hau- 

Adapt, £> hop. 
Add, Jit ta, BE tim. 
Addict to, HA ¥% chuen-mo . 
Addition (the rule of), Iii 

TE ha- faut . 

Addled, J ‘woh. 

Address, (a person) i np 
chi ing: -foo, (a letter) ja) 4 
ae Se- sun -p'il, (an) =] 

4 swun -p'l. 

Adept, gS =F. ‘Jo-‘shav. 

Adequate, if, (Gu kav - shai, 
HE ay nang-hau’ 
Adhere, HE ER nim- kan, AK 

Ei d-shat, 

Adhesive, Aa cht. 

Adieu, a9 47 ho-hang, BY 
ty BS Mt mong’ - ‘ni- ho. 


Adjoin, fff Ir foo -kan’ 

Adjourn, ay HG ting “ki, BY a 
i Fi. ay ting ” -k‘i-tsoi = 

ie Wes Hig “hing ts! al, 
HX Fe — tso > -kwai-yat. 

ae al) He. foo -tseung , 
TP GB Dip-ti. 

Administer, FAL eo “tsuung- 

Admiral, 7K Bil de Er ‘shui- 





Admire, ae Ss tsaan -sin . 
Admit, at XE “ue-tsuun 

fi A vv, 70 HE 

“wan- “shuun. 

Admonish, ¥E)] ai huen’ - 


Ado, Et wx sxe -tso , ne 
sze -kohn . 

Bort a son, » AE -F- laap- 
i -‘tsze, i Ws ey laap- 

Adopted, (personally) 32 
kai, (father, mother) 32 
GR 3 WAR Iai’-ye, kai’ - 
“na, (by a second marriage) 
oe kai. 

Adore, 2% FE shuung-paai . 

Adorn, o4 ff mun-shik, He 
fi “ching-shik. 

Adrift, 88 Vig, pou-lau. 

Adroit, 3 3% shin’-tsing. 

Adult, fe KK AK ‘cheung- 
taai’-shing-yan, Kk XK 
tai -yan. 

3 Adulterate, His Rte TEX Fi 

k‘au-tsaap-ka-fol . 
Adultery, Ze y4R kaan-yum. 

Advance, 3ff fswun’, (money) 
TH 40 Ze ue -sin- 
kaau-chiuut, 3 chi, (goods 
on credit) FY she. 

Advantage, ia yeng, aN yuk, 

Adventure, AT hang- Him, 

Adversary, 3sf DA tui -bau, 
Pat Be tui -tik. 

Adverse, ys huung, FR ae 
pat-hang ; Shi yik, ngaak, 
iy chai. 

Advert to, Fe: tt tYai- hi. 

Advertise, 3H eh uung-po , 
vp oe LE. no ‘ko (by posting 
bills) a 45 44 tip-kaai- 

Aides & at fi, hop- 
shai -shik . 

Advise, Ee} huen . 

Advocate, to, AR Dr toi -s0. 

Adze, AS poon. 

Aeolian Harp, [ffi] FF “heung- 

Aeolus, JE, m1 fvwg-shan. 

Affable, Bf Aq Ei. “ho-seung- 


Affair, EE 3} sze -kohin’ 

AFT | 



Affect, fax “kom, (concern) al 


Affectation, His JHE Bf Hi 

“ching-seng-cha -leny . 
Affectionate, Ye FE 
Affiance, pies 3:1 ting -ts‘an. 
Affinity, 24 ¥8 yan -ts‘an. 
Affirm, an {% wa -hai’. 
Afflict, ju 3 moh- “fil 

Afilictions, Ba a tuung - 

Affluent, FEA pak, fuung-shing . 
Afford, fi: # byueng Up, 


ay BG fee nase 

i. y ie fig ch*uung- 
chong’, Fes yuuk. 

Afloat, yea fau. 

Afore-said, 44 AY BT NW a = koh - 
tik-ts‘i ap ya oa iii 3 He 

sheung” -mun- shoh- kong. 

Afraid, hu te Taaung-p'a 

After, Sie on Han 

After-birth, ti Jrhaw’- *yan, 
Hei KK toi-i, Fh He pa. 

Afternoon, “fe 4 ha’- “ng, 

ee Fe aon -chaui “han. 

Afterwards, aN % 

ie in-hau 4 

za I ‘mi-haw , 4 AE 

hau -loi. 

Again, Fi. 45, tsot > -fauk, x 
aL yau shi. 

Against, 7 a seung- faan, 
sH ye nena (over-) Saf 
fj a? -min’, (torab—) He 
“A k‘waang -is‘an, 

Agate, FE & ‘ma-‘no. 

Age, aE: a nin- ki, oe ig 
your?) A Be B 

‘ni- ‘yau- “Ki-toh-sui ? oF 

politely) =i Bt we kwat - 

— Be {H- shat . 

| Aged, & fay a, ko-shaw , 76: 
k lo-* tai’. 

Agent, aR eee toi =paan - 

Aggravate, sie biti EA A 

‘ohing-kang’ -kwaan-hai RE 

Fa “ching- ¢ ch‘uung, 
Ageressor, FC, aS =f sin-ha- 

“shat, Ae WH A sin- 

Agitate, Al Bj yuuk-taung . 
Agitated, 3% 444 p‘ong-wong. 
Ago, jy ts‘in. 




Agony, 42 #if “foo-kik. 

Agree, 1 <> woh-hop. 

Agreeable, a FM wan-woh, 
(willing) #BX 4. foon- “hi, 

(to one’s liking AM K 

hop-swm-- shu. 

Agreement, ¥] youl, 2 fa 
hop-t‘uung, FL eh kai - 
youl . 

Agriculture, df Ai mae 

 chuung’, fee nUUng-826 

Aground, +3 Ve kok =‘ts' in, 
Myr fey hong -shuen. 

Ague, ee ay Wi faat -laang- 

Ah! [let Haai! Ha! 

Aba! [IER ER Ha-na! 

Ahead, 4E BY BH tgoi -ts‘in- 
tau (to go) Py Se ts‘in- 
hue . 

Ahoy! We Wai! 

Aid, 73 Hh pong-choh . 

pederamp, 5p 2 fia * shau- 

Aim, [yj iff heung- ‘chevun. 

Air, ae 

Air, to, igs long’, ie BR 

Tong’- ‘shong. 

Air-plant, ff FA tiv’ -laan. 
Airy, jRi BR leung-‘shong. 
Alarm, = ie chan king, 

(arouse) (244 ie “king- ‘sing. 
Alarm-clock, Ral ea naau- 

Alas! [Ha PYF Aai’- ya! 
Ale-house, yf as isau-tim . 
Alert, Bal. NY kwaan-sum. 
Aleurites, nuts, 7; BH shek- 

Alias, Hii) z, pe nee: 
Alien, Sh pe] Ji, ngoi * -kwok - 
yan, Fr AH ig m-seung- 
‘ae (fh A) A 

ne yan-ti- "he 
Alight, Ye lok. 
Alike, y is Ay Seung: “ts‘ze — 
ved yat-* yeung . 
Alive, Ap 7 shaang-oot. 
All, 4 kaai, file Aa ‘Inung- 

“suung, ham’ -pang ‘lang’ : 

(are) #5 {Z tov-hai , 4 

fore moran) yi cheung’ ; 

ae maan’, a paul . 

All-along, — f% yat-lo . 

Allay, iF ‘chi. 
b i 
Allegory, = == ue -in. 



Alliance, gt xa hit -ts‘an, 
By Hy luen-mang. 
Alligator, ere fA er ue. 
Allot, Ha Of chiut -fun, oh 
vie fun Padi 
Allow, HE “chuun. 
Alloy, (base metal) > 
kum-tat, (to), tte hats 
Allure, B] BR yan- yan. 
Allusion, IRF 44 om = ‘chi. 
Almanac, } i t‘wung-shue. 
Almighty, iE Ar ON BE 
Almond, Als f= aged 
— HB er 

sims (to give) fi, F& shi- 

Aloes, isn ro lo-o0% , yy ae 
ch‘um- heung. 

Alone, 7 — (J tuuk-yat- 
koh » WM Fy} hoo-tuuk. 

Rinne (lengthwise) Hs tim’, 
TH chik, (with) fj Hf 

Alongside, TE (3% tgoi -p‘ong, 
(to go) 4-7 HE hang-maai. 

Aloud, Fx i taai’-sheng. 

Already, e 4K ts‘ang-hing, 

BL $k ‘i-bing. 
Also, AR yik, k, A too , MW yan’. 
Altar, && jet tsi -t‘aan, yi 
shan-t ok 
Alter, “Kot. 
Alternate, Fi. Ai x 4R 00 = 

seung-tai -toi. 

Alternately, (in succession) fi 
luun-*lau, (every second 

one) Pia frie laam -la . 
Alternat yee, ba 133 ff Ti 
‘Jeung-yeung” -yum - “haan. 

Although, Ae Sn sui-in. 

AEE EHee, fal oh “tswung- 

Alum, Ff 2a paak-faan. 

Always, Hef Hef shi-shi, Be 
HF sheung-shi. 

Am (I-), $ {hn “ngoh-hai’. 

Amaze, We ae shy Smet 

ce (i BA. sze = 
shan, ang as AT. ‘fi 
Ba. yat-wai -sze -shan, (im- 
perial) BR 3 yum-ch‘adi. 

Amber, JJ8 FH gag 

cineinii i oR SK, fa chi = 
hi -ko. 



Ambush, {Jt Fe fwuk-pin, d). 

Amend, BY iE “Koi-ching . 

anes, (to. make) [2 ili 
Pp ‘ooi-- 0. 

America, te Se Hl IM di 

Amiable, Ay ae ayy “hoh-ot . 

Amiss, #. 34 ’m-cheuk. 

Ammunition, IK Be oe 2 2 

ae a “tsze. 

Among, ZE — tsoi 
Amorous, % ine toh-ts‘ing. 

Amount, 4b Sf kuung -hai. 

Amour, Key ts‘ing-t‘au, 

Amoy, Ji PY Ha’ -moon. 

- Ample, Ba yo ewong-taai . 

Amputate, 221] == loht -‘hue. 

Amuse, FH yy hoi-sum, FAM 
fen isak-k‘ek, (a child) wa 

. Amusement, A i, waan- 

Amusing, #§R ts‘we’. 

7 Analyze, we c2I ch‘aat -shat, 

AS cA “paau-lau . 

Anarchy, K Fil, taai -luen’. 

Ancestor, jf 3G “tso-sin, iil 
a “tso-tswung, Tk as 
“aa -kuung. 

Anchor, BY $i Hit -naan, vine 
ting” , (to) yee wadn. 

eal anes FA fir} uc- 

Ancient, “£00. 

And, ia kaap, SF kim, At 
kuung’, 4Q yau 

Anecdote, (an) - a py AX Se. 
yat-tuen ” _k00 “S20 « 

Angel, oo (Gi tin-s20 . 

— Ba nau, PR FR han’- 

at 933 BR kote dias 

Angle, to $y #4 ti -* ‘ue. 
Angry, #$ Es faat -no’, ma 
AX nau-no'. 

Animals, He phi pes shang-ling, 
FE k‘um-shaw . 
Animate, (to) 28 £0 ‘suung- 

Animation, he mi tsing-shan. 
Animosity, han’, ff, shau. | 

Aniseed, Tay Ae ool- /eung. 
Ankle, JU) ARR 'F ihe keuk - 



10 APE 

Annex, ee Hs tsip-tsuuk, JI 

Annihilation, a itt kwai- 

Anniversary, ap HAA + 

nin-k‘ i-yat- “tze, (first) wt 

tui -nin. 

Annoy, Ke fs faan- iu. 
Annual, Fy: ae ‘mooi-nin. 
Anoint, pe ch‘a, dae wi 


Anonymous placard, a hs 
ae, by A pit- -koh . Cs 
ket y : iis, ta, aan . 
ance Bae If taap- ying 

lel => Ey COl-ywm, (suit) 7a 
EB cheuk-‘shai. 

Ant, $8 “ngai, (an) — & 
IEE yat-chek - ‘ngai. 

Ante-, Fe sin, 
Antelope, #4 26 ling-yeung. 

Anten HZ Teun o 
a Ne, ZE g 

? 5 A | 
Anti-, 3 yik, BY i tui - 

Anticipate, J #8} ue -liu 

]iV{ | Antidote, fi aT “kaai-tuuk, 

Antiquities, ns Ea “[00-82e « 

eri pi ry sheung” - 

Antler, '¥ 93: a-kok. 
Anus fic PA kong-moon, 
(VULG.) pe ca ‘shi- fut. 
Anvil, an As tit - chum, 
Anxioas, KK Ly, SB fong -" 

sum- -pat-ha ; +£p XY kwa- 
sum, (for) pati nat. 
Any, $i 25 ee {i mo-luun’ - 
pin-koh, 3, HE mat- ye, 
(some) ma tek. . 
Anywhere yeh ik pin-ch* ue : 

ee Jz a hy pin-chue 

too- ho. 

Apart, iit BA Hy li-hoi-tik, 
Sit shoh. 
Apartment, ied *fong, (an) 
— Al ie yat-kaan-* fong. 
Apathy, aE. | oe 
“kom-tur ang. 

Ape, {i ae ‘ma-lau. 
Aperient, Hi ee gh hing- 

Se >-yeuk, 

i ig aS ae huung- 
ch'ue , a “ha, ay luung. 




Apex, HA ye! tin- ting 4, = 

tsim- ch'ue . 

- Apiece, Ef — A] ‘mooi-yat- 

Apologize, {9% Bf “haai-shuet, 
nit bil shuet-hoi, [P4 7 

p‘ooi- ‘lai. 

Apoplexy, Hrs Mitt Hel 

“no-huet -chuuny fuung, jit 


chuung -fuung. 
Apostatize, EK pees ai . 
Apostle, Tip FE. sze £0. 
Apparatus, TK tk ka-‘foh, 
at gy hi -kue’, ceosnplete 
) set) — Fil Ke yat- 
foo -ying tong « 
Apparel, 4E FR i-fuuk. 
Apparition, (4 2b “hin-tsik, 
bt Wy kwaai -mat. 
Appeal, #8 4e hung ho’ 
a ye wedue “tanung 
Appear, Hi eA ch‘uut- “hin. 
Appearance, ae, maau. 
Appease, Bs SH, sik-hi . 
Appeased, of FA, pring-sik. 
Appendix, #4 3 ‘po-wai. 
Appetite, F3 J wai’~“haw. 

“no- ‘ shui- 

Applaud, Phy 3% hohb- tsi. 

Apple 2p a p‘ing- Tawoh, 

Apply, i cheuk, JA yuung” 
BA up, (ask, &¢.) se Kon, 
ial heung . 

Appoint, BY ar ch‘it -laap. 

Appraise, 15 {a “koo-lett . 

Jag, | Apprehend, (seize) EE | 
chuule - ‘to, (mentally) [Be 

“hint, fel ae 
oe tai. 

Approach, Bt ir tsau kan’, 

tsau-* kan’ , HY. Sr iseung- 


Appropri iate, (take) Fel FY 
shin -‘ts‘we, (fit) <> AiR 

hop- ‘shai. 

Approve, HA rea chung 
Apricot, 7hx *hang” 

April, 2 JY A Ying-sze - 

Apron, ff] #ff wai-* k‘wan. 

Apt to, re ‘ooi. 

Aquiline me res ry a 
ang-koh-pi . 

Arbitrate, AN Ea kuung-tuen 

Arbitrator, 7 BA woh-t‘au, 

FAA, chag-yan. 




Arbute, #3 AE yeung-mooi. 

Arch, #k “kuung, A FE 
waan- kuung. 

Archer, fit = tsin’ ~‘shau. 

Architect, nh Dr taai - 

pane. [in Hongkong, 
waak-chik- ke’}. 
Ardent, (hot) at it. 

Are, {2 hai, (in) HR, “hati. 

Argue, $2% B pin -pok’. 

Arise, 76 “hi. 

Aristocracy, lk Be Be. shat a 

Arithmetic, Fi | yee suen - 
faat . 

Am, (upper-) == BF “shau- 

, pi (fore-) =F 2) ‘shau- 
“chau, = I ‘shau-kwa, 
(the whole) Jy iG Min- 

Arm-chair, ZB Fey kaau- ‘i. 

Armour, YE FA k‘wai- -leauap - 

Armoury, i. Ay Jay kwan- 

hi -* kuauk. 

Arm-pits, FX Ay} Jpg baak- 
laak- tai. 

Arms, Fe #5 ping-hi. 

Army, = ¥i saam-kwan, 
7 a He. luuk-kiwan. 

Aromatie, As heung. 

Around, Fal (FA chau-wai. 

Arouse, pit ‘seng, 43 fu 
“ta-‘seng. ' 

Arraign, 4 ko. 

Arrange, 2 Jb ohn-p'aai, 
HE TK “ching-ts‘ai, Ff] FS 

Arrear, Hip FR toh-him 

Arrest, HE che 

Arrive, i) to’. 

Arrogant, HE fie kiu-ngo . 

Arrogate, F2% Af tsim fun’. 

Arrow, Su tsin’. 

Arsenal, ‘ff J Jay Fevan- 
hi -* knuk. 

Arsenic, ‘A Ay suun -shek, 
Ke yan-in. 

Arson, ie K fong - -‘foh. 

Art, a ngai ae wb kuung- 

ngai . 
Artemisia, BI ngaai . 
Artery, |i. ix huet - 

mak- ‘Koon. 
Artful, ape £5 kwaai-haar, 
Article, #E kin’, * kin’. 
Artifice, Bit $f “kwai-kae . 




Artificial, J. 5% {£ yan- 
“shau-tsok . 

Artillery, FQ kf taai ~p‘aaw , 
pee) fa, = pa 

Artisan, Pr A, tseung’ -yan, 
4g TA tso ~kuung- yon 

Artist, 5H PF ‘haau- -iseung’, 
Bb =F win - sha, (painter) 
ae hit wa’ -sze. 

Artless, 443 Hii Jo-tuun’ , Mihi 


As, RS dV Tio-‘ts°ze, Ell Ary 
tsik-ue, Api i  yau- 

Asafcetida, Pry Zi] oh-neai . 

Asbestos, Fr PR AR pat-Sfooi- 

Ascend, Fe ‘sheung, [- = 
‘sheung-hue , F}- shing, 

tang. - 

Ascent, (way of) Bi es v0 
ES sheung-hue -chi-lo’, | 

‘sheung-lo . 
Ascertain, # WA ch‘a-ming, 
AP ie is. ch‘a-chan. 
~ Ascetic, G $i sau-lin’. 
Ascribe to, Rat = kwai-ue. 

Ashamed, B=) oy hts kin -sau- 
Ch'i, aye | pata ‘gone “ch‘an. 
Ashes, K IK J ae -fo0i. 

Ashore, HR be “hii 

ngohn’ ee P on ane i 
sheung-ngohn . 

Aside, AF 1 tsoi -p‘ong, (to 
put) We Hi shau-maal. 
art isi mun’, (invite) 2% avy 

“ts' eng, (beg for) x Kau. 

Aslant, ZS ts‘e, tse . 

Asleep, Hal “fun. 

Asparagus, K FY A tin- 
moon-/wung, * LE tin- 
tuung, HE ou ra luung- 
so-ts‘oi . 

Aspect, st ffs * hing-ahel By 
maau , a re nee “king i 

Asperse, #rg nite Oe “eong-waai. 

Aspirate, ne SA Se, pun “hi. 

Aspire, 7H i fe “seung- 
sheung -/suun , fi K 

taam-taai . 

Ass, Ea *lue, (an) 46 iia 
chek’ -lue, (a great) Fg Ae 
RR taai’-pun -tgeung . 

Assail, Ned kuung. 

Assassin, pa Be ts‘ze -haak . 





Assault, W 4J kuung- ta, 
(as robbers) Fy JR 
“ta-keule -Iewut. 

Assay, #5 ie ‘naau-im’, Fe 
ia im’-kwo . 

Assemble, 3 fs tgue -tsaap. 

Assembly, * o0' 

septa A = wa ~ ‘hang, wn 
Assert, 6 (A wa’-ha?, Ff 

= lik-in. 

Assess, fri BE “Koo-shui. 

Assets, Rist Be wai-ip, 1 yE 

wai- ch‘aan. 

. Assign, ae is laap-haan : 
WR aE haan’ -ting’, (-to) 
na he ting’ -kwai. 

Assist, Fs Bi pong-choh He 
BA chiue -k00 

Assistant, = SE i i ‘shan, (in 
government) Bll foo’. 

Assize, vey as (i koon~‘i-ka . 

EerOrinne, to, AW 8 Eid seung- 
“ne, res Be * wong-li (an) 
fal ae t‘uung- pon. 

Association, ‘er * Ooi. 

Assort, HE Fj p‘aai-lit, HR 
BE ohn-p‘aai. 

Assuage, fig “Kai. 

Assume, YA Fy ‘j-wai, Bx 
fi5 “ka-tse , (a name) = 
Ry mo -* meng. 

Assuming, ta Ey shin -tsze . 

Assurance, (faith) & 43 
tuul-suun , (presumption) 
WA “tam. 

Assure, 4p {iy taam- po. 

Assuredly, ia BK. “kwoh-in. 
Asthma, SA text hi -‘ch'uen. 
Astonish, We r= king-cheuk, 
Astonishing, He ay ch‘uut-k‘i. 
Astound, fon Bai tsau - 
(chaaw’ )-haak, 
Astray, Ey J: tong -shat. 
Astringent, $e Wee as pe} 
shau-shup-yeuk-liu’ . 
Astrology, eh, sing-hok. 
Astronomy, FE A Hin-mun. 
Asylum, [Fe * uen’, (for child- 

ren) Fy BA te yuuk-ying- 

* tfong. 

| At, ZE tsoi’, 4% “hai, (-last) 

BR ZZ, tsuut-chi, FE i 

kau ~ ‘king. 




senetst, aa Bite ae wi Ss 

wa - “mo-sheung” tai ~‘che. 

Atlas, uh Fa et ti’-t‘o-shue. 

Atmosphere, FG Sx SA tin-hi . 

Atom, #24 F< mi-moot. 

_ At once, Ell IF tsik-shi. 

Atone, 4 Wi toi -shuuk, (fi 
Taz FM ‘shai-tik-woh, 4x 
Fil BA tso *-woh-t‘au. 

Atrocity, BS FA ee? ESS 

ts‘aan- “yan-chi-sze . 
Attach, Hy in tip -kan’ 
(kan) A SHE seung-lin. 
Attachment, Bf ay tip -sum. 
Attack, Be FJ kuung-“ta, KX 
ie pod ep 
Attain, Ft | tal~‘to, 1+ = 
tak-chi, Fe Fe Kfaap-2hi 

Attempt, ap shi -wal, at 

Hil fh shi -tso -‘ha. 
Attend to, ef m lau-sum, 
(at) 4. tsoi , (upon) AY 
Fs shi -fuung’, silia Lz Es 
fuuk-sze’ , (manage) FJ pu 
‘ta- ‘li. 
Attendants, BA PIE kan-paan. 
Attentive, Rest ae “kim-‘tim, 
NY sai -sum. 

Attest, (i SIE tsok -ching’, 

Attire, Be i + chong-paan 

“page Ds S yuung, HR 243 
chong’ Broke 

Attorney, HR Ein chong’ -sze, 
Ah HR Bil ‘siu-chong’ -sze, 
to act % toi - 
(to ac as) FR Hy toi 

Attorney General, Ee Be 

iz Be Bl Kwok ame 


Attract, #7] 5| chiu-‘yan. 

Auburn, £5 ffi, hoht -shik. 

Auction, oF by) 4 B 
t‘au-maai’ , oy PRY TZ 

uy haam -ye = Cay 
Audacious, Yt Hy “kewoh- 

“kom, Kk WS taai -‘taam. 
Auditor General, SB By By 

“Haau-sho -sze. 

Augment, Jif} $f ka-tsang, 

August, RJ. A Ving- 
paat -uet. 

August, =) wong. 

Aunt, (paternal) te Fit koo- 
‘moo, (maternal) ae EE 

» € 
1- 00. 




Auspicious, 75 = kat. 
Austere, Zi) er ae 

Author, 3 Se tgo ~ chue, ee 
ae chue -tso chi 
(ke )-yan, 143 oN tsolk -Ia. 

Authority, #72 k‘uen, pias ah 
k‘uen-shav’, k‘uen- 
ey AE Vi 

Autumn, KK FE ts‘au-tin. 
Avail one’s self of, 12 chan é 

cee ening, {2 ph ch‘an - 

shai 4 bits of use) AA a 


& Ag atte 158 
Avenge, ¥% IL no -ch‘au. 
ri HAL Hk cs laa- 

“che-suen . 

Averse, A 'm-chawung- 

c » Ae it KA’ m-n0i _faan. 
Avoid, HB Fs, (‘uet- min, She 

Avouch, #74 i ying > chun. 

Avow, TH iy chik-wa . 

Await, oe 73 ssi toi. 

eo me alps fun’ -‘seng, De 
‘seng, (wide-) Jil 52 “sing- 

Aware, A Bil chi-to . 

Away, = “hue, i li. 

Awe, HL ve wat -kue . 

Awkward, $f $i t'so- ‘lo, Zs 
(pz) A ttt m-yup-shai . 

Awl, $f chi, yu. 

Awning, ee De che-cheung. ; 
A IK po cheung . 

Awry, 48 ‘me. 

Axe, 72 3A foo-* tau. 

Axle, Ha Hah ‘chen chuuk. 

Ay, 4%. ie hai -lok, ai hai. 
Azalea, EWA TE to -kuen-fa, | 

Avure, 7 ff ts‘ong-shik. 


Babble, wf |i lo-ts‘o, 
Vy ts‘o- ch*aau. 

Babbler, Wey WZ K ts‘o- 
“ch‘aau-lee -yan. 

Baby, Wet fox 1 a -80- ‘sat 

Bachelor ie uA mm _# tsp, 
Back, atthe) rey not , WW AF 

poot -tsek , (ourn- -) 3% ‘aan, 
le] Hath ooi- chuen, » (bee 

one =) re 4% Ge poot - 

haw - pin. 





Back- bite, Ms 4% 2Bn 26 

poor hau -‘1ai- -p) ‘ony . 

Back- one, A FE pooi - 
_ tseke -kwut. 

ee oor 3 By hau - 

* moon. 
Backslide, Ef 34 noi -to . 
Backstitch, kau. 
Backward, IH fie hewng -hau’, 

3B fe tui -hau’, (to wae) 
Bl 47 “‘to-hang. 

Bacon, Bt A in-chue- 

Bad, Fat okt , ma Ly ’m-“ho, 
fi “chau, BR sum , ne 

Badge, 3p We ki -ho . 

Badger, fj S98 “ea -foon. 

Baffle TH BAL Mang g- ‘choh, ate 

i 8) “paai po -“to, (him) | p 

| 2A ae noi -‘k*ue- hoh. 
Batiled, fi HE KE pity =F “mo- 

teng’-maai-‘shau, iff =T 

Bag, SS * toi , we nong. 
Baggage, 47 as hang- ‘li, 
Bail, 45. 4A “no-‘ling. 
Bait, fH 1 ieee gee 

Baize, FH K we, ts‘o-taai - 
MM. | 

Bake, yt, hong , i kuuk. 

Balance, (a) FE 2B. t4in- 
p ‘ing, (steelyard) HY AE 
“pa-chiin ie Gaal do.) fia 
RY li-* tang’, (to) BE “tai, 
FH BE seung- “tai, oh. 4 
p'ing-tui, (the) He] GR 

shing-* ngan, 
Bald, 17 kevong, Ais funk, 
(-head) 3 BA kwong-t‘au. 
Bale, (a) 4 pant (to, water) 
[av IK ‘foo ~‘shiti. | 
Ball, (a) 42k k‘au, (cannon) 
tel, -F- praau - tsze, el 18 
pad -* ‘ma. 
Ballad, Hh k‘uuk, huuk, (a) 
— HF HR yat-chi- ye. 
Ballast, nH iy chaak-* tsoi . 
Balloon, WM Sa $e hing-hi - 
Balsam, (flower) +4 FA AE, 
chi-kaap -fa, Jal (ly 4é 

OE gies 
fuung -si-fa. 
Bamboo, 44] chuuk, (2a) (ie 

Ws tiu-chuul. 


Bamboo shoots, Wt FH chuuk- Banner, jist ki, (large) a 
suUun. taai’ -t*o. 

Banana, ae (siu. 

Band, (tie) De taut , Siang 
pany) — [Bx yat-tui ,— 
ot yat-paan. 

SnOReS (a) ae a a 
tao (‘ taar), (to) bz chin’. 

Band-box, ¥it 4 ‘ohi-* hop. 

Banditti, ti Si od ts‘aak- Soh, 
BE ‘ipa “fie tong. 

Bandy-leeged, fi} Fi leuctl- 
king, JN a = je paat - 
ee one ae We paang” - 


Bane, a tuuk. 

Bang, hilt pruung ies p‘aang’ , 

Bangle, EVs ak. 

Banian, PS is} yuung-shue . 

Banish, Fu com chiuung-kwun, 
Hi] Ge mun ” kewun. 

Bank, (of a river) JA) 
bot weshe, yea ae “hoi- 

pin, (for money) A 47 

ngan-* hong. 
Bankrupt, 1B 43 to-*hong, 

Aa kk ° to-tso . 

Bannermen, fit aS k‘i-*ha’. 
Banquet, ¥py JRE “tsau-tsek. 
Banter, Kk BH fooi-haai, YR 
kik-sie . 
Baptism, 2 jl ‘sai-‘ai. ; 
Baptize, fi PAE shi-‘sai, (to a 
we baptized) 5¢ be shaw - 
“sai 44 #E ‘ling-° sat. 
Bar, (of a door) PY FA moon- 
shaan, Hs 3 waang-aat, 
(of a cage) Ay AYE waang- 

luung, * waang. 

Barbarous, 4 maan, ee He 


Barbel, Ee. fi Be sts 

-| Barber, Sal BA A Kai -tfau- q 

yan. : 

Bare, #4 ‘loh, Hye ch'ik ae 
kwony, (to) i mok, Aa 
“Haan, Hy. luet , (-faced) 
RE jie ‘mo-lim’. 

pera (to) ae yet “kong 
ket, (settle a) Se cE (i. 
Ge “kong-ting ~ka -ts‘in, 

Bark, os a tree) ks) a 

shue -p‘l. 




Bark, (to) Agr fai’. 

Barley, k BE taai -maak, 
(pearl) LEK ‘i-“mnai. 

Barn, A FE tin- chong. 

Barometer, Jal AY 21 fuung- 


Baron, ¥ RY naam-tseuk . 

Banyue, fy HR A 

‘Teung-chi- -poon, -*wai-shuen. 
Barracks, Fé A ping-fong, 

Barrel, 7 er Afi yeung- 

“tsa tung UP 
Barren, (womb) 44 ie shek- 
t‘oi (land) YP f+ isik’ “to. 
Barricade, At igh ch‘aak-laan, 
- Barrier, fia chap, i Pag ae 
7 cheung , BH Fey choli-ngor 
Barrister, FE UR fi taai’- 
chong’ -sze. 

Barrow, =. Bi. ‘sha. che. 
Barter, 4 #4 tui “oon. 
Bese, (bottom) Jg€ tai, by 
“Stun, mae ki, ey kewl . 
Base, (mean) jai (PF ‘p‘-lau’, 
(bad) AV “tad. 

Basement, 4p Ze ti’-loo, By 
7 “tui. 

__Bashful; 474 ap pa ~chsau. 

Basil, (sweet) ye ffi “ts2e-800. 
Basin, 44° p‘oon, om Be 

“oon. . 

Basket, S22 * laam, Se loh, 
4 hong, k‘waang, & lap, 
pe ili. 

Bastard, ry {F ‘ye~tstti, (in 
abusive language) a {F 


Baste stn He Re AR 

naan > 4-fuuk. 

Ugahitiate, +7 Lise ¥ *t 

“paun- “tsze. 

Bat, Fe fi, J “shue, @) — 
4B 716 sat yt-chek -fi- “shue. 
Bathe, FE & * sai-shan, 
Battery, sj = pra -* toi. 
Battle, (a) + [et * ta- 
cheung - yat-chan . 
Bawdy-house, A % ch‘eung- 
* liu, cheung -*liu. 
Bawl, Wf PER foo-haam’. 
Bay, (of the sea) yet waan, 
) > 

YA o. 
Bayonet, oe BA $l] is*eung- 


Be, {2 hai , (be in) ie ‘bi 
£E, tsoi - 


BEA ; 20 


Beach, $7. ve “hoi-pin. 
Beacon, A YEE in-tuun. 
Bead, aN chue, (a string of 

Deas) — A BR yat- 

ch'uen - chue, (a bead) — 

it IL BE ita ae chue. 
Beak, “Usui. 

Beam, (a) ly N leung-muuk, 

i IgA t‘iu-chan’. 

Beam, (to) Bs - faat -lewong. 

Bean, ira tan’, ( (French) 

ih tau ok, ee B ye 

tau’, li EE min ‘i+ ta 

(sprouts), SF : nga-ts‘07 . 

Bean-curd, EF fh tau foo . 
Bear, (carry on the shoulder) 

+8 taam, (between two) 4g 
toi, (on the bu 58 rh 

soba i Hic AE * tai-chue , 

&% shaw ,(achild) Ee shang. 

mits (a) — 464 He A, ya- 
chele -huung-* yan. 

BL a 
Beard, 2 so, J» JR 28 

ha -p‘a-so. | 
Bearer, (chair-) a FE toi- 
pf etiaes -) + 43 cae 

nim-suun -yan. 

Beast, Bae shan , (a) — 4 

ie yat-chelé shea . 
Beat, 47 ta, (up eggs, &e.) 

ib fat (defeat) Fy HW 

‘ta-paai . 

Beau, Fe HG ‘BS 

koon. : 
Beautiful, Ha! mi, US Be ie 
‘tai, RF RK “ho-* yeung’ ; 

yd 54 pu- chic ; By was 

Beauty, female, fa shik. 

Beaver, Veg HEE i ‘hoi-* lob. 

Becalmed, Ai ja Be m0- 
fuung-‘shai, Hes JR ae - 

Because, ia Fs yan-Wal. 

Beche-de-mer, yan ss “hots 

Beckon, = +4 “shau-chirt, 

Ite ngup. 

Become, 32 shing, “fy wal, 
ABt-tso, (to grow) AB BK 
Becoming, (fit) 

shaang-shing. | 
sy oa hop- 

Bed, Wk ch‘ong, (a) — RE 

| As yat-cheung-ch‘ong. 

Dy oe 
taal -a - 




Bed-chamber, E FF ngoh - 
fong, Hall 3 fun -fong, 
* fong. 3 

Bedding, aK Si om one 00, 

Be op ‘oo-ktor , Ak p‘l. 
Bee, $2E fuung, 3B 4% mat- 


Bee-hive, 38 4% mat-*luung. 

Beef, Ze | ngau-yuuk, 

Beef-steak, a Ay Fi ngau- 
yuuk-* p‘a. 

Beer, vA PG pe- tsau. 

Beet, f=) i. in’-ts‘0t . 

ition kT oe DA huung- 
is‘oi -* tau, 

Beetle, FA ih kaap -chouung. 

Before, Ke SiN, Ti ts‘in, (for- 
merly) AN TAN ts‘uung-ts‘in, 
Fe, Hef sin-shi. 

Beforehand, Fj oD ue -sin. 

Befriend, HA ga chi -hoo 
A Nf “‘tai- “ 

Beg, @ hat, He hat- 

Beget, Ae shaang. 

Beggar, “Z, Su Ge hat-i, 4b -F- 

fa- tsze. 

Begin, 7 her ch‘oh- tso” BA 
si hoi- shau, oil Bs maail- 
“shall, tS hi- “shau, oi 
“L hing-kuung. 

Beginning, i] #3) “ch‘i-ch*oh, 

r sha. 

Begone, 44h WE “chte-lok. : 

ie ce te fy. Te chiuun- 

Beguile, WR hi, HR BE lu- 

Behalf, (in) #2 FR tai -toi’. 

Behave, #7 hang, (towards) 
ae toi. 

Behaviour, ATS 47 

Behead, iy BA “chaam-* t‘au, 
Hh BA shaat -*tau. 

Behind, te haw a be) IN, 
te BA “hai-haw -t*au. 

Behold, BA tk koo. -chue,. ye 
‘tai, (lo!) |p Ee ‘Yai-na ! 

Behoof, Ail $e li’-yik. 

Behove, he ay, | yl 

Being, (ee AR 

AB er: aah “che. 

Belch, J JE SR mm “ta-‘oi-hi , 
(cou.) yeuk- ‘hi-lai, yeuk. 






4 PB. > 
Believe, = SUUN . 

Bell, oni chuung, gh ing. 
Bell-flower, He a 4b fi - 

Belladonna, Fay Fy “n-* k’e. 
Bellows, pl ae fuung-seung, 
ja E p‘i-p'aai. 
Belly, Fit “to, HE fuuk. - 
Belong, i shuuk, a 3 


Beloved, ig 04 ingt “shoh- 
ved, He of . Bp Be 

01 . 

Below, fp ha, jE as “tai- 
ha, aS Je ha’- ‘tai (tai). 

Belt, Be i iu-tadi , a bl 

taai -wai. 

- Bemoan, 72 &F Pe ~Ole 

Bench, Pe = + ‘paan-tang ; 

(magistrate’s) Ly ze 

Bend, (to) Vie Hh wat-huuk 
(k‘uuk ), wes Hi ‘ching-huuk, 
Nee “lai, (a) th FA coaan- 
huuk.  ~ 

Beneath, 4 ‘Teitsoi-ha’, Ws 
“fp ye hai-ha pin (pin ). 

Benefactor, A Se yan- “chue. 

Beneficent, Hi His ft hae 

Benefit, #% yik, (grace) BA 
yan yan-chaak, (to) aA (aN . 

Benevolence, a Bog yan-0i, 
A= yan, {= filit, yan-tak. 
Benighted, JR MA is HA 
kue-hak-om -chuung. 

Heat, tH k‘uuk, huuk, 44) Jy 
‘aau- liv (hiu). 

Bent of mind, 7 SR SA chi -hi 

ia ir] chi ~heung . 
Bequeath, 4 Ye lau-lok, a 

Met wai-chuuk. 
Bereaved of, ais Re song. shat. 
Berth, Fg ir fong-* wai. 
Beseech, 3b He “han-k‘an. 
Beset, al TE wai-chue . 
Beside, tH ee chak- Biss 

Besides, 5 Ap ling -ngoi . 

Besiege, fx] A wai-k*wun. 

Besotted, s2y 79 fun-mai. 

Bespeak, cE ting, aii iE 
“kong-ting’ . 

Best, of va hy tai -yat- ho, 

ae hy chi - ho, 1B Ly : 

“ting- ho. 


Bestow, het, BB shi-ts‘ze , in Bias, {fig p‘iv. 
— ieéup. Bib, [0 Jkt JR hau 'shui- 
Bet, ihiay ES shue- to. hin, “nau- shui-lau, 
Betelnut, ii PER pun-long. | Bible, Ho A shing -king. 

Betel -pepper-leaf, Fe: lau- | Bid, (order) Dany chuuk-foo, 

_ ip. Coe invite) aay “ts ‘ind, (offer) 
v oe | 
Betray, Bt maai -foo', FR aH chuut. 
Wa hi-haam’. | Bide, oe “tang, i noi. 

Betroth, (of men) 3 xi | Bier, sift HA BK Pe wun’ -kau - 

Re or. é 
‘ . " = 
ting -ts‘an, (of W omen) af | ko. 

Ha “hue ping . | Big, K taal. 
Better, Hi uF kany - ‘ho, (i Bignonia, Ee: 45 AG ling- 
little) BEEN lig: tik, (quite) | siu-fa. 
TEES ho-saai. Bigoted, a VIL koo -chup, 
Between, rH ly chuung- aan, VE» (UB Ai As He 
Canes 15] chi haan. ni -chue - -“poon- kaa . 
— Bewail, RE BE oi-huuk. Bile, 8 i+ “taam-chup. 
Beware, Fe Ur t‘ai-fong, a | Bill, (beak) 24 “tsui, (paper) 
_ A kwaan-koo . Bf FA cheung-faan. 
Bewildered, MeL sum-laen , | Bill of exchange, ME YE ooi- 
- i bee a 
Nit % yup-mai-lo, PE}  taan. 
ya ‘fong-fut. Bill of lading, Te ay At 
Bewitched, BK eoe-Tai. laa” -tsot - “chi. 


Beyond, ud ar ——+hi- | Billiard, We poh, (to play) FF 
ngoi , iol, (to We “ta-poh, (room) ye bee 

20) eh kwol poh-*lau, 

‘ wha YS ? 
Bezoar, oe hr ngau-wong. | Billows, We Yi poh-long . 

BIT 2 | BLA 
Bind, AL, chaat , Fai cond, | Bitter, 3 “f00. 

Hh AE “pony-chue, (agree) B litern, Ae et chue-lo . 

#4) yeuk (books) $y teng, | Bitumen, Ye By ae lik-és* in 

$y zee teny-chong. ' Bivalve, BH, ay “hin-hok . 
Binding, (of clothes) piboe Black, a hak, aN ff hak- 

“kwun-pin, iad (% “kewun- | — shile. 

“tin, Sa ven’. | ick ware Se HEE hnb01tg 
Biography, 47 Hk hang-  dewun’, Nel 1F laan’ - ‘tsa, 

chong’. | Re laan’ “hav. 
Birch, Ai I wa-miuuk. | sh (shoe-) ees hazi-- 
oN (= niu, LE B tseul maak, 

whi, (small) 4E TF tecule ~ | ‘ak eg, BIR XR {F lo-ka- 

“tsai, (a) — & & yal | “tsai. 
chek - ‘niu, kane beast ) on - Black-smith, 47 fay Dr “ta- 

Bal k‘um-shav | ase *tseune 
Bird-lime, Her FS chi-kaiu. Bladder, Be Ag nin’- Pee 
Bird s-nest, (edible) JH ‘oe (animal’s) ay A siu- to. 
in woh. bee (of grass) Tes He: fso- 
Birth, a shaang. | , (of a knife) FJ Ay to- 
Birth-day, 235) shiwaiy-Yat. | rite (shoulder-) oy Hh 

. 2 : 
Siseult, if: By pen t]- ohn. | ne" faan -shi-kerat. 


Bit, 8 a bridle) Ae a Ett Bladed knife, three, == BH 
‘ma- hau-k‘im, (piece ) ve | Vj saam-hoi-to. 

faui. Blain, (mht fa huet f wong ~ 
Bitch, As) FF “kat=- moo, Ai} shik-. 
(HEF Tea Nt. Blame, Ele tsui 1 (i) ) Bis i t‘aani,, 

Bite, Ie gaa (a) — ws DE kwaai ; y= chia : 
yat-taam . Blameless, m JE mo-tsui’. 




: pe nee, 43 a, iyi 
ae “ae- twung . 

Blank, yas | huung -paak. 

Blanket, Fy HE P Geashiite 

Blaspheme, HA iit sif -tuuk, 
oe ee pong -tuuk. 

Blast rocks, 47 Ay “ta 
shek-p‘aau . 

Blaze, aK KS “foh=i im’ ; XK 
a. Joh- kwong, KR. Joh- | 

ae eg R dil “foh-< pe. 
Bleach, yea Le piu > -paak. 

Bleat IRE me, IF fen me-sheng. 

Bleed, Vie, He lau-huet 

eee Vij Bay 00- tim, Wi 
peng’, =e: WH mo-peng’, 
Fy WI, ha-ts‘ze. 

Blend, #4 = woh -wan, Hi 

=i kau-wan. 

Bless, WN chuuk, we mi 

Blight, BB ts‘aan, De pai. 
Blind, i maang- “ngaan. 

- Blind-man’s-buff, Ee a Ze 

chuul -mi-*muung, tA 

: Blinds, Ft * lim, (venetian-) 
ABE paak -ip-ch‘eung. 

Blink, Ba “shim, (the eyes) 
Bik ng, (elude sight) BA 
3 AR ‘shim-kwoh -‘ngaan. 

Bliss, jig fuwk. 

Blister, IK Al “shui p' praau, 
(piok), (to) B& 7K tt 

faat - “shui- Piaau. 

Bloated, ey. iis fau- ‘chuung. 
Block, (of wood, &¢.) BA t‘au, 
te kau’, (for printing) ANZ 
“paan, (pulley) ft “fe luut- 
* loh. 
Blockade, (HL 3s Yes a “choh- 
sak- Tong- ‘aly SH. ES ae 
eo ‘choh-sak-tsuun-t . 
Blockhead, AX fis A, muuk- 
‘ngau-yan, ne G yai- lo. 
Blood, [ff wet’. 

Bloom, (to) BA PE hoi-fa. 
Blot, BR WF; t‘o-00, (out) Ar 
t*o-moot ch‘a. 

Blotch, yp¥ lak “tsau-cha. 

Blow, (strike) 47 “ta, (a) 4J 
— fr “ta-yat- ha, (as wind) 
Re chiui, (the nose) Ha 
Bey. sang -pi , (out) Ne TK 

Blue. Hi: ffi laa m-shik. Wwe tin’. 




Blunder, ge 2 ts‘oh’ "ng". 
Blunt, $f tuun’, tuen’, $a 

By ad Recah 

Blur, Le muung, pee HH } 


Blush, Be ¥T. it la faat - 
huung- nin-min’, 

Bluster, pee Fike ts‘0 -po . 

Boa-constrictor, RF PB mong- 

Boar, 3 FalS chze-long. 

Board, (wood) FX Ag muuk- 
‘paan, (a) — iH AML yat- 
faai - ‘paan, bo ess 
Ep Po. 

Board, (to eat with) a FB 
t‘uung-shik, tA EE taap - 
shik, (one’s self) £F Ef 
B. ghik-tsze - ‘i, (ship) a 
fi ‘sheung-shuen. 

Boast, FYs 34 hing-k‘wa, FS 

Boat, HE ‘eng, = Hi 
saam--paan, f#% shuen. 

Bob, AR. Ngan . 

Bodice, $f ft) moon-huung. 

a He a &t ch‘uen - 

tani -chum. 

Body, EY shan, Ep Be shan- 
‘tai, oy * tat. 
Bog, vf i, paan chi. 

Bohea-tea, H Be we moo- 


Boil, (to) 4% po, WA shaap. 

Boiled, 3 shuuk. 

Boiling, YE “kwan, (with 
rage) WD Fee sum- k‘wan. 

Boils, es ch‘ong. 

Boiler, Ree wok, #& tap, tis 

Boisterous, Ae po’, #¥"maan o, 

Bold, K We taal - “taam, Fd} 
Bs kong- ngai. 

Bolster, K nS Re taai - 
ch‘ong- ‘chum. 

Bolt, $y teng, pK suut, a 
=I Kit -koon , (of a door) FA 
4 moon-shaan, (to) PA 

Bomb, bd AL, Kd ikea 

pac » (COL.) pom pa . 

Ponta ducks, FE fA Bey, 

“t“o-* ue-kohn, 

a Sa ae ia re Pe re eC eee = 


Bond, ¥] i. yeuke - aan, 
(money-) fpf Bi tse’ - aun, 
(band) i tac. 

Bond-servant, Ges no-puuk, 

Bone, ey kwut, 

Bonnet, z 4 We nue-*m0 . 

Booby, Ha AL 1 ngong -yan, 
F BA tt taai -t‘au-ha. 

~ Book, = shwe, (a). > Hh 

a yat-po > _-shue, Ub *po 

Book case mL ia shue *kwai. 



Bormak fue FE a he EZ. 
46 “ka-tse . 

Bosom, fifa] hes huung-waai. 

Botany, i=) A Res “ts‘0- 


Botch WAFS IN pai -ha-foh. 


Both, Phy Al Jeung-koh’. 
Bother, KA tis faan- iu, ps 


| Bothered, eR ag im-moon . 

‘Bottle, ne tsuun. 

Bookbinder, ¢y =B: KA teng- Bottle-gourd, 3 ie 00-*loo. 

aa ) 
Book-worm, 43 Bas git to pd 


Boom, WL KL faan-/ Ong « 


Boot, dL, hi. 

Booth, Hp fe maau-wik, Ay] 


Bo-peep, 4A BF 
Borax, fil ph p‘ang-sha. 

mihi ee pin, 5 kaar , 
ee HF pin- rg: 

Bore, Se tsuen’, 


chong- | 

= “en, 

chs wut-shar. 

| | Beane, 

| | Bounce, 

Boor, #8 Auf 
oor, Het Af PE maan-ts‘wen- Boundary, 

He es UP HH tt 

| | Bottom, ee “tai. 

| Wk tiv’. 

Ae kaau-kaai . 
Boundless, ie We mo-haan .. 

Bountiful, i Ee hav - 

chuune” : 
' Bow, (to) 4y 7S ay 
143 +i tsole =p). 

‘ta-Keuun Is 

Bow, (a) Fy kuuny, — +5, 

ra yat- pa-kuung. 

“Bow els, Wa ch‘eung ZAR: to. 

Bowl, Bye 00n. 
Bowsprit, py BA a shuen-- 



Box, zi) seung, (to) ZB Ay 

k‘uen- ta, qT] & B i 


Boy, pe {F- naam- ‘sai, keer | 
Brazier, 4Y Hal K fa-t*uung- 

vant-) eR {F sxe - sili, 
(wvaiting-) Te 4F shi’ -‘tsai. 

Bracelet, Age ge shau-aake . 
Braces, Pits TF i Ths foo ~{uiti . 

ie aS qe kwa-taai . 
Bragegatt, aS Fy kewa- “hau. 

Braid, ric AF laan-kohn, ie) : 

phn 4h pin-chik, is pun. 

Brain, Wiss 2 At no-tseung. 

Bramble, + Hi 

val lak. 

Bran, BE the mak-hong. 

Branch, 4 chi. 

Brand, (a) Kit “foh- “pl, 
ey het it? lok (to) Ke 
EJ lok “yen 

Brandish, a moo, = oe ek 

C ¢ 
shau- moo. 

‘Brandy, ae Ne bh 4 pa - 

ne Ley 
laan-ti - ¢sau. 

‘Brass, SII t‘uung, fail Sli 


Brassica, FF aS Jaeutad 0. 
Brave, AR - yuung- “kom. 



- Breach-loader, i ae 


Bravo! Br ‘ho! 

Brawl, il Ze AS naaw -kaau. 

Bray, a ne lue-ming. 

Brazen-faced, A i moo- lim’ : 

yan, 7up-t*‘uung-yan. 

> ¢ ‘ > 
hau -ttong (poaau ae 

Bread, Pi ) min’ ~ pau, 
A 2 min’ tau. 
Breadth, fg RE foot - -t0 . 
Break, 47 Ne Ya-laan’ . Hie 
We ‘hring-laan BE ptol’, 
HT chib , (off) Et t‘uen, 
(out) ae fat, ~— law} 
AL ee faan’ fat. (bread \ 
Be Fp maak - Deng, (wind) 
KK he fong pc. 
Breakfast, Fi fy “tso-faan . 

Ey ae chiu-tsaan. 

Bream, i 4 pin-" Ve, fa} 
gi fone Bue. 

Breast, }{ps] Bu huung-ts‘i in. - 

Breastplate BE NY GH 00 
sum-kenyy : 

Breasts, ih ‘naai. 

Breath, [J Seq ‘hau-hi , Se 

Be hi -sik. 




Breathe, $L $% “tau-hi’, WE 
Wk Soo-k‘up. 

Breathless, $a 4h HA ni'- 


Breech, the, as pe (VULG.) 
IR tuuk, “shi- fut tun. 

Breeches, Rl foo. 

Breed, (to), He: E shrang- 
“ch‘aan, AE s shaany, py SS BR 

ch‘uuk- yeung. 

Breeze, (alight) JR FF fuung 

Brethren, Jf, as hing-tai. 

Brew, fas yeung . 

Bribe, Sf jz ‘fo0t- lo, B 
Ne maal-chuuk, 

$F jit A Ey ts‘in- 
shan-yuung’ -sze’. 

Brick, fl chuen, (common) 

5] Fa ts‘ing-chuen. 
Brick-layer, HE IK Ur. nai- 

‘shui-*tseung (‘lo ). 
Bride, $f 4H. san-*neung, Hy 

san-p‘o, sum-‘p‘0. 

Bridegroom, en By} san-*long. 
Bridge, 15 ou (a) — 34 
yat-to ks iu, (of the 

i . 
nose) fs 422 pi -*leung. 

Bribery, ¢& 

Bridle, BE keung, fe Ke 
Brief, fog * tuen. 

Brig, hh AY tha fy * leung- 

chi-* wai-shuen. 
Bright, 3 BY keong-ming. 
Brilliant, 4} BH kwong- long. 
Brim, k‘eng. 
Brimful, nd #]] by moon- 
to -k' eng. 
Brimstone, Aft Tits lau-wong. 

Brine, Roy 4+ haam-chup, Baia 

Ik haam- shut. 

Bring, ti —2 ning 
lai, +E —— Ae nim 
lai, AS——2R taai’ —lai. 

Brinjal, Hii *k‘e, 1s yin “ai 

Brink, es pin, 3 SH heaau- 
haat , (on the) Hoe. Sr 
ilionn "eae nie mui . 

Brisket, fp PA] mooi-yuuk. 

Bristles, iis rae =E chue- 

ping > 
tsuung-mo, Pay == ¢tsin mo. 
Brittle, re ts‘ui . 
Broad, FA foot , ba FA 
C Rios 
kwong-foot . 




Broad-cloth, x we taai - mM, 

Kk 3 taai’ ~yuung. 
Brocade, 4p ae fa-* tuen’, 

=) the kuuk-*tuen’. 
Broccoli, FY §& panic -ts‘01 . 
Brogue, + ane Yo-t‘aam, 
Broil, Ne R shiu-chek. 
Broker, 4K aL king- Ie. 
_Bronchocele, $3 Gen Jers. 
4 . ail fa, “koo- 

t‘uung- sa 

Brooch, (a) PAR BA Bh kswum- | 

Momchum, nD i &t sum- 

“hau- chum. 

Brood, fh oy) fuuk-‘lwun, 4, 

45 po *taan . 

Brook, Re kai, Se BE) i kai. 

kaa ‘ ae IK Di shaan- 

“shui-haan UP 

Broom, — aC ta “na-s0 5 fen 

$0 = “pal. 

Brothel, #% oa. FE ‘lo-‘kue- 
*chaai , Wer ch‘eung-* lin, 
Uy fil? ki - ‘oon. 

Brother, ey bit hing, 

yt koh, 7 Ha, * tani ~‘lo, 
(younger) ie) tai, An 

sai - “lo. 

Bu hese ae (a husband’s) 
OE B ts‘ai- ‘kau, (a wife’s) — 
K {Ff taai~paak’ , SH AL 

sat *-shuul, (brother Ss or 
sister’s) tH FE “tse-foo, HK 
FE mooi ’_fo0. 

Brow, SH ngaak. 
Brow-beat, a) haaie ~pok. 
Brown, Ki ffi tsuung-shik, 

Bit AT ffi, Chue- kohn-shik. 

‘Bruise, (to powder) AT KN 

ngaan-laan Siber: the foot) 

Be Sok ‘naa ney THe 
th ue -sheung Ip “we~‘choh. 
Brush, pe ‘saat » Fil] shaat (a) 
— (El Fill yat-koh -shaae . 

Brute, eo Eat k‘um-shau . 

Brutish, Ty shau -sum. 
Bubble, re fau-p‘o, (up) 

“a te un - ‘sheung. 

Bubo, #4 [J ue- “han. 
Buck, KEE A JN louk-kuung. - 

ne AG uung, ap zit 

tind - “fuundg. | 
Buckle, Fy] He Pe | ant “tai- 
* waan, iD +n taai ~“ksau. . 
Buckwheat, — = Fy S saam- 
hole -mak. - 



Bud,.. af nga, BR muuk 
(flower) WN lum, (to) ey 
SF faat -ned, PUA. paau' - 
muuk, Hi ny ch‘uut-lum. 

Buddhism, we AN Fut-kaau . 

Buffalo, aK a ‘shui-* ngau. 

Buffoon, (male) B4 77- naam- 
‘ch‘au, (female) $e Ff * nue- 

Buffoonery, ME al tsaap-keul . 

Bug, ee FB muuk-shat. 

Build, “hi, yen Pi kin’ - 
: ts0 , = chuuk, 
Bulb, BA t‘an. 

Bulk, (to break) Bi fia hoi- 


Bulky, Ik K Haar -taai oy 

taai -koh. 
— Bull, ef vn ngau-kuung. 
Bullet, Be i taan’-‘¢sze, Re, 

* ona. 
Bullock, fa a shin’-ngan.. 
Bullock’s _ brains Ags. 
; , 2b Ae 
ngau- no. 

Bully, [JpZ ha. 

. Bulwarks, ries he laan-laam’, 
rir laan-wai, (of a city 
or fort) 3% $A sheng-oon. 

Bum, 48% t‘nen, Hs or t‘uen- 
tun, Spe Hee pi ~ Koo, BB 
pas “‘ni-tuuk. 

Bum-boat, RE Be WE tsaap- 
folv - ‘téeng. 

Bump, (to) Hf Ff piwung 
adler (dowii) Dy tun’, 

Bumptious, Fir, HE k‘ong- 


'| Bunch, (a) —#l yat-pa, — 

2% yat-kuung eae BK yat- 

k‘au, yat-kau’. 

Bundle, Aaj paau, AL, chaat , 

Bung, Aa suut, Ra chat. 

Bungler, BT A luet - 


Buoy, $i Un naau-p ve, $i 
zi naau- twung, (to) ea 
if fau- “hi, 4 ae P ‘o- hit. 

Burden, 4p By tau -*t‘au, 
A (F- foo” -yum’. 

Burglary, 7 ast ye sit. 

Burmah, fal Aa) ‘Min-tin’. 

Burn, (to) Be shiu, ae px 

shiy-waat , (with an iron) 

eh naat . 





Burnish, jin 71 moh-kw seg 

Burrow, J Hh ay p‘a-ti - 

Burst, We paan , Wye cha. 
Bursting, (to eat ”) 1ee BI 
fit Nees yaak-to -‘t*o-paa , 

— rage) Hy a cha- 

“keng UP 

Bury, Hf! He maai-tsong , Be 

tsony -shaan. 

Bush, sfy hes} ‘siu-shue , Jes 
aa mat-ts‘uung, AY ie 

Bushel, or peck, 3 “tan, 

(English) Ag =f tat 


Business, . He Sze > ohn, 

(trade) AB hss shang-i 

(calling) aL fe sze -ip, BA 

Business- ike, x» fy He Fil hop- 

Sze Jai’. 

Bustle, FG jak mong-ch‘uuk, 
WA wt ne p‘un-lun. 

Busy, 5 FA] mi haan, By 
fc Sze. -mong, AR yau- 

Sze , (diligent) EA k‘an- 

Boag tom BF BZH 

ho -sne -ke -yan. 

But, 4H tan’, 1h Laan al 

hai . HE {% waishai- , (ex- 

cept) [Bz BEE ch‘ue-hiw. 
Butcher, BR t‘o-foo, F® 

B t‘o-* 00 , or =I b Ot 

Butcher-bird, 441 KA paak a 


Batler ep 3 “koon-Itt. 

Butt, (to) fig fit chuuk- 
chong’, HE fit “tai- cht 

Butter, 2F LU YH ngau-ue- 

Butter-fly, WY YR o0-*tip, yy 
xb pang-sha. 

EB JA wi-tuuk. 

Button, €ft * naw, (a) — KL 

She yat-nup-* ‘nant (officer’s) 

7 JA nue “teng, JA ae 

‘teng-taat, (Ast & 2nd) £1. 

es A t‘uen-chue, — 


JH hunng-" teng, (8rd & 4th) 1 

Ea JE 

(7th, &c.) G>FE keum-" tong. 
Button-hole, Sit a *nau 

laam- teng, (ome & | 
6th) AY JA paak-" teng, 1 

I EE a 

Buttress, eE DY ‘ch‘ue- tun, Cabin, jet {¥ fong- tsai, 
3% “toh. (ship’s) Hk HF shuen-*fong 
Buy, B ‘maai, A ‘maai-|  (és‘ong). 

yup, 2 BAe ‘maai-loi, B 
etl ‘maai-to’, We Fa shau- 
¢ . 
Buzz, 7 anh mi-‘heung, HL 
ML tsze-tsze-sheng, 5A 

z kwang-kwang. 
Buzzing, ears, EAR S arin’ 
By, (with) A yung’, (an 

agent) Ae pi , (through) 

47 “ta, EH yau, (buy by 

the catty) Esl Ir B tuen’ - 

kan-‘ str (by himself) 4 Fy 
A, ling’-tsze, (near) in 

By-, (secluded) yf pooi . 

By and bys, ie Np maan - 
*maan , a (ot tang- 

- yat-chan . 
_ By-word, (a a2 tsuuk- ue. 

Cabal, TA “tong, ii thea 

p‘ang- tong. . 

Cabbage, Pf ie pedato?, 

Cabinet, [i haap, (council) 
Py ba noi -kok . 

Cable, 4a laam . 

Cackle, BA WA kuuk-kuuk, 
BA =£ kat-t‘ok, kok-tok. 

Cactus, 4 -E pa -wong. 

Caddy, Fy fF seung- tsa. 

Cage, ### luung. 

Caitiff, YY AP no-ts‘oi, shy 
A, ‘siu-yan. 

Cajole, Bei HK noh-‘nan. 

Cake, if Peng KE ho. 

Calabash, Bi p‘iu, BH in 00- 

* loo. 

| Caladium, He it ts‘ze-koo. 

Calamity, fgg A woh -waan , 
K ss tsoi-hoi . 

Calculate, Fr jE suen -tok, 
HE Vell chéu-ch‘aak. 

Calculus, (stone) Ay aK shek- 

Calendar, A OF jie uet- — 

fun’ -p‘aal. 
— re 
Calender, Hig shin . 




Calends, FA HH uet-shok , HH 
H shok -yat. 

Calf, 2 fF ngau- tat. 
Calico, (white) 3 ¥¢ ai 

- -paak-yeung Pe, (print) EI 
16 Hii voce 

Calkk, (to) 4. 43° ta-chaang 

Call, HS} hiv’, We foo, PER 
haam , Ags iw, on Hit 
nine (invite) 24y ay “tsé ong; 
(on) EF taam’ 

Called, (named) Hl. AB hive - 
iso. | 

Calling, Ses 3e ene. -ip. 

Callous, jp ngaang ae Ace 

pat-yan, Ff “chum. 

Calm, HF ie olin-tsing’ ; am 

isp tsing - “*tsing’, 4 JR 
4a ie mo-fuung- ‘mo-long’. 
Calomel, as 1) hing- fun. 
cease ae be “kong-. 
waai . 
enn =F ts‘aam-in. 
Calyx, 4% 4E tastol. 
Cambric, ae ve ti ka-sha- 
po . 

Camel, EX BE lok-t‘oh, 

WE Ee sheung-fuung-t'oh. 

Cameleon, Wf WE “in-t‘ing. 

Camellia, AY Zp ch‘a-fa. 
Camlet, A] $4 “ne-sha, oY, 
wy “ue-*tuen’. 

Camomile, E+ Ag kom-kuuk. 

Camp, (aa risa ying-p‘oon. 

Campaign, 34 ch‘eung. | 

Camp-stool, H&4%% ‘ma-chaap. 

Camphor, (tree) J JR 
cheung-rmauuk, (gum) fee 
We cheung- no. 

Campoi-tea, 4p | » kaan- 
pooi -ch‘a. PRR 

Can, 45 tak, WH Fe 4H tso -tak. 

Can, (a) $7 koon’, 

Canal, (the Great) Sift yay 
wan -hoh, (a) IK in ‘shui 

Canary, RE ahiechet: 
tseuk, El aie paak-° m. 

Cancel, fh) SE: shaan-hwe. 

| Cancer, J YH yuung-tsue, 

Be JH. ngaam-isue. 

Candareen, Ay fun. 
Candid, AA A ming-paak, 

1E 1H. ching -chik. 

Candidate, ee hau’ -suen 

1 ER hau -hvet . 

SP  , Te ey ee ee Sp ee 
= aa ees + 

eT ge SK RS 

ee re a ee gee ot Ad 7 my Ops) hen ie 

CAN 35 


Candle, VA chuuk, (wax) he 
Wij laap-chwuk. 

Candle-stick, eq ash chuuk- 
* tOl. 

Candy, (to) ge DK kit -ping, 
(sugar) BK PEF ping-t‘ong. 

Cane, (a) 7% RR SE chi-pin- 

kohn, (rattan) Wes t‘ang. 

Cangue, BM ka, FX yal 4A 

muuk- -fuun g- Teng. 

~ Canister, He koon’ . 

Canker, et mT it-tuuk, 
Cankered, ie Pit nau-nat. 

Cannibals, €& A, [a shik- 

yan-kwok . 

P| p) 
Cannon, K peal taal -p'aau , 

Be Ml ch‘wung’-p'aar , 
(-ball) sé 785 paar’ -*‘ma. 
Cannot, Ar AE pat-nang, ’m 

nang, * 43 pat-tak, ’m- 
Canon, HHL “tin, 

7 AN 
Canopy, A 2 sheung -k‘oi , 
Fk & kuung-*p‘uung. 
Canton, (province) 4 Re 

‘Kwong-twung, (city) 

i Yeung-sheng, eS oh 

“shaang-sheng, *sheng. 

"| Capricious, 4#€ 7F 

Canvas, DM. Ati faan-po . 
Canvass, (to make interest for) 
PR WR ch‘wi-hue. 
Cap, (a) 1B a “ting-*mo , 
Capable, HE nang, er ‘Ooi. 
Capacity, FU A ts‘oi- cht, 

(containing ) SE it to - 


Cape, (ot land) ily +i shaan- 

Capers, JC JI GB “shui-keva- 

nau. } 
Capital, (city) pr 45 king- 
RR hing-shing, 

(money) Ay Ge “poon-ts‘in, 
(excellent) pp miu . 

Capon, gy 4 sin -kat. 

nD ‘mo- 
ting’ -sum, % NY toh-sum, 
46, TE WE foc 

Capsize, is Het in “chuen, 

puuk- chuen. 

Capstan, 45 Zt “kaau-p‘oon. 

28 Captain, (ship-) fae es shuen- 

‘chue, (of a company ) Hu 
ag “pa- tsuung. 




Captain Superintendent of 
Bec, if mi ey ts‘uun- 
po ” hoon. 

Captive, (led-) Be ie pi -‘lo 

Capture, & pA na-wok. 

Carambola, #4 Ak yeung- 

Caraway, a Tal sai -00i- 

heung, +e i es uen-sai. 
Carbuncle, on te back) Be 

in, faat poor, FS FE 

pooi -yuung. 

Sema a Be wai-hoi, 4E 
VE ‘se0-shi rarely) a3 


Card, (visiting) FF Ty padi 

tip , pL is ming-*¢ip 

(playing) SEH ‘ci-* P aai. 
Card-case, fk 2 tip -“to, 

Cardamom, Fy us 

tau kau . 

Cardinal points, pu Ti sze - 

Care, Hp ia kwa -lue, hr 
Aa pai -ai, (to) x} BE 
liu’-‘li,  (don’ t) os x 

pat- ‘i. 


Careful, ay I) “siu-sum, 

Carefully, look Rea {¥ ‘0 
“tai-‘tsze-sai , By HE “io- 


Careless, iff phy RD Smo- ‘siz 
sum, $Me Fp a mo- tai- 
koo , Aj HL “kau- ‘oe. 

Caress, FE ty ‘Taam-‘p'o. 

Cargo, ft Bi shuen-foh’. 

ee boat, Ep fe nok - 


Carnation, (colour) RAT ff. 


Cornelian, FE 5 Ay ma- 


Cenoie, K aN aaa Ay 
tai - -yun- yat-faan, Ral 14 

naau - “sau. 

Carp, (a fish) (§f 44 ‘li-*ue. 

| Carp, (to) He =F F- chuul = 

tsze -shat. 

Carpenter, vi Dr muuk- 

*igeung . 

Carpet, Bit BE ti- chin. 

Carriage, (2) EA cht e, Mp BG 
‘ma-ch*e. | 

Carrot, KT. 2# Fay huung-loh- 
paak, iq Be BJ wong-loh- 
paak, 4> FR kum-suun. 




Barry: (on a pole) ##8 taam, 
(resting on one) 4E tok’, 
(between two) $94 ti, 
(abcut the person) ARR tai , 

(on the back) a me, (in 
the arms) 7, * po, (as a 
ship, &c.) BY isoi. 

Cart, Ea. ch‘e, (Ox-) ef EB. 


Cartridge, ik ai) fal foh- 
yeuk-*t‘uung, eI) He lip? : 


Casket, AD lig‘ siu-haap, ¥ 

lp po-haap. 
Cassia, AE kwai , (lignia) 4 
JE kwai pi, (buds) 4 

kw an = “tsze. 

Cast, (throw) Py tan, Z 

tiu, (to found) a chue . 

Cast-iron, aT shitang-tit . 

Castanets nauk - 
stancts, HY PL 2 

Castellated, Af HR AL ‘yau- 


Cartridge-box, y/P We BS” Castle, Hy jie ee 

“kau-luung-*toi . 

Carve, BE Jl tiu-haak , (or- 
nament) fig 46 tiu-fa, 
(meat) WJ ts‘it . 

Case, (holder) 4% to , 7S 
[FB to -haap, (at lav) Es 

ohn -kin . 

Cash, Es *ts‘in, G4 Es mun- 
ts‘in, (ready) JA GB in’- 

Cash-book, 3 & Ni tsuun - 


J Cask, iy ““uung, Ec ce ti 

pii-p'a- tuung. 

Castor oil, ee vii se yall, BE 
pp i pi-ro.a-yau. 

Castrate, Z| at koht -shai., 
Pa im, $i sin . 

nied 4 4 a Wita 

Casuistry, ie JE shi fi 

Cat, Sik mau, (a) B 
Si yat-cheke - manu. 

Cat fish, He FA ch‘ik’-*ue. 

Catalogue, Be Fa ho’-,faan, 
3] BK muuk-luuk. 

Catamenia, be a wins 
“shat. 7 “eeesE i 


Nes 9 sae P 




Cataract, (water) ve hi IK 
puuk-po -‘shui, (in the eye) 
HY His praan-tsing, His ER 
ee Hr WA tsing-chue- 
pin’ -chat-pat-ming. 

Catch, HE Al chuuk -‘to, Fit: 
Fes chuuk’ -wok (fasten) 
keke . 

Catechism, ii a ee ‘mun - 
taap -shue. 

Catechu, iJ Be i-ch‘a. 

Caterpillar, (tz bey ming- 
ling, 3fj =e ih ‘/au-m0- 
*ch‘uung, (silk-worm) ta 
me ts‘aam-*ch‘uung. 

Caterwaul, yh B Fee adu-00- 

Cattle, $F AE ch‘wuk-shaang. 

 Catty, Kr kan. 

Caul, Je iB ae Hea taai - 

ch‘eung- mong-mok. 

46 BAR So-ye- 
is‘ol . 

Cause, 49 hx uen-ko0’, LR 
KH uen-yau, (to) {ii “shai, 

> ling’, RY cha. 


Causeway, a G& uh ite 
shek-ti’ ti SA A Bh 

ngoh- ey” siz bi. 
Cauterize, A> Be kan . 
Cautious, 3a: cA “kan-shan’, 

peas Sa a 

ay Ey siu-sun. 

Cavalry, FG Fe “ma-ping. 

Cave, Ly fie, /aan- luung, EE 

ne ngaam-uet, 

Cavil, tee chuuk -tsze = 
shat, Hey A pok = “teat. 
Cayenne, $f HY laat-tsiv. 
Cease, fs BA ting-sik, tk 

‘chi, Fae hit’. | 
Cedar, AW Ae HK paak - 


Ceiling, tin-fa- 
aie KEM in-fa 


Celandine, 49 f2f chi-‘mo. 

Celebrate, (a day) PC ts0, 
(midwinter) 33% & to - 

Celebrity, A yee ming-shing, 
Ht Zs ch‘uut-*meng. 

Celery, - rR. “hohn- 
k‘an-ts‘or, HH Tey tong-ho- 

Cell, Hy TF *fong-‘tsai. 


Cellar, Jyh FE ti \ baaal 
(wine) yp¥ Fe “tsau-* ‘fone. 
Cement, IK ps fooi-kaau. 

Cemetery, [Sa uy yum-shaan. 
. a 

Censer, 3& Sik heunq-lo. 

a > 
Censor, si B caan -koon, 

2: i 
fy Bt 

Censure, Biel t‘aan, Hh chaak. 

Census, fe Gh mun-tsik, [J 
Tt “hau- chéaake : 

Centipede, Fy Je paak -tsuule 
Centre, WF FA fA chiny’- 
chuung- kaan, NY sum. 
Centurion, +a ra “pa tsuund). 
Century, iy ae paak -nin. 
Ceremony, na 1 lai-i. ah 
Certain, fy THE tik-k‘ok,. 13 
ting, ‘ ting. 
> ietaagh fey a tuen’ -tuen’, 
7E. YR ting’ -i, pr ra 

“ting ight 
Certificate, Sot character) jes 
a isin? Bie (of goods) 
ig a. im’- an, 
Certify, Fi ae shat-ching . 
Cess, A Fit chau-shui.. 
Cess-pool, AK As ‘shui-teum, 
Be Sy, fun’ -haang. 

Shing, pe a is tine -waai, 
(a person) By sa HA kike-hi 

Chafer, vb ihe sha-shin. 

Chaff, WL TRE p‘i-hong, BR 

Chagrin, ie a9 wut-hi. 

Chain, Lif *lin’, Sit lin, 
(& Gili t‘iu-*lin, 

| Chair, (a) Wie fat cheung= i, 

| sedan, 1H Has ‘ting-*kiw 
coolie, fiz > *kin’- Soo. 

Chalk, Di A4 BP ‘foh-shek- 

Challenge, Ae Bie ‘ye-tik. 

Chamber, iz] “fone. 

Chamber-pot, {ii Bg pin -*oo. 

Chamois, rs ao ling-yeune. 

Champion, a (BE ho-kit. 

1 s¢ . 
: oO , ~- 
Chance, ‘fis MK ngau-in, 

Chancellor, literary, 4% 



Change, iy “koi, Ht BY kang- 
“koi, Bi fe. kany-oow , eas 
ri oon -kwoh? , Pie te kow 


Changer, biases 4K ee 

C We : 
XN chaau-"ts‘in-yan. 

CHA 40) CHE 
Cipinel, (K aK. ttiu- Sis Chase, (to) 34 EE clei- oho, 
“shui-lo . | Chasm, SER. Kas huet -haam 

Chant prayers, 1p 7 o> KK nim - Chaste, Ya fi) ts‘ing- -tsit , A 

king. | ching-tsit . 
'Chastise, Hh ay chaak ” faat, 

ms » > > 
‘Chaos, “EE. “iti, wun -tuun . 

Chapel, fhe FF Jai-paai - | 
tfong, Tis 74 “oo a fuuk- | 

Chapped, 7k Fj chéaak -hau. 
Chapter, #4" cheung. 

Char, ee 7h shiu-hak. 
Character, in 47 “pul -hang’ ; 

(or class) iH] & keult “| 

shik, (a = — tsze . 
Charcoal, 4 AS JR ch‘aai-Kaan . 

puree, (to give- -) =E foo = 

U ol (demand) i 

iu - Cs ue, rene) =I JE 

rhaake -tsuir 

Chariot, his ise 
Charity, Z& nm ts‘ze-sum, 


(alms) Fes 4 shi- she, th 
id, po -shi.. 


(harm,- (a) 4% Ea: foo-luuk, | 

. D) 
Charming, Vr ee AS uet-2 . 

Chart, VEY. > teal Al hoi-sha-t*o 
(‘harter-party, > 

fa] hop- 

AT “ta. 

Chat, aR pr t‘aam-t‘aam. 
Chattels, ff 4 shap-mat. 

Chatter, (to) way wilh; is SI-Si- 

sheng, wak-w Sas -sheny. 

Chatter-box, es 24 toh- tsui. 

“Cheap, 7 p‘eng, iH Rite UG 
ka -ts‘in-tai. 

Cheat, Dip, nh ngaak-p' in? HR 
ia hi-p in’. 

Check, ews TE aat - ‘chi, (in 
chess) 43h ee tserng-kwun. 

( ‘heck-mate, BN Jay ts‘uen- 
shing: -kuuk, amt PE veng- 


Cheek, Teg Se min - hue, ABY 

_Cheek-bones, ha iA leung- 

le 1eer (tO) hy Fe % hoht- ts° 01. 

. Cheerful, pe ra faai Loot. 

\ . i 
Cheese, AE Th pif: ngau- Naai- , ~ 
C : ‘Sy . 





Chemise, Hin EG KK kan - 

shan-t. - 

Chemistry, AY Sh fa -hok. 

Cheque, (a) @ Fa. ngan- taan. 

Cherish, waal. 

Cherry, AS 4F- ‘li-tsai, FR 

Chess, ped tseung’ -k4, 
(-board) KE fitz hasan 
(-men) #H k‘i-‘tsze. 

Chest, Fei Seung, = bane, 
(strong) kaap - 
maan . RB 

Chestnut, JR BE fuwng-*lout. 

Chevaux-de-frise, JJ +i JE 
luuk-kok -*chaai . 

Chew, 74% ‘ngaau, IEF tseul . 

Chicken, Az) {F kai-‘tsai. 

Chicken-pox, Ik Ja “shui 

“sags tau’. 

Chicken-hearted, sz) XD Ah 
BE “sive-sum~‘siu-‘taam. 
Chief, BA — t‘au-yat-koh 

(man) BA ff t‘au-muuk, 
i BA A, t‘au-yan, es “chue. 
- Chief J ustice, BFR ohn - 

~~ ch‘aat -sze. 

Chiefly, Fe Lye taai - note 
(most of all) Zz: RK 

chi - “kan-tu . 

Chilblains, AE 2# Ey] shang- 
loh-paak, 3& 3 hohn- 

Onild, SG fF sav -mun- 


Child-bed, Af if fun-“min. 
Chill, 3 3 sheung-hohn. 
Chillies, FE pM fa-tsiu. 
Chimney, Naa 4 m-tuung. 
Chin, 7 gH ha’-‘hom, “R 
jit ha -p‘a. 
China, FA Chuung-kwok , 
iz at Tong-shaan. 
China-aster, AA Av, kuuk-fa. 
China-root, #7e A fuuk-ling. 
Chinese, (a) i= K T‘ong-yan 
(language) jaf FG T’ong- 

Ww a. 

Chink, @) nr la, i ig 

Chintz, Ff) 7£, th yee fa 20 
Chip, (to) Bi teuk , il seul . 
Chips, 72 [4 a ‘foo- hau 

ch‘aai, p‘ek - “hau-ch‘aai. 




Chirp, ny BE] chi-chaau, pF 

HE] chaau-chaau. 

Chisel, Ls *tsok, Co Jj 

tsaam’ -t0. 

Chit @), — Fh Fak yat- 
faoi -tsze = ‘chi. 

Chit-book, 43 Bf suun’-*po’. 

Chloroform, ph BA ma-yeuk. 
i. PR Hf “kaan- 


chaak-ke . 

Choke, vith “kang, HE FE 
‘yuung-sak, tsuuk. 

Cholera, ures Bs yp “uu 
Ee. tye #8 BL re ie 

foke -luen’t‘0 -se . 
Choose, PR 33 ee “kaan=‘suen. 
SnOps (a mark), = <2 Be tsze - 
Chop (to) AJ] is‘it’. 
Chop-boat, Pp J jay sar- 
kwa-‘pin, (floating-house) 
| pee AHS lau-*shuen. 
Chopping block, Ak Ag chum- 

vavepiig- Ben 2] ix. ym) 

ts‘ it -ts‘ot -l0. 

Chop-sticks ibe -F- fai -“ts20. 

Chops, (meat) Jal "Fp silat 


Christian, 48 Hl fir J, | 

swun -YH-SOO-yan. 

Christianity, Al fit Be YE- 

S00-kaau . 

Christmas, Hii} fir yay fy YE- 

Chronic, 48 Fj kau “peng 

Chrysalis, ata [3] “aun 
ch‘uung, ia ‘yuung, Se 

Chrysanthemum, 3py 4p; kuuk- 

Chub, (a fish) Ai #4 lin-*ue. 

Chunam, (to) FJ [XK wb “ta- 

Church, 34 er kaa -00i - 
Churlish Ty Fa “koo-tuuk. 

Churn, (to) Fit “ch‘e, ate 

Cieada, HK Bee ts‘au-*shin, 
Cigar, AFC KA “Lue-swung - 
din, (-ette) FF: yh KA gna- 
hoo- in. 

Cinders, 35 3 shiu-shing 


~ 43 


Cinnabar, GE FR Fi ngan- 
chue- ‘chuung, +e py chue- 


Cinnamon, PY 4 yuuk- 

kwar . 

Circle, FR] huen. 

Circuit, 3A] chau. 

Circular, (a) ard | ko -paak, 
488 - ch‘uen-*tgze , 

Circulate, ical ts‘uun-waan. 

pecumeision, z Al fla koht - 

i silcrcncs Fé] I huen- 

Circumstance, sze 

shai , BF iBs ‘king-ue , as 
iBt tsai -ue’. 
prcunivent, TL st “nau 


| Cireumvented fe lat nau- 

“to- (to : “ee 

Circus, [Bl BE ys uen-he - 

“seam = I 40. ch‘wuk- 
“shui-kong, Ay FF shek- 


Citron, Ap RF heung-*uen, ‘Ge 

Ff fut- shaw. 

City, fa, yup, (walled) tp 
sheng, *sheng. 

Civet, Zip ZH heung-*li. 

Civil and military, ba 20 
mun- moo. 

veer ice lai, fifa ex lai- 
sho , (outward) ita Za * lai- 

maau . 
Civilize, BE AY, kaa’ fa. 
Clack, Fl) #3 RE tik-tat- 


Claim, By t‘o, Al] BB. mun - 

Clan! Vly HB) sha-“hin. 

Clammy, Ais VE ch'i-ni 

Clamour, |e [ERE huen-wa, FA, 
pe pa-pdi . 

Clamp, (to) HG FE ‘ma-chue . 

Olan, FPR tsuuk, Pk sing’. 

Clap, #4 aa . 

Claret, 1 YP huung-‘tsav. 

Clash, AH te seung-chong’ , 
Hk vp tai-"ng. 

Clasp, (a) + kane , (hands) 
LF chia- ‘“shau, (to mend) 
WG ‘ma. 

Clasp-knife, f2 y,| chip’ - to. 

CLE 44 


Class, (a) oe “tang, (in school) 
SIE paan, (profession) ' iN 
ffi, keuk’ -shik. 

Classic, KX king. 

Clatter, FB] qi] ie kwaak- 

Clause, a kue, (of a treaty) 
ER fon, a tu. 

Claw, pi\ “chaau. 

Clay, ¥g, nai. 

Clean, 5% Yat hit -tseng Py, 

Yar kohn-tseng f ki- ‘li. 

Cleanse, FXG Ft tso ” -kohn- 
tseng . 

Clear, ti ts‘ing, Wf] ming, 
(sky) lias ts‘ing. 

Clearance, (port-) ¥T. pia 

Cleave, (split) BE BA poh - 

Clench, (the fist) Hy BH 2 
BA cha-maai-k‘uen-t‘au. 

Clepsydra, 974 Jpg tik-law’. 

Clerk, 4B ye shue-*paan , 
8 A “se-taze -yan. 

Clerodendrum, HE FH | 

luung-shuen- fa, 

OR AG 7S yau- “poon- 
é, Ha HA és‘wung-ming, 
ae tseng. 

Click, 3 #42 Ht tik-tak- 

Clit, 48 He ‘kiypon, 

Climate, IK -++- “shai ‘to. 

Climb, 2& oan ‘sheung, 
ea  laan- ‘sheung. 

Clinch, (nails) AT BH $y FB 
“ta-hoi- deng- ml, Hi By Fs 

“chuen-teng-- mi. 

Cling to, IB Ay kaau-ts‘at. 

ChD ae BY “sin, 3X By BY ts‘ol- 

Cloak, ae ne taai - lau. 
Clock, HF re ora shi-shan- 
spite (o'clock) He $id 

“tim- chung. 

Clock-tower (the), K Sate 

Taai. clang yian. 
Clod, {Ee Hie, kaw -nai. | 
Clog, (to) BHF choh-chai « 
Clogs, 7, Ke muuk-k‘ek. 
Close, (to) paue shaan-maai, 
[4] BE hop-maai, (finish) 
oe ae uen-kit . 




Close, (aps.) 98 mat, (near) 
» fas 
kan, k‘an. 

— Close-fisted, =F 44 as ‘shau- 

Clot, (to) ¥E hit’, We king. 
Cloth, th 10 (woollen) a 


Clothe, 74 4 fila cheule ~i- 

fuuk, Hea 

Clothes, Z HE i-fuuk, 4K 
the d-sheung. 
Clothes-brush, Be pe i i-ts‘aat . 

Clothes-horse, Ze ZR ix Tea. 

Cloud, =e wan. 

Cloudy, fK Hae muung-luung, 

Clove, “J Ae ting-heung. 

Clown, ee) Ky ia. a 
paak-pi koh, (rustic) Spi 
aS Fa heung- ha -‘Io. 

Club, (stick) 7 kwan’, Wt 

Club-footed, Fig AE YI t0i- 
shang-heule . 

Club-house, Be ooi - Koon. 

Cluck, be ne kuuk- abs 

Clue, ER ok k‘an-sin , kaw’ - 

sin, peting of) a sue, 

38 a t‘au- ‘sue. 

Clumsy, #H 4% ¢‘so-tsuuk. 

Cluster, BR k‘au, kau’. 

Clyster, fea Ay eI Te chok- 
kwuk-to -faat . 

Coach, i Hi ‘ma-che. 

Coachman, EA. FE chée- foo. 

Coagulate, Uae ae ying-ki€ , 
ae pH kit -maai. 

Coal, yas JR mooi-t‘aan’, 
(burning) aT JiR cheulk - 

Coalesce, AE JH shaang-maai. 

Coarse, +H ts‘o. 

Coast, iy: Yee “hoi= rin. 

Coat, KG taai -shaam, (of 
paint) We chum . 

Coax, 5| a ‘yan- yau. 

Cob-web, derek Sta chi- chue- 

Cobra, WR Fe Be poh’ -k- 

—haap, Jay BAY ‘pin-bau- 

chet 0 i HK nga- 

laan- ‘mai. 
Cock, 2A AN Ln Jia kuung. 

ee Ht hire ~‘hi. 

Cock up, 




Cink (of a gun) By ras) kat- 
hai, (to) FR Pd A=! maan- 

kat- eat, 

Cockatoo, Fy #8 i paak- 

ying- ‘moo. 

Cockles, Ihfij BH sze- om. 
Cockroach, FY BA cca tsaat. 
Cocoa-nut, AS ——- he “ts2e, 
(juice) AY 7K ye- ‘shui. 
Cocoon, [es “aan, oh a) 

ts‘aam- kan. 
Cod-fish, yan #8 “mun-ue. 
Coerce, rrp VE k‘eung-pik. 
Coffin, Fz pA koon-ts‘oi. 
Cog-wheel, 2] ae “ch‘i-luun. 
Cohabit, 74) FE haap-kue. 
Cohere, #et HH ch‘i-maai. 
Coil, (to) #82 HE p‘oon-maai. 
Coin, ge *ts‘in. 
Coincide, Ae foo-hop, Wes 
Coir, RE *ye-i, Bye. ‘suune. 
Cold, uy ‘Jaang, iyi twuny? : 
(indifferent) Hh Fi poe. 

ts‘ing, ie fii) ‘aang-min’ ; 

+ we R Jaang-taam’ na 6.) 
cold) th A sheung -fuung, 

Wee =| “kom-mo « 

Coleopterous, di eRe ac “= 

ch‘uung- lui’. 

Colewort, jy FF EA wong- 

Colic, AE A “to-t*wung’ « 

Collapse, Jy BY pang- paai, 

[H] tee nup-hitt, lal [Be 

Collar, Rl 44 fuung- leng. 
Collar-bone, $a rae iy ‘soh- 


Collate, ey 3h tui -lewoh 
Collect, Be SH tsue -maai. 
Coton, yc tif “ne 

puny , BE Hes “‘tai-"ng. 

Colloquial, 44.45 tsuuk-*wa. 
Collusion, [al ait Rang 2a. 
Colonel, BS He ts‘aam- -tseungy « 

Colonial ec y; iffy EX al 

foo -chiny g ~8Z0. 

Colonial Treasurer, hi 5S al 

2 2 
foo -moo -sze. 

Colony, i at san-keung, pe 

shuuk-kwok . 

Colour, ff, shik, BA ff 
ngaan-shik, ff ya shik 





Goin, (of i) 47 hong, 
(pillar), ag ‘ch‘ue. 
Coma, iS Hie Whi fun-sbui- . 
Comatose, bird Zi mong-wan. 
Comb, Ti shoh, (a) 46. vit 
chek - shoh, (fine) £6 *P 
B acbative: Fl sa Sa, tau ae. 
Combine, A  woh-hop. 
Come, loi, (COL.) fe lai. 
Comedy, H AR ye Al tsok- 
sii -hi -mun Bi ess 
Comet, fae Hl Ft so -‘pa-sing, 
Hex BE ke laap-ch‘a-, sal 
Comfits, Hit ED t‘ong-*taan . 
Comfort, Aig ohn-wai. 3) 
ff huen’ kuti. 
Comfortable, Ee Sis ohn-lok. 
Comic, Ry: ae “ho-siu . 
Command, [yp wif fun-foo’. 
Commander, Fe $A ping- 
"tau, BA A. téau-yan. 
ee arnent, ait Ot haat - 

Commemorate, Fae piu. 
Commence, | =P. hoi- “shat, 
Hl = maai- shav, | i. 

hoi-kuung, #8 PZ “hi sha. 

Commencement, % 79] “hi- 
ch‘oh, uch TL hing-kuung, 
he Hi) ‘ch‘i-ch‘oh. 

Commend, Bs Be po- tseuny, 

Shh fee “keue- isin’. 

Comment, St fi7. chue ~‘kaai. 
Commerce, 21 A mau *-yik, 

BE A kamu-yik, RB jal 

“maai-maai AE shang’ 
Commiserate, Fy i hoh-lin. 
Commission, (to) 54 ZS ch‘aai- 

‘wai Be AL “wai-tok . 
Commissioner, GK 3 yum- 


Commit, (crime) 4ft faan’. 
Committee, A 3H KX chik- 
Commode, Petia niu -*kwai . 
Common, (public) DS kuung, 
(vulgar) 4 tsuuk, (usual) 
ry p‘ing-sheung. 
Communicate, ZB 2 kaau- 
kup, (tell) Sf FEM tsung-che. 
Communion, ZB sfA ‘aau- 

t‘wung, (spiritual) gy 2 


Community, J. Be yan-man- 

Ay # pale -sing . 

Compact, a =I mat-shat, | Complete, iil A> chau-ts‘uen, 

(2) <> fj hop-t‘uung. 

(eainnien, ABER buung- | 

pacn-pooi fal Ae t‘uung- 


Company, (mercantile) AA Fj 

Compare, 13 Hee Sni-keaune , 
wr sa tui -kwoh. 

Compartment, fal Fe kaan- 
* fong. 

Compass, HE IKK loh-kaang, 

eae We loh-p‘oon. 

Compasses, $A k‘evai. 
Compassion, #& AF ts‘ze-pi. 
Compel, Af ‘k‘eung, et kaa. 
Compendious, fii] 32. “kaan- 
Compensate, Aah 13 “n0- 
sheung, [p4 rai p'ooi “po. 
Compete, FY tau’. 
Competent, AE 4A tsuuk- 
yaune ”, (man) Be + nang- 
Sze ; it flay ching -chik. 
Complain, Dr te so Pelt HH 

A = = chuut-uen -in. 

Complaisant, ss: ial “wen- 

“oh Uuen. 

+2 shap-ts‘uen, (to) By 

Completely, mf saudi. 

Complexion, [Ej eg fi, min -shik. 
Complex Re eae we 
Lak ae : pe BE, hip toh-koo « 
aes Be Hes a 

toh-sze -‘chan g-maai, 

Compliments, Ai te mun’- 
hau , Osea ee aS 

ee. uung- | ater 
Comply, UAE i-ts‘uung, Bat 
Ae teng -ts‘uung, JA $e 

shuun -ts‘ uung. 

Compose, - FP Rai ohn-maai, 
rans i ts‘aé -maai, (write) 
VE tsok . 

ConspeRrot, sh Ae ar A chup- 

teze -yan, OE ig MA 

p ‘aai-oot- naan. 
Compound, ur ol kaau-wan, 

HE Sy k*‘au-wan. 

Compound interest, 
Fil li -sheung’-li’. 

Comprador, Fi ¥he “maai- 

*paan . 





Comprehend, He Shin 
tau , (comprise) Ad Hi 

paau-k‘oot . 

Compress, JAR act’, BH TE 
chaak -chue’, #R kip, AB 
kaup , FE kum’, fe maan. 

Comprise, Ai Hj paau-koot 

Compromise, A] fi a Hy 

seung-iu- ‘shaang-sue , (n- 

volve) fy toh-lui. 

Compute, JE suen > tok, 
Comrade, WY, aT foh-Iki 
Concave, Hh Fal AY chuung- 
_ kaan-nup. 

Conceal, $Y EE ts‘ong-nik, 
(one’s self) He FE “toh-nik, 
SHE pi, ES HA nik-maai, 

Concede, FF HE “hue-“chuun. 

— Conceited, A Fey tsze -ko, Ey 
K tsze -taai’. 

Conceive, ee He waai-t‘o2, AT 
7 FA ‘yau-luuk-hkaap , 
(think) 7A “seung. 

Concern, (to) al ai kwaan- 

| ship y Hal iB kwaan-shuuk, 

(a) BE WA sze’-kohn’. 

Concert, (in) Riz wob-haai, 
(a) FIZ Bz woh-tsau’- 


Conciliate, FA AM p‘aak -woh, 
FM woh, $B FM huen’-woh, 
Fy A huen -sik. 

Concise, fff] 3% ‘zaan-leuk, 


Conclude, — 7, uen- lin, 
io ah (decide) iE is 
ting” “i. 

Concord, #4} woh. 
apes Se ts‘ ip , eK 
ts‘ip shi’. 

Concur, fia Z tuung-i, | 
RY tuung-chi . 

Condemn, it. aE ting’ -tsui’. 

Condense, We ft shau-shuuk, 
gE pel kit -maai. 

Condescend, JX 2B ha -koo’, 

afk ie shui-nim’, fe 

lum-ha . 
Condiments, ae roe tseung - 

*liv, 3K swung . 
Condition, i at ts‘ing-shai 

ehh “hing-ti , (terms) = 

Fee cheung-ch‘ing. 




Condole, ff | iit tiv’ -wai . 
Conduct, #7 Fy hang-wai. 
Conduct, AR FI tani ‘yan. 

Cone, Zi] F- +e suun~ tsze- 
*yeung’, YIP tsim-ying. 

Confederate, fj 4H t‘unng- 

Confer, (give) BA ts*ze , (con- 
sult) HS By chum-cheuk 
Confess, #2 ying’, p72 

chiu-ying , (a raipteari [pe 

y Sis prooi-pat-shi 
Confide, 423 =f suun ” tok . 
Confident, HE 473 kok -suun . 
Confine, (to) WY Be ak shau- 

kum, Hf FE hag obra 
Confirm, BX AE hin-ting’, BP 

Bo p*ai-shat. 
Confiscate, aa ey kwai-koon. 
Conflict, Mi fig seung-chong’ ; 
tw “faan-aune . 
Conform, HE 4K chin -4, te 
ohn , te HE ohn’ ~‘chuun. 
Confound, 47 YER “ta-wan’, 
(by fear) BE BL, hing-luen , 
(mix) YE Me wan -tsaap, 
WB lo-luen’, lo-lo-*luen . 

Confounded, vee Te wan - 
cheung . 

Confront, Sb jay 4B te- 

min - ks, 424 aA chat- 
suun . 

Confucius, FL e-- “Huung- 

Confute, HR Hi pok -‘tos 

Confused, gs, luen’. 

Congeal, MAG iat king-tuung . 

Congee, Rhy chuuk. 

Cee & WA IK hop- 

sum- ‘edt. 
Congenital, RR HE tot- shang. 

Congestion, Ay zh 9 ae 

noi -it-ship g-tsik. 
Congo, TF ke kuung-foo- 
Congranalare, Ais & kuung- 
“hi, 4 =m hoh - hd. 
Congregate, Bs: tse’ -00i « 
Congregation, e SR oot - 
chuung . ; 
Congruous, 44 > 

Conical, sd “suun= tsze 

*yeung , (COL.) tuet 


CON 5 

Conjecture, ~ 4H chasis 

“seund, Fy py Het ch‘aci- ‘moh, 

a fe +e “koo-mok: . | 

Conjunction, oa ooi -hop. 
Connect, fae tsi -tsuuk. 
Connive, aE 5 cha -pat- 

see ») er 
kin, cha -w-kin'. 
s D Sea 
hepa S iz shing ~tik, 

a yeng. 
AL i | ¢ 

Consan ouinity : 
Conscience, RM leung-sui. 




Consignee, KH we J. shirk: 
paan’- yan, 
; Pep 
Consist of, py y=] noi - yau. 
ee a Se uy L. 
ceca ii] te Hi Pa 
ts‘in-hau’ -sewng-tui, (with) 
> hop. 
sind ke} o 
Console, Fe PY ohn-war . 
Consipicnous, He Hi tak- 
ss H P : 
Conspire, ae HA kit hei 
(things) vas HB AK tstau - 


: ») 
Conscious, Fy iy tsze -kok, | Constable, Uppal: protector ) 

Ey gal tsze -cli. : 
C ¢ 
Consent, WUE wun- chuun, 
eee S. oben 
| wv, FR Wwun- hang. 
Consequence, 3] A kwaan- 

Consequently, lr EA ‘shoh=‘i. 

Conservative, + KK “shau- 
se ae i}. ae 
c C 
seung- ha. 

: C 
Considerably, i shaau, 52. 

3, leuk-*leuk. 

C pcre, AR SHAD ‘vau- 
sai -SsUum, GE bi pi Cuuny- 

ts‘ing- ‘Li. 



SHS ti'-‘po, (police) Hifi 
AZ po vik. 

Constant, int AA fie 5 noi - 
“eau-‘mo-pin » AR BR pat- 

Constipation, Yay y “Di~ 
‘moon, eA. taai - 

ORE ee 
; 6 7 P 
pin -pat-tuuny, tt kit - 

Constitution, eu chat-*ti . 
BE tsze-chat, 

‘ Cer itecyt sits 
Constrain, jap min- keung, 

¢ ¢ : 

Baye fae k‘eung- shai, 


Constitute, 3F 


CON... Hy CON 

Sammtrncth Eur EN ) Corsets Fert ohn-fun , A 
Was: 72 ia Ge ae ) : 
Consul, SF By. ES ling-sze - ay kin -kaw , zy pia chi- 

koon. : isuuk, Ey qu tsze -tuk. 
Consult, 1B PHA) chum-cheuk Context, Ft aS ae sheung’- 
Tal Hr sheung-leung. ha -mun. 

- ¢ 2 -) tie x. a 

Consume, (spend) yar fai. Continent, K vill taal -chav. 
‘ se 

Lt 42 i : oO s 

Consummate, +5 A> uen- | Continually, ks jee lui -lui, 

ts‘uen, (to) BY shing. — vit, yat-*lan, xX Fa 
Consummately, + Ay shap- pat-*Jan, xX Fa pat-hit. 
fun. | | Continue, rin A, noi - kau. 
5 Saeapee sige Hilt | Continuous, AW suf seung-lin. 
oi) Tir. fai -lo-ching . Contraband goods, Hl, a 
Contact, FAS tat =hop, wa sze-foll . | 
ay ts‘au -hop. Contract, (a) ty fal hop- 

a eae Y hSqoa 1 

Contagious, {i Ye ch uen- i‘uung, (to) = xy laap- 
C. EY m3 hé > i 
im, PPP “ooi-ch-nen- | yout, (lor work) FRE 

i re aie 
i. ais proon’ Teuuny, (lessen) $y 
a ~ iy 2 SOK ‘€ pty 
Conte Ey nia-ts D.Sc % y 
ntain, 2% chong-tsor , aa sheqauh tuen, ea HM 
¥ - 1 . 
Ai] vies paau-haam. shuuk-sav . | 

Cx: > Pig . By a Pe 2 
Contemn, dil) ae ‘pi-maan, | Contradict, Fie hin pin’ -pok , 
a A aS ee : ES ~ eee 
mule WRK hing-im , tals wi i] Xr xe wa -pat-shi , 
; ape 7 ; en 
pti-pok. wa -m-hai , iA ita Ath 
, Q bn ¢ a 4 re * 
eames oa re AL mak-|  /aan- chuen-\ a. 
SCUNY. Contrary, Ail a seung- faan, 
: ¢ GH. F 
Contemptible, Fy tly hoh- pi. Shi yik, ngaak. 

} i Contribute, (money) Fa €B 

: at chaany. - 
Contest, 7 d kuen-"negan. 




~ Contrive, at is kai “sun ; 

AB Re seung g-tseung 

=, “All chai . 
Contumely, a Jeg ling-yuuk. 
pea valovcant, Wii a ir Ry 

peng tseung-*kan’ - To. 
Convenient, {jf 5 fi pin “tong. 

Ty ti fong-pin’, Fd pin . 
Convent, ie ‘sa’ om-t*ong. 
Converse, BR fg t‘aam- -luun’, 

BR En t‘aam-t‘aam, #4 aE 


Convert, (to) es 4° kom-fu , 
ig aki pin - ‘chuen, 

Convert, (a) 3ff wh tswun’ - 
Convex, FH jij py chuung- 

Bohrer: ead poon-wan Ri 
poon, Wee taak , iy tsor . 

Convict, (to) af SE ting -tgui. 
Convict, (a) AP AK faan’ -yan. 
Convince, fet Bl pin - ‘to, “+> 
— ny ling” cha. 
Convolvulus, YF RTE ch‘in- 
rape fa, (the lilac) FF yi\s 

Convoy, 34 FF swung -hang. 

Convulsions, yy 5 Wii chau- 

Cook, K BA ‘foh-*t‘au, IN 
XK = cose co) 
A WE ‘chue-faan -‘ma 
(ma ); (to) AX “chue, AS 

EAN “chue-shuuk. 

Cooked, wh shuuk, AR Fh 

Cool, Fp leung, (to) Hee ae 
‘ching- -twung. : the bet leung- 

Coolie, es JE “koon-tim’, 

(street-) Pk a tiu- foo. 
Coolly, $H FR “taan-in. 

Cooper, Reha foo-“tuung- 
2 i C 
tseung , foo- t‘uung- lo, 
Co-operate, [f#% FJ hip-lik. 
Copper, $f] t‘uung, XL in] 
huung-t‘uung, ee Bal shuuk- 

Copperas, ay Be ts‘ing-faan. 
Coppersmith, #7] [FF t‘uung- 
*tseune’ , ‘ta-t‘uung-ke . 
Copulate, ZF We kaau-kav, 

AFT iF hang-fong, aE & 
kaau-hop, (said of animals) 
C C ; 
FT Ri ta- chuung. 




Copy, (a) ic “ko, (to) £5 ira 
ch‘aau- se, (slips) El + 
HE yan ind Chae 

Coral, Aff HA shaan-*oo. 

Cord, (Fil tiu-*shing, oh 
AF shing- tsat. 

Cordially, Eh Hy it-chuung, 
“HNO kom-sum. 

Core, a) sum. 

Coriander, xc a2 uen- sai, 

Cork, (a) #4 chat, (to) ype 
FE chat-chine , Je [J sak- 


Cork-screw, PY fet “¢tsau- 
tsuen . 

Cormorant, ee} pe lo-*ts‘ze. 

Corn, Ik woh, ey kuuk, (on 
the toc) 2B AR kai-"ngaan. 

Cornelian, HE FG ° ma- no. 

Corner, g 3 kok, 44 BA kok - 
*t‘an, (of a room) #4 ¥% 

kok -lok-*¢*au. 

Cornice, Fa DA #R ts‘eung- 


Coroner, Be 5p ‘e im’-shi- 
BE See ‘sze-shi, Be 

EG shi-shau. 

Corpulent, A Kk fi-taai. 
Correct, 4 44 “mo-ts‘oh , v4 
cheuk, ie YE. tuen-ching’, 
ie Fi tuen Song (to) BY 
Fi) ° hot- -seuke , Wale “koi-- 

ching q 

Correspond, #9 ie seung- 
ying (by letter) aH 43 
uung-suun . 

Corridor, ey long. 

Corroborate, ae p21 ching = 

Corrode, as be sau -waai , 
a, fis sau -shik. 

Corrupt, (morally) AG ts‘e, 
(putrid) kgs Nel foo -laan’, 
(to) te xs ‘rwun-waai. 

Cosey, (tea) a ve ch‘a- 

“Team (see Cozy). 
Cost, (the) B (8 ‘maai-ka , 
(to) HE ‘tai. 
Costiveness, k EK 35 
taai pin - : eau 3 
Costly, i=] kwai. 
Costume, 3F By chong-paan 
Cottage, sy fas “siu-uuk, EE 

+F uuk-‘tsai. 




Cotton, (raw) Pg Ze min-/a, 
(yarn) WB Sg min-sha, 
(cloth) #j po’. 

Couch, - fit Ri shui -%, be 
Ke kong -ch‘ong. 

Cough, OY iy k‘at-sau . 

Council, *ooi . 

Counsel, $f] huen. — 

pence, (legal) uh ein 
chong’ ~SZ0, 

Count, (to) is By suen sho , 


Countenance, [Ay Zi min’- 

maaw (to) AR A chin - 

koo . 
Counter, (a shop-) tn 

kwai -*wai. 
Counter-balance, Sat HE tui - 
Counteract, Ak NI kum -chat , 

tte fe tong-ehue , BE 4E 

“tai-ch ue. 

Counterfeit, TE At “ka-ts0o . 

Counterpane, Be Ty “pi 


Country, 2  Zwok’, (the) riEi 
aS dab: *ha. 

Couple, 4 ngau, Sef tui. 

Gree. wet BE “fui-*luen, at 
Courage, Be Ea taam-leung’ : 

A: oa, ‘yuung-hi- » (keep 
up) Bah a ay HF tS. 


Courageous, taai’- 
“taam. x ie | 
Course, 34 HE to “lo , (of 
course) AR teze” “in, (at 
a meal) — f¥ yat-to” oa 
Be KE yat-*mi’-sung’. 
Court, (the Imperial) BH RE 
ch‘iu-t‘ing, (of justice) fay 
FAY nga-*moon, (Supreme) 
Fp. yi nip- shue, (Police) 
3 BB UF ts‘uun-‘li-‘foo, 
(to) 3 k‘au. 
Court-yard, FE FE tin-“tseng. 
Courtesan, yo pate ‘lo- ‘hue. 
Courtesy, Mee Xx ‘lai-mun, 
ie He ‘lai-‘ tat, ine By 


Cousin, +k Jf, BE t‘ong-hing- 
tai, (of paoes ese 2, 
Be WH, i ‘piu hing tai 

Covenant, * youl , WA x) 

mang-yeuk . 




Cover, Ee a che-k* oi , we 
AE “eum-chue , 54 k‘up, 

7 = koi , re “im, “sum, (to 
put a covering on) + moon. 

Coverlet, ¥ jij ‘pi-*min’. * 

Covet, Bt taam. 

Covetous, g AWA taam-sum. 

Cow, ap HE ngau- “moo, oF 

het ngau- 7d. 

Coward, HE Ws <mo- ‘taam, 

REIS: “taam-hip 4a dE 
tum tu. 
Coxcomb, (flower) $8 Sef: FE 
kai- koon- fa, (a fop) g 

Cozy, Fe 4 ohn-‘nuen (see 

Crab, ### ‘haai, (small) ¥ 
see p‘aang-*k4. 

Crack, Hr Bb ch‘aak -lit, (to) 
Be Bi lit-noi, FS Be 

‘ching-lit, (the fingers) HE 
th “ching- shau-puuk. 
Cracked voice, Hp YF is 

Crackers, ET praau -chuul, 

PE (FE p‘am -*iseung’. 

Cracking, va 3H it pike 

paake -sheng, pitk-pilaks. 

Craft, Bip SE ngai “ip. 

Crafty, afe LH hewaai “haa. 
Cram, aET chap -shat, tf 
"ea chSaap “moon. 

Cramp, Fi} aq BE han-shuuk- 


Cramped, Pq Yh Ewan’ pik. 
Crane, #8 hok, K Fe t‘in- 
ngoh, $8 #6 ts‘ong-kk‘oot , 

(a so age Tr oy 2 

Crank, (a) 9 9yy ‘kaau-peng . 

Crape, #2 Kia isavi -ch‘au, 
4B eb isau -sha. 

Crash, §% FX p'aang-shing, 

ie ping- pong. 

Crave, He k‘au. 
Craving, (an artificial) JR 
‘yan, (natural) yi yuuk. 
Craw-fish, (sea) 8 ite? lwung- 

Crawl, JR Jaan, RE 4F p2- 
hang, (as a worm) A fh 
shuuk-‘ha, es Se “miu 

Chis > 
miu-*ha . 



7 CRO 

ee ia eae Y ? 
Crazy, ca ngong , 

ji Ba 
= ey - 
Creak, Ayes ia nget-sheng, | 


pram, i Wh JE negau- 

‘naai- pl. 

2 be ef 
Crease, aH ch‘aau, HR 4B 

C : ¢ 
afjy ah é / 
ching-chaan, FBS #3 noh- 

Cress, IK i= eS ‘shui-k‘an- 

ts‘oi . 
Crest, (of a cock) AS ah hat- 
oon, kai- gest , (of other 

birds) x kai, ‘kai. 

Crevice, fae [be la ” _kucil. 

Crib, riba laan; (a book for 

“ cribbing ”’) “lam. 

ch‘aau. —- 
Create, *il\ sie ch‘on y-180. 
Creator, fit 4Y, =5 tso” fii 
eleue, #i\| ur 2 chi ong - 

tso - chue. 
° > 
Credit, 43 suun , (buy or sell 
on) He: she, (give me) Sa 
> > 
== kwoh -suun . 
4=3 kivoh -suun ys 
. > : 
Creditor, tex TE chaai - chue. 
: : > 
‘ a — % -@ 
‘redulous, HER 423 4! Suu . 
1p eG hae YY, 
Creed, 4 RK suun'-king. 
3 7 ; a ae 
Creek, ypy cl‘uung, YR Yet 
‘ D) 
chiuung-kaau . 
Creep, JR) laa. 
Creeper, | We laan-t‘ang. 
Creeping sensation itt : Co 
7 ee > Zi LDP 7A 

ma-ma-j . 

Crescent, Hr A WZ san-uet- 


Cricket, qOK ake sik-tsuut, te 
AN is‘ shea isuuk-tsit . 

Crime, JE tsui. 

Criminal, JE AL tsui-yan. 
: 2 i . 
Crimp, (a) By ae FE hecaai- 
Sie : 

laat - lo. 

: % B) - 
Crimp, (to) ap Jl (saa -maai, 


: re, 
Crimson, ae 1 ff taal - 


Hie 4K TA SH (uct - 

i-oon’ - kum. 

| Cripple, we Al pai-keule . 

| Crisis, ee to a) +P ip Hh 
chi- gays ti, ES Bl] BA Ie 
sze -fo -t‘au- oI (lai). 

Crisp, Aye, isi, 

_ Criticise, Bf oP eryang. 

PB. ts! 20-Ni. . 

| Crocker ry, Wh tr 



Gaiiobdile; gal 4h npek: -ue, 

Crooked, 7g Hf Lge anabk | | 

is rH lnen-ktuuk., 
Crop, We ra shau-wok, 


tso°s ( (a bird’s) ») Hh Hel sui = 

= | 
sul - woh. 

Paatt, Ae #4 


Cross, (2) ye ¥- Je shap- | 

tsze - ka, (-wise) i waane, 
(make a) AFI haau- ha, 
(irritate ) ay ith kik-nau. 

ep (peevish) ‘eh maan, | 
| Cruiser, Mi FP ts‘uun-*shuen. 

i i ea nau-nat, 
2 it. > 
Cross-bar, Ait EUS wane-aat , 
AN = . 

Sth owaano-* 
Iii fii waang-*loung. 

y Glas t+ : 
‘ross-examine # Waano-: 
Cross-ex > AH Bp W2ang 

Waang-mun . 

iit, Iii 


ere gee ee ; Se Se ea. 4 
Cross-grained, yg 40 waang- 

“mun, (4 HS kwaai-cheuny, 

Crotchety, ZF Aisi k‘l-waang. 
>a ri 

Crouch, tk ts‘uen-fuuk, 

Cid: ie fess yuun rungs 
(to) fi big tsi-yuuni), 

Aves pik. 
. Se Z 
Crown, (top) ») 1 tiny, ah 

mental) Tay ir, koon- min. 
Crucify, $y —— Lo 5a Zar 

feng shap-tsze - ka, $y 

HE teny- sze. 

} -=. ¢ 
Cruel, igs Ay ts‘aan- 2 yi 

Crumble, i= ae 


Pade stand, Fy He Jag ne- 

mi = “heat. 

Ae. > 
yo > 29/7 
Crumb, iz iy Sit -sul , pli 
id F . 
Wy Sap- SUN, 

€ re 
{O-SUL . 

ap tae +5 ch‘aau- 


. xt > >) 
Crush, BX Be aat -waai , AR 

ie wt wut-hi, a Ve 


Ute : ees - VK er AY ; i 
Croup, pe Via Zaau- ch Hen, | 

a Wij haau-peng « 
Crow, me ZA ‘lo-a, Az ae 

oo-tseule , (to) he tal 

r 2 rT 
Crowbar, aly 2s tuung - fs*1u. 

| aat -laan , be chit . 
(with ik hand) tet Ni 
chit- laan,. py cha. 

| Crust, IX hol: , ip JE 

ngaang” be * pi. 

HS 51? 

Crusty, jax 
Crutch, #X AE ch‘a-cheung’, 
iy. Bi chia- Iwai, Ai 

Wee hai" “cheung” ‘ 

Cultivate. Fathi kang-chuun i, 

Cry, MY haam , HSL Rx kive - 
sheng, Wa nai , Age fu. 
orystal, AK ie ae a 
Cube, Wir. Wi laap- fons % UE 
a 2 ogi ote g-ying, fi 
Fe shik~° nee *veung’. 
Cubit, Fe chek 
Cuckold, EEN sbennsshasae. 
Cuckoo, (Chinese) 433 iS Ze 
ts*i-kang- isewk: Shah 
to’ kuen. - He 
Cucumber, + I. woneg-kwa, 
Cud, (to chew) ‘yl es. Fa faan- | 
Cudgel, Artes muuk- pane. 
Cue, ‘fie pn, (epee taiu- pin. 
Cuff, Aly ry tsau’- ‘hau, (to) | ( 
ZS AT k‘uen- ta. | 
Culpable, By Es “noh-chialke . 

(plants) 23 “nun. 

Cumber, EA vie ‘choh-chai , 

ie chai. 

Cumberseme, eA 
od i 

ehui . 


RE ui 

bf Ap fang A 2 
Cunning, Ba toh-* kev , 
=<w . } 
ait koewai-kut. 



Cup, FP poo. 

CU Ro 

Cup- biontl Prue = Syon=* Kewl 
Curb, wy AE lak-chue’ ; aS 

Rr” koon-chsviuk. 
+ ¢ ae, 
Curd, ies uy , (bean-) 

iJ ee his tau’ Ted > 
Curdle, HE: - ying-hit’. 

Cure, Be itt i-“he. 
Curiosity, at mind) HSE 
anv lin’ -kin’ -shik, Pgh: 
; 2 " > 
Ws ech‘a-ch‘a-ch‘aat -ch‘aat . 
Se ; : ; 
Curiosities, Th He koo- tune, 
aye ki-chan. 
Curl, Hh HY! luen-maai. 

Curly hair, Heee FE even: fuat : 

Currants, AEE cliuve-p\o- 


Current, (a) JK ye shui-lau. 
ee money, 3 3 LSUuny- 

mie ; ‘ $ 2 
Current price, ne fa shi-ka . 
Curry-powder, Ti ss. 
; C : = 
wong-keung- fun,  (-stuff) 
3 ~ Dl's ‘ 
Fp Jee A Wet ke -li-ts‘o1- 
ahs Be, 
Curse, Lye DA. chav -choh’, (to 
\ i B) 
vow) HS WE, lo-chau . 
: br 
Curtain, Ti fiz po -*lim, (mos- 
‘ > 
( puito- BGC IES mun-"“cheuny . 


Curve, i Hh ieoiadiuk. 
Cushion, $e {F yuuk-‘tsai, 

Ry it “i-tin: (tsin’). 
Cuspidor, Pe nye tfaam-koon . 


Custard- -apple, ZA A. faan- 

lai = chi. 

Catan (common) $f Fe 
i*wwai- “Tue, {LF t$ shai - 
tsunk, PRES paees tsuuk, | 

(tribute) yt, shui , (house) | 

Alm kwaan- “hau, Be HE | 

: 2 € 
shui - koon. 

haak . 
Cut, a koht Wj ts‘it , (off) | 

Hi; ‘chaam, (acquaintance) | 
Ae BR ay ’m-ts‘au- ts‘oi. 

Cuttlefish, bie 4 fA cheuny-ue, 
Zips Hx FA mak-ue. 

Cycle af sixty, 4G, FA fa 

i aap . 

Cyclone, he jE suen-fuuii/, 
Jal, ial! fuung-kaw 

Cymbals, Gre ER naau-poot, 
Hy “chSaau. 

ae = CC > 
Cynical, By Se, oo-hi. 

pa somcr, ‘maai- 

| Cy > 
Cypress pin-paak . 
. by] } | 

Dah, tS tap, Afy faz, (to wet) 
te We, tap-shup, tat-shap. 
Dab, isa, rb = fai sha- 

nang o -" ue, 

Dabble in, FF lnune’. 

Dace, fish, Ta EE fits wong- 

‘mi -luun. 


Daddy, EZ EE fe-te, 

Dagger, FA 4 “tuen-kkim . 
Daggle, Hj, 20 toh-“nun. 

Dahlia, By ca cheule -yeuk, 

Daily, AY A yat-yat, Fy: H 
“mooi-yat, (use) yat- 
yuune. : i 
Dainties, He “mi. 
Dainty, Wie =I kiu-kiwai . 
Dam, (mother) {UBF nd. 
Dam, (a water-) $C fq] A- 
wal, Wea pr, (to) Je ie 
sak-pn, Ae “yun. 
Damage, +E bet “suen-Wwaai . 
heeds K GE AX, a taai -fu- 


Damn, (to curse) yin 
y > 
chau -choh . 




Damned, to be, Hy ai] chit - 
toh’, BE Pe Bee toh’ -lok-hai. 

Damp, We, shap, (and _ soft) 
inn num, (to become) vel 
isd, ch‘iu-shup, (to) es Wie, 

Damson, fy Ff “siv-mooi. 

Dance, Pk a tiv ‘moo. 

Dandelion, #4} ZL Ha p'oo- 
<euung- ying. 

Dandle, Riis Tp i iu- ha, + as 

Jaw -‘ha. 
Dandruff, pA 5 tfau-nai. 
Dandy, zie Je chong- ‘ok: 
Wt Hii > iz RB uen-f00 - 
“tsze-tai . 
Danger, fis, [Ser bes “him. 
Dangerous, [Nee “him. 

Dangle, Bal wel Be tin -*tiu - 


sles Px kom, He Hy “ taam- 

Daring, he eS taai - taam. 
Dark, BA hak, BARR hak- 

Darling Ia 3 ie tuung -o8 : 

a LE Sledge’ . 


Darn, tay Rill chike-° 0. 
Dart, (to) BA “shim, So ar- 

row) ait 1 tsau’-tsin’ Es 

Dash, es) A vig ch‘uung- 

Date, Gane) Ay: A Bie nin- 

uet-ho . 

Hae (dried) Ses Hs mat- 
‘80, iujebemaee Hs fat 
“tso-shue , (palm) wy Ty 
g zt git “ts0, yas ge 
yeung- “ts0. 

Datura, [iid Eo AG naa ss 
yeung-/a, Bp [Sp 2 maan’- 

Daub, UR Vij t‘0-00, He ch‘a. 

Daubed, tk 45: FH maat-tak- 

Daughter, kk ‘nue, (your) 
fF &> ts‘in- kum, (-in-law) 
tH hier sik- foo. 

Daunted, 318 Sa, song hi . 

Davits, BH asf kat- ae. 

Dawn, 3 (i 71 tin kan- 
kwong, 7 a muung- 

leung . ie 

Day, 9 yat, A -F- yat- tsze. 

DEB 62 


Day-light, Fy paak-chav , 

A H paak-yat, (morning) 
Ht tin-kwong. 

Dazzle, Be AV, Au paeatts 9 3 
fa-ngaan, AS ehtaang 

3 Deacon, ht ea cha ip- 20 

Dead, AE I sze- choh, ‘s2e- 
hiu, yy EX shan-koo. : SO 
EG kewoh -shan. 

- Deaf, ps luung, AEs i. 
luung, (dull) EEE * i-pooi. 

Deal, (to) AE By haau-yil (a 

good-) HF BZ “ho-toh. 
Deal, (wood) iy; I ch‘aam - 

~ muuk. 

Dear, ie kwai (loved) YJ 

pa ts‘it? “0b 
Death, HE sze, BETS “sze- 

Death-rattle, Ak Se St “he-hi . 

Debase, 15 1 EB aK hing: 

fai-ngan- “shui. 
Debate, Flo 3 tari ~ hau- 
kok , Fa a rhaang lua 
aban (to) BH WE tim-oo, 

tim -00. 

Debauchee, yp fi x. t&é 


Dienaueneeee re jl sang. - 

*keulk . 

Debilitate, - 
uen-/t ; el waai- o 

hi -lik, be ae 

Dep HR By ‘uen-yeuk, 

sG a % uen-hi _—_ a 

i hue. 

Debit note 45) kit - aan. 

Debt, Ri him chaae IR 
A him -fo0, (debts) TR 
74 him -hong’ . 

Debtor, fei fF : Goan - “tsa IR 
ta A him -chadi -yan. 

Decade, 4iJ ts‘uun. 
Decalogue, + ant shap-kaat’. 
Decamp, 36% WE (wi -pi . 

Decant, Bai py. 

Decapitate, iy BA shaat *t‘an. 


i TE YE ching- 

Decayed, $i ie shui-waai , 

ea mooi-laan’, iti 4 

foo- “ho. 

Deceit, Sis wa “Iwwat-keout. 

Deceitful, 2E cha “ka. 

Deceive, Eig ER mocs ~p on 3 
Ds, ngaak, wat fum.. 

waal > shan. 




Declare, #5 =] 




December, ia + = A 

Rey ain -i -uet. 

‘Decency, < a eg hop- lai, ray 

s\ hop-shik. » 
Decide, ie ely kuet ~tuen , 

oa ting’ 

Decision, 42 7 “chue-t . 
Peck, (the) {8 Ag ts‘ong- 

- pan, (to) 2 Hs chong- 

wa > shat, 

(shew) Fe BA ‘piv-ming. 
Decline, (dawowate) [TAS Ye 

 chui -lok-hue , IH} 1G 

== heung -tai-hue' (refuse) 
St iM ts‘ze-tse : HE ye 
t‘ui-is‘ze, (seeing) Fe A 
Snin- kin’, Ta eg “tong-kat. 
Decliv ity, 2) Bg os‘e'- “paan, LF 
Be ts‘e-*ts‘e-lok, YF poh. 

Decoct, Bu tsin. 

- Decorate, Zig: chong- ching. 

“_avagioiag ie HT iss BR ai- 


‘shoh-tong-in, AEA yuung- 

i, 18 WE i-chue . 

: Decoy, (to) 5| a5 yan- yan, 

(birds) We Ze chong-*tseulk , 

(to) 4 HEE. ts0’-*mooi. . 

Decrease, EX Ap kaam~‘shiu, 

a Ta shuuk- “‘kaam. 

Decree, Gry FP ming line’, 

Decrepit, em iH ‘lo-maai_. 

Dedicate , HE AR cwung-faung’. 3 

Deduct, EN, haan 41 be - 

kau -ch‘ue, “hue. 

Deed, #7 £3 hang-wai , EE sce’, 
(bond) 47. lai 2 (stamped- -) 
El $2 yan Kai. 

Deep, ee shum. 

Deer, }fB *luuk, (moschus) fay 
je wong- keng, eB cheung. 

Deer’s horn, HE &. luuk- 


Defame, pe —_ 7, ee waai 

min muah 

Defeat, BK paai , Ril BY “tt 

paai, AJ fn ta-yeng. 
Defect, aa ER jee “Teuet’ 
Defend, i ie 170-00 

Defendant, a pl Ko. 

Defer, BY i) “kot iki, ie WE 
“chin-oon” (yield) HE ae 
tui-yeung , p24 Si foon- 

Deficiency, 4B FR “tuen-him, 

ZR ER him -k‘uet . 




Defile, Ge 1G “im-00, Ban TG 
tim -00, (a) a IIe shaan- 

ea iE ting’, cE WR 
ting” -in. 

Deflect, He AR “chuen-ts‘e. 

Deformed, is bs “ch‘au- 
kwaai . 

Defraud, ia Kaa ngaak-p'in 

Defy, yah BA kik- tau , FE TAZ 
‘ye- -tik, Ha Bie hing-tik, pS 
ra “Tiue ‘ta. 

Degenerate, aS dit. ha -lau, 
A as Wit, yup- -ha -lau, > 
3 pat-ts%u . 

Prema, (in rank) JE ¥R 
kong oe Bs ri) ts‘aam- 
kaak , cone, s self) SE 
tiu-*min . 

Degree, te * tang, Jas ts‘ang, 
4K kup, (measure) RE to’. 

Deign, 3 BR shui-koo’. 

Dejected, AX Hf WK shau- 
mak-mak, AY Pope moon - 


Delay, te ta taam-kok , see 

ch‘i i-oon. 

Delegate, (to) ZF AE kaau- 
tok (@) Ze FEZ A 

“wai-tok -ke -yan. 
Deliberate, th pay chum-cheule , 
Teale sheung-leung (ADJ.) 
We pis taam’ -ting’. 
Delicate, es Bitsy kiu-nuen’, 
A. 1. yau-yeuk, YH iy 

ya -sde . 
Delicacy, (a) 3 FHF chan-sau. 
Delicious, Be kaai-mi , 

ES He ‘mi-mi . 
Delight, Sh 3¥ foon- hi. 
Delineate, eH waak-ch‘uut. 
Delirious, B84F faat -k*wong. 
Delirium, 4 k‘wong. 
Deliver, (save) BE kau, (up) 
Ze haut We tai, (over to) 


Delude, 3B} & mai-waak, Hen 
BX “hoo-waak. 

Deluge, Wk 7K huung- ‘shui. 

Demand, (in) oe aL shi- jung. 

Demand, (to) Al] FX cea 
“ts“ue, BE Ay iu -‘ts‘ue, We 
BB. pit iu’, (with violence) 

ie HY pik- ts‘ve. 

DEP 65 


chiaak - 

Demolish, ATK pe 

- sadi . 

Demon, vil “kwai. 

Demonsirate, i BA AIL ie 
Sar bata 2 
chi-ming-ching -kue . 

Demoralized, (as troops) Val 
fui, at ia tsuun’-fwulk, 
(the mind) 2 AYA waai - 

sum-shuut. - 
Demur, 5 a= Fy pat- “hong, *m- 

“hang, HE tui, HE rie 


Den, ay luung, He. uct, [a 

TI taw - hau. 
Denomination, Zs =f ming- 

teze xe ye tsze -ho . 
Denote, Aq =] “chi-shat. 

Denounce, #2 4 huung’-ko’. 

Dense, Aa aes ch‘au-mat. 

Dentist, A Fi} Be AE nga- 

foh- i- shang. 

Deny, * ~~ pat-ying’, "m- 
ying > Ae 
hai’, val s “salt Fe re 
huak- Ii, 1 G, ‘she-‘Zi. 

Depart, Fi} 3: pit-hue , AF 

EME hang-li, Bit: li-hue’.. 

pz. (4 wa ~’m- 

Department, aie koi- Siote 

hie AF a chik- “shau, Br ree 
‘shoh-shuuk, ff po. 
Depend on, 2 HG “i-laai’, 
“fay Se G-heaae . 
Deplorable, py + “hoh-han’ 
fit AR hom-jn. 
Deplore, AR RF pi-oi. 
Deport, HSE poon-hue’. 
Deportment, 47 Fe hang- 
wai, (correct) aS Ese 
Depose, 3 oa klk -chike. 
Deposit, (a) Ef” BA tong gj -tan, 

(to) [as “‘E chui at 

(pawn) $e ES ohn’ -tong , 
HB at’. 

Heponition, (verbal) [J (it 
“hau-kuung g, (from office) 
Bs fai, BB kaak -chik. 

Depraved, Wt Be iss ts‘e-ok , 
AWA py sum-waai . 

Depreciate, AG UG hohn -tai, 
WE BR eai-heng. 

Depress, JER ye aat -lok. 

Depressed, [A] k‘wun’ -wut. 

Deprive, Fe inet, Te Ze 

>) 5) 
kaak -hue . 




Depute, Zs = wai-tok . 
Deranged, Bl, Inen” > Bei tin. 
Deride, a4 e hi -siu. : Hes 

Jt hi-siv . 

Derive, (obtain) 4 3] tak- 

Derogate, 74 “suen. 

Descend, “A [@& ‘ha-kong’ . 

Descendants, tite haw’ ~yui. 

Describe, 4 Hi “chi-ch‘uut, 
Das Fe Fa AA lik-lik-‘piu- 
ming, ae i ati “kong- 
ts‘ing- ch‘oh, (write) at 

P eapuon, (every) 4} ff 
kok: -shik. 
Desecraie, Ai. 13 sit -tunk. 
Desert, eS ye, BP Ap Se- 
ngoi , Bais Ap kaau-ngoi . 
Desert, (merit), [Aj Bk yan- 
“lewoh, DT or kuung-lo. 
Desert, (to) JK HR tYo-t‘wet , 
5E BS “sauelo , Hh Bite 

Deserve, ite {2 ying-hai , ay, 
Ee koi-tong, Viz Ay ying 

fun . 

Design, (to) aT, ait hat es 

(a) Sa Fe D -iseung” ; at 
mau-leuk, (intention) 

oe y= “chue-t . 

Designation, = “ee tsze -ho . 

Designate, 7 WE ch‘ing- foo. 

Desire, AK yuuk, Ji uen’, 
Ne pe ts‘ ing-uen’ , (covet) 
4 t‘aam. 

pets AE pe) “chi sik, HE J 
pa - ‘liu, aK =F. hit ~‘shau. 
Desk, i) zh “se-tsze - 
*t*0i, (portable) Fa FG 

“se-tsze - Seung. 
Desolate, iM 3& koo-hohn, 
a ee ling-lok. 
Despair, Hh EY uy tsuet-mong ‘ 

Fe ~ shat-mong’. 
Desperate, fe ZS ay ‘mo- 
noi -hoh. 

Despise, Bi ie tni-shi , (EE 
i ‘moo-maan’, we A 
hing-fut, ee eae Kai 
’m-sheung -‘neaan. 

Despond, 5 wey shat-mong . 

Despotie, (oppressive) PY huuk, 

(government) & We a 

ts‘uen-k‘uen-ching q- 




Destination, 5: | hue - 
heung . 
Destiny, (fate) fF meng’, BE 


Destitute, Bs Mes Be | 
k‘uung- -kwun 

Destroy, Be Di “wai-mit, Be 
en war-laan’ AY Be paai’- 

waai . 

Destruction, JR TF mit-mong. 
Desultory, 3g ME laap-tsaap, 
40k Jeet He ‘mo-ts‘ang-ts‘ze. 
Detach, 4p | FSun-hoi. 
Detail, (in) A — chuuk- 

yat, (to) AR — RK ae 

chuuk-yat-chuuk-*i -‘kong. 

Detain, 4 ££ lau-chue’, +H 

BH. kang -‘choh. 
Detect, yas Hi ch‘aat -ch‘uut, 

ah HH “fong-ch*uut. 

Deter, tal BH. laan- choh. 

3 tm > 
Deteriorate, 46 ioe kau - 

PP et, ; «d 
waal, oe 38 shui-waai . 

4g Determination, FRE k‘uet -< . 


~ Determine, 7 ting’, pid k‘uet . 

a 1 its han’-00°, BB 
ts Fark i -00°, Ne ae tsang-00 . 

Detract, 3 +8 “kong-‘suen. 

Devastation, FF eg fong-fai » 

Develope, ay BA shue-hoi, 4FA 
as shan-faat , Bs BH fat - 

Deviate, #7 Ze hang-ch‘a. 

Device, aT kav, *hai . 

Devil, js pil ‘aot “wai. 

Devise, aT a kai-mau, 2 

= ch‘au- 
a ch‘au ane 
Devoid of, ##£ ‘mo or moo. 

Devolve, 4 am kaau-lok. 

Devoted, {Sire * xen. 
NY Fe sum-m0oo , ae ji 

Devotion, Zh Fi x. ie 
shing-hing -chi-lai, J Big 

Devour, hifi a neaang’ -tun, 

Devout, NN) shing-sum, B 
Big kin- hig 

Dew, Bek lo - “shut, 22 mo . 

Dexterous, Th hadu- shan. 

Diabetes, Fre ypk niu -lum. 

Diabolical, #8 If oki ~iu, Vl 
aa hacung-ole ; 

Diagnose, ZB “ch‘an. 




Diagonal, eK tse-*sin ey 
AK tui -kok -*sin . 
Teens, eng eight) J\ =) 

paat -kwe . 

Dial, A yat- kai, FF 

yat- k‘wat. 
Dialect, 4+ 3 “Yo-*wa, a 
an ‘to-'aam. 
Dialogue, pss mun -taap , 
ys aii seung-luun’. 
Diameter, 5 A king -*sin’. 
Diamond, 4> fil) Zy taun- 
kong-shek, ae Ay tsuen - 


2 cobiamge iy oh, IK is 
‘shui-se . 

Diary, Fj 3p, yat-hi. 

Dice, fa, -F- shik-tsze. 

Dice-playing, Pal} ff, chaak- 

Dictate, A nyt chuuk-foo , 
+ RE ‘hue-cheung, (to a 
writer) [J 1 fe Tashan. 

Dictionary, a Hi. teze = ‘tin, 
xe ee tsze - ‘lui. 

Dictum, hip ait ngaang’ - 

*wa . 

Die, (to) BE ‘sze, (said of 

men) 3} TH kavolt sha 
ay rend shan-koo . 
Diet, (to) FR kaw -“han. 

Differ, GF chaang, AR af il 
‘yau -fun-pit. 
Difference, 52 ch'd, Af i) 
fun-pit, QF chaang. 
Different, Ys [aj ’m-t‘uung, 
(very) ee F4 tie ch‘a-tak- 


Difficult, a: i a $k 

ok -tso . 
Difficulty, 338 wf kaan-naan. 

Diffident, {fi rs iS suun - 

Diffuse, (ii HY po -saan , 7 
Bh poh -yeung. 

Dig, gait kwut. 

Digest, JF 4, siufa . 

Dignified, Ay lag wai-im. 

Dignity, Ay fe aii, Fe WEN 

Digress, ¥ Bite chi-li. 

Dike, $f G4 hi-por’. 

Dilapidated, A Be tui 

waai . 




Dilate, 458 Ba chtaang-hot, 
(expatiate) ae SE xi 
fong- inet sai . 

Dilatory, WE he ch‘i-maan’ ; 
(*maan’ ‘ 

~ Dilemma, Bi BE ‘leung-naan. 

Diligent, #3) JJ k‘an-lik, a] 

Dilute, gre Ik “Kaau-‘shiti 
His Fe Kau-hi. 

Dim, fe je muung-luung, 


pe pemeions, fe fd ee eupe 
foot , jE ta to ‘leung’. 

Diminish, airX kaam- ‘shit. 
Diminutive, aN aN sai -mi, 

sii -mi. 

Dimple, ypy [Hy ‘tsau-nup. 

Din, iil Med ts‘o-heung, Pe 
BA pa pith. 

Ding-dong, hg he ding tong. 

Dinner, KE taai - ts‘aan. 

Dip, PRE chaam’, ih aS 
ch‘um-*ha’ » fe fp yum - 
‘ha, isi. 

Direct, EE. ching -chik, (to) 

FH BA ‘chi-‘tim, FR BR 
‘chi-kaa , FE BB “koon-i. 

Direction, FE fi hue -heung , 
Fi ley fong-heung . 

Directly, BI] Yl) tsik-haak, Ell 
Hep ¢stk-shi. 

Dirt, JE -E nai-‘vo, (dung) 
ER ‘shi. 

Dirty,. Viz HHH 00-t80, We BE 
la -‘cha, (to) HOE yp pitt 

“ching-00- -180. 

Disabled, 4" E mo-nang. 

Disabuse the mind, | Re 
3& hoi-maau-sak. 

Disadvantage, E> a shan’ - 
fa, * 1. pat-chik, 

Disaffected, A ikipj AR ’m- 

Disagree, J $A ’m-tui iz 
Pe ’m-ngaam, FY ap 

Disagreeable, aa “chal, +a 
kang , iN sum . 

Disappear, Fe FE shat-hue’. 

TpEePpsine, as 3 jie 
sui -uen , yan Wy chong af 
“naan, AE iii "m-chan - 

Disapprove, AR HA FX ’m- 

chuung-t . 




Disaster, Pj ys ee 3 hneung-sze 

Disavow, Jr Fl’ m-ying’. 
Disband, TL HE saan. ee: 

Disbritee: (Gi var ‘shai fai, 
(if * shat, ¥F chi, Ha“ uut, 

Discard, es Ff, ch‘ue- ‘min, 
ee HY ch*ue-ch‘wut, 

Discern, 3 BY “Kai-p‘oh . 

Discernment, A Wy ts‘eg- 

Discharge, Hi chiuut, 4 
fong, , (duty) ae AS Ap 
tsuun = poon-fun’. 

Disciple, PY AE moon- shang, 
1. He hok- shaang. 

Discipline, By =e kaa -faat , 
(exercise) oH AA lin’ macy 

Disclose, Ha eg paai-lo , Bg 
Hn lo ~ch‘uut. 

Discomfit, FT A “ta~paai . 

Discomfort, * Bi ib m- 

“shong faut . 

Discomposed, (a9 Ra im. 
moon . 

Disconcerted, 5 a ees shat- 

Disconsolate, Jk TER yau-yik, 

Bes ie yau-wat, 

Diesen, Ae iy FE pat- 
‘moon-i AFA pat-ei 
tsuuk, -y +H: k‘in- ‘nav. 

Discontinue, [- + ‘chi- ‘liu, 

Fan ‘buen, aj Es kaan- 


Discordant, AX Fl pat-woh, 
plz wee ‘m- ngaam. 
Discount, Fn BA GR kau - 
t‘au-*ngan, $y BRAK kau - 
ngan- shui, an kau . 
Discountenance, %, 74 Eid. 
“min-seung-“ue, pe fal pil 
ee Fz — 7 
a ee ; ye — ey lok 
tol, #4 k- huen - ‘chi. 

Discouraged, Bis ay song 

Di C. 1] > 
ime fame i-luun , 


Discover, saa FA ts‘um-kin,, 

Bs A “haau-ming, FF Hi 

Discredit, pee AE 
‘m-suun, FE Rb Fie sze-i. 

Discreet, 4 #4 “tsze-Sdi 


DIS 71 


Discrepancy, FA Sf 5% 4 
pat-tui -chi-ch'ue , mm AW 
: 2 > 
Pagan m-seung-tui -ch‘ue . 
Discrepant, Yr xf pat-tui , 
Discretion, aii ia “can-shaw , 
(at your) BR PP cE 
Sere, ee, 
ts‘ue- ni- chue-i . 
Discretionary, (rs {iB ts‘ue- 
“pin, (f- ya yum -i. 
Discriminate, AR AA fun- 
ming, A Fi fun-pit, ar 
Fil pin’-pit. 
Discuss, ¥2¥ at pin -luun . 

Disdain, Fis) Wi “miu-shi’. 

Disease, pe Wi tsat-peng’ , 


Hii TE pen g-ching. 


/} oe eh 

Disentangle, iif a ve 
chiwut, ip FA “baai-lut. 

Disengaged, 4#& [Ri] tak-haan. 

. 4 fg BOR ony 5 , 2 
Disgrace, YIy eg oo-yuuk, 33 

Jeg sau-yuuk. 

: : 5 | ¢ 2 
Disguise, {Pg 4p “ka-paan’. 

Diseust, IN JBR tsang-im’. 

Disgusting, Al sa “hoh-00 . 

Dishes, Aye ye ‘oon-tip. 

Disheartened, IK sum-foor. 

Dishevel, Hor eal, ‘saan-luen’. 

Dishonest, 4 ig. Le ‘mo- 
chan-shing, $i i. Eq mo- 

Dishonour, (to), 4 yuuk. 
i i ; ae, 
mo- ¢di-min . 

br . — C 
Disinclined, A AM ’m- ‘sewng, 


—s" Ge, 5) 
Aw VaR m-nen’. 

Disinherit, HH ch‘uut. 

Disinterested, HELD ‘mo- 

i oint, Aap E ney ij ts‘oh - 
me-kwut-tsit. , RE EW sey 
iii ‘ching-hoi-kwut-tsi€. 

Disk, he luun. 

Dislike, iif im. 

Dismal, 2 By sham-lum. 

Dismay, i ee taai -king. 

Dismembering, ~(a punish- 
ment) IES: aH ling-ch‘1. 

Dismiss, iB Se == ‘shai, | 

hue * ‘A pat- 

yuune’, Kx fong’, (clear out. 

—I dismiss you) 5723 ie 

lok- sewng. 


DIS 72 


Disobedient, [5 3H poo vik. 

Disobey, ie TA wal <pooi Ar 
Pe St ’m-teng- wa. 

Disobliging, fe HA a mo- 

chi ~) yin gy ; Wir 5 ngaak- 

Disordered, ja, luen’. 
Disorderly, VEN ‘Jo-" is‘, Ex] 
‘lo-" mong, ‘mong, 

aTE eal, laap-luen’. | 

Disown, A is EPA 'm-ying 

| Disparage, 3% ait AG “kong g-tar. 

Disparity, BZ ch‘a. 

Dispatches, 4 = mun-shue. 

ss ona seg fiz yeuk- 
“hoon, (a AOD) Sah py rail 
yeuk-ts‘oi- “p°0. 

is sea hi, shi, (with) H, 


Disperse, Bie we li-saan . 

Dispirit, SE FR song chi. 

Displace, Hf ‘AL poon-Inen’. 

Displaced, Fife fr li-* wai’. 

Display, | 1 “hin-in , 
Hj] cheung-ming. 

Displeased, * HAN cs 
Soon- “hi. 

Disposal, #4 HB “koon-li. 

Dispose, (arrange) Fe HE 

Disposition of pnd, Hn is 
‘pun -kaak , HH PE “pun- 

sing. ; JE SK A. pike. 
Dispute, Jo JR pin “pole. 

Disquietude, PEPE mo-_ | 


Disregard, x Ba’ m-koo . 

Disreputable, FE FB shat- 
Pai, AHF eo m-ho- 
i -sze . aS Vi, ha -iau. 

Disrepute, #5 LZ; ee mo- 

ming-shing, Ar i ’m-hing. 
Disrespectful, ws FS BK "m- 
kuung-king? . 
Dissatisfied, YX 4 Ae "m- 
_chi- -tseath, Ae i FS 

‘moon-t . 

Dissemble, aE i 4 cha -t80 » 
aE WK, cha Shing, BE ila 
3 cha ~“Iea-i ; cha, - a- J. 

Disseminate, {fff 1 0 sain 
(ii. fh ch‘uen-po, Be BA 

saan ” hoi. 

Dees ied FS ih waaici - 
’, PCE °m-siun - 


ale el 




Dissimilar, aS Vy’ m- ts‘ze. 

Dissipate, BY sain 
Dissipated, ? , Eft fong. -S20 , 

KE tae -tong : AL, Fy 
Dissolve, 4Y, BY fa -hoi, 5 
siu-scan: . 

_ Dissuade, PFA huen -kaai . 
Distant, }% ‘uen, ies yea 

Distaste, A TR kin’ -t‘aam. 

Distend, 5 BA cheung-hoi, 
pas BA chaang-hor. 

Distil, Zi ching, ait tsang . 

Distinct, Af BA fun-ming, 
BA KI] ming-paak. — 

Distinguish, Ae Fi fun-pit. 

Pistinguished, Hi SB ch‘uut- 
chuung , nad an ch‘iu- 

Distorted, A& waai, “me. 

Distract the mind, Af yy 
fun-sum, (crazed) BPE y}*y 
song -sum. sig 

Distress, Hf iE kaan-naan, 

ia kup-pik, (want) yy 
> | : 


Distribute, 4f IR fun-piaai. 

District, IY, uen . 

Distrust, gis k Fe Sze-l. 

Disturb, ure wy ‘Faau-tuung , 
+ EAL, “raau-luen’ 

Disturbance, (make) 2 Es 

shang-sze . 

Ditch, Ves vee kau-k‘ue, Ht 


414 | Diuretic, Fi] Tk BA l- ~shui- 


Dive, ie IK mi - shwi. 

Diverge, 4p 5-2 fun-chi, 2 

ch‘a- hau. 

Divers, 3 4a “ki-koh , Ie 
{E—(al ’m-‘chi-yat-koh , 
Ae — pat-yat. : 

Diverse, a AK ‘hi-*yeung’ , 
as i m-t‘uung. 

Divert, | Fe ‘yan-hoi, (the 
mind) FR iy 2i-sun. 

Divide, 4p BR fun-hor. 

Divination, 5 Jy chim-puuk. 

Divine, (of God) [i (AY) 
nF Sheung’-tai -he’. 

Divining blocks, = kaart - 




Division, (a) ee, yat-tuen , 

ales oF yat-fun, — id 
yat- “Koo. 
Divorce, HC 2% yau-hi , Hi 
ch'uut, Af BE fun- “tstai. 
Divulge, FF A Al wa -yan- 

Dizzy, op wun , BA ‘apt t‘au- 

wun, ve wee t‘au-wun. 
Do, fe ts0 , ZF hang, Fs 
wai, (don’t) QA RF ’m-‘ho, 
vr © : 
IK mal. 
Dock, (for ships) ff¥ ya 
shuen-o , GX AY tin tso - 

Doctor, Ee a t- “gus 
Doctrine, Eg kaa , .) 52 

to =‘li, 
Documents, eer shue-kat , 
= mun-shue, 
Dodder, 48 HE ff mo-ip- 
Dodge, FA St yuung - "hai. 
Doe, ee yau, jis mi. 
Dog, Af “Tau, Fe “huen. 
Dog fish, Peeled tit ~‘to-sha. 
Dog-rose, ie Be Ay, t‘ong- 

aang- fa. 

Dogged, Ty Mi “koo-‘paan, 
hip 38 ngaang’ - ‘eng. 

Dogmatic, AL yan chup-t , fi] 
ai} koo -chup. 

Doleful, in as pai ti . 

Dolichos, $3 koht’. 

Doll, BS FF uung-tsai. 

Dollar, oh GX ngan-*ts‘in, 
KG taai -uen. 

Dolt, tf nau - tsdi. 

Domestic, Fe ka, (servants) 
KK Xx ka-yan. 

Dominate, Ht iE nit cha- 

k‘uen-ping . 
Dominoes, "4" Fa kwut- a: 

Done, — SC tso. -uen, — 


Donkey, a *Ine. 

Dooms-day, Be ¥E A 
kwai-kit -yat-‘tsze, ae Bl 
H “shum-p'oon -yat. 

Door, FP moon, (-way) PA 
[J moon- haw. 

Dose, (a) ia tsdi. 

Dot, BA ‘him. | 

Dotage, AC lo- muung- 



75 DRA 

Dote on, #4 Sg? nik-o7’. 
* Cs 
Dotted, — Bi BS yat- tim- 
tim. @ 
Double, fh 43 ‘Jeung- ‘p‘ooi, 
(ADJ.) te sheung, ij: 

ma, (meaning) te Ral a 
sheung-, kwaan~ aoe , (to) Wf 

ee fe ha-yat- p‘ooi, (to 
fold) +4 chip. : 
Double flower, @% 4G 4E 
sheung *tok - fa. 
Double-tongued, = [J FW 
saam~hau- leung-li . 
Doubt, JH, Fae sze-i, de x 
Doubtful, AS i ‘m-ting’. 
Doubtless, Bitty gab * mo- istoh 
Dough, 4 Bn faat -min’. 

Dove, ee kop’ , BENE paan- 


Pive-tailed, Ze 4G ASE kaau- 

“chi-‘suun, we | Bj tau - 
suun . 

Down, (feathers) $EE yuung- 
mo, (on the skin) 7 = 
hohn-mo, ¥Jj = yan -mo. 

Down, (-ward) “RA ha, Be 


Down stairs, ERE lau-t‘ai- 
ha’, (go) Ye fee lok-*lau. 

Dowry, AK te chong-lim. 

capes: (to) ie Hall HE hap- 
“ngaan-fun . 

Drab, (a colour) BE fff luut- 

Drag, Fir lai, FE mang’, 
mang, +i, t‘oh. 

Dragon, HE luung, (a) 1 


Dragon-fly, wre fh t‘ong- mt. 

Drain, (to, te | a hoi- 
tau’, (a) HF YE om -k‘ue, 
[a vat rte. 

Drake, HB a aap - kuung. 

Draught, (a drink) — JR 

ahaa a rough, iJ Tia 
“ts‘o-‘ko, (wind) 8 Eng iat 

tuung- -fuung-shue . 

Draw, Fr Jar, +f mang , 

(towards) i maan, (pic- 
tures) Pads se, (water) We, 
k‘ap, #J “tat, Ti; fut, (a 
sword) He pat, BY tH 

“tsue-ch‘uut, (to influence) 

| ‘yan. 




Drawer, #lf Ae kwai - ‘tuung. 

Drawing- Sete: Zee fa haalke - 


Drawl, Al fe ee ait laai- 

ch‘eung-sheng- Tong. 

Dread, Fete wai -kue , a 
aE Song-p* a . 

Dreadful, Fi] SE =e li -hoi.. 

Dream, ea, mung (to) Bs 
Bel, fant -mmunng 

ney, fic GS pai -ae . 

Dredge, (to) Es We 

Dregs, we Yaz cha- ‘tsze, J 

Drench, PLE 3B es 0 tau . 
We ne shup-sadi « 

Dress, ae chong-paan. ; (to) 

32 Fe AR cheub-i-fuuk. 

Dressing-case, ts keng - 

lim, $e BE keng - (chong. 
Dried up, }jAl Ey, k‘ok -kohn, 
Ber HE kohn-saai . 

Drift, to, oe piu-lau. 
wea p‘o-p‘o- 

Drifting, $5 

— faan? (paan’ ). 

Drill, (to) $F tswen’, (a) HF 
-F- tsuen’-“tsze, (practice) 

AA Sia tsaap-lin , Fee ts‘o, 

Drink, ¢k “yum. 

Drip, Fal 4 ve AE tik-tik- 

Drive, (away) RFE chuuk- 
hue , t8 25 “kohn-chuuk, 
(push) HE tui, (a horse) 


Drizzle, 3 yas TM lok-“ue- mi. 

Droll, Ry ER ‘ho-ts‘ue, (8 
laughing | stock) 4 

situ peng . 
Drollery, j§R aa ts‘ue “wa. 

Dromedary, Fay Il Be tuuk- 

Droop, é shui, (decay) $F 

Drop, (a) ia tik, (to stop) 
ees fong -lok, (fall) Fe 

tit -lok. 

Dropsy, 7K “shui- chuung, 
“koo-cheung « 

Dross, fe ‘shi, Wy Be cha- 
“tsze, (of silver) oe {Ve 

Drought, a iA tin-hohn. 
Drown, Pe HE ch‘um-sze, a 
aE nik-‘sze, OE tsum’ - 



7 DUP 

Drowsy, AR Hall” ngaan- fun, 
Fall ya, fav -wun, hap- 

Drub, #4 4J “pfaang- ‘ta. 
Drudgery, He at tsin -ngai . 
Drugs, 9 ZI) yeuk-ts‘oi, 
Drum, Ay ‘hoo, (a) — it] 

by yat-min - “00. 
Drum-stick, BY BG “oo- 


Drunk, pis ey tsui -‘tsau. 
Drunkard, Nel 9 A lan - 


Dry, By kohn, FA ‘hohn, IR 
‘shong, (to) bes EY) ‘ching- 
kohn, (in the sun) Hyp e¥9 

shaai anaih; (at the fire) 

ee pooi , (in the air) Hse 
Ey long” -kohn. 
Duality, (the two modes of 

nature) fj 4 ‘leung-i, Ken 
iB yum-yeung. 

Duck, ia aap (wild) Ik AS 
‘shui-*aap (Muscovy) al 
le faan-aap 

Duck-weed, YH 2s p‘o*-k‘in. 

«Due, BY ES hoi-tong, ing 

tong-waan, (owing) IR him’. 

Dug, (a) 9% BA ‘naai-t‘an. 
Duke, AL FR kuung-ye. 

Dull, FB ngen, il tuun mes 

B ngau’-tau’, (gloomy) 
Ken a POE yum-yum- 
ch‘um-ch‘um, eet yum- 
ai, (tint) FS ‘ve. 

Duly, 44¢ Hh Hk, 

Dumb, + a a~ ha. 
Dumfound pee” halle -ts‘an, 
Bigs SE 5 hale -to -ngoi. 
otek i “a-ha, Ag 

{F a-tsai. 

Paniping, Ik an oe ‘shai 
kaa - “ts2e, aes fall wun’ - 

Bik: (to) ff 3H 
3H Bie prk- “Joh. 

Dunce, $f ii tuun’-t‘o7, 

Dung, @F fun’, BR “shi, (to) 
He 4 lok -fun. 

Dungeon, JH ZF ti’-lo. 

Dung-hill, se HE fun - ui. 

Duped, | ‘sheung-tong? : 

HH at chuung “la. 

Duplicity, = y i i gece = 

TF PS Hl saam- hau- 






Durable, yoy 1p k‘um- ‘shai, 
Wo 44: iis ksum-tak-noi . 

During, — 2 iit chi- 

noi E why ij bow - 
noi . 
Dusk, fa 3y wong-fun, PR 

aai-* aan. 

Dust, 8 ch‘an, ein ch‘an- 
oi, (to) Tif jiz3) JSut-ch‘an, 
faak -ch‘an, ip “yeung. 

Duster, TH fe thi faak - 
ch‘an-po’, (feather-) 56. 4a 

mo- 80. 

Dutiful, ai shuun-leung, 
NB HE shuun’-ts‘uung. 
Duty, Aa “noon-fun (cus- 
tom) fn) $B “heung-*ngan. 
Dwarf, FF AK ‘ai-yan, (to) 

jit ry fs} wut-‘koo-shue . 
Dwell, J5 kue, Je FE keue- 
Dwelling house, 4E Fe Izy 
Dwindle, ay vie Ma tsim’- 

chue. -ka-uuk. 
tsim -shuuk. 

Dye, Ye fs “im-shik. 

Dynamite, Wf 38 cha -yeuk. 

Dynasty, BA] ch‘iu, (By af 

kwok -ch‘in. 
Dysentery, AL 3A huung-li’, 

40 4 ie huung-paak-li’. 
Dyspepsia, es E ting-shik, 

As HE AY, pat-siu-fa . 
Dysury, Ay 1 SEB “stu 

pin’ -pat-tuung. 
Each, TE ‘mooi, 45 kok, 

oe other) Aig seung 

ages! <i | “han-ts‘it , Bil 

Eagle, me Mes shan- ying, 
Rar, ET We * i-té, EL fF * i- 

Ear of corn, Fi sui, — =a 
ey yat-k‘uung-kuuk. 
Ear-ring, Ef Be -*waan. 
Ear-wax, Ef mR i-‘shi, F- 
Yi ‘i-yau. 
Far-wig, hy gk yau-in. 
Earl, {Hf paak . 
Early, 5. “ts0. 




Karn, Bre chaan’, *chaan . 

Earnest, 4 BW “nan-shing, 
$h Hy ‘aibassitiee 

Earth, a ti, (matter) He 
+ nai- to. 

eran, # cc ‘nga- 
hi’, #0 Ff, hong- nga, (fine) 
‘yy, BE ts ze-hi. 

Earthquake, ph ti’ -chan’, 

EKarth-worm, Hh HE ti -luung, 

) ia K wong- huen. 

Ease, Fe ohn, FF Me ohn-lok 
(with) vin Fil lau-li’ (lai’), 
(to) ina A fong. -suung, 

(nature) 4 Hy ch‘uut- 
kuung, K {iii taai -pin . 

East, He tuung, Hise tuuny- 
pin, Hi tuung-fong. 

Easy, IS By yuung-i, (com- 

 fortable) =| XE tsze -tsoi . 

Kat, E shik, WZ yaak. 

Haves, AG I yum-hau, A 
BA yum-*t‘au, p= [J im- 


Kaves-dropping, A hy Ki) 

moon-ngoi “ta- -teng . 

Ebb, IK By shu- kohn. 

“Ebony, jF% #4 AK 00-movi- 

muuk, (Chinese) BS py 

suen- chi. 

Ebullition, te tt “wun hi. 

Eccentric, Hi 7A He Aly 
ch‘uut-k‘war-‘kue- -ngoi : a 
| KN a gS yan, ’m- 
t‘uung-yan- ti’. 

Echo, |g] EJ [fa] o0i- “heung, ie 
Fee ying -sheng, Tig He 

chong -sheng. 

Kclipse, fill shik. 

Ecliptic iy Ef wong-to. 

Economical, 3 kim’ te Fa 
kim’-yuung’, (EX BR haan- 

Economize, 1 FAskim’- 
yuung, PEE sik. 

Ecstasy, y- mi chue -shan, 
WH Yee Aig shan-yau-kik. 
Eddy, JE] RE ooi- “ane, Crater) 
3] pes IK “to-ts“0-‘shui, 
(wind) ia BA EA “chuen- 

tfau-fuung. » 

Edge, (of a knife) [J “ha, 
LE fuung, (side) ye pin, 
(near the) ay mun. 




Edict, AL ra chaat’ -ue , cs 
sheung” -ue. 

Kdity, bind {ili foo -tak, yeu 

{ila kin’ -tak, 7s II") ‘yeung- 


Edit, #2 J kaa ting. 
Educate, HN Fs kaa - ‘yeung. 
Educated, aS = tuuk-shue, 


Kel, ge. ff shin-ue, {conger) 
A. ey Vier ihe’ 

Effect, FE lie haan -im’ , Air 
BY shoh-chi , AT AK shoh- 
shing, ir Ge BR “shoh- 
‘shai-in, Fa “kwoh. 

Effeminate, ei. KX ie ‘nue- 

Effervesce, BSE faat ~“kwun. 

Efficacious, y} Bx kuung- 
haau , an leng. 

Effluvia, A Sa, wai hi. 

Effort, (make an) 4 yi) 
“fun-lik, Hi A ch‘uut-lik. 

Ege, 4 *taan’, SA “lwun, 

an chiuun. 
Egg-plant, a pn “foo (F100 
Fs wy. ai- wa. 

Egg-shell, ie zy *taan -hok . 

Bgregiously, k & taai - 

Egret, FY paak-lo’. 

Hight, J\ paat . 

Righth, #4 /\, tai’-paat’. 

Either, By waak. 

Eject, 8 Hi “kohn-ch‘uut, 
i ch‘uut. 

Elaborate, Re Ty ead fai - 


sane 5h J kwoh = lin, 
kwoh’ -hiu. 

Flas, 34) ngan A ica] 7] 
‘yau-ngan "lik, 

Blated, FESR EER chi -hi- 

Elbow, ‘shau-chaang. 

Elbow-chair, F | ey huen- 

‘shau- i. 

Elder than, va Us taai -ue, 
St ‘lo-kwoh . 

Elders, fe mo ‘cheung- ‘lo. 

Eldest son, $@ 2 ‘cea 

“tsze, K {F- taai -‘tsai. 
Elect, 5 | “kaan, ee Suen. 
Electric eel, Ke ‘foh- ‘shin. 

Electric telegraph, fi, +R 
tin -po . 

Sa ee a a ee) ae Se st 
wine , “ ta rs 
r : 2 . 

In. «rer ett Mel ee 
+ ae oF 

ae eR 




Electricity, Ey SA tin’-hi. 

Peeaire- plate, #2 (4) 
tin’-to - -(kum). 

Elegant, Ay leng ey ied 
He WE yau-yau- nga-‘nga, 
oe HE mun- nga. 

Elements, 7G FF uen-chat, 
(the five) Fy 4F “ng-hang, 
(of learning) Ay) ch‘oh- 

hok, 27 fee hok-chi-. 

Elephant, FF tseung . 

Elephantiasis, AB taai - 

sha-t‘ai, wr rier chéile -fuung. 
Elevate, A we 
Elevated, = yy ko-ngong. 

Eleven, .. —— shap-yat. 

Eleventh, pa + tai - 


| Elf, if, bs iu-kwaai , iB 

“ma- lau-tsing. 
Eligible, <> FA hop-yuung’ . 
Ellipse, $& [B] J ch‘eung- 
uen-ying, ea lel| “t‘oh-uen. 

% pra language, OPM 


Elk, JER JB, mi-luuk. 


Elm, Ai ue. 
Elope, A, Bk sze-t'0, 2 BB 

“tsauclo . 

Eloquence, [J Ff “hau-ts‘oi, 

iloqnent, oe “ho= ‘hae 

hole , 

Else, (besides) 5 yh ling’- 
ngoi, (if not) 7 Ay Fz 
yeuk- ‘pat-shi ; yt rz. (% 
yeuk-’ m-hai , (then) a {% 

tsau > hai’. 

Elsewhere, #4 — FR tai -i'- 
shue , tai -shue . 

Elude, Yb HS to-tuet , 3 
A t‘o-lut. 

Elysium, 4a 3% Tit SS kik- 
lok-shat -kaat . 

Emaciated, aS shaw -‘suen. 

Emaneipate, EX fong ; oe fii 4 

shil: Fong . 

Embankment, FX ki, Ft Ge 

ki- pol . 

Embargo, 2 | #7 FRY kum’ « 
‘chi-hang-shuen. — 

Embark, ye fee lok-shuen. 

Embarrass, $y BSH kang - 
‘choh, +e kat-kue (k6 ), 

B lui. 




Embarrassment, KA ie faan- 

Embassador, GR SB yum- 

{G ef sau-shik. 


Embers, 1 3) foh-shing 
Embezzle, Fi. Hy or “ts‘we, 

Emblem, Ne Ke ue - “pitt 
Embossed, fe py fau-tut. 
Embowel, fl] Ri: ong “téo, 
Embrace, hei +f) waai-° p‘o. 
Embrasure, Pash ° p‘ai- “ngai, 
HK J, sheng-*yan. 

Embroider, #4 FE sa - fi. 
Embroil, Fal Bl, naau -luen’. 

Embryo, fi p‘o0i. 

Emendation, BIE ke Choi. 
ching: -ch'ue . 

Emerald, i - ioe Lui - 
suung -luuk, $8 Bye 
ying-m0o-luuk, (an) 3-f; 

Emerge, a ch‘uut-lai, Hi 


Emergency, ek YJ WE 

kup-ts‘it -shi-hau . 

Emetic, Be ils BA faat ~“au- 


Emeu, $x ¢ BB hike Joh- kei. 
Emigrate, Hi 4h Fy 4E 

ch‘uut-ngoi -fon g-chue . a 

Eminent, By ko, Fa tsuen. 
Emolument, 44 jf ong . 

luuk. ; 

Emotion, ii tating , By - 
ts‘ing- tuung’. a 

Emperor, El wong-tai | 

Emphatic, 4B x “han-sheng. 

Empire, (the world) K ff 
‘in-ha . 

Empiric practice, Entiat co 
Fe tuen - ‘Teoo-kewung: Soo, 44 7 
ipPRip “ko0- tha-s hi ~ ‘ha. 

Employ, ( Fj yom “young, _ 4 
(ui “shat. : 

Employer, Lz pA Sze "tau. 

Employment, 4. EA Sze ip. 

Empower, (3 42 a 

Empress, eB = wong-haw 

Empty, 5s fin huung-hue, yas : 
huung, ae kat (a. euphe- — 

mism for huung), (to) wee | 
aS ‘ching-huung. 7 
Emulate, = a ts‘oi -shing , 
ae Ag, ts‘oi-yeng, FY BK , 

tau -haau . 




Enable, 4—— #E ling’ 

Enact, By cht’, 4 tok’. 

Enamel, Ge cas VE ts‘ze-hi - 
yau, (cot) iB ‘long- 

Encamp, 3 ee chaap -ying. 

Enchantment, ie a, [Be mai- 

wan- -chan’. 

' fat wai-maai 
Enclose, : oH ‘ 

c=" 8 “ > 

A wai-chue’. 

_ Encoffin, Ky Hy shau- lim. 
: . e - >) 
Encompass, fl FE wai-chue . 
pe le <> 
Encore, FH Yea tsoi -“in. 
» 2 

Encounter, sH4 ue. 

City ‘D 
Encourage, $s Pa min-lai , 

\ 1) $8 huen - ‘min, ah 4 

Encroach, 4 4) fs‘wm-chim’. 
Encumber, B & lui’-chui’. 
Encyclopedia, tA lui -shue, 
End, Wi F& shau-‘mi (mi), 
4% chuung, (either) BA t‘au. 

Endanger, A — [er hi 

Endeavour, HY Fj ch‘uut-lik, 

aX shi. 


Endless, if Ge mo- k‘uung, 

Bi ae mo- seg 

Endowments, ih FX  ‘pun- 
chat, Wr ts‘ol, (property) 
pane See sheung-ip. 

Endure, (last) TF ts‘uen, #4 
me (bear) ay it yan- 
noi , ie 44 noi -tak. 

ie th Rag ch‘an-tik, va 
faz tui -tik. 

Energy, FJ lik, i Fy shai - 

Enervated, ) —— 

Knfeebled, Di ee 

Aetinee fej] 4 lak- ‘ing’ » {if 
‘shai, Wh FEB. pit-‘shai. 

Engage, 4 AY yum -yuung’, 
(to marry) iE 5) ting’ - 

Engaged, (occupied) AG Hy. 
‘yau-sze , ANF A] ’m-tak- 

Engagement, (agreement) 
youk , 243 yeul -suun , 
(business) ae Be sze -kohn’. 

Engine, $s Dy ki-hé. 

Engineer, a k at taal - 

*Ieait , second, _— at i-*kai 




England, RG Al a Ying- | | | Ensign, iis ki. 

kat-li'-kwok’, Ga4fy Ying- 


- English, Hi Ying. 

Eneraft, =| ii ts‘im- -shue , 
$e AY tsip -chi, 

Engrave, Fie ll tiw-hak. 

Engross, Fa Be “Jaam-maai. 

Enigma, ii BE a-*mooi, ey 
ae pooi - ue. 

Enjoin, AJ & teng-tuuk. 

Enjoy, a. “heung. 

Enlarge, es v4 fat -taai : 
ues K “ching- -taai . 

Enlighten, HB chin kw Ag 
Enlist, 44 chiu. 

Enmity, fit, Pu, ch‘au-wen’. 
Ennui, ie PE haai -kuen’. 
Enormous, ( (great) HK 

shum’ -taai’. 

Enough, 4s kau » AE tsuul, 

Enquire, ah i ‘fong g-un 

Enrage, {BY Fe kik-no’, yeh 
ai kik-nau. 

Enraptured, x aS 45: ay 


Enrich, 47 — ling 


Ensure, (oe ee “0- ‘ling. 

Entangle, tH TE kang -chue : 

— Kkwaang -chue’, Aa eal, 

Enter, v8 yup, MEA, fsuun - 
yup, (on life) tH ey ch‘uut- 
shan. | 

Enterprising, ay ve ap ho - 
“ch‘ing g-k4, A Ve =] Fa 
“haang- -tsoke - “haang-wai. 

Entertain, 774 Be chiu- sip . 

BG ASE hohn-toi . 

Enthusiasm, ee run foo-chi 
PN Si 57 Se aa litit-chi-he 
Entice, 5| as yan- ‘yau, (or 

urge to) 4 lau. 
Entire, -[+ 4> shap-ts‘uen. 
Entirely, WK 1 ts‘ ai-saat , 
— Be yat-keoi , ae vit 
tsuun-*ti . 

Entitled to HE F 45 gn 
Entrails, Big Hie tsong” -'{00, 
(ox’s) A #6 ngan-tsaap. 
Entranced, A, &) BE yup- 

waan’ - hing. 

Entrapped, A Fs] 2 yup= 

huen- io 

* athe eg Selly 


85 ESC 

Entreat, A 5 a han- kau. 
Entry, ae ie yup- lo. 

Enunciate, aeettth kong-chiuut, 

Envelop, AY AE padu- -chne 
Envelope, (of a letter) 4 pag 

») ae D) 
suun -haam, 47 AS sun - 

=H, a bt sunn - funy. 
Rus sacral > ee 
Envy, Wye Api tsat-fo , Api Be 
Br, AB EL Span. 


Epicure, 4 7K -¥- Ce ko- | 

leung- Sscaatet ; 

aN MATa ee 3 
Epidemic, F¥ Tie shi-ching . 

Dees 3 a yd 
Epidendrum, in Ri iu - 

Epilepsy, ae So ts faat - 

yeung-7 u. 
Epistle, 4=3 3 AL suun -chaat . 
Epitaph, fen jis 100 chi. 

a ) 
Epithet, Al oe pit-ho . 

x *. #2 a 
Epitome, ak we taai -*leuk. 
av = ¢ n: 
Equal, S land, AG oe SseUuny/- 

C F 
any, oS kiwun-pine. 
Equally, a] kavun, 2p p‘ing. 

Equanimity, EL sum- 
: 2 

f > ix > 
Equator, Dy 4 chile -to . 

| Equipped, 

Ean inok H {% 2p. Ae yat- 

ye -ping-fun, (vernal) 5 
Af ch‘uun-fun, (autumnal) 

Ak Af. is‘au-fun. 

(dressed out) 

Sy Pe th ts‘nen-shan-p'i- 

ku tb. 

| Equitable, LNA Nplgae 

Equivalent, Ai wt Z gy BS ny 

chik-kom > -toh-* *ts‘in- Ke. 

ane 2 Bal adi 

“kon- sheung- kwaan-"w a. 

Kx ” vocate, 

_ Erase, ald: Ieaat -hue , BE 

= *ch‘a-hue « 

Erect, 77 Tai laap-chik, Py 
EU. shue - hi, ' at bat 
aw “hi, (upright) 4 ‘ki. 

| ‘Err, ZK chia-shat, K ae 
shat- ne , ay ching . 

Error, gts ts‘oh . 

Er uption, (on the skin) ate ZS 
chsuut-chean, je ZS pudn- 

Erysipelas, Jee TH. “aan-tsue. 

Escape, aE 45 FA “tsau-tak- 
lut, yeahs fit tuet -li, (a way 
of) x hue ‘lo. 

Meee, itl A 00° -suung « 




Especially, Pr geaie brid | Europe, Re BY, Au-loh-pa. 

ti kang “hail, 2 EX BB. 

chi =‘kan-iv . 

Essay, (an) ao = 

Essence, Hey Eps ising-Wa, ey | 
Aa tsing- sui. 

Essential, if ZA pit-sue. 

Establish, oat Tr. kin’ -laap, 
aT se laap-tine’ . 

Estate, +5 sé ki-ip. 

eee (consider) Vy Fi, 


Evacuate, $B FS poon-huuny, 
(bowels) iF “kaai--shau, 
Hi as ch‘uut- kuuny. 

Evade, He FA tui-lut. 

Evaporate, Fra shing-saan . 

Evasive, 5 3 fay (A BE p‘ong- 
haau-chak-kik, Paha shiin- 

Even, op p‘ing, oombe a 

By sheung-sho (also) ik 
yik, #I$ too. 

‘i-wai, (respect) Pf Ff Evening, Hs, ° maan, (towards) 

tsuen- chuune é 
Estimate, Ie JE, 

i= jE leung-tok. 
Ht cetera, AQ AR AN yan - 

‘vau- -f7. 

suen -tok, 

Eternal, Wk See ‘Wwing-‘uen. 
Etiquette, yy ne ‘siu- lais 
. Cay ae S » 
ah Fil ' seu-tsil , t# v4 
i-chue . 
Eunuchs of the palace, Fk Ee 
* ae > 
faa -kaam . 
Euphemism, = WE ae ce 

ts‘eung-*wa> te £54 aa 
5 oo hwx H 

c ois er 
nga-chi -"wa . 

B | ‘maan, (dark) 
Ng, 2 Pel Smaan-hak. 

Evening-star, fe Be Ab 
ch‘eung-kang-, sing. 

Event, Hl sze -ts* ng; eS 
portant) Fe sy. taai -sze . 
Eventually, We Fe ine Jn, 
Ever, Xr Br pat-hit , (eter- 

——soyee, Cys i 
nally) ZJ< 33%  Wing- uen- 
, : Cas : 
(any time) Ba Hae fi-shi. 
rater > = 2 
Ever-green, ja) 4B Fig chau 

Everlasting, Jf 
ee 2 
{it wing-sha . 

eo. =- 
wing, JI 




Every, 4] 4B) toh’ hoi’, 

-  (N.B.—Zvery is expressed 

by epenting the noun), 

Everything, eR Ey yeung 
yeung 1 (-is) 43, EF Ks 

. mat-- ye-too-hai. 
Everywhere, #3} Rak to -ch‘ue , 

Al Fal chau-wai. 

Evidence, 3 = =o te ching. -kue, 

iy pang, (verbal) [J Ak 

Evident, BA FJ] ming-paak. 
Evil, i ok. 
Ewe, En $y yoane: ‘moo. 
Ewer, 7< ff ‘shui-p‘eng. 

Exact, 4 bop, JE ching’, 
bees - te We ygaam- 

Exact, (to) Hh Hl] ch‘au-mok, 
(extort) Bh cay lak-sok we 
a pork-lak. 

Exaggerate, ek 48 Fk a 
“kong-tak-t'aai -kwoh , Ah 
= kik-in. 

Exaggeration, Jy 3 tani - 

Exalt, fhe i “kue-Ko. 

Examination, (Miterary) # 

ay “haau-shi . 

Examine, #5 Fa “hadu-Kau , 
judicially) rie i ‘shun 
mun , fig Hi proon-mun . 

Example, AR -¥- yeung ~ tsze, 
effect of TN 
Ms ct of) EAC AY, fuung 

Exasperate, a  ch‘aau- 
paau . B i 
Exceed, #¥ 3B shing -kwoh « 
Exceedingly, Ft Th taai - 
kwoh oie ii tai -shum 
Excel, ah, yeng, BS A 
shiny -kwoh 
Excellency, (a title) kK AK 
tai -yan, 32 Ee Hin -t‘0i. 
Excellent, Ay HF kik-‘ho. 
Except, (to) BRA ch‘ne-hue , 

> =} pat-hai , (unless) 
Ay 7 ‘Kau-pat, fy Fe 
aS “ong-yeuk-’m 

Excess, 1a is kaools tong, sa 
Ee kwoh -to « 

Excessively, Sha BA *Iwoh = 


Exchange, 4 +6 tui -oon . 




Excite, Boas #s ‘us’ ye, HE 
eh suung- yuung, GE ii 
‘suung- “hi, Pe eh hing- 

tuung . 
Exclaim, jf PER foo-haam’. 
Exclude, ee Hi ch‘ue-ch‘ wat. 
Excrement, “shi. 

Excrescence, Hf; #¥ yau-chui , 

4 y chui’-*lau. 

Excruciating, ps “ts‘aam. 

Exculpate, Fe FY Piw-paak. 

Exculpation, ists Be “haai- 
shuet , HE ae tui “wat. 

Excuse, (to) "A aH kin’ - 
leung'’, (make a) AL ate 

tok -ts* Ze, FE Lone 

Execute, 4x J tso -shing, 
yee BX paan °-shing. 

reapers IE Te ching g * 
faat , (ground) pe fact - 

Executioner, a = shaat - 

FEE council, Ae EX a 

‘i-ching? -*kuuk. 

Executor, Be 46 oor A 

shau -fok -chi (ke )- baie IK 

se J, shing-paan *-yan, 

Exempt, vo ‘min. | 
Exercise, (motion) 49 

hang-tuung’, (practice) AA 
fei aoe 

Exert, # ‘fun, 2% BE faat - 
fun, (strength), @ Fy 

— i Hi a a 


Exhaust, iat tsuun? , ae 

‘ shat- tsuun. 

Exhibit, %a§ wa faat =i » RA 

aR “hin-shi . | 
Exhilarated, 3R ye ‘shong- 


Exhort, by] huen. 

Exigency, B& &. “kan-kup. 

Exist, cE tsoi , Aq ‘yan, AF 

Exit, (way) Fe RS hue’-lo, 
ae E ch‘uut-chue . 

Exorbitant, AS Si taat - 
kwol Bm Ui toh-tak 

Exorcise, 27 bil chuuk- Kwai. 
Expand, Wie BA cheung-hor. 
Expanse, haa ho -tong’ Bei 
Fal iE “kwong -foot -shue . 




Expect, 2 mone’, AF toi , 
Kt a 2 ey DK liu’ -pit. 
Expedient, (convenient) {i 
vey pin’ -i, (an) aT kaw. 

Expel, Hi “koln-chSuut, 

diag yah ‘ shiti~ fai. 

Expense, Be FA na ‘“shai- 
yuung -* *ngan. 

Experienced, tei Jo-*lin’, 
‘a Bb Iewaan’ -shuuk, 
(hand) 3 = ‘lo- shaw. 

Experiment, 3X Eig shi -im’, 
b34 Sf ‘pi-pring . 

oo ote (hand) Lh =. “hau 

“shan, (at) si i shin - 

Expiate, Beg shuuk. 

: sid i PE foo, hel Sa p‘un'- 
hi, (die) ml Set tsuct-d 

al SA Senen-hi, at 
| tsuun’, (time) wi moon. 
Explain, fiz. “Teauati. 
Explanation, fii sip “kaai- 
shuet , fy. “kaai-faat . 
Eixpletive, Ka sa hue-tsze . 
Explicity, BA AAA Ey ming- 

ming-paak-paak. , 

Explode, Ke cha, 

Kae HH 
paca -chuut. 

Explore, Sf fit yau-koon, ee 
oe taam -shaak , Gg Hy 

Explosion, te paang, paang. 

EY) HE PA chong 
( fol ) chuut- “hal, 

Expose, BA ‘Bg ‘hin-lo’, 
En kuuy-Kit . 

Expostulate, ahi kaan’, Fe} 
ahi huen -kaan . 

Expound, ae i “kong=‘Ieaai. 

Express, (to) nk Ht “kong- 
ch‘uut, (an) s Hi & 
ts‘in- li- ma. 

Expression, pj ae ts‘ze- ue, 
(of face) Sx, ffi, hi -shik. 
Expressive, (open as the face) 

vie ee “s‘in-lo . 

Expressly, Wee XE tak- tang. 

Hixpunge, ES > *ch‘a-hue . 

Exquisite, Py miu, Py Ae 
miu -kik. 

Extant, Ay AF. ‘shoh-ts‘uen. 

Extempore, to speak, JJ [J 
ae shuun -hau- kong. 


Export, 3 




Extend, arp BH shan-hot, 
(widen) 4th Fal shan-foot , 
(lengthen) (ip fe shan- 
ch‘eung. : 

Extensive, Eka “wong -foot . 

Extenuate, Re acae-hen 9 

Exterior, 2y). Yi] ngoi -min . 

Exterminate, EA IR “tsiv-mit. 

External, 4p ngoi . 

Extinguish, Dix mit, KA stk, 
(by blowing) Pe pik ch*ui- 


Extort, fai} oe lak-sok . 

Extract, AE Hi tuet -ch‘uut, 

By HH pat-~ch‘wut. 

Extraordinary, HE A kaak’- 

n eoi . 

Extravagant, 3% ch‘e, $e fi) 
#\| mo-tsit -chai , (expense) 
4b pan fe fai E (price) Fr 
=I taai -kewai . 

Extreme, #fy kik. 

Extremely, 32 7 chi -kik, 


Extricate, AS ii tet -lut. 

Exult, BX = = #3) Pk ‘foon- 

“hi- to Hiv . 

Eye, AR ‘ngaan, AR & 

Eye-ball, BR ER “pgaan- chue, 
AR AY “ngaan-wat. 

Eye-brow, ARR “ngaan-mi. 

Eye-lash, ARR $5 6 ‘ngaan- 

Ryelid, ARR 23 ‘ngaan-koi. 
Eye-service, Be IK Tx 
chong-‘mai-*min > Aeuung- Je; 

5) le ee kwong-*min - 


Fable, 3% = ue-in, Ay 

“siu-*shuet . 

Fabric, per) ih it XZ 
YA ehik-ts0 -chi-mat, chik- 
tso -ke - ‘Se. 

Fabricate, KL BE to ee 

Fabulous, hie Ail hue-taan . 

Face, [fj min’, (to) 3S} jBy 
tooi-min’, ‘ [Ey 34} tong- 
min’-fooi, (to see) 8 Ey 
tik-min’, A ow kin’ - 
min . 


Face to face, if Ae min’- 
ne’, Phd 1 AA [H) ‘leung- 

min saeengrheung 
Facile, 2 US Ay yuune-i . 
; 7° ben Ee 
ata {ii shuun -*pin. 
. ‘3 . + eae? > a=, 
Fac-simile, 36 He Wy) iz 
: GC, 
mo-shing- ts‘ze-chan. 
Fact, i uy shat-sze . 

: pete ¢ prt 
Faction, Fe long 
- “Tate : see Wy) 

tony- ue. 

Factory, $F 
Faculty, He He nane-kohn’. 

Fade, Bg By ts‘aan- 1di, 
(as colour) iil ff “chuens | 


1 + . ~t - 
Faded, Bigs EX ts‘aan-hiu. 
Fagged, | fe ‘wun’ -kuen , 

Af, HE kau -kuen’, kooi . 

Faggot, (a) — Hil ae * yat- 

“na -ch‘aal. 

Fail, jes fai , (become bank- 

rupt) Rl] 

43 &E ‘to-tso . 
Faint, (to) 3 sac Sun-mai, 

Ji ris shat-wun, (feeble) | f 


eg ; 

AN 55 ‘nen-yeuk, 7j ie 

rs > 



Fair, (clear) iis (sing, lig 

 ts‘ing, (pretty) Ted By. 
is‘ ingesan (just) aN Nel 
kuung-to , (-wind) Ni JEL 
shuun ee (tide) NE 7K 
shuun =‘shui. 

Fairy, fil Sin, it fil ae 
sin, Wy. 4il "ye Sill, 
(female) 4\{j Ze sin-* “nue. 

Fairy-land, YE 3 IK “iu HF 
puung-loi-sin- king. 

‘aith, (5 {ifs suun -tak. 

Faithful, find NYY chuung-sum. 

| Falcon, Ips ies lip-ying, K-38 : 

Fall, LK tit, Wel 465 kwaan - 
“to, (COL.) tap. 

False, alsa “hea. 

Falsehood, K AW taai-wa. 
Ait = ‘fong-in. 

Falsify, #E (Et = cha ~‘ka-i- 
( ka-i) BE WE “ching-“he. 

Fame, fz pie ming-shing, 

A: ming. 
Familiar, Ai 7A AA haap-tsaap, 
es Pe ice (too): 
| 454, Bes see 
Bh Ay sit -haap. 

F AR 92 PAT 

‘ Family, 5 ka, Be AF wae | Farm, FJ HE chehonae (to) 
kuew mK Cj hg “hau, (how Ft Hd kang-tin, 
is your 2 8 EPA Varmer, ya Fe nuung goo. 
‘po-heuen °_p'ing-ohn-a? (well, Vascinating AFH yau- yan. 
thank you) FE ay #15 AL Fashion, (the) HFK shi- foon, 

“he > of a AR “i euno’. 
ka- siu- too-tol -laal . (a) gv ies 

: | Fashionable, AREER i-shi- 
Ne . Fi ki-fong. | , 
eo BL yi fond | ‘foon, Hep ed shi- Ang. 

Jc tpeade ak BK BY TB Fast, (to) Zo k = kum -shik, 
ngoh “0 2 es fit fa BS ts Sk cha 

| ah ngo oe : ' Fast, cquick) Tk faddi nas 

an @) i ‘pte: (10) | | Lis ‘ohn-faai, (firm) BS 
FJ faa ta-shin., ins pioot.| BF kin-shat. 

4 ‘ = > > JA ra 3 

Vanatic, FAAAJE svn aa - Fasten, Fh Wes pong kan, 
ks Nai 45 Fi fai sun - = ‘ching-shat, (a door) 
to -tin. Fa shaan. 

Fancy, Al 7A Ww dan - “seund, Fastidious, BE tt ‘naan-uet, 
eb A muung- ‘Seung, (suit hes Pin Path) | 


the) yy $F ue-i, (rare) | Fat, & AE fi, (suB.) YAH yau, 

FFE oon. = “ay Xo-yau. 
F senulk Jal ie Juung-kw ai. | ic. Ki oD ti- -ming” : ‘as 
Far, id ‘nen. | Bo tine -sho . : 
Farce, (a) oF 3 a Hy | Bacher 2 os foo’, eas) foo - 
luune hie -yat-ch* wut, ts‘an, (COL) ‘lo-taw’ : 4. 

cs | ne Sy Oe Foe 
are, (money ) aK HED shui- -f- lo- tsze. 
> . AE in . Ly Au sad 
keuk’ , JPA) $8 keuk’ -*ts‘in, | Father-in-law, Ah 4g ngoi - 
| ‘Gs > ee fo : 4 
Farewell, 3% fp7PF mong -|  *foo Fe atngok- *cheunge, 
Acute . “Pp ey : 
ni-p*ing-ohin. | (wife's) FB ha-yuuny. 



FEN - 

Fathom, (10 feet) aC cheung , 

(to) vel] jiz4 chiak-tok. 

Fatigue, A fe k‘wan’ -kuen . 

Fatten, 7s AE ‘yeung-fi. 

Fault, wi Fi. ji pat-shi - 
che Ei m- -peng °, 
Whi pai -png, YH 7 
kwoh’ -shat. 

Favour, al yan, aN ie yan- 
ts‘i ing, (to) FS AAI pong- 

chsan . 
Favourable, \B shuun . 
Favourite, ee “chSuuny-01 
Fawn, (to) Hib BR noh- nun, 
Hos AES FB poot -‘ma- mi. 
Fear, TH p “a : Hl ey huung- 
pe a. 
Feasible, a) VY Shoh-i. 
Feast, ge pies in-tsik, Ei RS 

“tsau- tsik. 

Feather, 7 cs ‘ne-mo, FE 

=e tseuk -mo. 

sey iat ate A Ying-i - 
ices PE. ‘shi, (refuse) yg 

cha- ts2e. | 
Fee, FA GR k‘wai-*nean, 
(secret) FH, kovwai. 

Feeble, a) ‘uen-yeuk. 

Fos Bs ‘yeune, AER a 
‘yeung- ‘hau, age food to) 
pH. wai , oa hi, (fatten ) 
7é3 IE yeung-fi. 

Feel, Fy kok: +t kin’, (with 

the hand) Hit “moh. 
Feeling, be ts‘ing, 
Feign, chi , V Fs 
cat al. 

Felicity, jpfg fuuk. 
Fell, Hy “chaam, 43| 3 
“to lok-lai. 
Fellow, fal +P t‘uung-poon’, 
(common) {% ‘lo. 
Fellowship, Fj AE sewng-kaan. 

stone dt lat sze-tsut KK 

E taai’ -tsui . 

Felt, =E- BE mo- chin, ice ie 

haal- ae 
Female, ‘mo, HEE <n 
(woman ) oe nue, pets 
Kea *A yum-lui . 
Fence, aE: (5, li-pa, [al *wai. 
Fence (to) 57.3 $l] * moo-inn. 
Fencing, $l] ais kim -shuut. 


Fender, sa] *wai, (ship’s) | Fever, BS faat -it, a 

nS lens. 
Ferment, BS iia faat kaa , 

(spoil) $$ f wat . 

Fern, fa "fl aE wong- “Teer 
mo, FFE SEE 35 tseng- tai- 
sat, a Et long-ki, (edible) 
px k‘uet . 

Ferocious, Ke shai -huung. 

Ferocity, Bs f al (4: ts‘aan- 
shaat -chi- -sing . 

El 358 Fir paak- 
muung-kwai . 

Ferry, J8 BA to -t‘au. 

Benes boat HAR waang- 

“shui-*to . 
Fertile, Pe yuuk, AB fi. 
Fervent, se it. 
Fester, He ie ane ch‘ong. 

Festival, it) Hy tsit -k‘i. 
Fetch, i —— 3K ning — 

Fetid, A=) chia . 
Fetters, ica RE chat-kuuk, 

(hand-) Ff. ayy ‘shawlin, 
(feet-) JR int keul -liu. 
Fetus, Fh p‘ooi, ik He p'ooi- 



rips, 4J +e FF % 

“nad “tsze. 
Feverish, BR heng . 
Few, Ap shiu, BE Ap se-"shiu. 

Fib, HEB cha - Mpl- Ngor. 

Fibres, #4{ mun, a2 rT) ee 

Fickle, i ie 4° PE mo- ting - 
sing: , (COL. + fa-fik. 

Fiction, Ay F 5} “siu-*shuet . 

Fictitious, (By “he. 

Puldle, (two stringed) mn 52 
i-*in, Ae, AT ei 4, 
ngaan-i in, | 

Fidelity, FR WY) chuung-sum. 

| Fidgety, #8 fae “soh-sui . 

Fie! Ge ts‘or! ch! 
Field, e8 tin. 
Fiend, Bue a okt -kwai. 

b] Toy 

Fierce, i BM ‘mang-lit. 


Fife, ai fa waang-*tek. 

Fifth, $% Fr tai - “ng. 

Fig, fm ZE 3. mo- fae kwoh. 

Fight, FJ 2 “ta-kea , sai 
war) aT 4 ‘ubhdind 
( cheung ), Be EB kaau- 


Figurative, Ef, Fae Sni-ue 

KIN 9 




Bou, HS (Ss ying- -tseung’ 

(of speech) LE Whe p @ “ue . 

File, (a tool) ie gy pe 
is‘oh’, (to) Gy Sd ts‘oh - 

“ha, (pagers) pes HA tip- 

File fish, Jl] jv ¥¥ mole =p 
Filial, . ME haa -shuun’. 
“i b Eta fong -‘moon, 4+J 

“ta-" moon. 

Fillet of beef, a rl ngau- 


Film, HS mok, HR i-mok, 
Filter, vy kaak -ts‘ing, Vg 
Ine, (a) BY iq sha-*lau’. 
Filth, #5 wy wai -mat. 
Filthy, Yi; Bs oo-wai, YEG 

fe 00- mes 

Fin, 74 che 
Final, wt gz kit -“mi (mi), 

We Ee shau- mi. 
Finally, #% BR chuung-in, 

a, kai ~ king. 

Find, 48 94 “wan-cheuk, (by 
accident) sat G ue -cheuk, 


(-out) 72} tH ch‘a-ch‘uut. 

Fine, ¥4 Fi ya 80a 
(elegant) iit leng , w 
miu , ate Se ah “kong- ean . 

Fine, (to) ail SB faat-*ngan. 

Finery, =. Bits ah Wy fau- 

Finger, Sp 4g “shau-‘chi. 

Finger-glass, =f. ei ‘shau- 

Finger-ring, FAG haat ‘ch 

Ficival, A) IK qi siu- ka- 
“ch uung. 

Finish, i = — tgo -uen. 

Finite, 7G Sg ‘yau-haan’. | 

Fir, 43 % ch‘aam’, A ts‘uung. 

Fire, K ‘Soh, (to) Ve ors 
(a gun) od naat pu . 

Fire-arms, ¢ kA ‘foh-p'aae , 
(foreign muskets) 72E ¢& 
yeung- ts‘eung. 

Fire-crackers, Kd Es praau - 
*tseung . 

Fire-engine, 7K Fa shui-ch'e. 

Fire-fly, ace 4K ying- ‘foh. 

Fire-wood, 3 ch‘aai. 

Fire-works, MA 4% in-fa, (to 
burn) NEM AK shiu-in- 




Firm, = fl. “hue Ikoo’ , Bt 
iE ais -ting’, EX ‘if kin- | 

Firm, (a) ANF). kuung- sze, 
47 *hong. 
Firmament, 8 ya4 k‘uung- | 
: S 
First, a —- tai -yat. 
First- rate, JA 
Fish, a5 ue, *ue, ( (a) — 
i yat-t‘iu-*ne, (to) FJ fA | 
ta-*ne, a loh-*ue, Hf 
wy abd 
44° a6 *ue, (angle) ” 

Ai tiv "ue. 
Fisherman, ie 44 AK “loh- 

Fishy smell, #§ AR ue-seng. 
Fissure, ie KA la -kwik. 
Fist, 43 gf k‘uen-t‘au. 
Fistula, te oF shang-ch‘uen. 
Fit, 74 cheuk, (a) — yh yai- 

ch‘eung, (fainting) EE HK 
Fitch, ay [= “siu-*tau . 
Five, Fr, “ng. 
Fix, iE 3 ting -shat. 


| Fixed number, BH yy ngaak- 

sho . 

| | Flabby, FA DK suung- g-pau 

Flag, (a) pits k4, (to) $7 


Pl lag-staff, fii AT k4-kohn. 

| Flag-stone, #y PX shek- paan. 

Bihex st Vie fs huung- 
BA fe tau 

JH Uf ‘ting: ho. 

hohn’ ; 

Flagrant, HA ming- “mong, 
= Ay long- -min . 

Fi, 4J Tk tas ‘ta-woh- 

Flake, be pin . 
Flame, KK EB ‘foh- mi, i. 
ye ‘foh-in . 
Flank, HR 4B ‘uen-hip. 
Flannel, Ay AK ‘siu-*yuung. 
Flap, He “im, Ss a) koi -“im. 
Flapping, 49 44 Wp praalk - 

praak-*ha’ . 

Flash, (to) BA ‘shim, Wil ship . 

Flask, es esuun. 

Flat, 4 OF piing-ching , 
(thin) Jaq ‘pin, (ground) 
1 HG tai-ti , (insipid) DR 
Be Bh ‘taam-*‘tfaam-*ti . 




Flatter, py Te As 7K oh-mi - 

fuung’ -shing. 
Flattery, ag WE “‘chtim-mi 
Platulent, RinBw shik- 

chai -faat -hit’. 

Flaunt, fe ae Ves” yeung- 
‘chuen-shue . 

Flavour, 3% He hi -mi . 

Flaw, FE HP, ha-ts‘ze. 

Flax, TK Mac:- 4 

Flay, $i] HY mok- pi. 

Flea, Fj Jal ‘kau-shat, jk 
Bl, iu -shat. 

Flee, 3b xe to- tsau, EH 

“tsau-hue . 

Fleet, we a BR * paau-tak- 
faai ‘ jae ts‘uuk, (a) — 
af yat-pong. 

ihren ait pty Mt ji- kom - 
faa . 

Flesh, Ay yuuk. 

Fleur-de-lis, pus ae 4b, 00- 
*tip- fa. 

Flexible, FR yau- wen, ii 


Flighty, fpf BH Wk ‘leung- 
tfan-t*iw , Rez tiu-taat . 

Flinch, PL Mi wai -shuuk. 

Fling, $Y tan, PK wing. 

Flint, * Ay ‘foh-shek. 

Flippant, YH Ps yeu tsut, aS 
J HR BR ha’-p'a-heny- 

Float, =. fau, vA p‘o. 
Flock, aa k‘wun. 
Flog, Bae pin- ta, (bamboo) 
FT A FR “ta-“paan-‘tsze.- 
Flood, (the) jie qc huung- 


Flood-tide, KK “shui-taai . 
Flooding, fit fy huet -pang, 
muy i; huet -shan-pang. 
Floor, pul A * lan-‘paan, 
(ground-) jah EA ti-t*oi. 
Floss-silk, $4 79% sze-yuung. 
Flounder, FE I fii “tsoh- 
haw-*te, Bist BY FA tsang - 

pai -ue. 

Flour, 39j #} min’ -‘fun, (1st) 
Tes Bi tang’-min’, (2nd) 
7 BH piw-min , (3rd) JK 
yi fooi-min 

Flourishing, je BS mau - 
shing . : 

Flow, pitt lau. 



FOP . 

Flower, #6 fa, (a) — Zp 
AE, yat-toh- fa. 

Fluctuating, JS fF FR ’m- 
ting -tak, hi) 5A Ya leung- 

. Fluent, YS Fi] lau-li” (lai’). 

Fluid, “shui- kom- 

| A aR 

Flurry, Ie a fong-mong. 

Flush, 2 $T faat -huung. 

Flute, $y siu, 7 ff waang- 


Flutter, (to) PE BA p'ok “yik, 
(in a) ND Bl sum-luen , 
eK Chonikteip, Boe ik 
p‘an- poh. 

Fly, (to) FR % @) HE 

(00- Ying, (blue bobdtle) cn 

4 tsting-ying, 4> 5 SHE 
kam- 00- yng. 

Foam, PP ili fau-au, (at the 
mouth) pk 7 to’ moot. 

Foe, FRY tik. 

Fog, Re = sai -mo , As 

mai-mo . 

Foist in, Fl, A luen’ -yap, 

AN wan’ -yap. 

Fold (for sheep) >=} yeung- 
laan, (to) +8 chip , (one) 
YE. aan, (two or mare) 

| fe “p‘ooi. 

F oliage, ee te FE ip-mau . 

Follow, Ji HE kan-ts‘uung, 
BS 4% is‘ui-hau’. 

Folly, Fag Se, ngong -hi , ee 
ey ngoi-sze . 

Foment, 3 Yh it-lum. 

Fond of, 4H is tuung 01. 

Fondle, i waai- - foo, +i 
+, “foo=. p‘o. 

Food, = Wy shik-mat, fk 
BE: ‘folr-shik, Ep BE ‘ye- 

Fool, Ft J, ngoi-yan, FF 

Cc ig 
2 ch‘uun- tsze. 

Foolish, Fi ch‘uun-tyun 

Foolishly, ap ‘mong. 
Foolhardy, = Be mo - “him. 

Foot, jis! keuk , XE, tsuuk, 

(measure) Rp chieke . 

Footprint, FREY) keuk -yan’. 

Hootstep, J Br keule -tsil. 

| Footstool, JPR) Ws AE Hewk’ - 
taap-tang . 




Fop, Re Jee chong- hong. 
For, (avv.) [Al yon, A 

yan-wai, (PREP.) 4R toi, 
AR tai , 7 wai, 

Forbear, iis shuuk- shaus 

ZA AF: * yan- -chue’. 

Forbearance, AI nit) “yan- 

noi . 

Forbid, 2 ak tf kum ~‘chi. 
Fore, H lik, (to) ip 
‘k‘eung, ve Re. 

Forced, ti ne min- keung. 
- Forceps, SSH fi¢ -*k‘im, EH 
{¥ *km- tsat. 

Ford, (to) 3B PF po ship , 
kaang . 

Fore, By tsin, Fp, sin. 

Forearm, = fhy “shau-‘chaau. 

Forefinger, — 45 i - ‘chi, mh 

“tim-im- “chi. 

Forego, ral tiu-hoi, BE TR 
fong - ‘ha. 

Forehead, 2A BA ngaak-t‘au. 

oe goods, AS ba  loi- 
*lo -foh . 

Foreign nation, Ah fed ngoi - 
kwokk . 

Foreigner, Ap [a] AK, ngoi’- 

kwok -yan, (European) pe 
Re yeung-yan, (the Chinese 

call foreigners) 4 J, faan- 

yen, (with a little more 

respect) FE Ff ‘lo- faan, 
(and in contempt) ay pil 
Foreknow, tac | ue - 
sin-chi-to . 
Foreman, $f J\ t‘au-yan, He 
ail a ~“tsuung, Fe5A ‘laam- 


Forenoon, [- = sheung’ - 

cha . 
Forerunner, 9, Efe sin-k‘ve, 

ae Ee sin- fuung. 
Foresee, Xe, ZA, sin-kin', EA 
Fi” tso-chi, AF 7 

taai - ‘tso-chi-to 

Forest, fe] ph shue “lum. 
Forethink, Fi FE {ti ue -sin- 
“£00, tii *} ue -liu . 
Forfeit, $E HE “ti-t‘in. 
Forge, (a) 37 $a Wa “ta-tit - 

Forge, (to) {Bx “Ta-m0 




Forgery, =£ pA 1B, Ze tok - 
ming-ngai -shue. 

Forget, =i mong-ki. 

Forgetful, JR [i “m- 
sheung-sum, $e Sp, HE: 
“mo-ki. -sing 

Forgive, 3 Fw J she -‘min. 

Fork, (a) AY AL chi- chia. 

Forked, Y R a-chia. 

Forlorn, Jf, Fag %oo-tuuk. 

Form, (shape) fin HK moo- 
shik, xR shik, (body) 2 
ying, ss tseung’ . 

Formality, mere, fig iS 2ee- 

Formosa, = 1 T‘oi-waan. . 

Former, (time) ZE ya tgoi - 

Formerly, $e i] ts‘uung- 
ts'in, #8 FE “hi-sin, EB RF 
kau -shi. 

Rorereaion, #. Ni sze-ts‘ing, 

i ‘jau-hop. 

Forske, i Br wai-hi , se 

hi, Hh Fate praau-li. 

Forsooth, iB. [i= ied chan-koh . 

Fort, Na Eh pra - -*t‘Ol. 

Forth, Hy ch‘uut. 

Fortify, pd 9 ii 

SR Be is chuuk-ying: ‘lui, 
ire Af Ee “hi-p'aaut -*t%oi. 

| Fortitude, BX ZF kin-‘yan, 

BS Ty kin-sum, Rall Ba 


Fortunate, kat; 7p 
remate, Te kat, SE 
ho-meng . 

Fortunately, #)- A ‘ho- i: 

PALWNE, ye AY, tso ft, 
meng’ ; SH BY wan oe 
Fortune-teller, cas tit K 

suen. -meng” -yan. 
Forward, (go) EB shenng: 
ts‘in, (bold) x HE taai - 

Foster, eS yeung. 

Foul, $y his 00-was , Yi 
00-tso, (wind) Sift fa, ngaak- 

Found, (metals) Sis chat 

(establish) pal et ting-Iin 
Foundation, $& Hk %- “chi, 

ja. hi, uaa HM) ts‘eung- 

eu, (stones) B11) “r it 

ti -ngau- chum. 

Fouaciwe: Bt 45] vo {F 

chup- to-kke -‘tsai. - 

= oe ee ee eT 




Fountain, Lf tea ts‘uen-uen, 
i BA Hens ‘ae, carkisiial) 
HEL & af un = shai Ieing q. 

Four, py Sze. 

colic i aaa pu Vii Sze > _fong- 
ke . 

Fourth, # pu tai-sze, (a) 
pu ap — sze -fun’ -yat. 

Fowl, Ae) kai, (generally) 7 

Datinaicce, iB ge ‘niu- 
Fox, BSI AHH o0-*li. 
Fractious, ie Pi wage 

Fragment, #2 Fe sui -p'in . 
Fragrant, ie Fie i seedbaice 
Frail, Aja Sy ts‘ui yeuk. 
Frame, (a) pia) ka. 

France, Pe Rd BY Faat - Jaan- 
sau, Fe a) Faat Mie 
Frank, JH “taan-i , To. 

EJ chik-paak. 
Frankincense, 4, vibe “ye- 
Frantic, Jaq FE tin-k‘wong. 
Fraternity, 4S Ws kit - 

i -hing-tai . 

Fraud, ia iy pin -kuuk. 

hla Hi ay Ess Nhat: 

SZe , ge san- *yeung 
Freckled, $% bai paan~‘tim, 
paan- tim- ke. 

Free, BES tsze -yau, Ey =e 
tsze ~ “chue, ae hy 4 mo- 

Free, (to) jin ii fong -lat. 

Freely, BS 138  ts‘ui-*pin’, 
(gratuitously) Ey I paak- 
paak, (willingly) ate Ty 

Freeze, Ws pK kit ping, we 
hifi ‘laang-ngaang , ie 
twung . 

Freight, IK ph “shui-keuk . 

Frequent, (to) x Hey AK FE 
sheung-shi-loi- ‘wong. 

—— eB R lue’-ts° 26 , 
y % WE toh-cheung . 

Fresh, $y ££ san-sin, (water) 
Ye ‘t‘aam, taam . 

Fretful, AE Tis tsiu-tsck. 

Friction, #4 fe nese Hel 

Friday, Nia FE A. lai-paar - 

Friend, pili Ke p* ang- ‘au. 

Friendly, AW RF sewng- “ho. 




Frighten, Bip rad haak pa . 
Frightful, BY bey ‘hoh-p'er. 
Rents ay tH ee 
Fringe, BY *sue, FE ying. 
Frisk, (to) Bk ita 3 tiv - 

‘chuen-shue « 

Frith, | a hoh- hau. 

Frivolous, Bal hing-fan. 

b> tha BE kop - na, Hs8 
tin- kad, 

Frolic, iB hi ‘sha, JX 
‘faan-‘ sia J 

From, HY yau, He ts‘uung, 

Ej tsze’, (distant) FE hue’, 
Bite li. 


Front, Ww $8 ts‘in-t* ay Ba | 

ye ts‘in- hee (pin ), (to) 

Ty JA) min “heung. 
Frontier, 3 58 “Kin g-kaai 
Frost, aH hee seung-kong . 
Froth, 4d p‘o. 

Frown, #3 BH J 88 tsau - 

Frugal, 3 3 ‘shaang-kima 

Fruit, WY “‘kwoh-tsze, BB. 

Fruitful, ae JX Suun g-shing’. 

Fruit-tree, Fe ZX “kwoh- 


Frustrate, BY AY p‘oh’ “pail 
(good) J F koo-foo . 
Fry, Ril, KD ésin- “chiaau, pet 

chiaau . 
Frying-pan, Gb wok. 
Fuel, a ch‘aai, Fe 4K 
ch‘aai- ‘foh. 
Fulfil, Du shing-tsau tes 
tsin’, Ke gg ying “im, | 
Fulfilment, Ke bit ying -im’. 
Full, 44 “moon, ti ying. 
Fully, GE saa , ik Lis 

tsuun -*ti’. 

Fume, (rage) hid naau ; Ee 
oA shang hi. 

Fumigate, yen fan. 

Fun, Ti R waan-siw , BX 
a hi -‘sha. 

Function, (office,) flax chik, 
(use) J ii yuung -ch‘ue . 

Fund, van $p suena ngan, 
yas 4 sheung-hong . 

Fundamentél AB AS han-* “‘poon. 

Funeral, 3% HE suung’-tsong’, 
a5 sOng-SZe « 

Fungus, a ffi heung-suun., 
id k‘wun, ‘kan, (on trees) 

A #. muuk- i. 




Funnel, Pa GA lau’ -poot " 
(chimney) WOH SFA in-tuung. 
Fur-dress, 38 k‘au, JE KK 
= i, (sable) #74 fot KE tiu- 

“shue-pii 1. 
Furbish, he ¥ tstaat -kwong. 

Furious, Ai po, Vie Fk 

_ huung- pe. 

Furl, ts pel “kuen-maai. 

Furlough, 1 ka, (to ask) 
Ae BR ko -ka (to give) 
k TE fong ka . 

Biciuce Nis lo, KE tso , (port- 
able) ial Wa fuung-*\o. 
iba Ae ‘up, Ai Hee pi- 
paan’ 3 Si Re AK, ts‘ai- 

pi ha ‘foh. 

Furniture, eK tk ka- a 

Furrow, #4 JP lai- lo’, 
vies t‘in-kau. 

Further, Eimcs hang - ‘uen, 
Fi. $f Sie tsot -tsuun’ , 
Furthermore, jf A i- che. 
Fury, 3% FF no -k‘wong. 
Fuse, 88 GR shiu-yuung. 
Fussy, =. ee fau-ts‘o 
Fusty, 5 75 WA suuk-suuk- 

*ti » Yk. 

Futile, hig tt hue-t*‘o. 

Future, He AR tseung-loi, Ae 
loi, 4% hau. 


Gabble, ou pits lo-ts‘o. 
Gable, > #2. kum-kar , jae 
i ts‘ eung-kat . 
Gad about, ij) ae 
kwaang . 
Gad-fly, a at ngau-mong. 
Gag, SHUT kim-“hau, PAM 
Gage, (a) Hie eI} ‘chuun-tsak. 
Gaiety, As ie faan-wa. 
Gain, Fl] li’, FA) A, l’-sik, 
(to) Fie chaan’, jm, yeng, 
Gait, Shy Ey} “kue-tuung 
Galangal, ERE leung-keung. 
Gale, K nt taai -fuung. 
Gall, BF “taam, BES 4H “taam- 


Gall-nut, cit 43 Ff “ng. 
“p‘ooi-‘tsze, 1% 44 moot- 







Gallant, (heroic) Hi He ying- 

Gallery, pus Eh lau-t‘ol, RS 

Gallipot, 11} Bal hom - chuung. 

Gallon, (a) — Se yat- tau. 

Gallop, ia “poaau. 

Gallows, 4 RR ai -*ka . 

Gambier, i bE shue-leung. 

Gamble, BA as * to-*ts‘in. 
Gambler, ES HE “to-kwun . 

Gambling-house, ity pat ay 

{aan- taan- “hoon. 
Gamboge, ia t‘ang-wong 

Gambol, Ba Bt Bk ts‘ui- 

ch‘ue > iu : 

Game, (a) +H i) pok -kuuk, | 

+i Bt pok. -hi, (to play) 
Be ha -‘sha, (make, of) 
ox SP “moo-luung’. 

Game, (meat) BP Bk ‘ye- 

isin We ce tsu-waat, 
(to) jae tum . 

Gammon, (ham) 3K IRB ‘foh- 

Gander, $e rN ngoh- kuung. 
Gang, [BK tui’. 

Gangrene, By aE yuuk-‘sze, 

Gaol, Be iz} kaam-fong.— 
iPhones of, Hl ER 
B sze-yuuk-koon. 

Gaoler, ] Jak sze-yuuk, 2k 

+ kum -‘tsze, Fy Be hohn- 


Gap, ily a shaan-hau, — 

AS [A yat-loli “hau. 
Gape, EE KA J maak = 

taai -koh - hau, (and stare) 

BE 71 7e AR maak -“hau- 
ting - ngaan. 

Garble, 3% 28 “kong-“me, ch 
yes a th poon -tun-poon - 

Garden, uen, *uen. 

Gardener, fal si uen- ting. 

Gardenia florida, Fy WA FE 
paak-shim-fa, fa Pe wong- 

Gargle, Px FA saw-hau, 
“Tong hau. 

Garland, 4% Fu, fa-koon. 

Garlic, i) an ts‘ing-*suen , 
Km taai-*sven , on DA 

suen -t*au. 

ert. a oo balks re Sal 
be as bec ete el Fh tee 1 7 i 




“Garment, 4 Hy ‘funk, KK 
| i-sheung. 
Garoupa, Ay PIE shek- pau. 
Garret, Hi AF TH RE tip 
_ -tsek - ting-lau, phe {F- *lau- 
‘tsa, Bel TF kok - tsai. 
Garrison, -FE ping, WH 
Garrulous, yt ~~ ch‘am-chui. 
Garter, tis: mek mat-tadi . 
Gas, (coal-) WAS. Se Set mooi-hi . 
- Gas-light, WEIS mooi- tang. 
Gash, 43 J die ham. 

ig thre SE “ch‘uen-hi , Ah 
SR, chéau-hi . 

Gate, FA moon, (with bars) 
ia PA Sheep an, (roll- 

ing) Ete ‘tsau-*luung. 
Gate-keeper, a FLA hohn- 
moon- kuung. 
Gather, #eg BE tsit-maai, WY 
FG shaw-shup, HOH tue - 

maal. | 

Gaudy, BEA p‘aai-ch‘eung. 

Gauze, $b sha, PEW ki-sha, 
STS, loung”-sha. 

Gay, Be He ch‘ o-wa, (person) 
ihales ho ~othe-wa. 



GU Ee iE AR “¥ai-ting - 
‘gaan, (at) je HR TE 

ting’ - ‘neaan- “ai-chue . 

Gazelle, #4} 36 ling-yeung. 

Gazette, SHI 342 fuung po , 
(Peking-) Re King-—po 
Heeb King- ch‘aau. | 

Gecko, HA yyy kop-*kaat , 8 

DN BE li-kwung-*she. 

Gelatine, AAR haar. 
Geld, fal es zB agt koht 
shat . 

Gem, +f *yuuk, oe a “0~ 

Gender, (to) AE shaang. 

Genealogy, aes tsuuk- p°0, 

{i A shai -hai . 
General, PAG ba a 

kuung’, 3 tuung. 

General, (a) HY Fa tseung- 

Generally, Fe Ph taai -faan, 

Re may taai -*yeule . 
Generate, (as animals) 48 Fit 
ch‘uen- chuung, (produce) 

Generation, TEAR shai -toi 





Generous, ie iy “Kong-k‘o1 , 
Kk a taai -leung’, py ya 
sz -‘hoi. 

Genial, ae cl wan-woh. 

Genii, me “ily shan- s2. 

Genius, RA ying-ts‘oi. 

Genteel, Hpac sze-mun. 

Gentian, fay Hi wong-lin. 

— Gentle, LER Ze wan-yau. 

Gentleman, Se character) pes 
fF kwun-‘tsze, (a teacher) 

4, HE sin-shang, Fe bin 
‘Jo-sze, (an old) He. FR ‘lo- 

ye, (young) FAN seung’- 

Gentlemen ! \ ZK iit- Jeuung. 

Gently, (lightly) Wit Hi jah 
heng-heng-*ti (slowly) Nes 
ps Sh maan’-maan -*ti’. 

Gentry, AHR shan-k‘un, i 
— shan-sze . 

Genuine, i. chan. 
Geography, Hh eB ti - ‘li. 
Geomancy, Jil at fueng- ‘shui. 

Geometry, 38 fay “ki-hoh, aC 

= 2 
‘ge cheung -leung. 
Geranium, Fp BE heung-ip. 

Germ, oF nga, (seed) {= 

yan, ngan, 

German-silver, Ky sin} paak- 

Germany, {ila [ev] Tak-Kwok . 

Germinate, @§ SF faat -nga, 
Nee Wy paau -muuk. 

Get, 48 Bi] tak-‘to, Be Bl 
“loh=‘to, Be Ft “loh-tale, qe 

Ghost, Lit “kewai. 

Giant, Ate. oe “qdi- 

~ cheung’ -foo, Fe A cheung- 

Giblets, vi AB 1 po-chi. 

Giddy, BA ‘yt t‘au- -wan. 
(wan 2) (light) Pk BS tiu- 
ttaat . 

Gift, (@) 32 Ze fi swung - Pi 
swung - “ni vie ee suung. ~ 
‘lai, (from a superior) BA 
ts‘ze . 

Giggle, A: eh Heh si -hi-hi. 

Gild, (io) HE ae to - kum, 
Fs ae chi- kum. 

Gills, GF soz. 
Gimlet, $F “shau-tsuen’. 
Gin, (snare) Fi] 48 huen-t'o « 




Ginger, ce keung, (preserved) 
#8 it tiong-, keung, (stem) 
-- as. “tsze- cheung. 

Ginseng, BAB BR yan-shum. 

Gipsies, (Chinese) =th#A 
YE saam-koo-luuk-p‘oh. 

Gird, (to) RR AE ch‘wuk-chue , 

Ly k‘oo-chue . 

Girdle, EBS a ina Ris 
BA a foo -tfau-*/aai 
Girl, ee OTF ‘nue- ésai, 
(servant) Hk fF mooi-‘tsai, 
Girth, FU: i ‘to-*taai . 
Give, (ia * pis (present) 3% 

suUng ~ pi. 
Gizzard, ‘shan, (skin of 
the) F\fd FB pii-ccne. 
Glad, BER i. ied “hi. 
Glance, (to) Al ‘shim, (at) 
A — ip ° tai-yat- Ae 
yat- tai. 
Glands, vat Hig — iy tsuun- 
Glare, He kwong- mang. 
Glaring, AA A ming-ming. 
Glass, 534 $e poh- li, (a 
tumbler) RFR poh- li- 


Glass-grinding, Fi Pt} ch‘e- 


Glass-melting, Ve FAL shiu- 

S WA Bp uen- 

ming- fun, 

Glazed, 3 ver kwong-waat, 
HE Hs fe poh- li-kwong, 
(glass put in) $8 He ao 
seung- poh- li. 

Glib, FA [Ff 1i’-“hau, (slippery) 
yer waat. 

Glide, vie lau, Ne Vie, maan’- 

Glimmer, TH H- BA mi- 
kwong- “shim. : 

Glitter, Be yf faat -kwong, 
(show) 3K; 22 cewong-wa. 

Globe, PR kau, (the) BA BK 

Gloomy, Affe 3a foot -hi , 
(weather) FE fi Wg tin- 
shik-om , 2 o0-wan. 

Glorify, FF AS kewai-wing. 

Glory, oe wing, Bee Hf. wing- 

Glossy, BA Ain. “shim-leng . 

Gloves, Sa “shau-lup. 




Giisier weer ee Bh am Te 


Glue, ya KE ie ngau-p‘l- 


Glutton, FRE + taai -shik- 
wong, (vULG.) KE wh 

taal > shik- “ew MM. 

Gluttonous, & VW taam- 

Gnash, (the teeth) —% 

ngaau- nga, 1] i ts‘it - 

Gnat, ih HR mong-ch‘uung, | 
He mun. 

Gnaw, 4s) nget, : HE} luun. 
Go, +. hue , {+ ‘yrong, 47 
hang, (be off) Fab “che. 

Goal, HE BA “chacun-t‘au. 
Goat, ly =o shaan-*yeung, 
[Ake 2 ‘ts‘o-*yeung, SE WE 

yeung- me. 

Gobble, Ze tun, Fh EF 

luet-sheng-tun, ts‘uun. 

G o-between, a A chuung- 
*yan, ¥ mooi, (female) 

ie. we mooi-*p‘oh. 
Goblet, ie *00, Gai chuung. 

GOD, _- Fp SHEUNG’- 
TAT, (the gods) #& fF 
chue-sheung’-tai a 

mi kwai-shan. 

Godown, i 43 foh’ -ts‘ong. 
Goitre, TK SH Fa ht ee 
Gold, a kum, ne wong- 
Gold-leaf, & yp kum-pok. 
Gone, Ze Bi hue - liu, hue - 
hiu, 4ne WE mo-lok 
Gong, - *loh, (a) — fy 
Bae sae -*loh. 
Gonorrhea, A vg paak- 

| Good, Ly “ho, se shin’. 

Good-bye, (to abe remaining) 
AB UY *tgoh’ ty (to the 
going) RF 7 47 ‘To-haang. 

Goose, ab fe “ts ‘on* pee, 
(wild) has ngaan’ -*ngoh, 

Gore, (to) fii a ch‘uuk- 
sheung, Ap ch‘aau. 

Gorgeous, ne He wing-wa. 

Gormandize, eB TK is shik- 

> > 
taat -kwoh . 

Gospel, jfk FA’ fuuk-yum. 




Gossamer, [3 wh xd “ts‘o- 

chue-mong, SERA yau-sze. 
Gossip, ial an haan-t‘aam, 

FE ZE shi, (to) FR PR 

Ht Fy mun-fuung-chuuk- 

‘ying, (a) As ee hong’ - 


Gouge, (g) Wt BE lun-tsok. 

Gouge (to), BX tsok, P¥ 

Gourd, FA JI p‘aau- twa, 
Hi EE 00-*loo, (snake-) 
A JIL see hewa. 

Gout, FH) jE keuk -fuung. 

Govern, cE yp “Koon= li, “iG 

Government, Ze Be biouk s 
ka, FA Be i -ka, 
x kwok-ching? : ay chi, 
—Offices ft Se 34 “tuuk- 

hin - shue. 

Governor General, 2) aa 
tuuk- hin’ , Ald 2) “tswung g- 
tuuk, NG wi chat -t*o1, (the 
Supreme) ee “Chue-‘tsoi. 

Gown, fe%3 ch‘eung- shaum, 

fa *y°o. 

oe (mercy) a HL 

Graceful, ” §ze-Mun 
su JOR 32 » Ale 

Gracious, Al yan. 

Grackle, J er liu- koh. 

Gradation, RK Sits ts‘ce - “tang. 

Grade, bial fa keuk -shik. 

Gradually, He tsim *tsim’, 
iy RR tsim’-ts‘ze . 

eae (of 1st deg.) BI 

sau -*ts‘oi, (of 2nd) Fl A, 
‘Fue-yan, ee 8rd) 3fe-F 
tswun’ -sze, (of 4th) BB DK 
hohn’-lum, (to) AS Fe} tang go 
Joh, (Ast) A 28. yup- fee 
(2nd) 412 AE paan-kwat . 

Graft, (to) zal ts‘um, (to slip) 
i poke. 

Grain, ey euuk, (a) KL nup, 
(of wood) #4g mun. 

Grammar, 143 BL Te tsok - 
mun-faat . 

Grampus, ffs FB k‘ing-ue. | 

Granary, ay 43 kuuk-ts‘ong. 

Grand, = 5% ko-taai , K 

taai, Ae 5a ngai-ngal. 






Grand-father, ni ae C baton: 
ay ER kumng-ye, ry x 

a -kuung, (mother) ii +E 

‘tso-mo, Wy YE a’-p‘oh, 
(child) FH suen, suen. 
Granite, WG 4} ts‘ing-shek, 
4¢, Fal] i Sa- kong- ts‘eng, 

F] 44 paak-shek. 

eA ¢ ¢ 
Grant, = HE hue- chuun. 

vere Fy tHe -F- p‘o-t‘ai- 


Graphic, FE Ze 44 HH ying- 

Grasp, om cha. 

Grass, Bi ts‘o. 

Grass-cloth, thi ma-p0 , 
B Ah ha’ =o . 
aero KE Sit cha - 
‘mang, Fae ts‘o- “*mang. 
Grate, (a) $Y AK Nia tit - 
foh-lo, (to) Hy kwaat , pe 
ts‘aat , Ell yb kwaat -sha, 
Grateful, ye: oe “kom-yan, 
jee ait “kom-tse . 
Grater, jie moh , *moh’. 
Gratified, IER ea faai -uet. 
Gratify, ‘ef uet. 

Grating, (noise) Fl] Fj i 
kwit-kivit-sheng, (an iron) 
ap Re: tit -“ch‘ue. 

Gratis, Fy paak-paak. 

Gratitude, hex AW “kom-sum. 

pres: of money, Fifer aH 
tsang -*ngan. _ 

Grave, (a) Ai i) fun-moo 
ig is ch‘unng-m00 « 

Grave, (sedate) BE FZ chong- 
king , lng a im-suuk, 
(heavy) HA ‘ch‘uung. 

Gravestone, ee Al moo =pi. 

Graveclothes, 34 KK shau -Z. 

| Gravel, Fh sha, PH Ay sha- 

shek, (a disease) #}p Th 

Graving-tool, #4] JJ tsaam - 
to. = 

Gravitation, FA YR FJ seung- 

Gravy, $F tseung’, YH chup. 

Gray, #8 fa. hoht -shik, IK 
fai fooi-shik, (hair) Fy 5g 
paak-fuat . 

Grease, = VE ko-yau. 




Greasy, A ARG fi-ni, 7H ARR 

yau-ni . 
Great, A taai. 
eee erent father, ir nH 
tsang- tso, (-son) sak, 
Greedy, #F NY taam-sum, 
(of food) 4% £% wai -shik. 
Greek, Fa Fil Fe, Mi-li-ni. 
Green, eu fa luuk-shik, yy 


| Greenhorn, aS A {it *m- 

yup- -shiti . 

. > 
Greens, Pt A i ‘ing-ts‘or , 

We a poh-ts* ot. 
Greet, i Ae mun hau . 

Gridiron, a] an tit - aA 
Grief, $e Ba) yau- moon . 

Grievance, Ze Hi “wai-huuk, 
Grievous, (heavy) fH ch‘uung, 

(lamentable) Ay ye “hoh- 

a kaau- 

Griffin, or unicorn, ee a 

Grill, Kp “chSaau. 

Grimace, 48 [ij ‘me-min’. 



#6 Hk ©, i shai? - 

“hi- oe ong-nga, 
Grind, jis moh. 
Pane, (noige) Lex Vs ee 

ngum -ngum "sheng. 

Grindstone, jas JJ Ay moh- 

Gripes, +H: i ‘nau-tuung . 
Gristle, His Fy tsui -Aevut. 
Grits, BS BA “mak-t‘au, AS 
Gritty, AR YP tani -sha. 
Groan, BE SR taan’ -hi, OF 
A Be "ng~’ng-sheng, AB 
Bip pe ngang-ngang-sheng. 
Sey, (a) Bie Fi ra tsaap- - 
foli “no. 
Groin, ie ta “pi-chip 
Groom, HG K ‘ma-foo. 
Groove, (a) — (%& PF ya- 
t‘iu-haang, (to) A pit 

yup- lau. 

Grope, PE BE moh- taam , He 


Gross, $A is‘o, (large) 

k ts‘o- -taai. 

Grotesque, Ig “koo-kwaai . 

Ground, {HJ ti’, + “to, 


Grdiue- nut, ut EAE fice baits, 
it ti _*tau . | 
Groundless, HEAR ARAL mo- 

kan-mo- “noon. 

Grounds, (dregs) Ws ee cha- 


Group, PK tui’, HE tui, (to) 
BK BK shing-tui . 

Grovelling, aS VE ha -tsok , 
BA NT pi-lau . : 

Grow, He shaang- cheung, 
= K “cheung-taai , HE 

Growl, ri ji BE 00-00-sheng. 

Grub, rie ts‘ai-ts‘o, HES 
mk ti’ - fai-ch‘uung. 

Grudge, ii | lnun’-sik, (a) 
Fi, FNS sxp- -Uen 

Gruel, ay chuuk. 

Gruff, aH #8 *so- lo. 

Grumble, IK ngum-ch‘um. 

Grunt, ra ae ee nguet-— 


Guano, B niu-fun 

Guarantee, (to) 4 pad. 
an’ ¢ = > 
Guard, sf shau, ate a 00 - 
2 ; ‘ 
Wal , (against) 97] fong. 


112 GUL 

Guard-boat, 3M fxl ts‘vun 

Guardian, As E ‘yeung- 

Guava, Ay Ay bie] faan-shek- 

Gudgeon, = pe ffi paak- 
kop ~*ue. 

Guess, ch‘adi, ax eg 

shi ~ch‘ani, ig jE chadi- 
tok, haai. 

Guest, mn yi i -haule . 

Guide, 5] BR yan- -lo’. 

Guild, 45 hong, iy fig ooi - 
“oon. | 

ea i ‘Reoai- kaon, fe, 
at “kwai-kai . 

Guilt, aE Ee. tsui -koo. 

Guilty, AA =| ss tsui. 
Gruise, eAF maat ze #} 

chong pan . 
Guitar, EL, ee *pia. 

Gulf, B 29 taai -waan, (an 
abyss) Be Ji shum-uen. 
Gull, @) (aie au (to) Wi li 
hi-pin , BR oF hi-luung 
Gullet, PPL ihe in-hau, If}, Hie 



Gully, HR sc hung ait: 
Gulp, $i Ay ngaang tun. 
Gun, 3] i shue -kaau. 
Gum-benjamin, FF A, Bp 

ohn-stk- heung. 

Gums ¥ RH FAY nga-kan- 


Ha! uA “hai ! 
Habit, tH Pil kwaan ‘ai, 
(in the) f¥ a kewaash A 

tsaap, 34 + tso -kwaan « 

Gun, (fowling-piece) & ga | Habitable, TE 7 45 chue -tak, 
‘niu- <3 eung, (cannon) Ke chue’ -tak-ke . 

ip au. 

Gun. bi 24 eS -F- t‘uung- 

mo - tsze. 
Gun-powder, KBB ‘foh-yeuk. 
mis -powder-tea, fy ER A 
Gush, HEL Ys p “un -yat. 
Gust, PE PAG chan’ -fuung UP | 
ja ‘hau-fuung, BR LL Be 

‘shim-shaan- -fuung. 
Gut, We cl‘eung. 

Gutta- oh Ag fe] Be 

ngaang -eshue -kaau. 

Gutter, vias vE 


ot Heenan 4] +a i tan | 

“pa-shat, *i TK lin - 

Gypsum, 44 = shek- ko. 

Gyves, ye B 

o> Wee ae 
keuk -liu. 

| Hack, (to) lI teuliy, 

souk . 

Haddock, TH 2 wong-*waak. 

Hades, tea (A) yum-kaan, [ie 
let yume- - foo 

Haft, WA ping peng « 
Hageard, ye So shau -waai , 
pas 1G “chsau-’ ‘yeung: 

Hagele, IK [J tsat- “hu. 

Hail, 7% Au, pok, (a fall of) yee 
*F lok- er | 
ig DES uen- 

airs (to) tie the 
‘uen-hiw , | chiu. 
Hair, =B mo, ve the head) 

BA Se £% tau -fuat . 
ate breadth, —- my yat-ho, 

aR =n sze-ho,(- -escape ) es 

We 4 "i 
Wes Te Fi nagaam- nyaam 

Sore: ce ~ 

‘eeese, -LIBRARL™ 
a. OF THE : 

; f see 5 Lee de ae 23 : : ¥ 
ant : ’ , 

\ SS 

HAM 114 HAN 
Hair-cloth, += Ay mo-po . gine (a) ra luung, 2 
Hair-gum, (used by women) ‘an, (to) ae pik-chaak , 

rl 4E p‘aau- fa. 
Hair-pin, 2 Aled kai -*t‘au- 

chum, (claip) Be. tsaam. ~ 

Halberd, 5 oy Sfoo-net. 

Hale, (to) Fg lar, Ha t‘oh. 

Hale, (healthy) Wt feet chong - 

Half, pon. 

Halibut, 4% He. FA tseung- 

kwun-kaap . 

Hall, i feng, 


Halo, He huung , at W an . 


re tong, 

Halt, (to) es al tring-kewl | 

(limp) tz. jl kat-keuk’. 
Halter, FR #i3A ‘ma-luung- 
t‘au, (noose) SEG ‘lo- 
“shueelit , HE AE shaang- 
lit . 
Ham, K ARB “foh- tui. 
Hamlet, Fup fs‘uen. 
Hammer, a] oA tit -*ch‘ui, 
(to) #A ch‘ui, 47 ‘ta, Fe 


Hammock, rh Hk tiv -ch‘ong. 

oF) chat-‘shau-keuk . 

Hand, = “shau. 

Hand-bill, #2 wk chiu-tip’, 
aay 572 kaat- chin. 

Hand-cuffs, Fe “shau-liu. 

Handful, (a) — +E yat-cha. 

Handicraft, =F (43 ‘ shau- 
tsok , =f ab ‘shaw-ngai 
Hand- kerchief, Fi ‘shau- 
an, YF i hohn’ | - kan. 
Hand-writing, =i yh pat- 


Handle, (to) $+ tau , BE 

moh, “moh. 
Handle, (a) (Rij tfin-peng - 
Handmaid, #8 ‘pi. 
Handsome, >; £3% togng: chi. 

Handy, $&E = tai- “shan, 
(convenient) {i ‘ pin’ - 

tong . 

Hang, i tin , ee Hh uen- 
kwa , (up) $e) jh kwa -‘hi, 
(down the head) Bw 3A 

tap-tai-*t‘au, (by the neck) 

Hy SH tiv -“heng. 




Hanger- on, fa HB wong- 

keuk: - eat. 
sate a after, B taam, vee 

Happen, aA ue -‘yau, spt 

ue -cheuk, 
SADDUY, a hang , HF: ny 
‘ho- tsi. 
Happiness, jig fuuk. 
Happy, A ila yau-fuuk. 
Harass, BE 3 naan-wai. 
Harbour, (a) ee ie “kong- 
“hau, (to) fa) SER woh- 
ts‘ong, [Se ay yan-ts‘ong. 
Harbour Master, fit EX jk 

shuen-ching - eng. 

Hard, BS ay kin-ngaang , 
ap ngaang , taaoaly) bate 
naan, (hearted) ZF) ‘yan- 

Harden, vA 

ngaang’. ‘ 
Hardship, Ean late kaan-naan. 
Hardly, at AY chaang- ti, 

iE naan, (i “kan. 
Hardy, ip 33 kfoung-kin’ 
Hare, BF 5 ‘ye-to’. 

Harelip, yy [4 pang- hau, 


Harlot, 4B YR ch‘eung-ki’. 

Harm, SE hoi, % sheung. 

Harmony, #4) woh. 

Harness, an HAL hi -kue’, (to 
a horse) pap i pooi -chi. 

Harp, 2 chang. 

Harpoon, ga piu. 

Harrow, 5a p‘a, 7A lai-p‘a. 

Harsh, Jj kwut, Hee haai, 
Yl\ AE hak’ -pok. 

Hart, RE AS luuk- huang. 

Harts-horn, EE E. luuk- 

Harvest, WH Ee Re shau- 
koht -shi-haw , AK WL ts‘au- 
shau, WERK shau-shing. 

Hash, Hy ‘chaam-sheung, 
7] heel ts‘it -laan’. 

Hasp, (hook) ey Ng aH, (for a 
padlock) $4 jv ‘soh-p* aal. 

Haste, =. | kup-ts%t 

Hasten, #2 FR “kohn faa . 

Hasty, Ps Pe. 
Ree: = “mo , (put on) By 
= taai -*mo 

Hatch, (a) ff FA és‘ong-moon, 
(to) $§, po, (artificially) 

Ks pooi . 




Hatch-way, fi [J ts‘ong- 

Hatchet, 4= BA foo-*t¥au. 

Hate, cy HK han-no, 2% 


HA wen han’, Na inci 

Hateful, Ay Be “hoh-00 


Haughty, BS We taai - ong, 

Ray tit kiu- -ngo . 

Haul, fit ‘hte 
Have, AW ‘yan. 

Havoe, Bs =e ts‘aan-hoi . 
Hawk, Ig ying. 

Hawker, Be {¥ faan -‘tsai, 
aA Ag “siu-*faan »: 

Hawthorn, py “chi. 

Hazard, 6, Ky ngai- him, 
(to) yd “kom, = mo , +H 
p'oon , = Kee mo - him. 

Haze, ae Se wan-m0oo . 

Hazel-nut, £e Yui. 

He, 1B “kue. 

Head, BW t‘au, “shau. 

Headache, BA tau-teung , 
BA Hill t‘au-ts‘ek . 

Headstrong, hip 3H ngaang’- 


Heal, ee i, Be hF- i-“ho. 

Healthy, 3 ith < shong g- -shan, 
Pi AL kteunig v-chong »- 

chong . 

Heap, #6 tui, - HE Hi 
tui-maal, bE if tui- “hi, 
Ft Ft eS re ch‘uung- 

Hear, Hiv end, Be Fl i‘eng- 
mun, Fai A teng-kin . 

Hearken, {54 E Epi “pi i- 

Hearsay, int isi fuung-raun. 

Hearse, 38 EB. song-kue. 
Heart, WY) sum. 

Heart-burn, ND BES sum-suen, 

> 2 > 
faat -laak -suen, i a ; 

Beat Je Wie JEe foh-lo- 


Heartily, (willing) an ay 


Hearty, aR ee ‘shong-faat , 
iB ay chan-sum. 

Heat, 3 it, Fb SH it-hi’, 
(to) NEE Sfp shiu-it, RE 3h, 


es Baa mp kaau - 

ngoi -j’-mun. 

Heave, (pull) ral “che, (throw) 

+ tfau, (swell) (3; UA 

chsuung- “Wi-lai. 

Heaven, Fe tin, (the abode) 
K id tin-tong. 

Heavy, Ft ‘chung. 

Hebrew, Fal H ARE Hi-paak - 

Hedge, ai: 4, li-pa, aS ete 


| Bedge- hog, ey wai, Bi 3a 
isin - chue. 

Heed, Ba AX: koo -chue 

Heedless, xX #4 Ty "m-lau- 

Heel, JBI 33f keulke -chaang. 

Heifer, ALES fF ngau- moo- 

€ ‘ 

Heighten, a By “hi-ko, et | 1, 

C F 
ie ching-ko, 
Heir. jaa) tsze - tsze, RK 

F- “ch‘uung-‘tsze, (to) yal 

3é shing-ip. 
Hell, Hh ER ti-yuuk. 

- . Hellebore, ed je lai-lo. 

Helm, Hy ‘toh, AN “tai, 
fii fal ‘t‘aai-tmng. 

ia HER 


He Bs shi 

Helmet, BB PA tYau-k*wai. 

Help, FS By pony: -choh’, He 
BB chi “hoo (no) fife Ae 

Any“ mo-noi -hoh. 
Helping-hand, +4 =F. pong- 

‘ shau, 

Hem, ome) 
Hk 3 

Hem = "4 

Hemp, bint ma. 

Hen, $B +E kai-‘moo, $B 
(hf kai- nd. 

Hence, Ex tt k 00 -‘ts‘2e, 
(away) Bee It li-‘ts‘ze, Bite 

i iat li- ni-shue 

Henceforth, Fy A Z| fe 

> 3 > 
tsze -kum- i-hau . 

r, 4H K K koh -“nue- 
“yan, 1B ‘k‘ue, (POSS.) 1B 
ny “k‘ue-he . 
Herald, ‘ap yes suen-ling’ - 
koon, "Ex 3% suen-po’. 
Herb, FA ES “ts‘o-ts‘ot. 
Herbalist, REBAR HE “#8“0ia 


Herd, ae k‘wun. 

pin-kwut, (to) 
Fe tiu-pin-kwut. 
e-€-2 -2 . 


Sadindan: Be K ead. pap 1a 
(of cows) nye AE muuk- 

Here, He BR. ni-chue » Mt 
shue . 
i > 
Hereafter, iy, ff ts‘ze-hau, 
p) > 
tsze -hau . 

Heresy, Be bia i’-tuen, Al 
tse-kaau . 
Heretofore, He: aK. ts‘uung- 
lol, fH Ae heung -lol. 
Hermit, Bite Tit 8g Fe OZ 

li- shai -tuuk-kue-ke - yan, 
ily shaan-yan. 
Hernia, ~Y BR 

ch‘eung-hi . 
Hero, Ha HE ying-huung, a 
Heron, Fy ce paak-lo . 
Herring, fit§ fff ts‘o-*ue, fi 
fii ch‘i-*ue, ia wong- 

Herring-bone (in sewing) ie 

"ey kaak -kwut. 

Hesitate, Roy Re ch‘i-eh‘ue, 
A Fae sze-i, (in speaking) 
nil hs luun-chuun, Fi We 






Higtetoduays a % i kame ; 

Hew, (to) 33 teule , Fi] seul, 
IE pel . 

Hibernate, 9R§ Hey ts‘im- 


Hibiscus, (rosa) fT Ze 

huung-fa, (mutab) 3& He . 

foo-yuung, (manihot) : : 
tea ¥ wong-shuuk-k‘wai, 
(Syriaca) it Se fut-song. 

Hiccough, Fy Way BS “ta-sze- 

Hide, (to) Ee HH nik-maai, 
ni-maai, JER HH ts‘ong- 

Hide, (a) f¥ ihe p‘i-cheung, 
4 ye chek P i. 

Hideous, Bie ch‘au-maan 
ae Ba ‘c | ch‘au-ok . 

High, By %, bg high) [ 

=F sheung bo, FE 

tsol > _sheung . 

High-water, IK KE “shui- 

tai -ting . 
Hill, {1} shaan, [BY ling. 
Hilly, Wap i bi-k'ue, BLL 


‘or (i i) triu-peng’, fil 

Pe) {B ‘k‘ne. 

Himself, 1B Ey Gy ‘k‘ue- 

tsze - kt. 

Hinder, SH. “choh, tel SH. 

laan-‘choh. | 
Hindermost, Tk 4 moot- 
| hau , WE Ee shau-mi. 

Hinge, tex kaa. 

Hint, at Bo mpi “ue; (to) 
aris ap ta-om tho , (at) 
is 45 om - chi. 

Hip, Ac RB taai - tui, Kk 

Bie taai - ‘pi. 

. A C 3 

See Vy. he hoi- 

Hippopotamus, ye) He hob- 

Hire, (house, &e.) Ff. so, 

=I yum , (men) f- FA 
> > 

yum -yuung, (wages) K 

"L yan-kuung, TF oH 


His, 1B AE: “kue-he 




Historian, % ra het sau 
sze-yan. | 

History, Pil at ‘sze- ki, 

(national) x Gz cause 

k am . 

Hit, FF “ta- cheuk, Fifi 6a 

piuung-ts‘an, (with a stone) 

HE *8 teng -ts‘an. 

| Hither, Ff We EE to’ - ju- 

shue . 

Hitherto, fi] fe hotsis do 
= BI F AN chi -to -k um, ae 
Be p ing-so . 

Hive, ses ie Fra mat- fuung- 

Hoard, (to) ees fsik-ch‘uuk. 

Hoarseness, rb ie sha-sheny. 

Hoax, BE FP hi -laung’. 

Hobgoblin, i PE “‘iu-kwaar , 
iE Ee I] ‘ma- Jau-tsing. 

Hoe, (to) Bart pony, (a) Ws 
oR cheung-pond, i) BB 

Hog, IG chur. 

" Hog’s iard, 5 7H chave-ya. | 

| Hoist, Ak ch‘e, Aba * e‘he- 
Hiss, GDF MD, sce-sze, (gS ES 

‘hi, .. ‘sheung, AL 

C C 
ch‘e- sheung. 


Hold, (to) 1 i “nat eae 
7 ee pa-ch'i I, ai chup, 
Fas EE cha-chue , (contain) 
ae chong, HEV 4 45 ts‘one- 
tak, J\. F& yup-tak, (fast) 
iE Bi ting’ -shat. | 

Hold, (ship’s) ig ts‘ong. 

Hole, +L “huung, ay lung, 

Holiday, (to give) FX ty 
fong -ka’, (a gala day) fey 
A ¥. ko o-hting-yat- tsze. 

Willan, FS HE huung- ‘luung, 
[H] up. 

Hollyhock, ¥¥ 4% kwai-fa. 

Holy, qo shin g 

Home, KK ka, ae LE FR 

tsol ” Ket, (go Bae leew i, ih 
on pees TE] BK ovi- 
ke. ' 

Home-made, AeA tae 

ka-*laan- ke . 

Hone, aii AA ch‘iu-shek. 
Honest, 7 a ‘lo-shat. 
Honey, Ses hi mat-t‘ong. 
ia fie’ SRS iz, mat- 
fong, i eS ay mat-fav . 
Pbinethmckisl: A> 4B FE 

kum-ngan- fa. 



ye feung- 

Honour, Pe =5 isuen-kwai , 
(to) Fy Hr king -chaung.. 

Hood, SS hs suet “mo, . 
as tau-koi 

Hoor, Ei tai. 

Hook, $i] kau, ngau, 

| Hoop, (to) 4K f00, k‘oo, (a) 
15 Fe t‘iu-mit, (iron-) if 
ih Hit -foo (k*oo), 

Hoot, py holt, By BE hoht- 


Hop, Hy yy pk taan teal - 


Hope, aA mong , FREY wy “chi- 
mong . 

Hoppo, A nb kwaan-poo , 
fF. EA “hoi- jewaan. 

Horizon, 4h ap ti -p ing, 
(visible) FE Jp tin -keuk . 

Horn, +i kok, (edible deer’s) 
EE Ey. lnuk-yuung. 

Hornet, oa bie ang- fuung, 
FAR He mouk- funy. 

Horrible, Says ts‘ai- ts‘aam. 

Hongkong, 3p 

} Horror, fag % fai huuk-/s*wuh. 




Horse, | “ma, (a) — & 
& yat-chek - ‘ma. 

pee rect, HA A ‘py aau- 
‘ma, FY BG taw’-‘ma. 

Horse-radish, 33 ALE laat-kan. 

Horse-shoe, 5 Ae “ma-kaap . 

Horse-whip, EE as ‘ma-pin. 

Hose, 7 mat, (of a fire 
engine) FI nee neeener. 
viable, cs Ae “ni-haak , 

‘hi-haale -he : 

Hospital, Be ges i-‘koon. 

Host, 3: Be “chue-ka, (troop) 
ee wun. 

Hostages, JF chi, (to ex- 
change) ZB EF kaau-chi . 

Hot, 3 it, (feverish) BS 
hing . 

Hotel, = + haak-ue , WEY 
| A tsau-tim . 

Hound, lip- “kaw. 

Hour, ee “tim- chuung, 
(quarter of an) ¥l haak . 

House, fae wuk, Fas 4S wuk- 
“hei, (a) — FA BE yat-kaan- 
uuk, (mercantile) #7 *hong. 

Household, eNa EA ka-shat, 

(domestics) Be A, ka-yan. 

Hovel, Be *liu. 

Hover about, $E 4a] (p‘ooi- 
001) 47 i} 4 Hs hang- 
‘ha-mong’-‘ha, (as a bird) 
FS AGB f-fi- “ha. 

How, 4 “tim, Bs “Ed ‘tim- 
*yeung’, {af hoh. 
How many ? ae % 
% Ay toh~ shiv. 
However, te BR sui-in. 


Howl, REG IES fee ho-ho-sheng, 

AS}. kiw . 
Hubbub, ine hi) bas -naai 3 

PY BA a ~piti. 
Huddled, $yp¥fe HH lai-tsaap- 


Huff, (in a) HE a shaang- 
hi | 

Hull, (of a ship) fyb & 
shuen- shan. 

Hull rice, yay, chuung- “mai. 

Hum, iE Fe 2 wang-wang- 
sheng, aati nee je kwaang- 

Human, A A yan-lui , yan- 

lui’-ke’, (velations) J\, {fy 






Humane, xe NO ts‘ze-sum, 

ig NY fuuk-sum. 
Humanity, (benevolence) 4= 


Humble, », Th him-suun 

(to) <4} — Ae HA ling 

rie cs (one’s self) Ey 
aA teze ~him. : 

Humbly, (& fuuk, J {fh 

Humbug, (a) fh A ay ha’- 
‘ma-2ai, (to) ee um . 
Humility, at Yh him-suun 
At TR = no him-suun - 

ke’ -sum. 

" Humorous, HF aa 2 7 
tiu-siv , Hy ani ze “ho- 
kong-siu . 

Hump-back, [EEF t‘oh-pooi . 

Hump, bullock’s, AAG ngau- 

Hundred, <t pau . 
Hundredth, $a A tai ~paak . 
Hunger, ££ @% ki-ngob’. 
Hungry, A fk ‘tfo-ngoh . 

Hunt, 47 98 ‘ta-lip. 

Hurrah! Uae ‘ho! 

Hurricane, Ja jal fueng-kue’, 

Hurry, (to) 4# sia ts‘ui-pik, 
(in a) an 3H mong-pik, 
Ex * “kan-kup. 

Hurt, ff shoung, (by a knock) 
KK 5) “hom-ts‘an. | 

Husband, aC cheung’ -foo, | 
(con.) FE ZS “lo-kuung. | 

Husbandman, yes KR nuung- 
foo, poate K kang-t'in-yan. 

Hush, 2k Bh kum-mak, 
(hush 1 ) BK RE angst Saye 

Hush-noney, ri) ine =e om=- 

pooi - “shau. 

Husks, $$ hong, RMD hong- 

ay voice, Des sha-sheng. 
ut, ps ie maau-uuk, 

yeah (stone) Ir FE 

ch‘ik-‘ma-‘no, 4 
Hymn, mi shan- shi, oy 
oe shing - Shi. 
Hyper, xe a ttaai -kwoh . 
Hypocrite, Ti, ngal shin” : 
TEA ste — 
Hyson-tea, [ik JE Re hi- 





Hyssop, Ar HS # ngau-sat- 


i, 5 ‘ngoh. 

Ice, ye ping, DK Wi ping- 
twung, , epremoen'y called in 
Canton) = suet (snow). 

Idea, $F “ea rea pik bly 

| AH BA ‘seung-t*au, AA (& 
‘seung-tseung . 

Identical, 7 fa] seung-t‘aung, 
| — 4H tga -yat-eol 

Idiom, ai TE pong feat. 

pone, an Fe == eong- 
tak-hue hea i-‘kong- 
fat . 

Idiot, Kh ngoi-yan. 

Idiotic, Jay Fe ch‘i-ngoi. 

Idle, [fj] haan, (to) ffi i 


: or ee fies poo-saat. 

i, Sb youk, 455 Fee re ‘tong- 
‘ad pt: {% yeuk- -hai. 
Ignis fatuus, FA 4K “hwar- 


| Ignite, FF 4k cheuk-foh. | 

Ignorant, 4ff Fil mo-chi, $f 
BA ane mo-hin -shil. 

Iguana, iy iy hop ~ “Kadi. 

Il, (sick) Ai yaurpeng ye 
(bad) OR RF ’ m= “ho. 

Illegal, 4 HE faan” saat He 
4 & "m-hop Saat . 

Hew! itimate 

ict, ; B, se, BS: 
pat-faat . 

Illiberal, BS WY chaak’-sum. 

Tll- Oaennee Fie WE mang- | 

sing , ies Pi cartes 
Illness, Whi peng. 
Illuminate, (with lamps) hE 

IRE cheung- tang, (enlighten) 
He 3 chive -hewong. 
aol a AA ue ming. 
Illustrious, aA ge “hin-taat. 

Til-will, +P han’. 
Image, 484 ‘ngau-tseung 
Imagine, WR AA uen-‘seung, 

| TA “seung. ! 
imbecile, ie 5 noh’ -yeuk. 
Imbue, Wh chim, YE heats 
Imitate, 3. By hok-haan . 

Immaculate, AIDE mo- 





Immaterial, FETE Fie (Be mo- 

ying-mo-tseung’ , (unimport- 
ant) $e #4 ‘mo-seung- 
Immediately, Ell Hey tsik-shi, 
XS Hep tang-shi. 
Immense, i IC kik-taai . 
Immerse, aD WS tsum . 
Imminent, the matter is, 
FE AA sze -tsoi -taan’- 

Immoderate, 3 BB “kwoh- 
t‘au, 3h Ey kewoh’ - -tong . 
Immodest, fM Te ‘mo- lai, 
K iia shat- ‘lai, 486 Fe ith 

“mo-lim- ch‘?. 

Immoral, AN tig JE.’ m-twen- 
ching . 

Immortality, Ik He “Wwing- 

Immutable, AN FF pat-yik. 

Imp, BB {F- “‘kewai-‘tsai. 

Impair, 74 “suen. 

Impart, {8% ch‘uen, 78% {e8 
ch‘uen- pi. 

Impartial, LP kuung-p‘ing. 

Impatient, a * cheuk-kup, 

ft ZI 7 in mo- “yan-noi . 

Impeach, 42 ko’, He Hh ko-- 
*chong” ; yes lat. 

Impede, Ee ZR taam-’ ng’, SH. 
AE “choh-chue . 

Impediment, fong- 
ngoi . by 

Impel, HE tui, tE xf, ts‘ui- 
prk, THe i “wung-hue . 

Impending, ff ir lum-‘k‘an. 

Imperative, AP X45 “shiu- 

Imperfect, AN Jk] 4 pat: | 

chau-ts‘uen, AB Re « 
k‘uel . 

Imperfection, ER fl k‘uet - 


3 fi) ue, ER yun, 

=I Be wong-ka. 

Imperious, a SR Sy, pa hi. 

Impertinent, AL or faan’- 
fun’, eI ALA uet- lai- 
faan’-fun’ ; 3 Af ts‘im - 
fun’, (not escape 4 rs 
Ea] ai ’m-kwaan-ship ; 

Impetuous, (disposition) PE: 
* sing -kup. 

Impervious, RFS w-tak- 





| faplacsble, i FP Al 

ngaang - -’m-woh. 

Implement, oy hi, oe mE D 
hi -kue 

Implicate, Fig 4 t‘oh-lui , RK 
3B chue-lin, FF i kohn- 

Implicitly, fk —= AY mo-i - 

sum, Bil t% ngaang’ -hai . 

| aa ee: = 

dip i D -ts01 -in-ngoi, Am 
noi -i. 

Implore, AB He ‘han-k“an. 

Imply, he 44 om -‘chi. 

Import, (goods) iy 
J tsot Hh 

Important, EX ape “han-iv . 

Importune, [if nyai, Zs BK 
He pat-hit -k‘au. 

Impose, Jjf] %a, (upon) HX 
ER hi-ptin . 

pupoenis, pi tuen -‘mno, 
tuen -“‘mo-ke , af * 44 

shat - ’m-tak. 

Impostor, 3s Aff kwong- 
kwun . 

Imposis, Fat PP shui -ch'aau . 

Impotence, #£ GE ‘mo-nang. 

Impracticable, Ae Hx 48° m- 

tso -tah. 

Impress, 7 Ely “ta-yan , (the 
mind) FF By} ‘ta-tuung, ey 

Imprison, TA A Bé. kewun - 
yup-kaam, We BE shau- 

Imprisoned, Ap [4 
Perrone BE {3 ; naan- 
sun, HAE AG naan- yan, 
AV ’m-'ts‘ze-chan. 
J, | Improper, Ae | w-cheuk. 
Improve, wey US uet- “ho, it 
Hi Hj ts0 *-kang -‘ho, (the 
time) ie Et fa oi -sik- 

Imprudent, 4it- gist Ht ‘mo- 

Impudent, JR 2ab ee Fe ’m- 
shikepi -ki it Eft fong - 
sze. , fi: FR ER ‘mo-ki - 


ss gs He re Vt ’m-hit - 

tsing . 





In, (to be) AE tsoi’, [1% “hai, 
iff B ‘hai-shue iJ BR 
“heung-shue , age Aye. 

Inaccurate, AA pie * yau- -ts‘oh. 

Inadequate, DR ’m-han . 

Inadmissible, aS fee 7a pe 

SRY STON, gue ay ts‘oh - 

ng Ke sey shat-kok . 

Inadvertently, y Sy ’m-hkok . 
Inattentive, XD) ’m- 
Se ae i 
Inauspicious, JR FF pat-kat, 
Ae Fil Tt m-l shi’. 
Inborn ! HEFERY shaang- 

ttin-in, HE AY shaang-sheng. 
anges ot nS By He zt 

pat- “hoh-shing- sho, it ‘Gs 

ee A HE ‘m-nang, 
Ar FF’ m- 00i. 
Incarnation, ee He kong : 

Incense, (to) ig pine hil-no . 
In'cense, a eung, (sticks) 

vA is sai ueung, yj ay 

keuk - cheung. 

9 oo ia 
tsoi -noi, FE KR 

Incessant, FR. BR pat-hit’. 
Incest, 3) J y ie $e ts‘an- 

Inch, T ts‘uen. 

Incident, a 5 sze -ts‘ing, | 

C ° > 
(Bi BR EE. Sogan-in-sze’. 

Incidental, 4B BR ws Senate, 

2A Ah ngaak-*ngoi . 

Incision, We to-sheung, WJ 4 

He to-lo . | 
Incite, i) eh Smin-lai’. 
Incivility, #HE 7 mo- ‘lai. 

Inclined, {fj Zs p*in-‘me, ABI 

Ay chak- li, o mee AA 
fy sum-heung, , Fy hang. 
Inclose, (in a letter) wn +} 
ka-fuung, (by a fence) 


Include, A FE Aj paau-tsoi - 
noi , 4h 5 paau-Koot . 
Incoherent talk, #2 FG 

ngaam -wa. 
Income, A, A yup-sik. 
Incomparable, 4#£ & mo- 
sheung, a mo- pi- 

LP “ing. 

nar He L 76 HH 

*m-kuung diixtesi. 




Incompetent, AR BE ’m- 
shing-yum . 

Incomplete, AR FE ’m-ts‘ai. 

Incomprehensible, Ae By ai 

ane pat- “hoh-ch‘ak-shik. 

Tneongruous } oe wt ae 


tui , Eas Wee? m- ngaam. 
Inconstant, Ris: mo-sheung, 
Ae GE VE pat-ting . 
Incontinent, A A tl) ’*m- 
tsze -chai . 
Inconvenient, y wii (8 ’m- 
Incorrect, ¢#* ts‘oh . 
Tncorrigible, A A A FY, 
| waan- kang-pat- fa. 
Incorruptible, FR Ay 3 Fm 

Waal ” tak, ge m- 

Increase, Tj] ZB ta-toh, Fy 

Het Pagitillsg RS tim. 
_aemiene > Ay 43 pat- 
“hoh-suun RAF 'v- 

7a yup-swun . 

Incubate, Fa 45 po _*taan’. 
Incumbent, AAP ‘poon-fun’, 
€ P) > 
poon-fun -ke . 

Incur, #Y chi, FY Bi chi -to , 
44 chiu, FFE chiu-ye. 

Incurable, pe Be 44 ’m-i- 

tak, $e Oe “mo faa. 
Indebted, R him, IR 1 

him. chads . 

— ZF iG f- lai, tH 
Indecision, $e Ft | mo- 

kuet -<. 

Indeed, TE YE chan-ching, 
FA shat, Ze iy “wai-shat. 
Ei TE shat-tsoi . 

Indefatigable, $i is ‘mo- 

Indefinite, ARE XE ’m-haan- 

- | Indelible, DR FA 45 ’m-lut- 
tak. : fi 

Indemnify, As ee 

Independent, Ej 3 ei - 
laap, IS pat-kaau ; F 
Ey ling” -tS7e 

Index, Si muuk-luuk. 

India, FJ 3 [a] Yan’ -to = 

hwok . 

Fadian corn, Be. sk suule~ 

“mai, A Be. paau-suuk, 




Indian ink, a mak. 
India-rubber, $B ¥ tseung . 
pi, Fe Yan -to - 
shue -kaau. 
Indicate, FR AR chi-shi . 
Indict, 4 UR ko -*chong’. 
indiffobont, i Ks pecic? ing, 
uy ie aang-taam , (any 
way) aI Bi 4i6i 8 ts‘ui- 
ts‘ ui-pin’ -pin” (*pin’ ys 
Indigestion, Bie shik-chai . 
Indignant, ti MA hom -han’. 
Indignation, #4} nau-han . 
Indigo, pe hig laam-tin s(the 

tree) Be fs] laam shue . 

Indirect, ZF 1s BA fi-chik-. 

t‘au, *m-hai -chik- t‘au. 

Indiscreet, aS {F¥ xi pat- 

tsze-sai . 
indiscriminately, fn ap Re 
itp, “ mo- -fun~< ‘pi-ts‘ze. 
Indispensable, JF ppit-sue, 
pit-sue-ke , A RFF “shiu- 
Indisposed, AR x him -ohn, 

ar =| AE ’m- -tgze -tsoi , 

Be nup, (disinclined) YR 

Ae m- seung. 

Indissoluble, Ae 44, 4 BA 
’m-fa -tak-hoi, Ar Bie FR 
a ’m-li-tak-hot. 

Indistinct, AR BA EY bis 
ming-paak, Fr jeg FE mi - 

ts‘ing- “ch‘oh. 

Individual, #F wai’, (an) — 
484 A yat-koh -yan, (thing) 
tf a (See A), (by 
itself) 5 ae ling” -ts7e 

Indivisible, BA 4p 4B ’m- 

Indolent, Se (if “toh- lan. 

Indomitable, AR i gy put 

ying > _shue. 

Indnee, By yau, F415] chiu- 

nite Le By koo-sik, $e 
‘a tsuung “Fwaan’ , BRE 

fong -tswung . 
Indulgent, ‘ER FE foon-taai 
(self) Bi HES tsze’-ha’, EJ 

Yee tsxe -tsuung . 
Industrious, 2) TT Kan- 

Inefficacious, x An pat- 

leng, ’m-leng, FR RE "m- 

ying . 

Ie Nae a ana eee ee 
é be 




Inert, Bi ‘Jaan, * ay Als 

*m- ‘ooi-yuuk. 

Boratimable, fae (8 7e ° mo- 
ka - -“no. 

Inevitable, ZA ff 7B ’w- 
‘min-tak, fm. AS AS 7 mo- 

noi -hoh. 

Inexcusable, 4a A HE =a 
‘mo-hoh-tui- wai, 486 Fay 

Ba ‘mo-‘hoh-shue . 

| i Sepclaii Bilt Ba lk 

‘mo- k‘uung-tsuun’. 

Inexpedient, Ae 1B ee "m- 

pin’ 1. 

Inexperienced, Hes. shaang- 

Inexplicable, ##€ Fy fi “mo0- 
ur ¢ ge 
hoh- kaat. 
Inexpressible, = =, a BE fe 
in-pat-nang-teuun’ ? alk vs 
J “kong-’ m- liu. 

Inextricable, FAK “Tawi 

pat-ch‘wut, “kaai-"ro-lut. 

Infamous, A=) chia , pe 


Infant, BR Ee ying-i, CH fit 
{F a - so- tsai. 

Infantry, FE FE poo -ping. 

Infatuated, Yat Fay fuung-tin, 
vA 5 Bi (pelt yup-mai- 

ero; Gu im, hex Ge “kom- 

bin cy Yu “ooi-‘im, 
Me Yes kom=‘i im, “kom-‘im- 

Ne HE ies twi-tok, A HE 

Inferior, RS} ha -‘tang, Ve 
yal, (goods) Daya yal, -foh . 
Infernal, HY Ash WY ti °-yuuk- 


Infest, 25) fs fun- ‘iu. 

Infinite, $f£ Ge mo-k‘uung, 

ne Kit mo-haan . 
Infirm, $f Fe) shui-yeuk. 
Inflame, #2575, RH p'oot - 
‘mang-foh-he . 
Inflammation, Var ee hit -it. 
Inflate, By i “00 “hi, 
(magnify) be K cheung- 

taai . 
Inflexible, BRAS kin-ngaang . 
Inflict, Jp} a. 




Influence, af a shai -‘tsze, 
(example) iit AY, beta 
fa, (to) hex ca “kom- 
tuung’, AY, fa. 

Infold, 41] $% paau-‘kwoh. 

Inform, 34—4 ~— 
chi, Fi FM tviung-chi. 

Infuriated, ae ru Nee nau- 


naUu-padu. . 
Infuse, (tea) JAI AE ch‘uung- 
ch‘a, (mmTaPH.) fe A Ze 

> P) 
tsum -yup-hue . 
Ingenious, re =Te tseng-kwaai, 

ye] LF tsing- haan. 
Ingenuous, 4H F, XD “mo- 

sze-sum, Tq  chik-paak, , 

BES WR “K‘ong-k'or, 3 BA 
TEX twong-ming-ching’- 
Ingot, $F ting, FG SE 
uen-‘po-ting . 
Ingratitude, Fe PA mong-yan. 
Ingulf, Ae ¥B tun-haam . 
Inhabit, BR ue. 
Inhabitant, Fe Be kuve-mun. 
Inhale, Wy kup, HRA shok - 
yup. AS 

Inherent, F ZE TR aha 
tsoi “noi : Ey Ay AA tsze - 

noi - ‘yau. 

Inherit, AK shing, fe) teze 
Inheritance, BR Fe Se oe 
Baise if Ate * mo-yan- 
sim gr ‘ ifs XY long-swn. 
Inimitable, FR J% 44 *m- 
Iniquitous, #E 34 “mo-to. 
Initiate, BH ot hoi-lai 
(introduce) 5] xf ‘yan-. 
tsuun , BIA ‘yan-yup. 
injute, = hoi, +5 eS suen- 
hoi A 3 = sheung-boi . 
Injurious, Fil] BE li’-hoi’. 
Ink, 3 mak, (liquid) HS 
aK mak-‘shui. 

ike a Ik Hh, mak- 

Ink-stone, BS Bie, mak-in’ 
Inland, Ay Bh noi-ti, 
Inlay, $38 seung. 
Inlet, A JE yup-ch‘we . 
Inmost, 42 Re chi -shum, 
(heart) ae AY shum-sum. 

INS 131 


Inn, BR IE hit?-tim’, Ze Be 
haak -“koon. 

Innate, FR tin- “in, He Ze 
Aj shang-ts0i -noi . 

Inner, Ay noi . 

Innocent, ##E aE “mo-tsui . 

Innocuous, 40 Fs: ‘mo-tuuk. 
Innovate, ah A san-yup. 

Innovation, at Lid yd Ee 

san-ch‘uung-chi-sze . 

Innuendo, ie Hil om -ts‘ze . 

Innumerable, YA By Hae By 

 ergeeal ae J aS 

fa ult Z 

kom -toh. 
Inoculate, Fifi Je chuung’- 

*tau . 

Tnordinate, it ii ih 

tsit -chai , ee lam’. 
Inquest, [a Jpg im’-shi. 
Inquire, 3h A ‘fong-rawn . 
Inquisitive, hy Be Fa ho - 
ch‘a-mun . 
Insane, 25 Jaq faat ‘tin. 
Insatiable, 4H£ IR “mo-im , 
-< Ar Fi aE ’m-chi-tsuuk. 

amseripeiony Ab no pi-mun, 

nm “pin-ngaak. 



Inscrutable, AS By iB) pat- 

“hoh- ch‘ak. 

Insect, if ch‘uung, #y Age 
Hea sai ~iu-ch‘uung. 

Insecure, Yr Fs ’m-“wan. 

Insensible, $f€ 4] f+ ‘mo- 
chi-kok , Tk J4 ma-muuk, 
ae 3 KS ’m-‘sing- 
yanl-Sze . | 

Inseparable, ff 7K BA “Kauti- 
m-hoi, FX App FE ’m-fun- 

Insert, +i A\ ch‘aap’-yup, 
A yop, $8 sping. 

Inside, BB BA Tue-t‘an, ZA 

iis] ‘Jue-min’, iy noi . 
Insidious, % Zs toh-pin’ , uy 

tee kaan-waat. 
Insignificant, TM = mi-ho, 

ay Fx, mi-moot, ia hue. 

Insincere, YX 22 ’m-chi - 

Insinuate, #28 Re ts‘aam- 
ning’, ff fin A tau- 

insipid, mR taam’, ‘vaam, ie. 

Hh 4 mo-mi’-to . 




Insist, Hj 4 lak-ling’, A 
BB. pit-ivt . 
Insnare, Ma = haam -hoi ; 

4% WS Juung-lok . 

Tnsolent, 2 ngo’ sonnei ; 

f£f. Ie A tB% moo-maan’- 
yan-ke . 
Insoluble, “AN 4Y, a 'm-fa - 

ote. Hei FE m- kaai-tak. 
Insolvent, {Ex by chaai -‘tun. 

Insomuch, zi -F- chi -ue, Ear 
Bl) chi -to’, EE shum’- 

Inspect, Z5 yeas ch‘a-ch‘aat , 

Be kaam, 7X tuul. 

Inspector, BE 4% iaam-tuuk. : 

Inspire, WY Seq k‘up-hi’, (di- 
vinely) eh Ne mak-‘yau. 
Inspirit, TH ae ‘sung hi 

4 GE Gh ° swung-twung . 
ladabhe Ae FS "n- “wan. 
Instance, (for) EY Ay ‘pi-ue. 
~ Instant, =>A\ pin -haak . 
Instead, (of) FR AP tai -toi . 
Enstep, il ray iit keulk - 

; poor -waan. 

Instigate, pe ISK soh= sung. 

Instil, BAK tsum Te 
inate PE I sin 9 "-ts‘ing, 

ZS NS poon-sing 

Institute, ae chit . 
Instruct, ca kaa. 
Instruction, a ill kaau - 

fun, cag o> kaa ‘ing’. 

Instrument, ay HL. hi -kue. 

Insubordination, 3 ti wai- 

tele, ¥ ad 4 *m- 
“yan- -tak, ’m--yan-tak- ke. 

Insufficient, Js iy’ me lane . 

Insult, HX A hi-foo , Ee: 
Fes ling-youk, ff Nap 
‘moo-maan . 

Insuperable, KAR kwoh- 

pat-tak, kwoh -’m - tak - ke’, 

TR Bh GR Se ke 
tak-hue . 
fa Oh it 

bei canbe 

tong-pat- “hi, Lip at m-‘hi-ke . 
Insurance, 45 [KF po- ‘him. 
Insure, BK [ “maai- “n0- 


tnSarEpeuoR, VE eal, tsok = 





‘Integrity, 40 JE shuun- hau, 
fii! YE kong-ching . 

Intelligence, FA Ziv kin’ -shik 
(news) BF Sq sheng-hi . 

Intelligent, A AA is‘uung- 

Intelligible, By Fy ming-paak. 

peererarce, it iS fon g . 

SMES tsuung -ts‘2e , 
it Be mo-to . 
Intend, #¥ faa aK t > -yuuk, BK 
_-yuuk, AA seung. 
Intense, fz FA- kik-shum’. 
Intention, = BA -326 fi i. 
«ee r= iy 
Intentness, BA nm ayer -sum. 

Inter, He PH tsong? ‘aa 

Intercalary, BA yuun 
Intercede, #¥- He. toi > kau. 

Intercept, fie] #y laan-tsit. 

calibeinic am + seung- 
oon’, ZEB kaav-yik. 

Intercourse, Ae oe haau-tsip , 

{+ Ae ‘wong-loi. 

| Interdict, 7 Be TK, kum -kaat . 

Interest, FA a li’ «sik, Al BE 

iv -ts‘in. 


Interest, (to move) FT iy 
“ta- -tuung’ , (concern) eal 

Interesting, Bl wy A. KY 
‘yan-tuung -koh’-sum. 
Interfere, PF ship , BH ‘li, 
4] HE “tai (meddle) +f 
=f “ a "y -‘shau, +i 124 

ch‘aa To ~“tsui. 
Interim, FF fal shi-kaan. 
Interior, Ay Jays noi -ti’, A 
BA ‘lue-t‘au. 

Interlace, Z¥ sit haau- ka. 
Interleave, ey AK kaake ~“chi. 
Intermediate, HH Fl chuung- 
Intermission, is Boe fe] 
Intermit, [fi] BK haan -hit . 
Internal, py noi . 
International Jaw, 7, fl A 
KK maan -kwok - kuung- 

fast . 
Potanmolst, iit XK ea 3) | 
wan -yup-tsze hue. 
Interpose, 7\ 4 [SJ yup- 
chuung- kaan, A ae Ha 




Interpret, (eae ch‘uen-*wa , 


a ea apse 3H EH tuung- 

#76 , {is (3 ch‘uen-kuung, 

(official) #95 ae ES faan- 


dabornogate, We il p‘oon- 


Interrupt, JF eh ‘choh- t‘uen, 
BH SE ‘choh-ting’, FEF igh 
ik “kaau-‘chuen-shue' . 

Intersect, FH AE sewn grhaa, 

Interstice, ii, ni shoh-la . 
Interval, kaan. 

Intervene, A, rH fej yup- 

chuung- kaan, 

Interview, I Bi min -kin . 

Intestines, fh 

Intimate, 7A Fhe aeung-shunk, 
a) ts‘an, iL ts‘an-kan ; 
(to) He FF ko -chi. 

imidann su Bar “Tawung- 
haa , ‘TER BR ha-aat, (in 
order to extort) ER Bq 42- 

pa . 

Into, ; WAN yup, A A yup- 

nol . 


Intolerable, 8 a ee: 
yuung, Yr Zw AS 4m 
yuUng: -tak, Ae HE 4° m- 

Intoxicated, puree tsui -‘tsau. 

Intoxicating, fle BE \, ‘ooi- 

P) Ge ce ae 
tsui -yan, ooi-tswe -ke . 

Intractable, A ye ay "m- 

shau -haav, 
Intrenchment, eh Hy) ying- 

jai. : 

Intrepid, We far = “faam- 

Intricate, git Me ts‘ok -tsaap. 

Intrigue, 3f SE “Kwai-cha . 

(to) BK nD tiu-soh, ST BT 

Introduce, GI A ‘yan-yup, 

Be an-tswun Ap 

‘yan-kin? ? (a subject) te 

ial t‘ai- “hi, 22 kit . 

tpirasuction, (to a book) sp 
rr siu- yan, (recommend- 

ation) fe AE tsin > _-shue. 

Intrude, EIR t‘ong-tat, tii 

vA ch‘aap yup, AN = 

chong’ -yup-hue . 

Intrusive, pepe tS ts‘o -po. 




Tntrust, FG tole , ae AL 
kaau-t‘ok . 

Intuitively, (to know) EE 
Tin Al 2Z shang-i-chi-chi. 

Inundate, Wik “shui-cheun > 

IK tz ‘shut- tsum IK ie 

“shui-tsum -sadi . 
Inundation, tit aK ‘lo-‘shu. 
Invade, f WAN = ts‘wm- 

yup-hue . 
Invalid, WH pe ‘peng’ -waai . 

Invaluable, ite ff 74 mo- 

ka’ - “D0. 
Invariable, AA JB pat-yik. 
Inveigh, Fa naau. 
Inveigle, $4) Bl kau-‘yan. 
Invent, 34 sie chai -tso . 
Inventory, Hy 34 ¥. mat- 
ip- taan. 
Invert, FB) Hath “to-‘chuen. 
Inverted, in 45] tin-‘to. 
Invest, with, Jj za, (money 
for profit) HY BA ch‘uut- 
sik, a property) 7 Hi 
ES chi -shat-i -ip. 

paveeigain, TF pas ch‘a- 
ch‘aat , 18 3E ¥B chui-kau . 

Inveterate, 4E itt wa kaw - 
‘mo koi, ® Pe AK (4 
kan-shum-‘tai-koo p 
HE Be “kau- ws KW 

Invidious, 57 Ui KR chiu- 
to -ki’. 

Invigorate, #8 FY “no-lik. 

Invincible, ite faz ‘mo- tik. 

Inviolable, A F 4 4% 'm 

sheung- -faan’ -tak. 

Invisible, TEI BY A “mos 

ying-hoh-kin . 
Invitation-card, 2 Seri ts‘eng- 
“ts‘eng. ; 


Invite, a 

Invoice, Fi FAL Soh - laan. 

Invoke, WF #4 foo-yeuk 

Involve, $j 3A toh- ni’, Sf 
be te 3 

-silagbanicgl f * Hil 4 + 

m-tso -tak- ‘hue. 
Inward, Ay noi. 

Ipomoea, ht BE JR, “eum- 
p‘ing- “bein ANE) aes 
BE ung ’-ts‘00 

Tris, ARR Ag ngaan-tsing, jF% 
pg 09- ésing, (flower) Utes 

4¥, mong-yau- fa. 




Iron, a] tit, (for clothes) 

| ie tong -‘tau, (to) is 

tong . 
Ironically, to speak, Be K 

sae as a £3 Hf ait 

“Faan-— to- chuen- “aaa 

Irony, BK ae: at poo- “tseung- 

Irrational, 4itk ie yp ‘mo- 
ts‘ing- li. 

Irrecoverable, AS *n- 

Irregular, Al, luen , $i TE 
fe “mo-faat -to , He WK 

Irrelevent, “Y YJ ia a-a-hoi, 

Irremediable, 41 4 ce mo- 

noi -hoh, FREE TY Be mo- 

faat -“hoh-kau . 

Irresistible, $f Nit fE 

“mo-yan-tik-twk-chue . 
Irresolute, gilts = yaa ‘mo- 
‘hen’ i ae PE ‘mo- 

ting -sing . 

Irrigate, hE IE koon -k‘oi ; 
pk 3 i) lum-laai . 

Irritable, Fy# a nau-nat, 3 
ase ‘foh- ‘ke Uy). 

Irritate, ita kik-nau, 3p 
HE “Liu-“hi. 

Irritated, EE FA kuuk-he . 

Is, {2% hat ; Fi shi> , (there 
is) AW ‘yau. 

Isinglass, ffi IB ue-kaau. 

Island, Wpg Et * hoi-‘to, Vg if 

Isolated, 5 Ej ling tae. 
Issue, (to) 2 faat’, an ch‘uut. 
Isthmus, Ly is shaan-wu. 
It, {B “ku. 
Itch, Wie laai ; 
Ltching, Sra han, Sra des han- 
Itinerary, PK Fe lo -ch‘ing. 
Ivory, vs ye tseung -nga. 
Ivy, Jig tong, Fe ZR HR 

Jabber, FC FL HA NE} dsze- 


Jacana, EI RFE paak- 

shing ~ka. 




Jacinth, Fy -f, ch‘ik-yuuk. 
Jack-fruit, yyy oe SR poh- 
Jackal, ha Afi * ye- kau, Afi} 
Tov ~foon. 
_ Jack-daw, <E oo-tseuk . 
Jacket, FE FB “tuen-shaam. 
Jadestone, Be pik, “eG 
Jagged, SOA ER kau-nga- 
Jail, BE $8 kaam-fong. 

Jailer, Fi] ER sze-yuuk, AF 
BE hohn- kaam, ak -F- 
kum’ ~‘tsze. 

Jam, it BE t‘ong-kwoh, (to) 
a pik, xB a pik-shat, 
a EX pik-Kan. 

Jangle, WP Fal c ch‘aau-naan . 

January, iat iE A Ying- 


Japan, A 7s mq Yat-<poon- 
kwok . 

Jar, (a) JE ching, PE taa ip» 
se ang, 1, *peng, BE 
EL wung *-kong, (to) AB 

Hf seung-pruung , SF +) 

chaang-aau . 

Jargon, FS Ana ngaam’-wa . 

Jasper, 28. Fe pik-yuuk. 

Jatropha, ay 3) tuung-shue . 

Jaundice, fy YH wong- “aan. 

Jaunt, Hi iF ch‘uut-yau. 

Java-sparrow, Fy] $f -woh- 

Javelin, = Fy “shau-tsin , 
yd piu. 

Jaw, A Hx nga-ch‘ong. 

Jaw-bone, FF Ba Wy nga- 

Jay, ti ts‘euk, 

Jealous, HA FR tw ki’, 

Jealousy, WR Hf tsat- to. 

Jeer, eg FF hi -lnung’, HK 
Sf hi-si’, Be AY ki-tsw’. 

JEHOVAH, Hil al He YE- 

Jelly, BR Ye “kwoh-chup, 
Sesiprer’ ¥E ko, (generally) 
iat “ung. 

Jeopardy, fer [Yr ngai- him. 

Jerk, Ji 38s lik-pik, +H: * nau. 

J essamine, oe Fil] 4p, moot- 
li- ja. 

Jest, ae 5 “hong-site. 

Jesting, 46 FG siu -*wa . 




JESUS, Hi) fi, YE-SOO. 
Jet, (fossil) A“ hak-yauk, 
(of water) By AC she - ‘shu, 

Wy i\4 var chit- shui-sin . 

Jetty, AG BA ‘ma-*t‘au. 
Jew, Api Fx KX Yau-t‘aai - 


Jewel, Y D> chan-- 00, 7 
+ “po-yuuk. 

Jigger, rb BL, sha-shat. 

Jingall, $& chung . 

Jingle, a Hy Be “heung- 
tuung -sheng, (COL.) kwing- 
kwang, kwang-lang. 

Job, (a) — FET KK yat- 
kin’ -kuung-foo. 

Job-work, By a 

Jog, Fis prueung (along) Bs 
Bag [IT }) “ch‘au-‘ch‘au- ha 

Jogegle, RE eed 

Join, SHE lin, x HE hop- 

maai, [ft a foo” tip . 

Joint, fi} tsif, (ginglymus) 
ey St kwat-*hkai . 

Joint-stock, 4 AX hop-. "poon. 


Joist, PE RE *lau-chan , #fj 


Joke, (to) an ee “kong-sit y 
Bl R tiu-siv, FJ a8 ta- 

Jolly, jig HX fuuk-seung’, 5, 
YS foon-yuung, RR Ae 
“shong-fadi . 

Jolt, RES PA p'iv-tong’, e 

Be Al e-. ty. 
J on AAU ZE shui- sin- 

J oe sit Als puung > yuu. 

Jot, my * tim. 

Journal, A Fp yat-ki . 

|Journey, PS FE lo -ch‘ing, 

Ee ch‘ing. 

Jovial, eT faai -oot. 

Joy, x. 44 “hi-lok. 

Jubilee, jjgz 4f Ai-nin. 

Judea, 3p Kk Ea Yau-taai - 
kwok . 

Judge, TERR Bi] ohn’ “haat - 
sze, Ze Be “shum-sze = 
koon, (to) 3 Bi) ‘shum- 

pon . 

J udgment-day, oa i A -F- 

“shum-p‘oon. -yat- “tsze. 

J udicious, RE FJ 3 “ho- ta 

suen . 

—— ae 

JUR 139 


Jug, EL Hf, i-*p‘eng. 

Jugglery, Fr te chik-faat . 

Juice, YY chup, }+ Aw chup- 

Jujube, 5 “ts0. 

July, Ht A Ving-ts‘at- 


Jumble, $I iE “awa VE 
|, wun °-Juen’. 

Jump, wk (iw, up and 
down, "Wit It JP ngup- 
ngup-*ha . 

Junction, FA Ae i seung- 
kaau-ch‘ue . 

June, HK FA Ying-luuk- 

Jungle, aa ph ts‘uung-lum. 

Junior, Ap &F shiu -nin, ap 
shite , tie He hau - shaang. 
Juniper, Jay $4 “nin-p‘aake . 

Junk, Bi shuen, K AR Ge 

taai - ‘ngaan-, kat. 

Jupiter, (planet) 7X Be muuk- 

Jury, BAZ A ‘ing- 
haung-chi-yan, it EB 

P'oo!- “shum-koon. 

Just, QL 2 kmng-ping, 
AN 34 euung-to’, (anv) 
( “Kain, De te cngaame 
acc, iy BEE dong 

Justice, AL 34 kuung-to, JX 
35 kuung-i , (to do) =e. 
NS ping-lewung, Chief #% 
xs ri | ohn? -ch‘aat-sze,—of 
peace #H —E shan-sze’. 
Justify, Ye Fr = “j-wai-i’. 
Jut-out, Wy Hi AR tut-ch‘uut- 

; > 
Juvenile, diy nuen’. 

Kaleidoscope, ® 46 fa 

Kalpa, 47] hip . 
Keel, hi ngo. 
Keen, Rt Fi] faai -li, IR Fi] 
\¢ ) 
ange . 4 te kwaan- 

Keep, af “shat, fa lau, a 

BH shav-maai, ‘Fe AF 

sheung- yau, Fy ts‘uen. 



Keeper, Ay Sf AL holn- 
Keepsake, 3 31, “piu-Ki . 
Kerchief, kan. 
Kernel, 4% wat, {= yan, 
ngan, Kip nup. 
Kerosine, Bi wi mooi-yau, 
4K aK ‘foh~ shut. 
Ketchup, BY YH shi -yau. 
, Keiile, eae t*‘ai-*oo, YF po. 
Key, $9 3 “soh-shi. 
C : 
Key-hole, FH HEAR soh-shi- 


Khan, By YF “hoh-hobn . 

Kick, J tek’. 

Kid, Laat shaan-*yeung- 

Kidnap, P “kwaai-taai . 

= PRE “lewaai- 
-‘lo, BFE “waa 

“tsze- lo. 
Kidney, Py ee noi -shan , 
(of beasts) [EE =F iu-‘tsze. 
Kill, # shoot, FE FE 
shaat -‘sze, Bal SE “ta-‘sze, 
2% BE “ching= sze, (animals) 
=I tong. 

Kiln, 22. iu, 8 & shiu-in. 

Kind, (sort) AF lai Ag yeung’, 
*yeung , Fi chung. 

Kind, (good) PF XY A “Zo- 
sum-t‘in, Hig Xm fuuk-sum. , 

Kindle, 7 K ‘hi foh, 3 
K, cheuk- foh, 8 4K 
tau - foh. 

Kindness, (EE ie wai -01 . 

Kindred, 48 JR ts‘an-ts‘ik, 

King, +E wong. 

King-crab, ie hau’. 

Kingdom, [pj wok’. 

Kingfisher, By fA BD tiv -ue- 
long, (feathers of) Bs =e 
ts‘wi -mo. 

Kiss, BS ji Aye chuet-min’ - 
chue, 368 BR ts‘an- “teu. 
Kitchen, JA Jf ch‘ue-*fong, 
(opsonium) 335 swung . 
Kite, (bird) & uenh, (paper) 
aK FA chi-*iu, (to fly) jie 

aK EE fong - ‘ohi-*in. 

Knapsack, Ef 4 poot ~*toi . 

Knave, 3, HE kwong-kwun 

Knead, $€ ch‘aai (cou.) nuuk. 

Knee, Rf sat, We BA Bp sat- 





Knee-pan, Fe BA "Fy" sad-t‘au- 

Kneel, ia tes wat-sat, We as 
kwai -ha’. 

Knife, JJ to, (2) —5E JJ 
yat- cheung- to, — $y, 
yat- jpa- (0. 

Knight, 9, [ti] 4 a-t‘o-‘lo. 

Knit, $k Sh tiv-chik, (the 
brows) Hk =) BB tsau -mi- 

Knob, if Be nup-chue, Hit 
yy nup-tuet, it nup- 
“teng, ¢it ‘nau. 

Knock, #7 ‘uw, #4 paak , 
te “hom. 

Knocking, (CoL.) pop-pop. 

Knot, (to) yp @& “ta-mit’, “ta- 
lit’, (a) ¥EBA hit tau, lit - 
t‘au, (in wood) nes ang, 
(any thing small) 4qp nup. 

Know, 4gp chi, 49 3A] chi-to’, 
AGG shik, Bay top shih-tak. 

Knowledge, FA 2 hin’-shik. 

Knuckle, 43 BB fy k‘uen- 


Kohl rabi, 3 Bj BA haar - 


Label, BP #8 ho ~pits, Be 5a 

aK ho -t‘au- chi. 

JJ Laborious, ae ate san foo, 

2) + k‘an- foo, 

Labour, Te kuung-foo, (to) 
54 L ae tso -kuung-foo, 
BS FI \o-lik, (in-) FB FE 
lum- ch‘aan. 

Labourer, “—- J\. Auung-yan. 

Labyrinth, Ah HT huuk-chit . 

Labrus, fy 7% ff wong-fa- 


Lac, ew rp “tsze-‘Ieang. 

Lace, ey Mas) K a) chik-sin = 
opin, 10 fa- pin, ak 
ie sin -*taai . 

Lacerate, Hi Kia “haau-laan . 

Lack, yp “shit, IR him , $i 

Lacker, JE ts‘at, (ware) FR 

 is‘at-hi . 

Lad, SH x TF sai - mun 

‘tsi, “Fa t*uung, te HE 

hau - shaang. 

LAM 142 LAP 
Ladder, #9 tai, (a hand-) | Lamp-wick, RR) tang-swm. 
‘ shau-tai, Lamp-black, A | 00-in. 

Lade, (to load) ve Gi lok- 
fok, (to lift) Ja foo, 
“iu, Tih fut. 

Ladle, 4#4J sheuk , #) cheuk , 

hoki . 
Lady, #A neung, Bp T4 sze- 
uaa, adi- naar, 

K A, foo-yan. 
Lady’s maid, Tit BA Mig shoh- 
t‘au-* ‘ma. 
Lag, Y= 44 (i lok-hau’-pin . 
Lake, YA} 00. 
Lamb, bh SELF min-*yeung- 
“tsai, =e. ko. | 
Lame, Sx HEI pai-keuke . 
Lament, ee aan -sik, BR 
iis huuk-so . 

Lamentable, Wy 3 “hoh-0t. 

Lamp, RR tang, ae pee chaan- 
lang, AYRE chi- tang, AR 
PEE *“neaan- tang. 

Lamp-chimney, KE fal tang- 

Lamp-shade, RE & tang- 

Lampoon, EG) paak- ch‘aau, 
Lance, $8 -F ts‘eung-maau. 

a baie 7] hoi- ch‘ong- 

fo bh ti, (cultivated) as) 
t‘in, (by) i BB ‘hohn-lo” ; 
(to) | fgt ‘sheung-ngohn’. 

Landing-place, HF BB po - 
tau, iE BA ‘ma-t‘au. 

Landlord, Es = wuk-‘chue, 

Hh ti - sche, (of an inn) 

: = tim -“chue. 

Landscape, f- Ee kwong- 
“king, uy IK = shaan- 
“shui- age 

Lane, 7g Ass “hong, uy Fs 
aad > AR | 

Language, att *wa’, (speech) 
FF ‘haw-yum. 

Languid, mip Fe shan-kuen’ f 
Te Mis paar -kuen . 

Lank, [H] nup, fal nep . 

Lantern, RF $f tang-lnung. 

Lap, PS BA JE sat-t'au-shue’, 
2 Be ene (to) igs 

Tim, (COL) “laa. 




Lapel, 7 ‘yum. 

Lapse, Na kwoh . 

Larboard, fet Ke shuen- ‘tsoh. 

Lard, Fe yey chue-yan. 

Large, KK tai. 

Lark, a aE paak -ling, a 
iit E shaan-ma-tseuk . 
Larkspur, $4 ZE GE “ts‘oi- 

iseuk- fa. 

Larva, is pe ts‘ai-ts‘o, ih 

Lascivious, ¥4 gl, yum-luen . 

Lash, Lit] pin. 

Last, Fé moot, Fe ‘mi, We 
EB shau- mi, (year, &c.): Ff 
tsok, #8 kau’, (toe) A 
47 “kau-ts‘uen, wH lau, 
ae kum. 

Last, (a) iE rE] haai-huen’. 

Latch, (a door-) PA ai, moon- 

Late, 38a chi, Ns maan’, 
(in the day) & aan , TR 
WG aai- maan, aai-* ‘maan, 
(at night) TZ ye. 

Lately, UE yi kan’ -loi, RL 
ir tsau -sin. 

Latest, =z 4g chi -hau’, Es 
or chi -san. | 

Lath, A Fp muuk-p' in , AKG 
kok . 

Lath and plaster wall, 1X we 

Lathe, Bai ch‘e-ch‘ong. 

Latitude, Ja} jpg JE ti -‘wat- 

Lattice, FPGAS “Taam-wat- 
kaalk , SF AR BE tseung’ - 


Laudable, i 75 sh tsaan - 

tak-kwoh . 

Laudanum, 78 heyy o- -p'in 

Laugh, 4% site . 
Laughable, Rf 4 “ho-sit . 
Laughing stock, 4é 7 siu - 
peng , hf. suen-*mooi. 

Laurel, kwai , F} te 
OP ae! 

Lavish, BR yar p ‘oh. fai ; 

Law, $F 7k faat -luut, 445 
fil luut-lai’, (to go to) 47 
‘ By) “ta-koon-sze. 

Lawyer, Ht fi chong’-,sze. 




Law-suit, Bm koon-tsuung’ . 
ES {FE ohn’ -* kin’. 

PPronia, 44 FA 46 “chi- 
kaap - ~ {a 

Lax, 34 suung, (morally) A 
BA sum-suung. 

Laxative, 77% Fil ba mi-li’- 

Lay, (to) #¥ as fong ‘ha, 
(up) FER ts‘ong, Tey pei 
ts‘ong-maai, Jpg HA chai- 


Layer, ae ts‘ang. 

Lazy, Asif TS ‘laan-toh . 

Lead, ¢f¥ uen, BA Qh jak. 
uen, (the) Sid oe tum - 

Lead, be | yan; Bl 

‘yan-to , A tani, (by the 

hand) Hii toh, Hig FE t‘oh- 

chue . 
Leader, $4 FY t‘au-muuk. 

Leaf, HE ip, (of a book) fa 

Leaf-fan, BE i k‘wai-shin . 

League,’ (combine) Be = 


monet, (10 i) ye He vo t‘ong- 
suun , ‘p'o-lo . 

Leak, a ' lau - ‘shui, Be 
ig sum’ -lav’. 

Lean, shan , (to) 
egies (upon) bs bs 
“-cheuk, PRE cai-maai. 

Leap, kein’, (over) Big naam. 

Leap-frog, Bhis Ase tu - 


Learn, hes lok, (and practice) 
1. AB hok-tsaap, (begin 
to) } & ‘sheung-hok. 

| Learned, ti i. pok -hok. 

Lease, a pai, (to) FL 4B 

tso-yum . 

Least, 33 sy chi ~‘siu, (the 
least nopekity) Ay nh Z yy 
tik-kom -toh, (not the) 4H€ 
Ay mo-wk. 

Leather, ah SE shuuk-pi. 

Leave, (to) Bifé FI Li-pit, Bite 
li, (things) HA lau, nb 
lai’, (alone) Hy 4a you: 

tak, (to take) cL ko’ - 
pit, (to ask for) a aaj {Ez 
‘s‘eng-ka (permission) at 
HE “hue-“chuun. 




Laven, as kaa, Yh pit: 
‘tsau-< peng, (to) Be pe 
~ faat - “faa. 
Lecherous, hy Ee ho -p* iu. 
Lecture, 3% = “kong-shue. 
Ledge, (on a wall) AR gap, 
(of rocks) 4G pes shek-t‘oi. 
Ledger, OE at $f tang-ki - 
Lee, J a ha -fuung-*pin’. 
Leech, as HE ngau-k‘i, et 
WHER ki- na. 
Leek, JE ZR Teants'0i 
Leer, FE AR 93:1 tiu- ngaan- 

*holk . 

Lees, YF cha, BD ngan . 

Left, the Fe “tsoh, (what is) 

BR a ue-shing . 
Left handed (fi Je WAR ‘shai- 

“tsoh- Yu. 

Leg, val keuk , Ay BB Ssiv- 
‘tui, (calf) FRI AN keulk - 
Jewa, J) Be keuk - - mong. 

; ox8 of mutton, 36 Bie yeung- 

Legacy, 3 32 He Wy wai- 

Legal, 4 fil i-lai’. 

| Leggings, 

Legation, BR ES fy PA yun- 

Legend, Ty Ay koo-"ue. 

AS Hii to foo’ 

Legislate, By hu il chit -lai. 

Legislative council, $F Fil iy 
ting? -lai -kuuk. 

Legitimate, (proper) fF 
ching? ‘ =a cheuk, 
Leisure, i haan, fj AR 

haan-ha’, (at) #& [fj tak- 

Leisurely, ae ed maan - 
*maan . 

Lemon, pas te ning- muung. 

Lemonade, ae tae K ning- 
inuung- ‘shui. 

Lemur, [yj $4. yau-aat. 

Lend, fi == tse -hue , 48 
Si tse -kwoh . 

Lengthwise, # f= ts‘uung- 
ch‘eung, Fe, 48 ch‘eung- 
pin, He tim . 

Lenient, , AW foon-shoue . 

Lens, RHA poh-li-siit . 

Lentil, in 2. B Snin=*ta. 

Leopard, E Bt KAY kum- 

ts‘in-p ‘Ue . 





Leprosy, $5 Jig ™ma- fuung. 

Leprous, we hi faat - fuung. 

Less, yy‘ ne Bi yh kang - 
“stu, yp “shi. 

Lessen, KY Ap ‘Iaam-‘shiu. 

Lesson, 3 jek (daily-) H 
ah yat -foh . 

Lest, 2b NE ‘Tewung pt , Fe 

‘min-chi . 

Let, HH fe yau-tak, €¥- yum , 
{iA pt, (go) HX Song , 
(loose) ¥h suuuny, (alone) 
ni ‘aa mal- tau’ , (rent) aH 
= ch‘ uut-yum 

Lethargy, YS ch‘am-kooi . 

Letter, (character) a tsze . 
(epistle) et foumng- 
suum , ss a shue-suun 

(rigid following of the) fi 
“haai= 82e. 

Lettuce, HE He shang-ts0% 

Levee, AB BA tsoh’-ch‘in, 

Level, ew ping, 4 JE p‘ing- 
ching » (to find the) FJ 2p. 

ta-p‘ing- ‘shui. 

Lever, a Fr vi ts‘in-kan- 

tak, 348 AE kiu’-tak. 

Lever-watch, Ey AG BS k‘e- 

Levity, HH YH hing-pok. 

Lewdness, ie p‘iu. 

Liable, (for) 3:4 shi’-mun’, 

sa! AS — er ‘yar 
sia, a Tk i “ong 

taai-wa -ke. 
Libel, $3 4% waai’-ming. 
Liberal, {= 2 yan-haw’, piu 
yaa sze -‘hoi-ke , (in poli- 
tics) 332 #¥E taat-k‘uen. 
Liberate, Fe HX shat -fong . 
Liberty, Ey FH tsze -yau. 
Library, (the room) 35 F 
shue-*fong, (the books) ae 
ae s/we-tsik. 

License, (a) at HR choup-chitt 
(to) 4: 4% yum’ -ts‘uung. 
Lie Ht Ht fong - 
tswung , IK yum-yat. 
— nay t‘ol, Ay - shek- 

ae #, AY lai a (het 

sorts) PR ND noh - ‘mai- 
ts‘ze, PARE hak-*ip. 

a ee ee 




Lick, (to) figs ‘lim, $f shaai, 
(the fingers) Wet + 48 

“shuen- ‘ shau- “Chi. 

Lid, a koi, Sc: on a) Ti 

hom -chue’. 
Lie, (down) M RB, min-ha , 

Pall 4B) JE we fun - ‘to-shue, 
(to =) aan ae an ‘kong- 

taai -wa , ci iu Te a ‘fong- 
in, Kk =f taai-wa. 

Lieutenant, all foo’. 

Life, He sagen He ay 
shaang-meng’ , Hes sing - 
ming . 

Lift, +h EG ch‘au- “hi, i 
“kue-i, (off or up) 
“Kin, BS kit. ” 

Light, (not heavy) LK heng, 
(in colour) ¥& “isin, (the 
light) He kwong, (bring a) 
DE IK AE ‘tim-‘foh-lai, (to 
light) buy “tim, i tau , 
(alight) Y= lok. 

ss emai ree ps 
taap . 

Lightning, Lo Hf. tin’ -kwong, 

Ba Lo “shim-tin’ ; fi K 

leng - -foh. 


Like, (resembling) #F-4)) “ho- 

“ts‘ze, (to) rH 8 chaeung’ 
Likely, K to taai -~k‘or A | 
t% Reh pa -hai -kwa . 
Likeness, Tt n=s chan, Re *soung , 
{KE *tseung . 
Likewise, AK yik, a yaw. 

Lilac, Fy SHY ffi, ts bile 


Lily, Bet paak -hop- fa, 
(water-) Sif 46. lin- fa. 

Limb, hy ee chi- tai. 

Lime, JK fooi, 592 DK hok - 
foo, £4 JR shek-fooi, (fruit) 
fas ti ning- muung. 

Lime-stone, IRAg [Orns . 

Limit, FRM kaai -haan’, Mie 


Limited, AA Nie yau-haan’. 
Limp, (a) ba py kat-heuk’. 
Limpet, }ay Be ‘pin-*loh. 
Line, ¥h sin’, (stroke) AK 
Linen, Doi. Afi ma po. 
Linger, 3&2 4 tau -lau. 
Linguist, $f] 54. tuung-*826 

Lining, rail Att ‘li-po’, 5s 





Link, (a) SHE ie lin-waan, 
(to) +0 SH kau -lin. 

Linseed, ri Site -F- 00-ma- 

| “tsze, (oil) tA > “ay 00- 

Lint, (cloth) YER Ti wa- 
*yuung- 0 . 

Lintel, (& Pa t‘iu-mi. 

Lion, ABiN F sze~ tsze. 

Lip, [J ie “‘hau-shuun. 

Liquid, 7 #4 “shui-lui . 

Liquidate, (accounts) Tig By 
ts‘ing-sho . 

Liquor, (spirits) py “tsa. 

Liquorice, HE =} kom-‘t‘so. 

List, (& =| tiu-muuk. 

Listen, #Hf as sai -teng, igs 
Pai tsing ting, as ip 

teng- ‘ha, +y He ta- -teng . 
Listless, if pak mo-swm- 


Literally, TE iv ching ‘kong, 
I tsze -*min’, iE 
ching ~*min’, 

Literary, 3, Ar hok-mun, 
iy wl sze-mun. 

Literati, FES ae liga ahead: 
yan, M0 -E shan-*sze’. 

Literature, 54 a nines 
Litharge, [I~ {ff t‘oh- sang. 

Litigation, SP BA chaang- 


Little, 3 sat , sp “si, (a) 
AY tik, (a very) Hy wit 
% tik-kom -toh. 

Live, FE shaang, Fe oot, 

(dwell) ide chue’. 
Live stock, = ia chuuk- 

shang, He | shaange “hau. 

Livelihood, fa A kwoh -yat, 

(seeking a) in BA Kee “wan- 
t‘au-lo” , =} ° wan-kai . 
Lively, eA oe oot-p'o0t 

Liver, ay kohn, (COL) “yuun. 
Livid, Pp BA ts‘eng-hak. 
Lizard, ii BE im-*she. 

Lo! es ‘Hai-na ! 

Loach, & 8 oortie. 

Load, @) ie taam , tis -F 

taam - tsze, BY tsoi, (to) 

ae i chong- fol . 

Load-stone, Pe Ay ship’ -shek. 
Loaf, ¥ffj aH min -t‘au, ysl 

i, min - pad. 

Loafer, a fii) lo-*keuk . 

| en a oe a a 

LOG 149 LOO 
Loan, fi i tse -chaai » (put LOGOS, 4 TO’. 

out to) Hi 4 ch‘uut- tse . 
Loathe, [és jh tsang-im. 

Loathsome, By Fe Be “hoh-00 . 
Lobby, PY oe moon- au- 
© beng. 
Lobe, (car-) EE Ze %-“th, 
E at “i- tsim, “i- teung. 
Lobster, Be IS luung- Aa. 
Local, — Wt yat-fong, yat- 
fongeke (of this place) 2 
“to, Ax Bb “poon- ti 
Lock, (a) +5, $A ‘pa- “soh, 

(with a latch or bolt) Bh, 
hi “kwai-soh, (of a canal) 
7K i ‘shui-chaap, (to) fj 
pel ‘soh-maai. 

Locust, HE! ging Wong-ch‘uung. 

Lodge, (to) Ye te hit -suuk, 
Af: chue’, (house) BY [E 
hit -tim We ue . 

Lodger, Br Ze hit -haak . 

Lofty, fy %o. 

Log, Ix BB muuk-t‘au: 

Logic, 3% 37 x% HE pir’- 
lnun’chi-li, eR Be Be 

pin -luun’-faat . 

Loins, Be iu, ANI “siu- ‘im. 

Loiter, 32 2. PPA tau ‘laut , We 
Wee ae loh-loh-tsuen 

Lonely, Uy Pe laang-lok, JI} 

ii} koo-tuuk. 

Long, (in space) fe ch‘eung, 
(in time) fe 4, ch‘eung- 
“kau J lar, ii *noi noi’, 
(to) Ts luen’-moo , VEN 
AA hoht - “seung. 

Long-ells, pu PS | put- ke. 

Longevity, fe = ch‘eung- 
shau . 

Longitude, Hh AEE ti? -hing- 

. C 
Hongeuffering, Zak rie] yan- 
nol . | 

Look, G hohn’, BE, “tai, 
(carefully) Bel ka Wp 
kwaan-koo -‘ha, (down upon) 
ya Hee, “p‘ai- ‘ngai. 

Looking gi, iit] or min’- 
keng . 

Look- sok (place) we fuk 

mong Jan. 

Loom, (a) — 2 le yet-lede 




Loop, ilk Fé “nau-huen, ¥H 
AR nau- ngaan. 

Loop-hole, fj a] “Kau-tar , 
fa ts‘eung- hau, yap 
lau’ -Ia’. 

Loose, BA swung, , ty saan, 
(to) #A EH] seung-hoi, fit. 


Lop off, FA) koht -hue’. 

Loquacious, Z[ toh- “hau. 

Loquat, ha Wi lo-kwut, PL 
1, re. P i-p‘a- “kwoh. 

Lord, = 3 “chue. 

Lose, ze shat, i JE wal- 
ahs (in trade) BS Zs shit- 
‘poon, (in a game) Hy shue. 

Loss, #5 Bg sheung-waai ial 

fa- kuet . 

Lost, KE ’m-hin , Re 7. 
shat- lin, shat-hiu, Tj mong. 

Lots, (cast) +h GE ch‘au- 

es‘im, ti = 2= nim-*ch‘au. 

Eton, 5 BE 

Lottery, F{ p82 
piu, BA Ha “to- piu, (to 
open a) BA pi) hot- piu. 

Lotus, SED Ay, lin- fa. 

Loud, K ig taai -sheng. 


ae paak-kop™ - 

Lounge, (to) fi 3 ‘saan- 
yat, ial Ht haan- ‘saan. 
Louse, fl, shat, if shat- 

“na. = = 

Lout, siti $e ‘Jaan- ‘To. 

Love, ang oi (tenderly) ie 
ey oi -sik, (reverently) fi 
ie king -00 . 

Love-apple, & oe tE kum- 

Low, aie (at, Fs “ai, vA Mi, 
(water) IK Ey, Es ‘shui- 
kohn-maaw . 

Low, (to) JE HS. ngan-kite 

Loyal, HR {3 chueung-suun 

‘ Lubber, Fy K luet! -yeuk- 

yan, JAM taai -tuwung- 
kwa. | 

Lubberly, HE Yb TB, shang- 
sha-shat, Fy Fr Ja tau = 
pat-yuung . 

Lubricate, IEA yuun -waat, 
we yer re 

Lucid, BY 5% ming -leung’, 
BA BA Bits ‘long. 

Lucifer-match, B AR 1K 

tsze -loi- ‘foh. 





Luck, wet HU tso fa , tit 

ming “wan (good) hy ¥ 
“ho~‘ts‘oi-sho . 

Luckily, Pi ny “ho- ts‘ot. 

Lucky, aS hat, Sz hang’, A 
BY “yau-‘ts‘oi. 

hincrative, $s By faat -ts‘oi- 

Lucubration, HF 74 1 aL 

tsing” -ye ”_tsoke -mun. 

Ludicrous, UF Ca “ho-siu . 

Luff, 1K ify p‘aan-‘t‘oh, 

Luggage, tT AS hang- ‘li. 

Lugubrious, 7X an shau- 
‘foo, Hee Se foot -hi. 

: Lukewarm, os te = ais 

poon - Taang- -poon ~it, NR 
lal ‘laang- “nuen-kaan. 

Lull, 2, B leuk-szh. 

Lumbago, Ae ey JRA iu-kwut- 
tuung . 

Luminaries, (the 3) = mF 

Luminous, 3 BA kiwong- 

Lump, Hf faa. Ue kau , (to) 
Tet pe laap -maai. 


Lunatic, $$ bar feat: tin. 

Lungs, Hitt ZR fai. -ka, Hit De 
fai - foo. 

Lurch, 4 (Hl ‘ta-chak. 

Lurk, HH! th maai-fuuk. 

Luscious, HR kom-mi , iit 

y4 JS tim-num-num. 

Lust, hk 4K yuuk- ‘foh, (after) 
TT Ze taam-to. 

Lustre, - kwong, +. ver 

Lustring, 45 kuen’ 

Luxuriant, yz We oom oom 
poh’-poh’-soh’ ~soh . 

Luxurious, hit Ban ho -t‘aan, } 
IES Si kiu-lok, Se  chie- 

Lychnis, liz. SS XK ue- ‘mi- 

Lycopodium, As AW “kuen- 
pak . 

Lye, HH IK haan-‘shui, (sedi- 
ment) pi yp “kaan-sha. 
Lyre, = ¥K% saam-*in, (to 

play) RE 4, t‘aan-saam- 
Lyrics, Zp) [fH t‘sze-huwk. 

ere ¢ 
a ake 

una” « 



Macao, yA FA O’-*moon. 
Macaroni, $F a) Bp tuung- 
sum- fun, Bp (6 ‘fan-*tsiu. 
Mace, (one) — $% yat-ts‘in. 
(of aueriegs) we 4G, 
tau -ktaw -fa. 
Macerate, sli au . 
Machination, 7% A) ki-mau. 
Machine, TK ay hi-hi . 
Mackerel, ff fA ch‘i-*ue. 
Macroura, EY jt. 

dual Ge Viz “im-00, Fy 


Mad, AE k‘wong, Bs AT 
faat -k‘wong. 

Madam, (respectfully) Wis 

Madder, py a. sin - “to, 

Made, BX T ts0 = ‘i, tso - 

hiu, tso ” ke . 

Maggots, (to breed) He A 
shang-ts‘ue, EE i shang- 

Magic, AK $f moo-shuut. 

Magistrates, = iif koon- foo, 
—Police, ¥ ‘uun- 
—Police, i FP If ts‘uun 
li- foo. 

Magnanimous, as Pe ho- 

Magnates, Fe Nh Be tai - 

Magnet, BE 44 ship -shek, 

Pz] Bt naam- chum. 

Magnificent, re. Fe ho -taai . 

if BE w wa-lai 

Magnify, #% a Fe “ying-taai, 
Hes I “ing? 

Magnitude, © 7> Fe yeuk- 
kohn-taai . 

Magnolia, ic gn, Ay Se I 
hom-siv - - fa, (conspicua) 
zl youk- laan, (pumila) rid 
ry ye -*hop. 

Magpie, Ex. HB “hi-ts‘euk’. 

Mahogany, (Chinese) <j. I 
shum-muuk, (flower—pride 

of India) 4 PR FE Foo- 

Mahommedanism, le] le] He 

Ooi-*ooi-kaau . 
Maid, (servant) {ei ues ‘shai- 
moot, (old) tk ‘lo-* “nue. 


FAP Pg ete ee oa 

MAL 153 


Maiden, ia ya t‘uung- ‘nue. 

Mail, (armour) FA kaup - 


Mail, (letter cortying) Ee yik, | 

7 45 tau -suun 
Maim, iss ER ts‘aan-k*uet . 

Main, (principal) K taai- : 
ns ching , (the bulk) Ae 

taai - ‘tal, (aos important) 

Hy 2. tsui-iu. 
Main-spring, Te (i faat - 


Maintain, a) — koo -‘shau, 
Bs tf po-ts‘uen, Re 4 
no- -chue . 

Maize, 4 Be paau-suuk, 

Majestic, A lege wai-im. 

Majority, (of age) BY iy 

Make, Hil ts0 , i ‘ching, 

AE tsoke , 

Fi Fe 3E ohn-shi ‘-olin-fi 
(trouble) AE shaang-sue : 

(away with) We te shau- 
Maker, ie 4s tso - che. 
Malaria, Ly KA a shaan- 

: p) 2 
laam-cheung -hi . 

(a stor Y) Fe 

| Male, 5B naam, B A naan- 

*yan, (of beasts) JL tuung, 
(generally) A XB yeung- 


Malevolent, ae ND hak-sum. 
Malicious, Ue Be Toe huung-ok . 

Malignant, Br m3 ok -tuuk, 

malleable 4 iron, rae BA shuuk- 

Mallet, FX Aff muuk-*ch‘ui. 

Mallows, b k‘wal, 

Mamma, 455 4 ma- ma. 

Man, XK yan, “yan. 

Fr fy ping- 
~ ghuen. 
Manacles, =F. ie ‘she: liu. 

Manage, $y HHP paan i. 
Manager, A # “tsuungeli, 

i ATs cha- ‘pun, +5 kK 

cha-taai -k‘i. 

Manchu, Wid yh “Moon- chau. 
Mandarin, = aay pare - foo, 
(dialect) ‘Sng koon-* wa 
Mane, (horse’s) ha m2 ma- 

a He bisa4 shaang-tsze. 
Mangle, (3) ta th shin - 

po ue , (to spoil) BS ts‘aan. 





Mango, #fi) Fe mong= kwoh. 

Mangosteen, [[] 7/7 He shaan- 

Manhood, Ry A. shing-yan. 
Maniac, AF k*wong. 
Manifest, BA Fy ming-paak, 
(to) 3 BA ‘hin-ming, (a) 
‘A fohi - aan. 
Manila, yy rz a “Siu- lue- 
suung . 
Manis, BS 3 ih FA ch‘uen- 
shaan-kaap . 
Mankind, J. #8 yan-lui 
Manly, Ay —F- kwan- ts2e, 
kwun-‘tsze-ke . 
Manner, AR yeung’ , *“veung . 
Manners, Te ‘ai. 
Mansion, FEY chaak, iF ‘foo. 
Mantis, he) Bb it ‘ma-long- 

Mantle, Kk Et tani - lau. 

Mantlepiece, Dia Nis v3] “foli- | 


Manual labour, =F VE ‘“shau- 
tsok . 

Manufacture, piu} Hi chai -. 

tso . 

| Market-place, th BB 

Manure, ae fur, (to) Ve 
lok-fun . 
Manuscript, Fp ‘shau- 
claau, yah DET. “se-ke . 
Many, % toh. 
Map, fy t‘o, 4h [gd ti’-to. 
Maple, #ii fs} Fuung-shue . 
Mar, 15 “suen-waai, ‘te. 
Marble, 46 Bp AG fu-fun- 
*shek, a Ay wun-*shek, 

(white) Fy Bp Ay paak- 


March, a= FA Ving-saam- 
uet, (to) FE Bil po -82e, 
yu YF 47 is‘ai-po -hang. 

Mare, i Ef ‘ma- mo. 

Mangarite, IY BR chan-chue. 

Margin, yes pin. 

: iq : 
Marines, IK Bil slai-sze. 

ee Pee C vg 
Mariners, shui- shau, 

| Mark, 36 5 ki -ho , AF 

waak, (to) 43 EN “ta-yan , 
aT He ‘ta-ho, (observe) 
Bey in tai-chan, 
Market, TR shi. 
© iat 
*tau, Hie] aan (town) iB 


a ea 




_ofeadinali He = mak- 

“ta U. 

Marquis, {3 hau. 

Marriage, ey WA fun-yan. 

Marrow, Big Sul. 

Marry, (a wife) Ee ts‘ue , HY 
m Py “ts‘we-sumn- p'0, (a 
husband) tee Ia, (a couple) 

" shing-ts‘an. 

Mars, (planet) AK Fe ‘Foh- 
sing, (the god of war) wa 

“moo-tai’, (Chinese) 
4 Kwaan-tai . rs 
Marsh, f vb ha’ -sha, rb 
ait sha- t‘aan, ate chaak, 
Mart, $6 BB fau -t‘au. 
Marten, 57 sah tiu- shue. 

Martial, K ‘moo. 

Martyrdom, = 
“shau- s2e- sat -to. 
Marvel, ay dl k4i-sze , (to) 

3 Ae chia i. 
Marvel of Peru, AK Hs AG 

in-chi- fa. 
‘ Wr 38 
yeung-lui . 

Masculine gender, 
} > 
Mash, te Ne cheaai-laan , 

ig 3 ist] iy siw -min’- 
hok . 

Mason, {JE IK A, nai- shai 
yan, Sige Ay Dr. shek- 

Mass, [=] t‘uen, te kau, 
(people) aS Fe ha’-mun, 

fF Fe shueé -mun. 

Massacre, BE to-luuk, ay 
BY shaat -luuk. 

Massive, iE K hau -taai. 

Mast, AY hip chi-wai. 

Master, BB sze -*t‘au, Ef 
KB ‘chue-van-kuung, re 2 
‘chue, (teacher) vie HE Sin- 
shang, Fatiy (8. sze-*foo. 

Masticate, wee tseuk tsiu’. 

Mat, jie tsek, (of bamboo) 
‘25 taat, (cushion) ae 

Mat-shed, PAY ay p‘aang- 
“chs ond. 

Match, “fol chi 

(Luncifer) 3 $B ‘foh-ch‘aai. 

Match, (a mate) {BE ‘ngau. 

Match-maker, yes YE mooi- 





Mate, (chief) 1k = foh- lige aie ral (ips pi- ja 

“cheung, (2nd) = tk i i- 

‘fol, (generally) tk at 

‘foh-ki . 
Materials, ty et ts‘oi-liu’, 

Wy #y mat-liu . 
Matrix, oe type) Gil Wye Bt 

t‘uung- “paan-m0oo. 

Matter, ¥F chat, (affair) es 
Be sze -kohn , (no) it 43, 
Be ‘mo-mat-Ian-iv , 
(from a boil) ie nuung. 

Matter of fact, Eo G sze - 


Mattress, $k 8% ch‘ong- | 

*vuuk. | 
Mature, XM A shing-shuuk. 

Maxim, f&% FR clum-k'wai. 
May, (can) #& ak, BY VU 

€ €; ‘ - 

hoh- i, (1, or we, wish) a? 

ven . 

Maze, hp 5p fun-fun. 

Meal, (a) E ts‘van, (flour) 

By fun. 

Mealy-mouthed, [J Bib “hau- 



He tsin’, (to hit the) 3H 
k-chuun a 
ta _ ruung, (to) b= {A i D 

hai, (the doctrine of the) 
a ka chuung-yuung. 
Meaning, we A i -82e . 
Means, 5A AS tsze-‘poon, 
(method) 1. faat . 
Means, (by Re) Fa iz. % 

tuen’ ~th- -hai’. 

Meanwhile, lal tet tunne- 

| Measles, Tk Fir. 4 ma-ching , 
Hy Th chéwut-*ma. 
Measure, (to) gE tok, Hf 3 

leung” -tok, (a) ia leung” : 

ke ee to 
R. chéek ° 

Meat, ay yuuk, 
Mechanic, FC Dr kuung- 

tseung . 

*-leune? , (foot-) 

| Mechanism, yess BB hi-hat: 
- Meadow, [=e ‘ts‘o-ch‘eung. | 

Meddle, 5a ts‘um-sze , qT 
PE ta-‘i. 

Mediator, HB tie chuung-“po. 

Medicine, baa py yeuk-ts‘oi, 
(science of) ae 2 i-hok, 


Meditate, Ba 7A mak-‘sewg. 
Medusa, AK AE ‘shui- mo. 

Meek, A him-woh. 
Meet, (to) sb 7a ue -cheuk, | 

e G tsip *_cheuk, (BY | 

Sama: Ke tsue - 
Metin, ay 0071, He 

tsue -tsaap. 

eeancholy, RY ig wien 

moon . 

Mellow, Ph ie shuuk-num. 
Melody, 4E: = kaci-yum. 
Melon, JX. Auva. 

Melt, GR AV, yuung-/7 . 

Member, sia ‘hoo, (chureh-) | 

bit RB hing- tai. 

Members, yf 8! paak = tai. 

Membrane, K Hi i-mok. 

Memoir, 4T Hh hang-chong’ 
Memorial, WN tsa -‘poon. | 
Memory, =p. 2: ki -sing . 
Mencius, wi = Mang’ -‘tsze. 
Mend, A 0, G His sau- 


Menial, “A 4¥ ha -yik. 
Menses, Al RK uet- hang 

Mental, xX py sum-noi . 


ieee - » 
. Merino, Wy ® : 


| Mention, ak iz ‘kong-k‘aap. 

Mercantile, He jzi shang-t , 
B 8 ‘maai-maai. 

Mercenary, re Fi] k‘au-li’. 

Merchant, ia] KM sheung-yan. 

Merciful, ee es oi-lin, aA 
ts‘ze, Poa nm ts‘ze-sum. 

| 4 Merciless, ii ND long-swm. 

Mercury, aK $B ‘shui-nean, 
(planet) 7K Fe “Shui sing. 

Mercy, 2& ZF ts‘ze-pi, BS 

| Neal lin- ‘mun. 

| Merely, aS a pat-ku ol , Ty 
{% tuuk-hat . hy —— 

Merge, Abs pel an’ -maai. 

‘Meridian, FBR fsze= ng- 

sin , (-lines) RK an) king- 

sin . 


Merit, y} ws kuung-lo, Ti 
kwung, (to) fig <5 ying- 
tak, Yi ia Ke 45: kuung- 

Merry, BR hi-siv , AF 
‘ho-ts‘ue . 

Merry-andrew, Kite yy tsaap- 
koult HE “hsau, 


Mesh, “4 AR mong- “neaan. 

Mess, (medley) te Hite laap- | 

| Microscope, BA qh Be Rath 
Mess together, fi Sept uung- | 

| Mid, 



ts‘uen . 

2 2 
Message, 4 45 yo -SuUn . 

Messenger, 2 chsaai-yan, | 

(official) ZB win-Ven, 
Metal, 4G TH kum- ‘lui, 
Metaphor, 4% 3h. a tse -‘ue, 45 

7 tse =i. 

Metempsychosis, Hig |B] lwan- 


Meteor, Mit Fe lau- sing, [ae 

Fe chui’ - sing. 

Method, 4; ie fong- faat , 

E& -F- fuat ~‘tsze, 
Metonomy, fi tse -‘kong. 
Metropolis, Fe king-sheng, 

[=I -e5\ king-too. - 

Mettle, te Se Ft tsing-hi 

Mew, | 

Mewl, | | hi 
Miasma, je 24 cheung -hi, 

(damp) ¥82, a hi 8 

ee shap- -cheunyy . 

Mice, FF Fe BK fs‘in-ts‘ang- 




“Microcosm, a 5: yh siu- 

Hin-ti . 

mi- -keng . 

rH chuung. 

Mid-day, oa = aan cha , 
Middle, FH id chuung- kaan, 

I Miadie-mat, yes A mool- 


Middle-woman, ip Ye mool- 

mere: Wek Wik Ott ma- 
*ma- ir 

Midnight, a ry poon -ye . 

| Mid-summer, BR ha’-chi , 
fia GB /uen-yeung. 

Mid-way, op. He poon -lo . 

Midwife, BE Ae BE tsiy’- 
shang-*p‘oh, Ee “an- 
*p‘oh, Sh YFG chup- ma, 

Might, HE nang. 

Mighty, Je BE taai -nang. 

Migratory, 9 Hee BK GE /- 
ahi-lol- wong, 

Mild, eR 8 wan-leung. 

gags - mool, ES ie 

au -mool, 




Mile, (.*, of an English) a 
Military, “moo. 

Milk, i ue, ia naal, (COL.) | J 


Mill, pa moh : *moh 

Minute, Paty Ht sai -mi, (of 
time) Ap Bee fons 

Miracle, FE Dk i -tsik. 

Mire, VE maf nai-paan- 

Mirror, i] oe min -heny 

Mirth, ie 24 faai -lok. 

Millet, ay ae SiU- “mai, ae Miscarriage, ay ye ‘siul- 


Million, Bes pace -maan . 
Mimic, 84 hok. 

Mince, 1] SH ts‘if -sai.. 
Mincing, if AR Srla- noh, 
Mind, xn sum, (tO) ie] AE 

koo ~chue . 

Mindful, #5 MAW -aul-sité - 
sum, (you are) 5 rau- 


Mine, (to) FPR (4>) ay 

kwut- ( feum-) Juuny, (a) 
kswony . 

Minister, (to) SAR Se chup- 
Sze , A) &. S20-82C , (a) J 
shan, (prime) “toi 
seuny . * % 

Mint, At 4b, RS heung-fa- 
is‘oi , (a) $a) ts‘in-kunk,. 

Minus, ee kaam. 

‘oh’ aan. 

Miscellaneous, yx za ling- 

SUN, Rite tsaap, eq shup- 
sui, i cad SUp- sui. 

Mischief, we koo -sheund, 
1a Se 5 “seen-hoi « 

Miser, es Ay A haan- i ol- 
yan, eS ee haan-waai . 
Miserable, Os a miser) FJ He 

tsze “tin (poor ) +5) he 

du- “i ° 

x c, ¢ 
Misery, HE A foo- ch‘oh, ie 
iit ts‘ai-leung. 
: A > 
Misfortune, | "= pat-hang , 
i > 
fy ‘Joo-mene’, DAL 
huwungy-sZe . 

wits C. ; 
Misinterpret, fii}. eit bai 

ts‘ ‘oh’. 

Mislead, | ak yan- a ol. 
Misprint, ST) ge yan -ts‘oh . 

Misrepresent, Ee za “kong: | 


pz Hy ‘m-chuuny . 
ADasionary, BZ ch‘uen- | 

kaav -yan, (society iL esa i] 

ch‘uen- -kaau Sai : 

Misspend, ope yar long’ fui 

Mist, KB in- moo, Bat 
ha-moo’, ae oe wan-moo . 

Mistake, (k oi “koo-ts‘oh ; 
(a) ge a oh. *ts ‘oh, oe 
a ts‘oli -kue rig 

Mister, (Mr) ie He sin-shany, 
—Z keuund. 

Mistress, (Mrs) Th WW} naal- 
*naai, (of “ household) 3. 
SHR Sze ” _-tfau- -neung, = 2 
Ki * chue-yan-neung, SE 
$f “ch we= M00, (of a school) 
tk fifi “uue-szr, (a kept) 
Te +71 ‘lo-kai. 

Misunderstand, aS ae — a m-| 

ooi -t » Hoar “eng-ts* oh. 

Mix, ar Fy * kadu-wan, Bal 
Fi t‘iu-woh, 




Stic: nee BE toot un > i 
Si aan -hi. 
Mob, [=] WE fd, AL paake - 

sing: -naau-luen . 

Mock, FF hi laang’ ; ll] 
ae shaan -siu . 

Model, Het 8 moo-yeune , 

Moderate, KZ YY Ae A p pat- 
toh-puat- shiu, i rf shik- 
chuund, Hn chuung-woh, 
(to) Bl os t‘iu-wan. 

Modern, As kum, a san, 

(times) ) re te kan’ -shai . 


Miss, (young lady) ty oe 

koo-neung, (to) - shat, | 

Hk SF kéau- 

Modest, AA ie Hh yau-lim- 
“chs i, Pigg chi-sau, ARB 
him-t'ui . 

Modity, BY Hil ‘Koi-seulk 

Moist, PLEA shup, His num. 

Moisten, thy. yuun . 

Mole, te mont tin shue, (on 

the skin) oe Be. hak-ts‘ze- 

pa Fas hak-chi . 
| Mole-cricket, + Ai to~ kau, 

| Molest, ie ES naan-Wwal. 
Moment, Fr Yi pin hak, 

eI 5A “ksing-hak. 




Monastery, (Tau.) #8 koon 
(Bud.) = tsze', esi 
‘G A be sau-to -*uen . 

Monday, Mme lai-paai - 
Money, @$ ts‘in, *ts‘in, ¢p 
i ngan-*ts‘in, *ngan. 
Mongol, ae ry Muung- foo. 
Mongrel, A¢E7EH sone “chuung. 
Monkey, FE Be ma- lau. 
Monomania, NO FGAE sum- 
peng "_-k‘wong, Fa i. WH 
AF 2 yan-ste'-peng -k'wong. 
Monopolist, ae tuun- kha. 
_ Monopolize, wa“ tuun- sa. 
Monstrous, IDE BS. 
Month, Al uet, 
Monument, aE p‘aal- fong, 
7 iat ag 
Mood, PNAS bi sum-ts‘ing, is 
= ts‘ing- ig g- 
Moody, ay SA St “Ko0-hi . 

Moon, A uet, (light) A Jy 

uet- wong. 

Moor, (to) me 4 sive ase 
24 Bi waan-choap . 

Mop, 7H Hh po -fut. 

— waar “sui d 

Mope, 2% fA fat’ -moon’. 

Morally, KR HE i-ts‘ing- ‘li. 

Morals, tT FB hang-wai, {iis 
4T ' tak-hang, (good) see fia 

More, JR tim, ZB toh, 
(COMP. DEG.) ri kang , 
Ht chuung’. 

Moreover, Jf Ff kang -kim, 
2B, AL fong’-‘ch'e, i AL 

Morning, FA “ts0, BA chiu, 
(good) Fa iE “¢so-shan, 
(-star) Rix BA Eek “kai 
ming- sing. 

Morose, ia ye yum-ch‘um. 

Morra, Li He ch‘aai-mool. 

Mortal, (ey aE ooi- ‘2. 

Mortally, ey SE hee “See. - 

Mortar, HB nai, (2) He 
chuung- “hom. 

Moxtenge, (a house) Bi ee 
‘tin-wul, Ee Fae ong wl 

Mortgagee, i =e “tin-“chue. 

Mortification, We BS foo-fai , 
Ks foo’, (gangrene) FA} 9E 
yuuk- sze, (of spirit) TE PE 

5 2 
ts‘1U-SUl . 




Mortise, #82 AB “suun= ngaan. 
Mosquito, pat mui. 
Mosquito-curtain, (a) — 4 

Hee ie yat-t*ong - mun - 

cheung . 

Moss, 2 He t‘oi- ‘sin, Ags. 4 
mooi-t‘oi, fap ZS ts’ eng-tfol. 
Most, (of quality) on chi, = 

Af shap Sut (of quantity) 
Res chi -toh. 

Mostly, ie taai -*k‘0i, K 
*, taai - *youl a He 

taai - “ad. 

Moth, #9 ngoh, ie dxf cang- 


~ Mother, r EF ‘lo-*‘moo, | 
(respectfully) -FiE 64, ‘moo- 


Mother-in-l © 
- ee at Ah fF ngoi 

Rather a FE ix 

| -wan- ‘moo- -hok. 

Mother-wort, e* BE i=} yik- 

‘moo- “ts‘0. 
Motion, ¥f} tuung’. 

Motive, #2 J “hi-kin’, 

2 2 
nim -t‘au. 

Motto, rai Aaj tai-kue . 

Mould, (a) hia =. moo-shib. 

Mouldy, #% =§ faat -m0. 

Mound, + He “to- tut, By 
+ fuung- to “to, 

Mount, (to) JR ‘sheung, Ff 
#. == shing- ‘sheung-hue . 

Mountain, ar pa 

Mourn, Fy 38 tive song, Fes 


Mourning, 3 }ip song-fuuk, 
(put on) aI cheuk -fuuk. 

Mouse, BF: shue- tsat, Fy 
sat shek- shue. 

Mouth, [J “hau. 

Mouthful, (a) at yat- hau, 

— if yat-taam . 

Move, Als Ey yuuk- tung, 
(remove) DR poon. 

Mow, pa ‘ch‘aan. 

Moxa, Ba Ey. ngaai -yuung. 

Much, % toh. 

Mud, He nal. 

Muddy, Viel chunk, VE mii 
nal- paan’, Fe au nau, 
(style) tit YE a IK t‘oh- 

nai-taai - “shut. 

Mut, Bk SF Be Shuang 

‘shau-to . 




Mug, JK {RI ‘shui-*tuung. 

Mulberry, (tree) x fas} song- 

Mule, BR EG loh- ma. 

Mullet, fa FRR wong- mi- 
“ts‘ai, Ey z= yo paak-‘ mi- 

“ts‘ai. | 
Multiply, 3€ shing, (increase) 

He Z = shaang-toh. 
Multitude, BR. chuung , (the) 

it jeu shue -mun, RX BR 
a WE taai -chuung g pale - 
sing . 

Mumble, Amy ngum-ch‘um, 

Mummery, fe Ay BS. “wai 

‘ma-sze « 

oui He VE AR shang- 
cha’ - (500. 
Munificent, gE Ei haut - 

chuune’, pu yi nF sze 

“hoi-ke . 
Murder, Vide Sa Ry huung- shaat . 

Murderer, woe huung-‘shau, 
Murex, Rl pe ts‘ze -*loh. 
Murmur, Sia lawn’ -chuun, 
(at) 2B HE wen’ -taan’. 
Muscle, (of the body): All jz 

ka $0 vize Ry shan - “vuuk, 

Mushroom, xy ‘ewun, “kan. 
Music, 4 FF ugok-yum. 
Musicians, chim- 
“ta-‘lo, flit stg Ain 
Musk, Ee aE she hewn. 
Musk-melon, Zi JN heung- 
Musket, B ge ‘nin-,és‘eung. 
Muslin, min-sha. 
Mussel, (shell fish) fa vb HE, 
wong- sha- “hin, “hin. 
Mussulman, (Moor) pa K 
Moh- loh- yan, (Moham- 
medan) le] i Ooi-‘tsze. 
Must, WA pit, JAE pit-ting, 
Wr BE. pit-iv , Fey Washi - -pit. 
Mustaches, SE isze, JX — 
paat -{sZe -s0. 

hecdayd Ze Ke kaai -moot, 

FR aR kaai’ -laat, (seed ) 
Ze Ff haat -‘tsze. 

Muster, na. 

se ede tit Be hong-tsae ¥> 

a waai . 
Mute, iz Be ‘m-sheng, [RH 

a “a- hie 
Mutilate, Pg ae ts‘aan-hoi . 




Mutiny, Bx sit poon’-yik. 
Mutter, (con.) “kong-nge-nge- 
sheng, twup-t*up-sheng. 
Mutton, 36 Ay yeung-yuuk. 
Mutual, #9 gig | aE mie 
kaau-seung-ke . Be ‘pi 

Muzzle, [J “hau, we isu, (to) 
RE AE a} lup-che - “hau. 
My, mine, a ngoh-ke . 
Myriad, B maan . 
Myrrh, 1 moot-yeuk, 
wy dase KE C. ‘ngoh-tsze - 
“hei, As &} “poon-shan, (I 
feed myself) FP Ey, 
“ngoh-shik-tsze’- ‘fi. 
Mysterious, RL yp o -miu, 
HA) naan-ming. 

Myth, Th “[oo-"ue. 

Nail, $y feng, (2) — $y 
yat-hau- eng, anger’, &C.) 


FA kaap , i\s “chaau. 

Naked, fs ch‘ik, Hf. kwong, 

Sosa jim Tr sy} tuet - 

chile -lak, 

Nakedness, (destitution) Zp 

4% ch‘ek-prun. 
Name, e, ming, *meng, (to) 
BX vA “koi-* meng. 
Namely, Biff ¢sih. 
Nankeen, cloth, ye 4¢, Th 
“tsz0-fa-po re Fh ch‘ik- 
Nanking, Pz] [=I Naam-king. 
Nap, 3 mo, 4% BA yuung- 
ig (sleep) BA [fy hap- 
Napkin, fy 4F po - tsai, 
(table-) LS iy ch‘a- kan. 

Narcissus, mK fil) Zé “shui 

sin- fa. 

Narcotic, JK 3 mai-yeuk. 
Narrate, it Hi AE shuut- 


Narrow, yo chaak , ighiyy 
$R kip. 

Nasturtium, tay a Bt hoh- 

Nasty, A=} chia . 

Nation, Ff} pong, kwok . 

Native, Zs Bb “noon=*tit , + 




Natural, K as t‘in-shand, 

Be rang: ke , ASE “poon- 
sin me 

Naturally, EVRA tsze -in, K 

1S n-1n. : 
Nature, PE sing’. 
Naughty, 7A waan-p‘i, FR 
; C ‘ Pe 
m- ho, k‘waal . 

C pet 
Nausea, er NG OO0i- au, ae 

ne “seung= (iu. 

Nautilus, ie mK ya fau- 

Naval, (troops) 7c Ey “s2wi- 
<82e, (officer) IK Ain ‘EF 

‘shui- 82e-koon. 
Nave, tis NY luun-swm. 
Navel, HL ps “t‘o-ts‘Ze, 
(string) as ca ts‘ze- tadi. 
Navigate, Bab ipl “shai-shuen, 

Nay, Me te m-hai’, A FE: 

Near, Sr kan’, a et Hin 
foo -kan . 

Near sights MAR Meany’ 3 

*shi> - “neaan. 

Nearly, = Hr ZB By cha-pat- 
toh, YE Hr tseung-kan 

Neat, 7 He tsfai- cing, 
(clean) # EF kohn- -tsong’. 
Necessary, Wye pit-ivt , cE 
Wr ting -pit, fe ( 4B 

‘Vee a5 “keng. 

Neck-lace, Fi DR keng gin’. 

Necktie, 88 48 “keng-‘leng. 

. C 
Necrosis, 10 rey sze-kwut. 
eh D 
Need, ZA sue, 2A Bs sue-iU . 
Needle, BRR Bt ngaan-chum, 

(magnetic) eZ] Bt naam- 


Needle- -woman, rae Be ES 

“no-luen-* p‘oh. 

Needless, AE m- shai, JR 

Needy, Ga kernal 
Nefarious, ort ch‘au-ok . 


Negetive, 2) (El a BR tui - 

min -wa tau, (positive &—) 

B fm * yaul-mo. 

Neglect, Fa FI mpm -koule , 

JK: = shat-ki ; ys =) 
shat-kok , y,. eA ’m-h00 
Negligent, KA 352. Jut-leuk. 

Negotiate, He zp paan’=‘li, 




Neigh, (WR JR see-fuung), 

C ae 
het SL. ma-hiw’. 

Neighbour, ie K luun-yan, 
&% . : 
$5 Hj kaa- fong. 
Neighbours, { HA luun- li, 

pu ie sze -|nun. 

Neighbouring, Ke Tr luun- 

kan , its Bite kaak -li. 
Neighbourly, HF: zis Hid “ho- 

seung= Ue. 

Neither nor, We FE a 
KX ys a pat-shi 
yau -pat-shi, 1 {4% 
RE ’m-hai™ yan'- | x 

’m- -hai Vz (4% too- 

’m-hai . 

Nephew, EF F chat- tsze. 

Neptune, HEE Luung-wong. 
Nerve, ig Say ih ‘no-hi - 


Nervous, (timid) ff rR oA 
‘mo-chi -hé_ , (irritable) Ay 
re Bi es id 
SE noi -sheung- keng. 
Nest, RE ch‘nau-woh, =] 

tau . 

Net, Ae mong, BREA cheung- 

‘mong, (lifting) iy isang. 

Naan . 

Neutral, FR ARPA ZG ‘leung-— 

pat-seung-shap . 

ett] ‘- a 
Nettle rash, JR EE fuung 

Neutralize, (medicine) Fp} 8 
“kaai-yeuk, (poison) ee 

C P 

Never, (past) KA mi -‘yau, a 

ip 2 it uen-loi-‘mo, Aa 

HE “tswung- ‘mo, (to come) 

N ch weg Fie # 
IK 5 

4m, wing- “nen- mo. 

T S HE DR In. 
Nevertheless, WR sui-in 
New, ar san. 

News, it fal. san-*mun, jae 

sheng- hi. 

mun- “ha: 

‘| New ces ey Fe AK san- a 

Next, 4, ar Peg ; NX ts‘ze ; q 

a pf tui -ha, (day, &c.) 
HA H ming- yA &¢e., (near 
to) i ££ kan -chue. 
Nice, aS “ho, HY: te 
*yeung , vis ER ‘nea-hif , 
(particular) {F- AW “tsze- 
sai , (too) is af im-tsim. 

Nickname, 4y Ry fa-*meng, 

>. x 
VEE Zs wan -*mene. 




Niece, te KE chat- ‘nue. 

Niggardly, he: aun, fay 2 

. “ d-luun’. 

Night, 744 Hig ye - ‘maan. 

| Night-mare, cos IB mung - 

etait AB “kwai-chaak . 
N cdi, fall #2 fun - 

; shaam. 

Nimble, HAR fs hing-faai , i 
Fe faai-tsit. 

Nine, It “kau. 

Nineteen, 4 A shap- kau. 

Ninety, Jt, -e “kau-shap. 

Ninth, ## Ieou. 

Nip, #4 nip, gH kim, PR 

Nippers, GH *k‘im. 

Nipple, Wj BB “naai-t‘au. 

Nirvana, 94 #2 nip-p‘oon. 

Nit, HU ESS shat- ‘na-chuun. 

Nitre, Naas haam-s7u , Aig si. 

No, HN pis par-shi pz {% 
’m-hai ‘ ie sue 

Nobility, Ff tsewk . 

Noble, a s=I tsuen-kwai : 
nded ie 33 “kong- | » 
Koi, HH IEX kwong- 

ming-ching -taai’. 

Nod, eee FT] “tim=téan, 46 BA 
tai-t‘au, [Ht BA ngup-*t‘an, 
Noise, ee 4) sheng- heung. 

Noisome, tuuk. 

Noisy, pias Fal ts‘o-naatl . 

Nominal, (merely) 4 Z it 
=I ‘yau-meng-mo-shat, +p 
S kwa -*meng. 

Nominate, is rs t‘ai-meng. 

None, 4H * mo. 

Nonsense, waa ngaam -wa , 
Hi BN, oo-shuet . 

Noon, i aan -chane , ne 

ching - ng. 

Noose, He Ee shang-lit , Fos 
Js, ‘lo-‘shue- i, ex sah 
Tie ‘lo-‘shue-k'ek , (to) ds 
AE kek: -chue . 

Nor, (see Neither). 

North, At, pak, (N. E., &e.) 
Haq tuung-pak, &e. 

Nose, Ee pi, fy Bt pi -koh. 

Nosegay, fe Fe BIR sin-fa- 

Nostril, BFL pi -‘huung, aa 
ay pi - fuung. 

Not, Koi JE i, PE “wm. 




Notable, H4 SB ch‘wut-chuung , 

ZF f= Ji-sheung. 

Notch, EA I koht - “hau, 

(a) ER ket , By [J pang- 

Note, (to) 3¢ ki, ap, 4E 
ki -chue , (sound) = yum, 
(a paper) — fe =F yat- 
cheung-ts7e , (money ) Hh 
aK ngan- chi. 

Notepaper, s sin. 

Nothing, $1 43, HF ‘mo-mat- 
‘ye, ci Ly) ‘mo-mat, it 
Hy mo- ‘ye, 

Notice, (to) Fh kok A koo , 
Jen FA chi-kin’ ; FL kin’ - 
tak, Eee Jet “tai-kin’ 

Notification, aM HA po - aan. 

Notify, xR SH po ~chi. 

Notion, Hor | BA ‘seung-t‘au, 

Notoriety, iz KA ‘hi-*meng. 

Notwithstanding, FE BR sUul- 

Noun, #f = shat-tsze . 

Nourish, ar ‘yeung, 7 


Novel, (a) ANB ‘siv-*shuet . 
Novelty, n-*yeune 
Y, OR se yeung , 
oS. san-Sze , (a) a 

November, ira + — A 

Novice, Hit #9) a - ch'oh. 

Now, hi ue-kum, Be 
ka--ha, mn Be. i-ka. 

Noxious, fe ok , ey: tuuk. 

Nozzle, IVa “tsui. 

Nudity, Be Ir Le tuet - 
ch‘ik -lak . 
Nugatory, Ria FE hue-t'o. 
Nugget, & BB kum-t‘au., 
” | Nuisance, Vj fi 00-ts0, A=) 
ch‘au -mat.. 

Null and void, gS PME fai 2 

teze - chi. 
Numbed, Tek Ja ma-muuk, 
Tk yes. ma-pi . 
Number, Bay sho , (No.) pa 
) | 

tal . 

Numeral, By = | re : 

Numerically, H& 53% chin - 






Nun, (8 kinds) = fg saam- 
hoo, (viz.) FR, ih ni- oo, 
yy 4 iG to = hoo, 7s Ig 
lg koo, (Rom, Cath.) (G 

Nunnery, He ‘et om-b‘ong. 

Nurse, at ye a -*ma, (wet) 
i UE ‘naai-ma, Wet, WG 
shup-ma, (dry) sy) bs 
rage imi, (to) ee i} wai - 
‘naai, (carry ) oe p‘o. 

Nursery-garden, 3% Sh [i 
‘nun-shue -*uen. 

Nut, AY -F- hat-‘tsze. 

N ut-crackers, SF EH hat- 

Nutmeg, ie THe tau -kav . 

Nutshell, Re -F- ip “kwoh- 

“tsze-holk . 
Nux-vomica, epi ‘ma-ts‘in. 


Oak, AK tseung’ , te lik. 
namie RE GE Ph sui -laam - 

#4? Sit PE ma-Zan, (used 
by Chinese) 4’; eh chuuk- 


sau-to - ‘nue. 

Oar, Ay ake chi-tseung. 

Oath, © ie shai -uen , A 
ie mang-shai . | 

Oatmeal, #H Z t‘so-mak- 
imeel HB | 

Obedient, Ha FF eng -wa, 
teng -wa -ke . 

Obeisance, Ff Shr padi -kwai . 

Obey, eI tsuun, Bee =F teng - 


Object, Hn EF mat-kin’, (of a 
verb) At — Shi ae 
(aim) iss + [Hy i hung, ie 
fri chi -heung . 

Object, (to) HR ting- poke 
(as an inferior) ERMA pok - 

Obligation, AS af ‘poon-fun 
(a debt) AS cheung . 

Oblige, (force) 24 kaam, hip 

Obliged, (much) % 4. toh- 

tak, vis 44 tsuuk-‘ling. 
Obliging, JJ ff shuun’- 
Oblique, ZI. ts‘e, és‘e , 
Obliterate, Jae JE mit-hue’. 

OBV | 



Oblivion, #4 44% ‘mong-moot. 
Oblong, $2 FF ch‘eung-fong, 
H FR yat-tsze -*yeun g. 
Obloquy, ES: == ling-yuuk. 
Obscene, #H ts‘o- hau. 
Obscure, [hy Af yau- miu. 
Obsequies, BIS ne song- lai. 
Obsequious, fe | fuuk- 
shuun’, At 8 him-yeung , 
[a> Ae yum-yau, (to the 
rich) Fy #AB paak-kop’- 
Observe, Fry ‘tai, HH koon, 
(keep) <i “shaw. 
Obstinate, id at Ap pi-hi - 
ngaang’, hil ai koo -chup, 
Ph Boe aau - ‘eng. 
Obstruct, EL AE “choh-chue , 
HE a pene: -chai , we 
AX sak-chue’. 
Obstruction, 97 hey fong- 
ngoi, SH. 5s “choh-sak. 
Obtain, 7 Bil tak-“to 
Obtrusively, Ey f= tsze - 
shin , FEI PE shin’-k‘uen. 

Obtuse, $f tuun’. 

gop. , min, 4% 

Obviously, ES TH tong-min . 

Occasion, #4 ki-o0i , 
(time) Jf *p‘aai,. (no) ZA 
(au ’m- ‘shai, (to) Gi ‘shai. 

Occasional, BY i waak-shi. 

Occult, Ish BB pi -mat. 

Occupation, = Be sze -ip, 
L Ft kuung-foo. — 

Occupy, errs aati of) 
ee kue : 4E chue’. 

Occur, ib A oie = ‘yau— 

Occurrence, Hy. Sze . 

Ocean, PEs Vy: yeung- hot. 

Ochre, 44 Hi shek-wong, hie 
Ay “che-shek, DHE fa ts‘ze- 


October, reat + A Ying- 

Ocular, AFL Fi ‘ngaan-hin . 
Oculist, AR Be ‘ngaan-i, AR 
Fr} He ‘ngaan- foh- i- 

Odd, (single) ay ki, Ye taan, 
ys leng, (strange) a IPE 

c 2 
koo-kwaai , ri) k‘i. 



Ode, ah shi. 

Odious, By Bee “oh-00 
Odium, (incur) 45 BAB tat- 

yan- -han’. 

Odour, Ay St heung-hi , (bad) 
A=) ag chéau -hi . 
Of, —— 7% ——chi, — UE 
ke’, (course) Rx 

tsze. Be 
“pi to . 

Off, + hue , Bite li, (distant) 
tia ‘gen, (off the stage) ue 
vt kwoh -tso , (be off) FBR 

fifa] liu-la. 

Offence, |e tsui , ue take) 
BS) WS kin’ -kwaat . 

Offend, Ee ai kohn-faan . 

Offer, 3F ‘hue, 2 “hue- 
“hau, (a price) Hi ch‘uut, 
ial waan, (present) 3% 
sUUny 5 jek hin’, (promise) 

Jie AK ying-shing. 

Office, (building) yeh 
“se-tsze -*lau, fis “oon, Fy 
*fong, (situation) Hay chik, 

- Officer, EB WEF koon- foo. 
Official, ee koon. 

Officious, Zw toh-sze , toh- 
Often, BR toh-ts‘ze , & 

lue -ts‘ ze . 

Oete, ie HR Fi tiu-‘ngaan- 
*kolk . 

Oh! [Hg PAP ai-ya! 

Oil, yA yau. 

Oiled cloth, yh Ff yau-po’. 

Oiled paper, yp ¥f& yau- chi. 

Ointment, = Bie ko-yeuk, 

Old, F 4F ‘lo-nin, FE ‘bo, 
(things) 4E kau . 

Olea fragrans, #22 ZL kwai - 

Oleander, AK 7F Hk haap- 


Olibanum, #1 a “ue-heung, 
Ak FL t*o- Ue. 

Olive, ft te “kom-‘laam, 
ici 7K 8 -F- “shui- 
Yyuung- “tsZe. 

Omelet, PAs AG fit Ras-taghete - 

Omen, IK BH chin’ -t‘au. 

Omit, rr lau’, abe laai> j a 
K wal-shat. 




Omnipotent, Bil Br * HE 
mo-‘shoh-pat-nang, eo HE 

Omnipresent, 4 fh AX ZE 

mo- shoh -pat-tsoi . 

Omniscient, #fE fly AN FH 

mo- ‘shoh- oy 

On, f- sheung’, (to be) ZF 

— tsoi sheung , 

Once, — EJ yat-ooi, — BE 
yat-cheung , — BE yat- 
*p‘aai, (at) Bl] Hef ésih-shi. 

One, — yat, — yat-koh 
(single-) Fa taan. 

One sided, Aina pin, — ih 

Onion, Pa. DA fs‘wung-t‘au. 
Only, Fa taan, Fi tuuk, 4A 
taan , $i {% tuuk-hai, mx 
pert \, Fixx lik-kuung. 
Onward, Jr Be heuug -ts‘in. 
Ooze, Pe rar shum -lau . 
Opaque, FS 3B He 'm- -tau - 


Open, Bid hoi, (fix open) 133 
ch‘aang , (out) eb ia foo- 
hoi, (-faced) 28 TE KEL suut- 
chan, handed) 45 Hit 

“shau-‘chi-shoh, (wide apart) 
I, shoh. 

Operation, 145 BR tsoke nial 
f D Fe hang -[00, (surgical) 
=| Sie. koht ching’. 

Ophthalmia, Bf Fie “ngaan- 
ching . 

Opiate, ey Fi: si chi -shui - 

Opinion, bz Ai Plein 

Opium, AB; Je a-p‘ in. 

Opium-shop, Jel BF im- “Koon, 
7B Fe Be op “in - Koon. 

Opopanax, Fay 1G KE tuuk- 

Opponent, 34h BA tui ~*t‘au, 
it FF tik-‘shaw. 

Opportunely, be RF hap-‘ho, 

Opportunity, BS ki-ooi « 
Oppose, 23) tui , +E “k‘ue, 

eis wong - “k‘ue, PE AE: 
‘tong- -chue , Bt AE tut - 





Opposite, 3h TAT tui -min’, 

(contrary ) AY It seung- 

Oppress, rp JER k‘eung-aat , 
Dy 3 k‘wun -chuuk. 
Opprobrious, 75 Wii“ ‘pi- pok. 
Optional, BE (8 ts‘ui-*pin’, 
(for) [SS {E ts‘ui-tsoi ; BI 

4: ts‘ui-tak, 

Opulent, gal (=A fuung -f00 . 
Or, BY waak, bak yi waak, 
(-else) iE {2 fing hai’. 

Orach, 3 a. loi- ‘ts‘o (2). 

Oral, we “nau- kong, ‘hau 
“kong-ke . 

Orange, Pe *ch‘aang, (loose 
skinned) Af kom, (small 

smooth) FE kat, (red) i 
py 1 chue-sha-kat. 
Orang-outang, Ne ie <sing- 
Orator, ie aR ib ho-t‘aam- 
Sze . 
Orb, bis luun, DH ray 
Orbit, JA SEF chau-to’. 
Orchard, B. [i] “ewoh-uen. 
Orchis,. Rj aE laan- fa, Ay 
Aili AE shek-sin-t‘o. 

Order, (arrangement) K $8 

ts‘ze - tal OR IF - ze -tsue’ : 
ex ts* oe -ts‘Ze , (to) [ip 
Wt fun-foo. 

Orderly, fe ‘EF ting-tong . 

Ordinary, Piss p‘ing-sheung, 

Ordure, aie fun. 

Ore, iss k‘waang . 

Organ, (musical) FE fal A 
taai -fuung-k*am, (any) ie 

Orifice, [J a ey hiv , ae 
uung, fi * ngaan. 

Origin, i 5A uen-t‘au, J 
uen- poon. 
Originally, JR! AS uen-‘poon, 
ip ARE uen-loi. 
Originate, $l] Bt chong’-tso , 
RN nae ch‘oh~ ‘hi. 7 
yaks Ti B wong- niu, fa 
a* wong-.ang. 
Ornament, 4 if mun-shik, 

(to) HF fh chong-shik. 
Ornamental, RF Eee “ho- ‘tai, 
16 fe. 
Orphan, J &F FF hoo-oi- 
“tsze, yet {Ff oi~‘tsat. 
Orpiment, He fi huung-wong. 

nieiadox: Ex ching aoa 

Oscillate, +5 the i iu- “padi. 

Osprey, al ngok. 

Os-pubis, AE "Fy kaau-kwut. 

Ostensible, Z Py ming-wal. 

Ostentatious, pI oF maai - 
luun °°, FPoy Taung'~ haan, 

Hifi Ze fai- -fok . 

Ostracion, 7 #4 nee -ue. 

Ostrich, fp B& t‘oh- ‘nit. 

Other, #4 —, tai’-i, Hi) 8 
pit-koh , Fil pit, AB, ta, 

(provinces) ap /L ngoi - 

Otherwise, il Eu pit-yeung 

bE (4% yeuk-’m m-hai. 
Otter, a Bhi shaan- chéaat , 

(sea-) fy. fit <noi-ch‘aat « 


Ought, Ke tS EE ying-tong, ii 
4y ying-koi, (not) A By 
me ‘hoh, FR BF *m- “ho. 

* Ounce, (Chinese) fj Teung, 
(Eng.) Ay $8 Fh 
ts‘in-’ ng. 

Our, $e ah BE “ngoh-ti “he 

Out, Ht ch‘uut, Ah ngoi 

Outery, By ae haam ~- foo. 


Out-house, Als ca ngoi ‘ 
“chong, Ah Bs ngoi wu, 

(brit on) aH {F Ey me« 

Out-let, = = a4 hue -lo . 
Outrage, AR Zs waang-po 
Outrageous, HE AF ‘mo-to . 
Outside, Aly ngoi, Ah B 
nate au, Af ie he 
n, Rp {ii ngoi ‘pin’, 
aaah fra] ep heung -ngoi ; 
(appearance) A Zi ngoi - 

maau . . 
Oval, eee rs niet ch uun- 
| Oven, ia it kuuk-lo. 
Over, et kwoh , (above) Ff 

sheung” st amas over) 

AS el yan shing. 
Overbearing, rail at pa Mh. 
Overcast, i Ae “ji-wan. 

Overcome, (to) Ye HN haak- 
chai , ENN AR chai -fuuk, Hf 


DOE 7K. hid sis “shut 

‘moon- -kwoh . 

Overgrown, HE shang- 


OWL | 



Overhear, ie Bai Bone teng. 

Overlay, Si p'0, oye to. 

Overlook, FA yy p ‘ong-shi 
(not see) pz Ey ’m- ‘tui, 
(see Oversee). 

Overmuch, Kk & tani -toh, 

y Bi BB “kwoh-t‘au. 

A ae wy uet, Bi sh 

naam -kwoh. 
Overrun, (as types) Fabs tun. 

Oversee, 7X 3H tuule~ ‘li, He 

aw C 
chiu - koon. 
Overseer, Be 7 kaam-tuuk. 

Overspread, SHE fi che-pai 

Nii9 a3 che-k‘or . 
=; Hy re Canto, 


Overweening, sea fk kwoh - 
ngo. | 

Overwhelm, Pg Y ch‘um- 

Overwhelming, ii Iie $e kik- 
Oviparous, ee FE taan’-shang, 
SH AB luun-shang. 

Owe, FR him . 

Owl, $i St BB magi 

t‘au- Ying. 

Own, Ey B, "PF tsze = ki-ke , 
isan, (confess) #7 

Owner, 7x Ba “poon- chue, ii 

uen- ‘che. 
Ox, 2. ngau, (common) fa 
wong-neau, (stee | 
a mg-ngan, (steer) Hae 
ZF. shin -ngau. 

Oyster, Wp ho. 
apes windows, BA #, 
ming- ‘nga.. 


Pace, 3 po. 

Pacific Ocean, y 3 2p. yt 
T*aai -p'ing-yeung, <2 ee 
Naam-yeung. | 

Pacify, | fie. hoi- hawt, by 
A huen -sik, B sik. 

Pack, WE ee shau-shup, 45 
RF paau- ho, Ze uae chong- 
‘ho, (off) PE $4 lok-seung. 

| Paddle, PH p'a, (a) AS 3 


Paddle-wheel, 3¢ jl Ba fol 





Paddy, TI woh, (grain) au 

Padlock, Any Al 4 bok 
padu- “soh. 

Page, (leaf) = pr im, (one side 
of a leaf) he “pad. 

Pageant, the F& 4k * padi-i- 

Pagoda, ‘aap , (a) iy HE 
chi-t‘aap . 

Pail, (water-) aK AFA “shui 

Pain, Dea tuung . 

Pains-taking, A] yuung - 
sum, XY AB sum-hi. 

Paint, py $6, yau-shik, (water 
colours) J ffi, ngaan-shik. 

Painter, yf Ur fi {Hf yau- 
ts‘at-sze-*foo, Yh A FE 
yau-ts‘at- lo, (picture-) 
TL *wa -kuung. 

Pair, BA tui, & sheung, (to) 
ALS =f ? ‘oot -hop. 

Palace, ee ised kuung-tin . 

Palate, le ngok, fe 
sheung’ -ngok. 

Palaver, jit i hue-*wa . 

Pale, -F- fii, ‘t'o-shik, FY paak. 


Paling, ries AF laan- ohn. 
Palisade, rica He laan-laam’. 
Pall, (for a oa) hE Re 

koon-chaau . 

Pall, (to) FE Be shat-mi . 
Palliate, i BR “Laam-heng, 

BL fh mun -shik, 

Palm, he} tswung-shue , 
A BB Awong-long, (co- 
coanut) 7¥B het ye-shue , 
(date) Py Hf Hs Pok-sze- 
“ts0, (fan-) YE k‘wai. 

Palm of the hand, = fy 

Ait “shau- ‘paan-t‘ong; a 

Palpitate, pk tiv , (COL. ) 
pop-pop-t*iv . 
Palsy, Hi WE fuung-taan, 
WHE JA “taan-oon’. 
Paltry, yl He mi-tsin’. 
Pamper, fr TB jig 

tsuung -kwaan -‘hau-fuuk. 
Pamphlet, Jy SE ‘siu-shue. 

Pan, ey iE tit -wok. 

Pan-pipe, 2 shang. 





Ree YN BU Hf: yau-tsin- 

Pancreas, Fit Ay t‘im-yuuk. 

Pander, aH iis woh- apse 

Pane; BM faai’, Fe ‘on 

Panelled, MR « kwa-*yeung’ , 
py ih tat-"ko0, (door) J 

hu helm 
Pang, Si FA po ‘tuung ‘ [gett 

TH chan’ -(uung . 

Pangolin, F LL) FA ch‘wen- 
shaan- kaap : 

Panic, Bios Aae hale -shadat , 
Bor IE [aS haake - ‘see-yan. 

“Pansy; Ex ES “kan-ts‘0i. 
Pant, Tia “ch‘uen. 

Panther, Ps) pila . 

Pantomime, J§¥ we hi - ‘moo. 

Pantry, 1 Be jz) “koon-sze - 

Papa, a #& pa-pa. 

Papaya, PL “ue- wa, IR 
JX. muuk- wa, 3 = Lh 
maan’-shau -‘kwoh. 

Paper, AIG “chi. 

Paper-money, eh ae ngan- 
“chi, Nien worl) 7u +# 
uen- "70, a Ge ‘chi-ts‘in. 

Paper-mulberry, hv ‘ch‘ue. 

Papist, FE EB FE Tin- 
‘chue-kaau -t*o, 

Parable, 222 BR py‘ P-ue. 

Parade- -ground, Hy Ht kaa - 


Paradise, Bae ral lok-uen, (bird 

of) eA tsewk -wong. 

Paradoxical, AV HE ya ts‘ze- 

seung- “faan. 

Paraffine, yar. vil] mooi-yau. 

Paragraph, BY tuen, (& t‘iu. 

Parallel, 2 JE p‘ing-p‘aai, 
2p 4 AT p que Mane 

Paralysis, Hi “‘{aan. 

Parapet, #9) [fe] laan-wai, 

Paraphernalia, 2 OF ka 

Parasite, Zr He hi - shang. 

Parasol, A PAE * siu-ch‘au- 

Parboil, AGAR Ble “chue-poon’- 
Parcel, 4a BF paau-‘ye. 
Parched, ey) ips kohn-ts‘o . 

Parchment, 2 }¥ ¥#f& yeung- 

- C4. 
p‘l- cht. 




inane A she » TRB, she - 

‘min, (beg-) Ri ’m-kot. 
Pare, Fi] FI] p‘ai-seule , (scoop) 

waat . 
Paregoric, iin Bea “ohi-tuung . 
Parents, 4E EE foo - ‘moo, any 
oa) ‘leung-ts‘an. 
Park, Hig, ‘wen, (an enclosure) 
pa rnsaii, ae as Ge ot 
sheung” -ha’-‘i-*uen’. 

Parlour, Ze Fea haak - eng. 

Parody, BX fF es 24 “Koi- 

tsole -siu - ean 

Paroquet, YA EF .ang- Joh. 

Patoxysm, +h 3 ch‘au- : 

chiuuk, 2a LAS Ba fut-in- 

tuung . 

Parrot, FEE ying- moo, tee 

= ang- koh. 

Parrot fish, $4 ZS FA fai 

Parry, fe 48 “tong-kaak . 
Parsee, -{ BH J Paak-t‘au- 
yan, ye Hy AK. Pohe-sze- 

Parsimonious, WER 25 haan- 
luun . 

Parsley, se ee uen- sai. 

Parsnip, i Be ej 00-loh- 


Part, 4% fun’, (to) oh | 
Jun-hoi, (with) #8 “she. 

Partake, A 4x ‘vau-*fun . 

Partial, — qq yat-p‘in, yat- 
p “in-ke . 
Participate, AAP yan-*fun 

Particle, Cront) Ba <- AB 
hue-tsze - ngaan, (small) a 

mi-moot. 3 
Particular, (special) Het be, 

enpoeent) Bp. EX iu - 

‘kan, (each) — — yat- 

yat, (careful) {¥ 3h “ts20- 
sai . 
Particularize, As — Js —, 

chuuk-yat-chuuk-i . 
Particularly, ee ae tak-iv , 

ee) so chuen-wai. 

Partition, habe kaak pik, Fj 

| haan’ -ts' eung, (to) [Aj 

Bt kaan  Kaale ; 

Partly, AS HY {Za ‘yau- li 


-Partner, Hy, =} foh-ki Wy, 

4F ‘foh~poon . 




Partridge, jis OF che - ckoo, 
Aft $2. FE chuuk- sze- hai. 

Party, SME k‘wan- tong, PIE 
paan, $$ pong. 

Pass, (to) Shh & kwoh -hue , 

FT hang- -woh, (a) [ag 
kwaan, (a street-) 5 AK 
kai ch (night-) FY ®t 
ye - hi (mountain) yg 
haap . 

Pass a law, ae’ Pil chit - 
lai, (a time, or place) 3B} 
kwoh . 

Passage, [ps lo, P| moon, 

Uy Hs ‘aang-*hong’. 

Passage-boat, JRE yt to - 

shuen, *to. 

Passenger, 578 Ze tap “haul 
Passion, (anger) FX no ; 

desire) [FF GR ts‘ing-yuuk, 
(generally) IN St lit-hi’, 
(the seven passions) -f; fj 

Passion-flower, if Fa. 7E 
fuung- che- fa. 

Passionate, K PAE ‘foh-sing - 

Passive, (not moving) PA Ah 
’m-yuuk, (N.B. signs of the 

passive, as, re shan’, AS 
pi, BA kin’, &¢., should be 
used sparingly and in each 
case according to example 

of natives). | 

Passover, (the) tan He i) 

ue-uet-tsit . 
Passport, |p Hit lo prin. 
Pass-word, [fj Bi om -*ho . 
Past, a) kwoh - ‘liu, kwoh - 
Paste, ae At HA tseung-00, (to) 

BE ‘in, nim. 

Sane Axe aK a piu- 

Paster, Ax Dr “niu-tseung” . 

Pastor, Wr muuk, (minister) 
HY Gif} muuk-sze. 

Pastry, Hi wm ‘tim- sum, 
‘ii min -shik, (covered 
dishes) $f] Sf min’- wai. 

Pasture, wy Ea muuk-‘ts‘o. 

Pat, (to) #4 Poa. 

Patch, AGE Lies “i, (to) sy 
AGE teng- po-“im, Hh ‘po. 

Patch-work, PA ping. 




Patent, (to grant a) 4W YE 
BA p'ai- chuun-chuen- 
tso’, (a) WE chup-chi’. 

Path, py “siuelo . 

Pathetic, FE xn any sheung- 
sum-*wa. , By} Ke tuung’- 

Patience, ay iit ‘yan-noi . 

Patrimony, $i 3& ki-ip. 

Patron, Ay ae] ps 5 pong-koo - 
“chue, ey eA “chue-*koo 
pal ES yan- chue, 

Patronize, H® BA chive -koo , 
#y 7 pong-ch‘an 

Patter, 3P4 yf 382 3% tik-tik- 

Pattern, AR so yeung - tsze, 

Patty, 93 {F kok -“tsai, ng 

kaau- tsze. 

Pauper, $e (Fy HS ‘mo-‘G-laai. 

Pause, Arp hit -‘ha. 

Pave, yj oP AA ts‘ai -p‘ing- 

Pavement, Ay a4 shek-lo , 

oh He pro-shek-lo , (of 
bricks) #5 FE Bh haai- 

chuen-ti : 

Pavilion, Jpt ES leung-*t‘ing, 
Paw, (ey faan ), a ‘cheung, 
JIN “chaau. 
ae =a tong’, i Hf 
ton g att , (a pledge) te" BA 
tong -t‘au, (in chess) BA. 
Pawn-broker, A Eo tong - | 
Pawn-shop, =a rail tong -‘p'o. 
Pawn-ticket, i= ae tong ‘piu. 
Pay, AH (GB) kaaw (ngan), 

32 wan. 
Pay-day, ¥ oh A Hy chi- 


| Payments, + ( eB ) chi, 

Peas, (green) Fy f=) ts‘eng- 
be 48i Gal te Hoh- laan- 


Peace, 2p. Fe p‘ing-ohn, 

(international) Fj woh, 
(general) Ik of. tui - 
piing, (keep the) 4 Jf 
‘shau-fun’ , - Fl ‘“shau- 
woh, (break the) Je Fal 





Peach, Jk *t‘o, (best kind) 
iB we DE ying- “tsui-*t‘o. 

Peacock, FL - huung-tseuk . 

Peacock’s feather, J ling, 
(superior double eyed) Ef 

HR AE 44 sheung- ngaan- 
fa-ling, (next order) FE 
fa-ling, (inferior) Pa 44 

Peak, aa TA shaan-‘teng, Be 
BA ‘ling-t‘au, [Lys shaan- 

Pear, pay sha-*li, goeg the 
north) aN suet -*li. 

Pearl, DEX chan-chue. 

Pearl barley, PF IK Si-‘mai. 
Pearl-oyster, chue- 

| ‘p‘ong. ™ i 

Peasant, ASE és‘uen-‘lo, y} 
I: ts‘uen-fo0. 

Peat, J TED fig ti’ -min’-t'aan’. 

Pebble, Ay AR shek- ch‘uun. 

Peck, (to) BK teuk’, 
(a) Sf “au, 

Pecul, 42 taam 

Peculiar, = co tsze ~ I tsze - 

“hi-ke ; a EB ling’ -tsze ; 

4 Jee k‘i-tak. 

teung ; 

Pedant, FE Ai tiu- shue- 

Pedler, WZ fF fuan’-‘tsai, +H 
BH {Ff taam -*tau-‘tsai. 

Peel, (to) $i] FE mok-pi. 

Peep, $5, oe k‘wai-taam a) 
chong, fen FB tau- tai. 

Peevish, wh Pik nau-nat. 

Peg, $y vie teng-tak. 

Peking, J, HE Pak-king. 

Pekoe-tea, Ej 3 Ze paak- 

Pelican, YH iB t‘ong-*ngoh, 

Pelt, (to) HE teng . 

Pelvis, Jj, py’ haau-kwut- 

Pen, pencil, 3% GE chi-put, 
(lead-) gf SE uen-put, 
(coop) Ne laan. 

Penalty, Fh ay ying-fat. 

Penang, Hr Ba} San-fau . 

Pending, FE FF mi -ting’. 

Pendulum, ae ‘padi. 

Penetrate, ie A tau -yup, 
we A shum-yup. 

Penguin, 4p Ke “k4-*ngoh. 

Penis, Bs Wy yeung-mat, 

(VULG.) ts‘at. 


182 - 


Penitence, fs nm fooi'-sum. 
Pennant, Wii pot, Fife an 


Pension, 73 3% ep yeung- 
‘lo-*ngan, Fx te tai - 


Pensive, XD piss SUM-SZE-SZE, 
Penurious, PE haan-luun’ 

Peony, EFF AE ‘maau-taan- 
People, Fé mun, r=] 25 

paak -sing . 

Pepper, BA phy 00-2802, AAS 
tsiu-moot, (red) 4b phy fa- 

Peppermint, a) tay pok-hoh. 

Perambulate, 4 4F ts‘uun- 


Perceive, ey 48 kok -talk, Bl 


C . 
Per cent, 4 — Fy “mooi- 

yat-paalk , (discount er) 

ut 41 ‘eau-ts‘at- ka. 
ree Bs 44 “tai- lak, 
“tai-tak-ke . 
Perch, #pq és‘az, (to) A mau, 
(a fish) fife gfe lo-*ue, Fis 

DA waak-t‘au. 

Percolate, BR Pag shum -lau . 

Percussion cap, $l ta 

t‘uung-mo - tsze. 
Peremptory, BYES “kan-‘kan, 
Perennial,’ 3s] 4B chaw-nin, 
chau-nin-ke’ . 
Perfect, ii Ay shing-ts‘uen, — 
Perfectly, + Af> shap-fun. 
Perfidious, HF 2E kaan-cha . 

Perforate, ge ie isuen = 

tuung, 2 ch‘uen. 
Perform, 4 hang, ff tso . 

Perfume, Ay heung, vis } 

heung-*liu . 

Pergularia, 7% BY Fp ye- 

laan- heung. 
Perhaps, BY 4s waak- che, (it 

is) £0 WE hai - <too- 
'm-ting . 

Peril, a; Kay ngai- “him, TG 
Kg iat ngai-‘him-shue . 
Period, (time) Hef 4@e shi- 

hau, (in writing) eit 3) | 
“tuen-kue - wuen. 
Periodic, “1/2 i ts‘uun-waal,. 

iy Hee Inwu-shi. 

| i ury, 

_ Perpendicular, 




Perish, J Tf mit-mong, PH 

Yet ch‘um-luun. 

Perishable, AA ZS i -waai>. 

Perjure, FE ‘wong-sbai 

at IE a faat -‘wong- 
EO ie shai - 

A niohcul. 

Permanent, Sy 7\ hang- “hau, 

Permeate, 37 333 tuung-tar . 
Permit, WE ‘chuun, $Y “pi, 

at HE “hue-chuun, EH “ie 

Permit, @) KANG aie yan- 
ts‘ing- “chi. 

Pernicious, Ff)) Se li -hoi’. 

S 1H. shue - 
chik, 48 Tf ‘ki-chik, fie 
Ar tuung- k‘e. 

Perpetual, IK ‘wing. 

Perpetuate, Be 4% sheung- 

Perplex, kA fi faan- iu. 
Perplexity, £3) 45 fun-fun, 
Haar k‘uuk-chit . 
Persecute, Fy 33 kiwun - 

Perseverance, a Xt im — 
“c‘hi-chuung-ue- yat, Ve NWA 


Persimmon, Ati *ts‘ze, (soft) 
He Ati num-*ts‘ze. 

Persist, Aig BB. *noaang -iu , 
Ae fat EE pat-hit -iu, [fq] 
oa koo -chup. 

Person, ‘SE wai, KN yan, 
(body) EP shan, (in) #4 


Perspicacious, A A ts‘uung- 

Perspicuous, HA Fy ming-paak. 

Perspiration, -F hohn 

Perspire, Hie ch‘uut-hohn. 

Persuade, ¥E)] Bk huen -fuuk. 

Pert, fi FE t‘ong-tat. 

Pertinacious, [i] koo’ chip, 
i AiG chup- ngaang’. 

Perturb, $ Al, Su-luen’. 

Perturbed, a AG cheuk- 

Peruvian-bark, 4> $6 iy 

Pervade, i Bi fuung- 
cheung , ne 3 ch‘eung = 





Perverse, fe Hz eee ik, 

Fal RR kong-lai : t BF 

“naU- “keng. 

a pe luung - 
waai . 
Pervious, 35 45 tau -tak, 

tau -tak-ke . 
Pestilence, ya, pe ete 
Pestle, = 7p chaning: ‘ch‘ue, 
(for rice) Af tui. 
Pet, (child) Fee ty chuung- 
oi -‘tsai. 
Petal, Au, Ae fa -faan . 
Petition, pa * “pun, 
Petroleum, 4] yf] shek-yau. 

Petted, ft 1B tsuung ~ 

kwaan . 
Petticoat, FA ZF chuung- 

k‘wun, Ay th noi -k‘wun. 

Petulant \ ANE ‘siv-im, IR 

73%. im-tsim. 

Petuntsze, FJ 7X — paak- 

C ¢ 
tuun- tsze. 

Pewier, a4 By laap-sek. 

Phantom, ¥ ‘a 
anon, 4) = waan 


Pheasant, ily $B shaan-kai, 
(golden) ge $e “kum-kai, 
(argus) tet pass luen-kat, 
(peacock-) 4> Ge BB Ium- 

Phenix, Jl JAI) faung’-wong. 
Phenomenon, #& tseung’ . 
Philosopher, ok - 
sopher, fi% ob 2 


Phleem, ps Mir t‘aam-in, 

Phlegmatic, PE pe sing’- 
maan , iWAS haan-paat , 

ep iz maan -haan. 

Phonography, (representing 

sounds ss yeh Fy = 
"se-paak- “5 
Photograph, 2% % WW “ying- 
*soung . 
Phrase, J fy kue -wa . 
Phthisis, Es WH lo-peng’. 
Physical, AR HZ ‘yau-ying. 
Physician, By Ae i- shang. 
Physiognomy, pf seung , 

(science) AA seung - 

Piano, 77 A yeung-k‘um. 

LD ge ee ee ee ee ee ee 




Pick, up, +i ie nim- hi, 
ji shap- i, ai chup, (the 

teeth) bal mi ts‘ze -nga, 
(flowers, &c.) 47] chaak, 

(choose) fifi “haan, (tease) 
HR mit, (nibble) Hi) Zuun, 

(pierce) [BK teung. 
Pick-axe, FE aE hai-‘tsui- 

“f00, 4 Gy faan- Leng. 
Picket, (a stake) #4§ chong. 
Pickled, jij haam. 
Pickles, ye et suen~ Iewoh. 
Pick-pocket, By Ye “tsin-‘lau, 

“tsin-‘nau- lo, +i =F. t& 

2 9 ¢ 
ch‘aap - shau- lo. 

Picnic, 3}¥ die yau-in. 

x > 
Picture, LE wa , *wa , (-frame) 

= wa -ka . ; 
Picul, #2 taam 
Pie, (bird) 3% #8 “hi-ts‘euk’, 
(pastry) ij Aa min’ -kwai, 
Pie-bald, $ Ey paan-polk . 
Piece, Be faa , LF kin’, (of 
cloth) QE p*ut. 
Piece-work, Fal 4F TL = 

tuen’ -*kin’ -leuung-foo. 

Pier, 65 BA ‘ma-t‘au. 

Pierce, 45) ts‘im, | kat, ij 
5F kat-ch‘uen. 
Piety, (filial) Fa haa , (reli- 
gion) JS dix k‘in-king’. 
Pig, ee chue, (&) te IS 
chek - chue. 

Pigeon, FY 6B, paak-kop . 

Pigment, A Pt} neaan-liu. 

Pigmy, “ai-‘lo- 
“tat. Ma . “! 

Pigtail, (6% $e tiu- pin. 

Pike, (a) — fh 9B yat-chi- 
<is‘eung. - 

Pike, fish, PEE 4 paan-ue. 

Pile up, #83 fi tip-Zi, HR 
78 lum’ hi, Hy “lui, (drive 
piles) $y #4 “ta-chong. 

Piles, (disease) RF Ve chi - 
chong, (wooden) #¥§. chong. 

Pilfer, fel, (BE ‘shue-moh, fh 
Ga “shue-sit . 

Pilferer, = 4 => saam- 
chekt -‘shau. 

Pilgrim, Si¥. Ze yau-haak . 

Pill, 3e FL yeuk-*uen. 

Pillage, $e Fig “ts‘ewng-leuk, 

A Hi hip -leuk. 



Li & 

Pillar, (eke t‘iu-‘ch‘ue, KE 
H5f “ch‘ue-‘tun, (monument) 
BH pi. 

Pillow, ®t BA “chum-t‘au, 

Pilot, BI 7K A, yan “shui- 
ia co aK ay tau - ‘ shut- 

“lo, naai -‘shui~ lo. 
Piloting, 7a Hh taai -shuen, 
naai -shuen. 
Pimp, 34 5G ts0 - war. 
Pimple, hip Hill Fun-ts‘2e . 
Pin, BA Yh} tau-chum, $y 
Pinafore, [i] #4 Wai-*k‘wun. 
Pincers, ¢}f *k‘im. 
Pinch, (to) oy nip, aie mit. 
Pine, (wood) iy, 4 ch‘aam. 
Pine, (to) Ze ie shat-ché , 
BE Sa Bu. sony -hi, ya 

siu-shau . 

Pine-apple, J He BL poh- 
loh- ‘woh. 
Pink, BY Hy Ua ae tsin-pin-loh. 

FANE St tis gh chum- 

Pinnacle, 1A “teng. 
Pint, (a) ee Ir poon -kan. 

Pioneer, Fl 2% FE BE hoi 

lo - sin- fuung. 

Pious, B ND k‘in-swm. 
Pip, (of fowls) Z& HH kai- 
“kang, (seed) AY wat. 
Pipe, fal *t‘uung, (opium-) 

GB is‘eung. 
Pirate, ¥fq- [BR “noi-ts‘aak, 
Pistil, 4 A fa-yui. 
Pistol, =F ga ‘shau-ts‘eung. 
Piston, (4hf: ‘man), PR suut. 
Pit, HF “tseng, YE es: 
Pitch, ppl AER yy Spa-“ma- 
Pitcher, 7K 18 ‘shui-ch‘ing. 
Pitcher-plant, Fi Fie FS. chue- — 

luung- ts‘0. 
Pitch-fork, Ff a woh- ch‘a. 
Pith, hes} WA shue - sum, 
Pith-paper, 39 ae Luung- 
chi, BES “chi-tuuug. 
Pithy, AZ Jy ‘yau-lik, ‘yau- 
Pitted, (pock-) Jey J. tan’ -p4. 
Pity, es ‘hoh-lin, yas Ifa 
lin-swut, Jee ‘PE oi-lin. 

PLA 187 



Pivot, ita ys “chuen-suut. 
Placable, Hil eh ooi-woh- 


Placard, ji} tip , + i kit - 
tip , (anonymous) AI ik 
paak-*¢%p’, (with a name) 
3 fe ST. ch‘eung-huung. 

Place, JG ch'ue , ih Tt ti- 
Song, Je *tene, (to) Fe 
ia ohn-chi , His chat, (one) 

— "a yat-taat . 

ee Hak. t‘o1-2, 4 K 

hau’ - *van, 

Placid, Fl woh-hi . 

Plagiarism, 4 Be ch‘aau- 


& Plague, JE, PE wan-yik, fa 

Je, Fj Wong-wan-peng’, 
(to) RAE Fy naan-wal. 
Plaice, @ BY FA tsang-pat -ue. 
Plain, BA {Y ming-paak, 
(even) 2P- p‘ing, (unadorn- 
ed) Be Be p'ok -so, (a) 
2p. JR p' page 

Plaintiff, JA. 4G = uen-ko’. 

Plait, PasBE pun -maai, (fold) 
FEX HB is‘uuk-maai. 

Plan, Jy FE fong-faat , (to) 
ay. mau, ay jiz3 mau-tok, 

Plane, (tool) fal] *p‘aau, (to) 

fil] p‘aau. 

Planet, #7 AR hang-_sing. 

| Plank, 15D kiu-paan, =a 

I ira hau -muuk-‘paan. 

Plant, (a) Ef “ts‘0, (to) 7H 
chuung , (rice) Hip J shi- 

Flantago, Fi Bi i=J ch‘e- 
ts‘in- ts‘. 

Plantain, Fe <isiu, (fragrant) 
oy, FG heung-nga- isi, 
(long) Ee F #&- luung- 
nga- tsiu. 

Plaster, (to) F¢ PK ‘mun-fooi,. 
Bi tong’, (medical) ie 

Plat, (to) ie pun , (the cue) 
ps ie pun - pin. 

Plate, (a) AE *tip, 46 ge 
chek -*tip, (to) Hs to’. 

Platform, pH p‘aang, A t‘ol, 

Platina, Fy & paak- cum. 

Plausible, RF Ay) i “ho- 




Play, ves “faan- ‘tau, ee 

waan-‘sha, (TRANS. VERB) 

FJ ‘ta, FF luung’, (as a 

guitar) Hii t‘aan, (as a 

violin) #f ngaan, (as al 

fife) re ch‘ut. 
Play-acting, “54 4 tso “ht. 
Play-day, $Y {x Af fong -ha’- 
_ Player, BE-F hi -‘tsze. 
Plea, figf oF “haai-so , fii Up 


Pleasant, 3R [Ye “shong-faai , 
4a = BA tak-a 

Please, Bi uet, 484 lok, (if 
you) 2 ag ‘isteng, (as you) 
5 (8 ts‘ui-*pin’. 

Pleased, GER ee. =. foon- “hi. 
Pleasure, pie 2 faai -lok, (— 
excursion) SH¥ Hi yau-hi. 

Plebeian, {4% tsuuk. 

Pledge, ‘EBA tong-t‘au, (to) 
Pe ES ohn -tong , + 
poon. , (in drinking) Pah 
BE ch‘au-tsok, ie Ws 
king -‘tsau, By PH huen’- 


Plenipotentiary, A> te ts‘uen- 

Plentiful, #3 eo fuung-fau , 

peal Ee Juuug-tsuuk. 

Plethora, iit i huet -shat, 
Ht EF chong’ -shat. 

Pleurisy, yf Hes Hes BR fai- 
paau-mok-im, | 

Pliable, Ae KR yau- ‘uen, Ai 
RR t‘snun-leung, AA i 

Plight, (state) uh fir ti -wai. 
Plod, 3 3% lo-lo. 
Plot, aT oh, kai -ch‘aak , (lot) 
be faai 
Plough, (to) #2 lai, (i ‘shai, 
Ft kang, (a) FAS ‘pa-lai, 
Ploughshare, ey BA 27 lai- 

tau- tsui. 
Pluck, 474 chaak, (out) te 
ty fie TL ZR mang - 

A (up courage) 
TUNA tik-‘hi-sum-kohn, 
Plug, (Ze F sak-‘tsze), RE 


Plum, Aig. * mool, as a 

Plumb- ee ip BS hiu ” toh, 

vie rls ‘chuun-shing. 

oS ee 




Plume, $f “ling. 

Plump, kt Ay E “ho-yuuk- 
‘i, AE ear fi- site i 
Epos, 47 A * ta-kip , te 

1 ts‘eung-kip . 
Plunge, i chum -‘ha, ay 
IK bap ‘shui, (noise) bed 

tum -sheng. 

Pluto, [zs] oe —- Im-loh- 
wong. - 

Ply, #8 & ‘kohn- kan, Sif 
k‘an, #2 Rae “kohn- hi. 

Pocket, #3 SY shaam-*toi , 

: *toi 

Pock-marked, Ja ¥ tau =p‘. 

Pod, i= He tau -kaap . 

Poem, r=] ae “shau- shit. 

~ Poet, ay A, shi-yan. 

Poignant, 3$f laat. 

Point, 73> tsim, of. in tsim- 
shue , a ey tsim- “tsui, 
(dot) Bk ‘tim, (point out) 
4H Hj “chi-ch ‘unt, 48 Hk 
‘chi-‘tim, (to plaster) Ay 
DR ‘pai-fooi. 

Poise, BY 1E tang cheng . 

Poison, Fy tuuk, DY) tuuk- 
mat, (to) jg HE tuuk-‘sze. 


Poisoned, ify He. fuuk-tuuk, 

Poke, (to) pa ts‘ze , (stir) 
pS iH “Tiu-‘hi. 

Poker, 4k has “‘foh-‘p' aang. 

Poke-weed, aA fuuk. 

Pole, as kohn, ic kong. ‘ 
(north) AL Aig pak-kik, 
(south) Ba Reis naam-kik, 

Pole a boat, Bee ft ch‘aang- 


Pole-cat, 5. Shi chéau - maan. 

Polianthes, =f; 6 4% yuuk- 

tsaam- fa. 

Police, #2 4% ch‘aai-yik, (in 
Hongkong) Kt 4 lunk- 2, 

Police Court, 3 xf lee 
ts‘uun- li- foo. 

Police-oftice, 306 Te lie ts‘uun- 
po - eeng. 

Polish, Jk pee moh-ts‘aae , pe 
- ts‘aat -kwong, pu 36 

Polite, AS nes eh) ‘vat ‘lai- 
maau’, (you are) YF AG 
“ho-wa. . 

Politics, ey a kwok -s26 . 

Pollen, 4& 33} fa- fun. 

: POO 190 POR 
Pollute, YFj sR o0-mit, HX! Poor health, As & fq ’n- 
YG ‘ching-00. ghau’-yuung . 

Polypus, (in the nose) ( Nea] 
pi- “kwun), Eee pi -she. 

Fone, BA a YH t‘au- 
faat -yan, Ag Mi hewng- 

Pomegranate, 44 4843 shek- 

Pommel, (to) $A Fe ch‘ui- 
Pomp, ws sits faan-wa. 
Pomphret, ff #4 . te ee 

oe (eee ka -‘tsze- 
‘ae Shy HEE chi nh 5 

‘Ponder, Sf aE mak- ‘seung, 

Pas shum- seung, pace 
_ sat - seung. 
Ponderous, Ft ‘ch‘uung. 
Pond-weed, tso. 
Pongee, 3 Be 
Pool, Yeh, ch‘, Ik Ok “shut 
Poop, Ay EB fet shuen- mi- 


Poor, se a p‘un-k‘uung, gE 

JE p‘un-hohn. 

Pop, (a sound) (COL.) pop- 

Pope, A -E kaau-wong 
Poppy, 3 32 ang-suuk, Pr 

Hk Be oh- Spm 

Popular, Bee mun-0i . 
Population, Bp J 00 = “hat. 
Porcelain, x ts‘ze, (ware) x 

FL is‘ze-ht . 

Porch, BA FA pat t‘au-moon- 

Porcupine, Hi 8 tsin’ -chue, 

Pores, EFL mo- huung, ah 
kine . 

Pork, #4 | chue-yuuk. 

Porpoise, 3¢5 FA chue-ue. 

Porridge, 3 #} Be mak- 
‘fun-kang, AR the BR Bp 

“chue-shuuk-mak- fun. 

Port, (a) 7 e8 H “kong- ‘hau, 
+B. BA *fan Pi (-side) 
fut ke shuen- tsoh. 

Port-clearance, #1. py huung- 

Portent, PX Jk ‘sapeicul 

a ws orn 




Porter, (ata gate) Ay PH AL 
hohn-moon-kuung, (carrier) 
Bk FE tiu-foo, (to be a) 
aye 4f8 taam-taam 

Portfolio, a Ae shue-kaap . 

Portion, 4%-F- fun -tsze, 4X 
fun , a} BA fun -ngaak. 

Portland cement, FAYE ying- 

Portly, AE y+ fi-chong . 

Portmanteau, F¥ iJ po0i - 

Portrait, TEL G3 
*tgeung ; ie seung . 
Portray, ye i “se- chan. 
Portugal, pi i Sai- 
yeung- -kwok . 


Pose, (to) iff naan. 

Position, uh WE. ti'-wai. 

Positively, — iE yat-ting’ 
Via Vig Pin- pin. 

Possess, ‘yau, a AG 
sheung- yau. 

Possessed, (by a demon) Bo 

» i¢ ; - 
Ye “kwai-mai. 

Possessions, pimel “shoh-‘yau. 
Possible, #4 48 tso -tak, to - 
tak-ke , He nang, 45 tak. 

Post, (a pillar) oe ae chi- 

‘ch‘ue, (letter-) 3 3 £18 
t‘uung-shue-suun , fe yik. 

Postage, ¥P4 a “tsau- see, 4 
suun - [s2e. 
Poster, Hy Ff haai- chin. 
Postman, + iu iB ts‘in- ‘li- 
ma, (-horse) Ee ha fai - 


Postmaster General, Ee 3 
Bl Yik-moo - S20. 

Post-office, eS fe: fiz shue- 

swun’ -‘koon. 

Postpone, ig ¥e “chin-oon 
Postscript, Fy. oe tsoi -put. 
Posture, FE ay ying-shat . 
Pot, ae 00, *oo, (chamber-) 
1 Be pin’-*oo, (to boil in) 
5 po, (con.) tup,. flower-) 

4b, We fa-p‘oon. 

Potash, Bile “aan. 

Potatoe, Ai bid Hoh- laan- 
*shue, 32 {¥- shue- tsai, 
(sweet) 7A #2 faan-*shue. 

Pot-belly, EB Auk figj fi- t’o- 





Biacike. at VJ shai -lik, y 

Tj kuung-lik. 

Pottage, (to make) 44 

EB) “chue-shuuk-mak- 

Pottery, 3, ae ‘nga-hi, I. 
FH, tong-nga, (-kiln) F 
2e. “nea-it. 

Pouch, Be nong, 4S *toi. 

Poultice, Ye J Af A} up- 

ch‘ong-ts‘oi- liu’, (put ap of 

bie) {iA The BR YE ‘pi- 

laan’-faan’ -Up. 

Poultry, eats AB hai-aap 
Pounce upon, #4 “ts‘eung. 

Pound, (to) + chuung, (rab 
and grind) + lui, (weight) 
Bi pong, +=. py shap- 
ne “‘Teung. 

Pour out, Ey chum, (3) Hi 
“to-ch*uut, (an) wes lo ? 73 
IK a koon. -yup-hue . 

Pout, PB cs ying-shuun. 
Powder, #3} ‘fun, AS *moot, 

(gun-) 4K aie ‘foh-yeuk, 
kmeeqine) Bi BY yeuk- 


Power, Wy i ts‘oi-nang, oh, 
yA] shai -lik, PEE A kuen- 

ping . 

Pox, (syphilis) AE JS Fg 
shang-teng-peng , Wy 
kom- ch‘ong. 

Practicable, Ay AW “hohe 
yuung’, ih 4: ‘shai-tak, 
¥ VI it FE “hoh-‘i-ts0 = 

Practical joke, bi ibe A 
“ching-tun. -yan- he. 

Practice, AA $4 tsaap-lin’. 

Praise, nae tsaan -“mi, ae 
a tsaan -sin’ , Ei ae po- 
Prance, pk tiv, ie Ae ia 
- “p‘aau-loi- p' aau-hue . 
Prate, ¥ 2 Me nf chi-chi- 
cha -cha’. 

Prattle, (COL.) @-t-a-a, ti-ti-te-te, 
Gi nH] “au-tt). 

Prawns, Bf tie} ming- ha. 

Pray, joy jie i- to, pp de 
k‘i-k‘au, (I pray you) a] 




Preach, "Fj {sh suen-ch‘uen, 
ay A “kong-shue, 3 Nt 
*kong-to . 

prions, er [ex Hh “him- 

Precaution, fA (7 ue fone. 

Precede, ZE Ft tsoi -sin, (go 
first) Ft, FF sin-hang. 

Precedent, Fe ¥tt Pill sin~‘hi- 

Precept, 2X Fill kaa -fun , 
Fa (Ge k‘wai-tiu, fay, HF 

Precession of the equinoxes, 
BS SE sui -ch'a. 

Precincts, iF “ia ‘ing-kaai 

~ Precious, eA ‘po-pooi , ¥p 

3 2 chan-<po. 

Precipice, fer, fa ngai-ngaam, 
tl fe shaan-ngaal. 

Precipitate, a aR mone: 
ts‘uul, (to) ARR k‘ing-tit . 

precipitous, fi, 4B ngai- 


Precise, iat JT tuen-fong, Ni 
YE tuen- -ching , 1E i 

ching -king. 

TE ching’, te we 
angaam- ngaam. 

Preclude, JH By ‘choh-kaak’, 
, FY ‘min-che , > {eA 
’m- ‘pi. 

Precocious, + 15 ‘lo-laat. 

Preconceive, fq fa ue = koo, 

Predecessor, 4 {¥: sin-yum . 
P ° oha 2 
redetermine, TH 7 ue 

ting . 
Predict, FAS ue -in, TA 
b it Ba 2 
By Ue -sin-wa . 
Predisposed, 4 [rj sin-heung . 
Predominate, Aa, 3ua yeng- 
kwoh . 
Pre-eminent, Hi A ch‘uut- 
lui, Hi oR ch‘wut-chuung « 
Pre-engaged, Ft He ree 
Preface, =e FF shue-tsue . 
Prefect, 4O0 Vif chi- ‘f00. 

Prefecture, lf “f00. 

Prefer, ap SE ning-07, iF 

ning-uen’, LSE kang -00 . 
Prefigure, FE #% ue - vying. 

Prefix, 722 nae | BB lok-‘hi- 
tau, Ye BA JH K& lok- 

t‘au- “ting-shue « 





Pregnant, 3 77 waai-yan’, 
AZ & HE ‘yau-shan-“hi, 
EEX Hig t‘oh-t‘oi. 

Prejudice, ‘ia BR pin- kin’. 

Een, al #8 ‘yan-‘hi, 

: ‘yan- “ni-ke . 

Premature, Ix A taai -‘tso, 
7, Bh mi -shuuk. 

Premeditated, iss a aa 
ue -sin- “seung-ch‘wut. 

Premises, $F *hong. 

Premium, 21 ‘sheung, (money) 

(= 7 oh phate nee. 

pa ai 2 Ke FE Bl sin- 
tak-‘to, - ra sin- ts‘ue, 
Ai Fe chue -sin. 

Prepare, YE jij “chwun-pi , 
wie AR “ching-pi 7H Ae 
ue -pi , HS Fe “ching-ting’ . 

Prepay, FE AE GB sin-kaau- 

Preponderate, 7B FH uet- 

Preposterous, IRF AF fong- 
tong, AX A BE ’m-yup- 
li, IDE iat kwaai -taan . 

Prerogative, Jip $B  tuuk- 


Presage, (a) J BA chiu - 

Prescription, agi vii = 

Presence, iit] Ba min’ stn, 
(of mind) Ye, Fe KE taam’- 
ting’, iE. J ting kin. 

Present, (time) 4X kum, (to. 
be) LE tsoi-, 6) jig Hy 
‘lai-mat, (to) A swung , 
4a hin -‘sheung. 

Presently, Re cs tsau -ka, 

BL IK is tsau ” loi. 

Preserve, oh “ f£ ‘shau-chue , 

Dis Fe po-ts‘uen, FF- (pe 

ts‘uen- ha. 

Preserves, pt EE. t‘ong-kwoh. 

President, $F BA *ooi au, of 
a Republic, ed Ye tsung- 


Press, (a) Ala kwai, (oil, &c.) 
pe cha , (printing-) El] =o 
fil yan *-shue-psoon. 

Press, (to) ER EE aat -chue 
ste pik, Pe cha’, Fas “ang. 

Pressing, = YJ kup-ts‘it . 

Prestige, Ee at shing-shai . 




Presume, NA yd “taam- kom, 
SE “ching, at) re “kom- 
tong, ts shin’, (on) ee 
“chi, (2p fF “i ‘shi. 

Pretend, #€ cha , Bhi “Px 

> . > 
maau -wal, A tsze - 

ch‘ing, = Cy a tsze - ‘ki- 
- wa 

Pretty, HF Hef “ho- tai, i 
leng , ES ‘mi, (-well) FE 
Ff “hi-“ho. 

Prevail, jm yeng, (abound) 
HEA fa, fuung-shing . 

Prevaricate, He Ak XM) ’m- 
“kong-sum, Bal Ma “shim- 
shuuk, Ye = We PY ngup- 


Prevent, BH “choh, th, FY 

ah al site —— 

‘min-chi, Ae teh ’m- ‘pi, 
Previously, Pj FE, ue -sin. 
Price SE ka -ts‘in, (8 ka. 
Prick, #38 jpill ‘eh‘aam- ts‘ce , 

p©) {ee Ai) biu-ts‘ce Epa 

“koon-ts‘2e . 
Diicking. Fae ts‘ek. 

Prickles, $2) lak, Hal ts‘ze’. 
Prickly-heat, ee He it-*/ai . 

Pride, fir SH ngo -hi. 
Pride of India, ATK shum- 
muuk, =e tii “fooslin’ 
Priest, FS a] tsai 820, (Bud.) 
Fil fig won: *sheung’, (Tau.) 
aE to #870 , (Rom.) mi 
Ag shan-foo . 

Prim, 3 ih ue- foo’ 

Prime, #4 — tai -yat, B 
‘shat Lb sheung’ - 


Prime cost, AS$E poon-ts‘i er 
Prime Ministas FF Ay pai : 
seung , a AY “tsoi- “Seung 

Primitive, J5i ZX uen- “noon. 

Primrose, Sip Bet fp, lin-hing- 

Prince, H kwun, ea) =o 

ee ie BA — {il t‘au-yat- 
hoi (thing) zs WAIN kan- 


ope k Eh taai - 

*hSoi LK ay taai - "yeu. 
Principles iz) Bil to’ - qi BES li. 

Print, EfJ yan. 

Printing ane Ely a fils 

yan *-shue- “oon. 




Prior, Ae sin. 

Prison, B& Fy kaam-fong. 

Prisoner, 4 4p kaam-*faan . 

Private, Rl. BE sze-ka, (secret) 
pas mat, ib 3S i -mat, 


Privet, (ligustrum lucidum) 

a Fifa ap shaan-sui - 


Privilege, ZS I ts‘au - ‘haan, 

PTY: -council, Ay Pel noi - 
kok . 

Privy, (a) Hr ts‘ze - Juang. 

Prize, (a) v=] “sheung, a 
BR ‘sheung-ts‘ze, “ES pia 
‘sheung-ho , (to win a) Jay 

Prize up, #45 #8 kiu ~ “hi. 

Probably, BY #% waak- che, 
(most) K ig taai -*k*or , 
PH 1% HE} pa -hai -kwa 

Probation, aK og shi -im’: 

Probe, (a) Biv chum, ee Cay 
taam -chum, (to) it St 
PRP ‘ni-chum-taam ~ ‘ha. 

Proboscis, Ft HK tseung’ -pat, 
He Ee. tseung -pi . 

Proceed, BY XE ts‘in-fsuun, 

Li == ‘sheung-ts‘in- 
hue , (from) Hi ch‘uut, Hi 

SB. ch*uut-o0. 

Procession, (idolatrous) 
fi: He SHE p‘o-saat -ch‘wud-. 

Proclaim, “Ey es Te suen-ch‘uen. 

Proclamation, (a) 4 aR =e ko = 

Proclivity, as — Be pin- 
kwai-yat-*pin . 

Procrastinate, fF je “ui-ch4, 
(COL.) We i “ye-tive , (put 
off from day to day) TE 
— FY yat-twi-yat-yat. 

Procurator, 7 Hf A, shing- 
paan ~ 
+ 4 “wun-tak, fs 


Zl) tak-‘to, BRE FAY “Uoh-“to 
Prodigal, (a) RF long - 

| Prodigy, ye eS tsing-kwaai . 

Produce, Hi ch‘uut, - Hi 

shang-ch‘uut, ie ch‘aan. 
Profane, pe Zh wai > -sif . 
Profess, HA 27 ning-ying , 

8 Ai seod?-abSinge 

—_ = ee ee ee ee ee ae a ee ee 
Q yt — te dp ee. _— ——— ve | igh & ~ ~ - - Jj _ ” ry 
es Se , 




Profession, calles) Ea ip, 

Ls ES sze -ip, 6 

keuk -shik. 

Profile, Pe Tel poon - ai 
*min’ cs a i AW poon = 
min - -*seung . 

Profit, Fpl #> li’-yik, (to) FEB 
chaan’, Fi i. 

Profitable, #y yau ~yik, 
AR iB He ‘yau-chaan’. 

preate, yess BIR =I “saan- 
tong fa-siu, (a) War {F 

paai -ha~‘tsai., 

Profound, Ye shum, ve et 


Profusion, TK ZB yYy tani -toh. 

- Prognosticate, 5 p> chim- 

puuk, 5 =p chim-kwe | 

Programme, JH jE Hi A 

ue "ting? -taan-muuk, 

Progress, py 3 
meets ‘sheung-éswan . 
Prohibit, 2A an WK, kum -kaai , 

AA Ak Jf dee. “chi. 
Project, MHZ tut-ch‘uut- 

lai, ay faat . 
Prolapse, [ag ye chui -lok. 

ts‘in-tsuun , 

Prolong, ii te t‘oh-ch‘eung, 

Fete hinge ch‘eung, [i 
hice choh-noi . 

Prominence, py tut. 
Prominent, ee HH tak-ch‘uut. 

Promissory note, #34 ees kit - 


Promiscuous mixing, vi Kee 
wan -tsaap. 

Promise, ie Fk ying-shing, 
(break a) # =} shik-in, 
JR: 48 shat-suun 

Promontory, EK “hoi-° ‘piu. 
Promote, Bi] choh’, (a man) 

He 4 t‘ai-pat. 
Prompt, Et Fat faai -tsit, (to) 
Fe ue v'ai- ‘sing. 
Promulgate, 57S ai poh 
yeung, (Hak ch‘uen- kong. 
Prone to, {fq [FH] prin-heung , 
Pronounce, A Hi AK “kong- 
ch‘uut-lai, eH wa -ch‘wut, 
Pronunciation, He = “hau 
yum, Th €H nan kim. 
Proof, Ais] He pang-kue 4 
(print a) FY FR ‘ta-‘ho. 




Prop, (to) JH ting: “hi, 
(a) (& OF tiu-ch‘aang . 
Propel, HE wir Ww (‘ui-ts‘in, BB 
——%4F ‘shat hang. 
Propensity, 4m (1) prin-heung ; 

IES DHE: pik- sing . 

Proper, A cheuk. 

Property, vs BE Se “ch‘aan-ip, 
Fe BE ka-ip, FF ts‘i, 
(nature) PE: sing , HE: AS 

re ie p) 
sing -kaak . 

ae At OK EF 
C Pe . > 
kong-mi -loi-sze . 

Prophet, 3¢ ay sin-cht. 

Propitiate, i #4 woh-faan, 

ley waan-0ol.. 

Propitious, aA me ts‘ze- 

ts‘ oang (time, &c.) S kat, 

RY “ho. 

saan, (rule of) bat Bil 
‘pi-lai’, BE HE p‘ooi fat . 

Propose, [ii ff ch‘an-shuet , 
HH = saa ch’uut-“chue-t . 

Proprietor, JF TE uen- “chue, 

JR A, uen-yan. 

Propriety, te a lai-sho’. 
Prosecute, ‘a ko, (pursue) 

tH EB “hohn-“Hi. 


Proselyte, $EHK tsuun’-kaau . 

Prospect, HE Iwong- king. 

Prospect for gold, Be g> 
taam - hum. 

Prosper, ie HE hing -wong’ , 
$s 354 faat -taat. 

Prosperous, We BX ch‘eung = 

Prostitute, HE Ha ch‘eung- 
‘foo, Al 7F mun- “ngau, 
(to) ye FA long” “young . 

Prostrate, #4 fA] king- to, 
ud s self) Ee lie puuk- 

‘to-shue’ HR foo-fank. 

Protect, 8 ff: ‘po-yau , et 

A maan-shaau. 

Prone Bi HR IA “shake 

chiu. -koo’ . 
Protest, oF ko -so. BBD 
AS wa -sum-m-fuuk. 

Protestant, (Chany) Hil 

taf 2H Ye-soo-kaau . 

Protract, fij-fe t“oh-ch‘eung. 

Protuberant, ey. tut, Ma 4 

Proud, ES fy kiu-ngo . 
Prove, #iE i ching: -shat, 
(verify) eX se ehuing-inn 




Proverb, {4% ae. tsuuk-*ue, | 

Wy ae shing-*ue, 3 = 
_ chum-in. 
Epovide, an kup, ji tig ue - 
pi, (against) Te: th t‘ai- 


iain HERE fa - 

shang-- “po- ‘yeung. 

pee dential, K wt oe KE, tin- 

chue ting. 
Province, 3 “shaang. 
Provisions, tra iJ leung-‘ts‘o, 
[Fe “hau-leung. 
Provoke, # ye, ey ki ws 

Prowl, Hi ry olga ye. 

Proxy, AR sp toi = ‘li. 

_ Prudence, Ai! 2% chi -wai . 

Prudent, F JA. Fat ‘ooi-sze- 
leung, RF 4J cS “ho-‘ta- 
‘ D) 
suen . 

Prune, (to) 2? 43) HE ‘shaang- 

Prunes, 4 Ff movi-‘tsze, 
(dried) # EA kohn-*mooi. 

Prussia, 4 [| Po -kwokk . 

Prussian-blue, Y= WE yeung- 
tin . 3 

Pry, oe ye k‘wai-taam. 

Psalms, 3Y ak shing - shi. 

Psoriasis, ey) re kohn-lau 

Puberty, (female) FRE AS tin- 
kwat, (male) WM i shing- 
t‘uung, (VULG.) BS & faut - 

Public, rN huang, (the) Fy 

paak “SUNG y. 

Public spirit, rN NY kuung- 
y — ett 

sum, =e i-hi. 
Publish, sito &C.) Hi 8 
ch‘uut-maai . 
Pucker, ye A isa -maai, 
(the sacle: HA pet a 

mai-maai- ‘hau. 

Pudding, esi Ee min’-shik, 
Pus, iron, Kb EN chsaau- 

tit, (make muddy) ee Wy 

“kaau-chuuk, a tight) 
RS YE vilfi JES “ching-nai- 
paan’- “tah. 
Puff, (a) — FR yat-chum’. 
Puffed up, FE} yi tsze -‘moon. 

Puisne Judge, jal] aR ii] /o0- 


Pule, JEE IEE wa-wa. 
Pull, (to) $F mung Far laai, 

Fit “che, (down) ie chalk . 




Pulley, Yee 44e luut- Joh. 
Pulp, SBR nong. 

Pulpit, nny wo A “kong-shue- 

Pulse, (lentils) [= *tau , (the) 
Hk mak. 

Pulverize, #3} Fun-sua » 

Pumice, Ff 4] fau-shek. 

Pummelo, yy Foye poh-luuk, 
Ah FR yau-‘tsze, BE Ah 

Pump, eR fal shok -baung, 

+) 7K oid toh- shui- tum, 

(to) K UK shok 
Pumpkin, AS JI tuwng-kwa. 

Pun, Eg Ba HL R sheung- 
waan- ts‘ue-siu . 

Panck, (a) Sati tit -chong ; 
FEAR BS lai- ngaan-*tsok, 

Punctilious, $f AH chup-sai . 

Punctual 4X Hy :-ki. 

Punctuate, Eu belt “tim-t*uen. 

Puncture, St chum. 

Pungent, WR laat. 

Punish, Bi fat, Bl chaak - 

Punishment, Fh) By hi. Sh 

Punkah, JR fy fuung- -shin . 

Puny, 5K aa “ai-sai . 

Pup, 4fj fF ‘Kaus tsa. 

Pupil, (of the eye) fig A 
t‘uung-*yan, (scholar) PY 

EE: moon- shaang, eh te 

hok- shaang. 

a 5 oes Ba FIER kwai- 


Purblind, ARR Hee ‘ngaan- 

Purchase, a maai. 

Pure, a ig tsting- kit’ 
Purgative, pet asi se “youk. 
Purgatory, oR #R lin’-yuuk. 
Purify, Ar WR ‘sai-tik, ih 
P4% hit’-tsing’, He BR: poe 
‘ching-kohn-tseng’ . 

Purple, a ea ii p‘oo-t*‘o- 


Paris = 23 p= “chue-t . 

Purposely, Hee XF tak- tang, 
ax = koo -i. 
Purse, ny il hoh- pau, By 

shi-* chéaap « 

Purser, jaa “y= A “se-tsze - 
Purslane, 5 {F RS chue- 

€ . 2 
tsaa-ts‘or . 

PYL 201 QUA 
Pursue, 3H #8 chui-Iohn. Pyramid, PRE tsim-fong- 
Purvey, He 1K. E paan-foh-| ying, ep oF ps kum-tsze - 


Pus, [2 nuung. 

Push, HE tui, ERE ‘wung, 
(along, as a row of types 
&C. ) aR tan . 

Pusillanimous, WD) PE sum- 
hip . 

Pustule, ayy Te ‘siu-ch‘ong. 

Put, HK fong’, 1 chi, (down) 
$7 ve chai-lok, (on) 7G 
cheuk , die ohn, Fe ohn, 
(in) Fj ch'aap , A, yup, 

~ (out) HY ch‘uut, (past) We 
BH shau-maai, (away) bez 
chine, (off) He tui, AR 

tuet . 
Putchuk, Ay Ap muuk- “hewng. 

Putrid, Jt {i foo Jaan’. 

Puity, Nal yh JR tuung-yau- 

Puzzle, (a) BE (A ZN naan- 
“koo-chi-mat, naan-‘koo-ke - 

Ye, (a toy) i FR ‘sha- to. 
Pygmy, PE TE (F- “ai-‘lo- 


Pylorus, uly FA yau-moon. 

aap . 
Quack, @) te 4) Jo +E 

chong —paau— sin —shang, 

ch‘ong ~paau-seng. 
Quadrangular, pu FF $20 = 

fong , sze -fong-ke . 
Quadrant, (or sextant) Hk 

Bee git > 

FR leung'-tin-ch‘ek . 
Quadruped, ZEB “tsau-shau « 
Quaff, eK “yum. 
Quail, (a) AB 35 om-shuun, | 
Quail, (to) FFE shat-chi.. 
Quaint, 4 IDE ‘koo-kwaat . 
Quake, Hye Hi} chan’ -tuung’. 
Qualified, (able) BE nang. 
Quality, as “tang, ye “nui, 

pial ffi keuk -shik, (of 

things) fi shik, WE 7 

Poa > 

sing -kaak . 

Qualm of conscience, FS nm 

gj H leung - swm-tsze - 

chaak . 
fe +e 

oy eae 




Quantity, sho -leun ¥ 
y, Be i g 
(what ?) Zp toh- shir. 

Gaaeel, 4 chaang, fi] ZE 
naau - haau, Wea Ze ani - 


Seale. MA ly “ts‘ue-shek- 


Quart, (a) — yr yat-kan. 

Quarter, (a) il af 2 sz - 
fun’ -chi-yat, — Fi yat-Kok 
(of an hour) —¥| yat-hak, 
(of the year) ZS kwai, (of 
the body) FER chi. 

Quarter, (to lodge) eT hit - 

Quartz, Fy AR Ay paak- ‘foh- 
shek, #; HE shek-ying. 
Quash, tir fB] laai-‘to, ED 

pok -mit. 
Quassia, FJ FX paak-muuk. 
Queen, Et = wong-hau . 
Queer, =y'PE k4i-kwaai , a 
ee lak-tak. 
Quell, Tx mit. 
Quench, 5 mit, Bz KB, kau - 
sik, (thirst) fi} “haat. 
Quest, x ts‘um. 

Question, fF mun’, (a) zi] 
#& mun’-wa’, (doubt) pil 
Quibble, #4 ABBA AE p‘oon- 
kan-mun - ‘tai, ai HE kit = 

naan, f= 3s chaang-in- 

Quick, ER faai , SFL faci’ 
faai: , (sharp) ijt ffl] ma- 
li’, (clever) 44 ffl ling li ; 
(lively) TA yee oot-p* ‘oot. 

Quicken, (in the womb) ie 
5p foi-tuung . 

Quicksand, }- Yb fau-sha. 

Quicksilver, aK on “shui 

Quiet, FeV ohn-tsing , (be) 
fae pet tsing’-*tsing . 

Quietness, 2p. Fe p‘ing-ohn. 

Quill, #5 = oe ngoh-mo-pat. 

Quilt, re Ae min- ‘pi, re jis 
min- ¢‘0%, 

Quilted-coat, re AN min-naap. 

Quince, FX J muuk- Awa. 

Quinine, Gp $B aH hum- 


Gata, He 73) NP shaang- 





Quip, HE #) hi-ts‘ze . 

Quire, JJ to, (a) — JJ RK 
yat-to- “chi. 

Quirk, Fi St “nau-*kar 

Quisqualis, Ae FL -F- sz - 

kwun- tsze. 
Quit, Bit == li-hue , (-hold) 
jon fong ~‘shau, FA “$ 


Quite, + af shap-fun 
As saan , an 
ven, (not quite) 2 HY 
chaang- tt. 

Quiz, aa EF shi -taam , pi} 

ghee -siu . 

Quote, BI ‘yan, Bl pit yan- 



Rabbet, (to) A AN yup- ‘lau. 
Rabbit, Fy oa, ee to 
Rabble, [Th yAR, ha’ ki 
Rabid, J k‘wong, 4]. tiu. 
Bats, (family) #4 lui’, 7 
‘chuung, (to) ia paau. 
Rack, (engine) JH] HL. ying- 
kue’, (frame) oA ka. 

Racking, 4H 4¥s “foo-‘ch‘oh. 

Radiate, Bt she, ye By 
kwong-she , et Ft it-she’. 

Radicals, (characters) # po 
(roots) ARE kan. 

Radish, RT 2# Sj huung- 

Radius, iB Ait fuuk-sin 
Raffle, HE £5 ngo-shik. 
Raft, AXE *p‘aal. 
Rafter, Ag kok, (purlin &) 
yy 8 hang-kok . 
Rag, Meal Thr laan’~00 
Ragamuffin, ee Wee {F . loh- 

loh- tsat. 
Rape ar ya ‘fun-no . 
Ragged, Tee Fe laam-lue. 

Rag enen, tA Nl tf oon’- 

laan’ 00 
Rail, (to) = BB li-ma’ » (a 
bird) > 93 chuuk-kai. 
Railing, Hp] AF laan-kohn. 
Railway, $2) BS ti?’-lo’, aR 
A EL RS ‘foh-in-ch‘e-lo . 
Rain, Ny “ue, (to) ye RY 
lok- ue, (-water) Ry zk 

‘ne- “shut. 




Rainbow, K ee tin-kong 
io ak huung- euung. 
Raise, 7 “hi. 

ae Pt -F- p‘oo-t'ai- 

Rally, (troops) Aa se hop- 
a (ridicule) pij4e 

chaau-siu . 

Rake, (a man) AL TEA F- 
fa-fa-kuung- tsze, oh- Li-kat- 
tat , (a tool) FP, p‘a, 5a 
ay p‘a- ngaau, 

Ram, (a) 56 Bar yeung- “Koo, 
=f aS yeung- kuung, (to) 


Ramble, 3h 47 yau-hang, F 
in hue -k*waang , iN ‘liu. 

Rampant, psi Hite ts‘o-tsaap, 
= iil ko-hing . 

Rampart, $f J sheng- 

Ram-rod, B ge +ifi ‘niu- 
ts‘eung-ch‘aap , Hh 1& 


Rancid, fJ% seng, (oil) Niet 


Rancour, #8 Fs ven -tuuk. 

Range in rows, —4iGrI 
BA yat-*hong-hong-lit-hoi, 

Rank, (order) AN “tang- 
k‘up, on “pun, (merit) vy} 
42, Ieuung-ming, (with) lA 
A\j tuung-lit. 

Rank, (growth) 53 mau ‘ 
(taste) ipa 80. 

Rankle in the breast, WD) #E 
sum- kwan, IW 28 to - 
sum- kwan. ™ = a 

Ransom, te shuuk. 

Rant, AF $54 k‘wong-pin . 

Rap, #4 paak, (COL.) pop- 

Rape, Wit ZF k‘eung-kaan. 

Rapid, ak 3B tup-ts‘uuk, 
(rapids) wate “aan. 

Rapture, #iy Ee kik-“hi. 

Rare, Ay Ze hi-hohn, Fy 
Sy M-ki. 

Rarities, “ar Wy bd 

Rascal, Ht *laan - tsdi. 

Rase, Ak 2p. ch‘aale -p‘ing, 
Ay 2p. “sai-p' ne 

Rash, = ap mo = him, m 
Hk ts‘o -po . 

a i 




Raspberry, PE $9 FF she- 


3 Rat, yx En ‘lo~‘shue. 

Rat-trap, ro awa ‘lo-‘shue- 


Rate, (price) (A Ieee , (of 
motion) 47 $F hang-faat , 
(first-) =] ae “ting- ho. 

Rather, 3, 33, leuk-*leuk, 
i] “poh; (in preference) 
igt. Fi] ning-‘hoh, it's) 
kang -‘ho. 

Ratify, AW, HE piai- chuun, 
AIL [=I ching -shat. 

Rational, & IEF JH hop- 

bd € . 
ts‘ing- li. 

Rations, $f Ey leung-shik, 

(daily) [ #f yat-leung. 
Rattan, Yb fA sha-t‘ang, 
(shavings) fig A t‘ang- 


Rattle, Eas ngo, (a angin) 

$a FR GY ling- Jum- “100, 

(death-) ik $a, “ch‘e-hi’. 

Rattle-snake, [fh] EB ee 

C aa 
heung- mi-she. 

vage, 37) BY} Ieipy = wats: 

Rave, 5 song -sum, se 
ae Fi faat -ngaam’-wa. , 
(in anger) Fk Uns po. -no. 

Ravelled, PAR luen. 

Raven, B&B 7 00-0. 

Ravenous, (hungry) §& 4 
* ngoh-tak-kup, (greedy) 

Fe E wai -shik, 

Ravine, ily Hat shaan-k‘ok . 

Ravish, Bip Fis k‘eung-tuet, 
(force) Arp “k‘eung. 

Raw, HE shaang, shaang-ke . 

Ray, (of light) Ff 3 she’- 
kwong, (a fish) ate ff po- 
“ue, FE te vb BE a-shd. 

Razor, ¥l| I tai - lo. 7 

Reach, fw’, 3) 48 to’ - 

tak, (with the hand) 

Jl] 0-10, (out) 444 shan. 
Read, = tuuk, (in silence) 

AG hohn , ea ‘tat. 
Readily, Ei] Hae ésik-shi, 

EP et 

ZS 2 . 
Ready, Ang pi, HK Ai ts‘al- 

pi, (i pin’, (money) as) 

#8 in’-*ngan, (made) #8 

HY in’ -*shing. 






Real, TE chan. 


Really, $é DR “kwoh-in, HE 
Fi k‘ok’ -shat. 

Wy Bi) shau-koht . 

Rear, (like a horse) ae By 

By if ngok-ko-ts‘in-t‘al, 
tes chong, (raise) 7s 
‘yeung, ts‘0. 

Rear, (the) FR ‘mi, #% (BH 
hau -pin’. 

Reason, 4 Ea to = li, aH 
ZH ts‘ing-‘li, (a) ee HX 

uen-koo . 

Reasoning, SE Ay i-luun’, 
Sa ai pin -Inun’. 

Reasonable, AG fl xf ‘yat- 
to ~‘li, A HS yau- ‘li, ty 
JH hop- li. 

= H+ —— fH chong g 


Rebate, (a groove) A pl) 
yup- ‘lau. 

Rebel, (to) ME ya tsok -Sfaan. 

Rebels, Sif ff yik-ts‘aak. 

Rebound, JH% Fi} tsaan’-hoi. 

Rebuke, 5= I BY chaale -shing. 

Rebut, 2 4B] taap’-‘t. 


Recall, HSL sia, ia Keine 
ail (to mind) 48 75: 

“seung-tak- ssn 
Recant, JZ =) “faan~ han. 
Recede, 5B tui , ah te tan’ 

Receipt, Kr Fe his aan. 

Receive, Be tsip hau, +e 
Bi sip -to , S shan’, (from 

a superior) 44 ‘ling. 
Recent, imine kan’-shi, kan’- 

shi-ke . 
im kan’ be 

Recently, 3 
Receptacle, wr” tsong’, Ve 

fong, yey ie ts‘ong-ch‘ue 
Recipe, Vike fong-faat , He 
-F- fong- tsze. 
Reciprocate, FF. 7A Ze Be 
00 Rey “kaan-tsip 
Recite, Be ai oon tsuung ; 
aN Ht ie tei 
Reckless, 7| ie hic: a) 
AT uf 43, BF ’m- “ta-‘li- 

mat ye. 

paces: Bus rey “tim sho, iJ 

suen . 

Reclaim, Sy oh-faan, $8 
BH kaw -faan. 




Recline, Hall ake fun ~‘tai, 
“fun, RB aai-‘to, RH 

| an aai-ha. 

ees Bite tH Ti) Fe ii- 
shat -tuuk-kue. 

Recognise, 24 ying. 

Recoil, Fike tan’, tan, ris au 
tsaan’- Hi. 

Recollect, 5 da ki = ‘hi, i 
#B yik-“hi. 

~ Recommend, @ person) Jt 
jes ‘Kue-tsin , (advise) ¥)) 

Recompense, ¥h & po -taap . 

Reconcilable, FI 43 woh- 

Reconcile, 4h — FL é' ling’ 
tsoi -‘ho. 
Reconciled, 4 FM fuuk-woh. 
Reconnoitre, FJ ae ‘ta-taam . 
Record, $K luuk, (to) 3p hi’. 
Recount, pit Hi A shuut- 
Recover, 45 79 tak-faan, (get 
well) Wii UF peng’ = “ho. 
Recreate, SET) yau- “sha- 


ehcp i) siz) Wet 

00 -seung g-kuung-kit . 
Recruit, JR Fi tim- “10, 

nest) Fs IR yeung- | 


Rectify, BE TE “ching-cheng 
BY IE “koi-cheng, Hus hy 
“ching- ‘ho. 

Rectitude, 25 5K i-hi, IE 

ching -chik. 

Rectum, Ta iB chik-ch‘eung. 

Recur, KX AK yau -loi, Fhe 
48 loi-fuuk, (in speaking) 

cil Ati tsoi -‘Ieong. 

Red, 4. huung, eR chue. 

Redeem, [gj shuuk, Hey ay 

shuuk-faan, (from sin) Hig 
shuuk-tsui . 

Redound to, Bay kewai-faan. 
Redress, a grievance, i gin) 

shan-uen, (n0) 4nk +k S mo- 
faat . 

Reduce, (bring) a> ling’, #Y 
iff chi -‘shai, (diminish) JER 
“kaam, (change) AY, fa , Ke 

pin’, (subdue) FY IR ‘ta- 




Redundant, IK % 4M. FA 

tani -toh-‘mo-yuung’ , PE 

Reed, i EA lo-‘wai, JR 2X 

Reel and atigeor, 47 e) 

1 a hang-tnang -lu- 

“pai, (coL.) hang- -tak- p‘e- 
“p‘e- ha. 

Reel of thread, Mant FAN sin - 
luuk, 5) a ch‘e-luuk. 
Refer to, 4H ‘chi, (speak of) 

an iz ‘ong k‘aap, (apply 

to) ifiee FF ‘chuen-ts eung, 

rant ii “shuen-mun 
Refine, AF ie k‘ing-lin’ , A 


Refit, G RX sau- “ching. 

Reflect, ya AR “Faan-chi , 
Si} its she’-“chuen, (think) 
HH AH sze- “seung. 

Reform, rig tl ss pin ‘sohing ; 

— BESS Be “koi-ok -ts‘in- 

shin . 

Refract, Ha at “chuen-ts‘e, 

tg HH ts‘uet -k‘uuk. 

Refrain, Hi kaa 2 ie yan- 
“shau, A “yan- hi. 

Refresh, rN rai yik-“po, 53 
Ail tsze- po. 

Reteehineny We, th FF isze- 
“n0- ‘ye, Bh nm “tim- Come 
Refuge, Sie Si i hpi . 

chiue ; ite Ey Bt pl ? shan- 

Refund, fH mm ch‘eung- = 

Refuse, HE eH tei-ts ze, Ar 

2 m- ‘wan, (not ere: 
7s te’ m- tsip . 
Refute, > ia, nok -yeng. 
Regain, ya tak-faan, fe, 
Wy yeng-faan. — 
Regard, BA AE koo -chue , 
(pity) Nf suut. 
Regardless, WR AT BE 'm-"ta- 

Regards, (to express) PA 

mun > haw’. 

Regatta, Fy fy tau’ -shuen. 
Regenerate, ye AE kang “ 

shang, Bg pew ch‘uung- 
shang, yh HE [oan-shaeies 

Regent, ba neg ship ching 

Regimen, FY J hai - hau. 
Regiment, = ying, pits k4. 

Region, Hi FF ti -fong. 




Register, LER ‘elouk, (to) 

By ‘sheung-ch‘aak 
Registrar, ae 4 Fl “cheung- 

ohn’ - (520. 

Se ccistiar General, (in Hong- 
kong) 2 Fe Be &% i] 
Wwa-man-ching -moo = 52. 

Regret, WE sik, AR te se - 
sik, cropent) [8 foot : 
Hp “faa foo. 

Regular, A KR Fe ‘yau- 
is‘ze -tsue ? UK TE -faak , 
IE ching. 

Regulate, $F Al ting chai , 
Bs if “ching=‘ho. 

Regulation, 5 ya cheung- 


Reign, i} =E wai-wong, $e 
=E tso’-wong, (one) — FE 
yds iy yat-wong-chi-shat 

Rein, (bridle) RBA pi -t’an. 

Rein-deer, AG Fc EB pat- 
taai -luuk. 

‘Reinforce, aS i Kim=" 00. 

mahantote, Ht ral hin -faan, 
aey a a ts‘eng fee. 

Reject, Fe Fe tiu-hi , Sit 


Rejoice, cs PS “hi-uet, HAN 
Xe. foon- hi. 

Rejoin, (answer again) 48S & 
fuuke -tauyp . 

Relapse, 4 a fuuk-haam , 
(of sickness) 4 Wi fuuk- 

Relate, ae a shuet -chi, ait 
a kong-shuut, (belong to) 
ie shuuk. 

Relations, (five) Fn. fj ng- 
luun, JQ fj yan-luun. 
elation \ rai ng ts‘an-ts‘ih, 


AH Es seung-shauk. | 
Relax, Ht #4 fong -suung. 
Relaxation, oe di shue-shan. . 
Release, $2 K shik-fong.. 
Relent, ‘iy foot , By EE hoh- 

Relevant, Ba PF kwaan-ship’. 
Relief, relievo, Fp p4y fau-tut. 
Relieve, (the poor) $C es 

kau -tsai , (lighten) FER. Hint 


Religion, (doctrine) B¥ kaa’. 
Religious, Bie B king -k‘in. 
Relinquish, #4) “she. 




Relish, (to) zi PAs chi-mi , 
(a) ysl mi -to , ios, WAR 
tsze-miv : *mi. 

Reluctantly, ~ “Snin- 
‘k‘eung. % 2 

Rely on, {@f Hf “i-laai’, PF 

Remain, aH AE lau-chue. : 
(over) If shing’. 

Remainder, Br 3a ue-shing’. 

Remand, ¢77 — ya ming — 
‘faan, ¢—ld 3: cheuk 
——ovi-hue . 

Remark, (see) Ey Jd, “tai- 

kin’, (say) 2 wa. 
Remarkable, IFRS, fi-sheung. 

Remedy, ¥ ais chi -faat, eS 
Yes i- faut. 
BemnecHnver, 4 aU tt hi -tal, aL 

4E ki et 

Remind, $48 Jug bai-‘seng. 
Remiss, Xt Fie fong -tsuung . 

Remit, (forgive) WR she - 
‘min, (send) ar ki, (relax) 
BA suung. 

Remnants, eR fas ue-sdi . 

Remonpirate, Bw an chaak - 


Remorse, 9% twuny -foor . 

Remorseless, Bs ZT is‘aan- 

Remote, 4 ‘nen, Hit shoh. 

Remove, (flit) PR $B poon- 

ts‘in, (ib away) ie == 

ch‘ue -hue’ , (from office) £3 
Remunerate, ie 
Rend, Seb lit, Ak BE “ch‘e-lit. 
Render, (return) ite waan, 
(make) 43 A® ling’, {Hi shat. 
fasion IE tsue = 
ch‘ue . 

Rena Sap kang a 

Be “koi-san, A oF 

‘ching -faan-san. 
Renounce, 332 34 hi -tsuet. 

Rent, 7H Gf} tso-*ngan, Fi 
(fi tso-ha, (to) #H tso; 
(torn) Hi] ¥ laan’ hiv. 

Repair, G HS sau- ching, rai 
“n0, (go to) + Fi hue -to . 

Repay, js #4 waan-faan, RS 
44 p‘ooi-waan. 

Repeal, hs Naas fai -ch‘ue. 

Be p‘ooi- 

——————— el 




Repeat, A tsoi -fuuk, HE 
| FB ch‘uung-fuuk, (a lesson) 
rey 00% , ‘Zs nim’, ti 
nim’ -ch‘uut. 
Repeatedly, A= tsoi -saam. 
Repel, +E * k‘ue- chue’. 
Repent, "qT foot -han’ , (and 
mend) (4 BY foot - kor. 
Repetition, aR chui -lui . 
Repine, YB wen’ » Bex RE yau- 
wen . 


Replace, rai eA ag -faan. 

Replenish, ie moon- iftan 

Reply, Bt F& tui -taap , le] 
FF ooi-yum. 

Report, JR, Be fuung-sheng, 
(give a) |B) 4 ooifuuk, 
(sound) (CoL.) pom. 

Repose, F ig ohn-tsing . 

Represent, (stand for) FF 4% 
tsok -hai., SL tong-tso , 
(symbolize) Fi, = kin -< . 

Repress, 2 ‘fi kum -chai , 
a ill aut char . 

Reprisals, (to make) Jer #M 


Reproach, fe is yuuk-ma . 

eg sf ni haake- 

‘shing, Wk Fa chup-chaak , 
(to the face) Fyre Ey ch“ik- 
paak, i Jas min -ch‘tk. 
Reptile, Be] sek laan-ch‘uung. 
Bepablie, RZ mun- 
“chue-chi-kwok . 
Repudiate, 3 hi. 
Repugnant, 7H ya seung- 
‘faan, FAL seung-kuung, 
shi yik, ngaak. 
Repulse, 47 368 “ta-t'ui . 
Repulsive, #8 FR tau-mau. 
Reputation, “@, Hg ming- 
shing, ae iit] “ai-min . 
Request, He an k‘au- ist eng. 
Require, 2A Be 
Requite, WR 00. 
Beene Bie lean, 4 $M “ta 
kau ; iC Ht ket ~ch‘wut. 

Research, #3 92 We Shaau- kav 
Resemblance, a tseung” » 

*veung , ee maau . 
Resemble, Ay) ts “ts‘ze- -tak, 
Ke Ay) tgeung’ - “ts‘ze. 

Resembling, 44 7Z fe yau- 

SUE “ie . 




Resentment, PUP uen -han’. 

Reserve, #4 AR EP lau-° yau- | 

ue, (to) ans ts‘uen-‘ha. 
Reserved, BR Ye shum-ch‘um. 
Reservoir, 5 JK chuuk-pi, 

Be vis ich’, 7K FF 

“shui~° tseng. 

Reside, Fe 4 kue-chue . 
Residence, AE Fe chue -ka, 
= a chaak. | 

+t 3B ko -tut , rae 
fay ts‘ze-chik, (one’s self) 
lk funk. 

Resigned, (submissive) §f AR 

Resin, AA HA ts‘uung-ming 

(meng), AA AR ts‘uung- 


Resist, yg FE kong -‘k‘ue, 
TH Ae ‘ting-chue , Taz Af 
tik-chue’, pe AE “tong- 

chue . 
Resolute, BR WY kin-sum. 
Resolve, 4F ¥a ting i, 37 
ND laap-swm, OUIz k‘wet - 
i, = a “chue-t , (solve) 
FH) “haai-hoi. 


Resort, ss, a place) & Al 
hue -to , (to a gti ifr 

fH) ‘chuen- -heung. ; (6 a 

wept &C.) tak HB ‘ chuen- 

‘shai, (a Place of) SE Je 

tsue -ch°ue. (an escape) Fe 
hue -lo . 

Resound, Zeb Fee ‘heung-sheng 
(echo) [Bj MN o0i- ‘heung 
Tif yee chong” -sheng. 

Resource, Br tir iG “shoh-t- 

lai’, (escape) F hue - 

Respect, (to) 4% hing’, Fig 
Ft king -chuung’, (regard) 
KA hoo. 

Respects: AR A i yau- 

Respectful, FRAY kuung-king. 
Respecting, fq BR laun’- 
kap, 32 Fd chi -ue. 
Respects, to pay, FER pai - 
Respiration, ne We foo-k‘up. 
Respite, FAR pee hit’-shi. 

Resplendent, He nan 

Respond, Ke ying aap . 




Responsibility, (FA Fag foo - 
hoh’) FH AF taam- faai. 
Responsible, $e if shi -mun’. 
Rest, El, sik, Fe A ohn-sik, 
(to) FR PR hit’ -ha, Bh PR 
‘tau-‘ha, (the) fF Ha] ue- 
shing’, ue- shing -ke , LER 
k‘i-ue, Ft A ify chuung’ - 

Restive, Yh 3A aa -‘Ieng. 
Restless, $f 362. fff} mo-ning- 
noi , is 2 . im-tsim. 
Restore, 444 |E] “waan-o0i, 48 
funk, (save) iz iy kau - 


Restrain, 28 4) um’ -chai , 
a | DN k‘ue-ch‘uuk. 
Restriction, Kft FE haan’-to’. 
Result, (in) $& GRR chuung- 

kwai, (from) HAE ch*wut- 

00, (the) Ee] A kwaan- 
hai, ay Hise haau -im 
Resume, By GA 40i-faan- 

‘sha (return to) 4 Ha 

tso. -faan. 
Resurrection, 4g lay fuuk- 
shang, fau -shang. 

Retail, Bee maai -sui- 

foh ; ys f=] ling-maai : 

(trade) phy Ag siu faan ‘ 
Retain, 43 9 lau-faan, We 
wy shau-lau. 
Retake, (a place) ye, 4 hak- 
fuuk, (a prisoner) FE ad 

Retaliate, jf waan- shaw, 

33 AM po’ -faan. 
Retard, i chai , SH. Mas 
‘choh-maan Hes Mas “ching- 

maan . 
Retch, (4 Wii tsoke -‘ou. 
Retentive memory, RESP 
“ho-ki “Sing . 2 
Retinue, PR PE Aan-paan. 
Retire, 36 We tui pi, $- 
hue , bat (S kwai-" yan. 
Retired, . BB yau-tsing’, | 
#¥ pooi. 
Retirement, mt Hs tsing’- 
chuung, Ve bist “yan-ch'ue . 
Retort, to, ia | waan- hau. 
Retrace, |E] 3 o0i-po . 
Retract, ya J “faain~ hit, 
f& = shik-in. 




Retreat, SB tui ; = sau, 
(a) a ih ‘yan-chue 
Retrench, TN, = “kaam- 
“shaang. , 
Retribution, 3 fe po ying . 
Retrieve, 43M tak-faan, , AB 
MH yeng-faan, og kau. 
Retrograde, 43] 47 “to-hang. 
Retrospect, le] iH o0i-koo’. 
Return, 3% faan, [EJ coi, BH 
F- faan-hue , FH AK esd 
*lal, fn kwai, (restore) 33 is 
Reunite, A He hop-faan- 
Reveal, BY AR “k‘ai-shi . 
Revel, Fa py naau - fsa. 
Revenge, ad Tt, po chau, 
BA suet han’. 

Revenue, jift SB foo -ngan. 
Reverberation, |B] 346 o0i- 

shai , (sound) ain ying - 


Reverence, FE Ag kuung-hin ie 
Reverend, Soi pine Po 

tsuen, (elderly) ae ‘lo. 

Reverie, a oA Diy “seung- 


Reverse, (the) FY JL seung- 
‘faan, eal tui -min’ , (to), 
3 iat * to-‘chuen. 

Revert, fi ra kwai-faan. 

Review, Bal uet, FAB kaan- 
uet, ot p* nee 

ite ao 2on pe wai-ma : an 

a¢ Song-waai . 

Revise, ‘G BY sau- “kot. 

Revive, Fel. fuuk-hing, 

48 HE fuuk-shang, FA. iE 
isov -wong, (the spirits) 
47 WE HG Til “ta-‘seng- 
Revoke, Jit i faan-pin’, 4 
[BJ chui-ooi, ks fai. 
Revolt, Ey PX poo > -poon’. 
Revolting, yess ea ts‘ai- 

Revolution, J] chau, le} 00i, 
(in a state) He pin. 

Revolve, aS ik tum’ -tum’- 

chuen’ , ttum-tum- “chuen, 

(ffi suen- “chuen), (in, an 
orbit) 3a) if chau-chuen . 
Revolver, Hi ta SB retin 

isteung, St [Ey 3 tui - 

min’ -§ Ui. 





Reward, fz} “sheung, y=] a 

‘sheung-k'up, Ea sheung- 

ts‘ze , a fa-huung. 

Rheumatism, JA, Y4 fuung- 

Rhinoceros, E ya sai-ngan. 

Rhubarb, a fa tai “wong. 

Rhyme, pt} a hip -wun . 

Rib, Hy lak, Fy SFA lak- 
shaak -kwut, (ribs) HE ep 

Ribaldry, Ha iiss Fl EK ol - 
mun-ch‘au -hi. 

Ribbon, eA i sze-taui . 

Rice, Ik ‘mai, (boiled) BY 
faan , (growing) TI woh, 
(paddy) 2% kuuk, (old 
man’s) ROK noh’=‘mai. 

Rice-bird, Ft 46 GE woh-fa- 

tseule . 
Rice-paper, 37 aM. teuung- chi 
Rich, Es We foo -hau. Bet 
foo -kwai, (man) Bf =e 

Riches, Bf fy} ts‘oi-paak. 

Rickety, Fg AB Ais i-i-yuuk. 

Rid, $4 J tsuet-hiv, FA EE 


Riddle, (sieve) a shat, 

(puzzle) oe “mai, (ask-a) 

43 W— ‘ta amat-yat, 4J 

Th TF ‘ ta-‘koo- tsai. fg 
Ride, Bay k‘e. 

Ridge, i #F tiu- tse , Gn a 

field) Jff@ lek. 
Ridicule, ni) Re chaau-sitt , 

3 ae hi -sire , (an Mas i 
of) ae A sive peng. 
Ridiculous, py 4 “hoh-siv . 
Rifled, (grooved) AL ‘il 
yup- ‘lau. 
Right, A | cheuk, TE. ching’, 
ys a ‘noon- tang, (side) 
Ai yau . 

Righteous, 35 i i? 

Rigid, hifi ngaang : ‘2 “kang. 

Rigorous, fag BR im- “kan, (Fk 
lee shum-im). 

Rin, EI ys uen-p1. 

Ring, a = (finger) Fix 
4 kaai “chi, (to) Ma 
“heung, (a bell) 47 oa ta- 

Ring-worm, Jee sin. 

Ringlets, —22 yat- tsze- 
: 3 

ROA 216 ROC 
Rinse, HBF] “long. Road, §¥ lo’, (high-) ER pes 
Riot, gl, fig luen’-naau , Bal koon-lo . 
naaw -sze . Roam, $f¥ yau. 

Rip open, i] | t‘ong-hor. 

Ripe, wh shuuk. 

Ripple, J i poh-*mun. 

Rise, Fe ‘sheung, i “hi, 
WL if Aing-“hi, (get up) 


Risk, [@F “him, (to) + poon . 

Rite, a & ai-i, jie We 

Rival, vay BB tui >-*tan, 

Rive, BAAR poh lit, (a) {6% 
Be t‘iu-lit, (Be t‘iu- 

River, Jpy hoh, (a) (% ray 
t‘iu-hoh, (& YL. t‘iu-kong, 
ae river is called “a 
pi? “hoi, (& 4. tiu- ‘hoi. 

Rivet, (to) inh By Fe chuen - 
teng-mi, (mend) FG i 
‘ma-faan, (a) ph} BA By 

Rivulet, eA kaa, ay i) “siu- 
hoh, a Ht shaan-haang. 

Roach, (i$ #4 ‘ts‘uun-ue. 

Roar, (BE haau), PRY haam 
(of thunder) git dn Be 
kwang -kwang- sheng, (of 
water) Hi FE paang- 
padi), (COL.) p‘op-pop- 

Roast, ifs shiu, (in ashes) 


© TB BE “ts‘eung-tuet. 

Robber, [ip *ts‘aak. 

Robe, #fJ po. 3 

Robust, LAE f-chong oe 
ae chong. -kin’. 

Roe, ie p‘aang. 

Rock, He Ay ¥ oon-shek, Fe 
#4 BAL taai “-shek-tfau, (to) 

Pia TEE leung-pin- ‘padi. 
Rock-fish, 4G Ai A i shek- 

“hau- euung. 

Rocket, (a) — 435 ia 1 

yat-chi- hi-foh, (falling) Ju 
ae A Bh, “hau-luung-to = 
ti, (a, to be caught) sR 

pA pac -tan, 4b Kil fa- 

praau . 




Rocking-chair, HEfSy luuk-“. 

Rock-work, {Fx Ai ae “kal 

_ shek-shaan. 
Rod, a Kohn. 

Roe, (female deer) jis yau, 
(fish-) 433] ae ue-ch‘uun. 
Rogue, Bik fF ts‘aak- ‘tsai, 

Neal {-5- Jaan’ - fsai. 
Roll, (to) rhe luuk, (up) Fe 

ei kKuen-maal, (as angler) 
tis “Jewun, (a), As * kuen. 
Roller, Alt “chin, Fane luuk, 

(for fields) 4y Ye shek- 


' Rollicking, Je Sh ‘faan- tau. 
Boles Pr OT SHAE ngaan- 

min -kwun’. 

Roman Catholic, K oe AN 
T’in-‘chue-kaau . 

Romantic, ex hue-waan . 

Rome, 46 iB Loh-"ma. 

Roof, Fe, 77 ‘nga-*poor’, Ee 
7 uwk-poor , “ the mouth) 
he sheung” -ngok, 

Room, Te *fong, pee feng, 
(space) 4h F ti’ jong, RE 


Roost, $B bail kai-ts‘ai, (to) 

Root, a kan, (and branch) 

AS Fe ‘poon-moot, (and 
rise) FAC FRE loi-lik. 
Rootlet, Hig “heeuny . 

Rope, fh *shing, Ge laam , 
(a) 6 Hk t‘iu-*shing, 
Rose, EY SHAE mooi-kwat - 
Sa, oe A AE uet- 
kwat , (quarterly) py = 

Sze > Ku ab = cht UuUun, 

Rose- -apple, 7} i EL p‘oo- 

t*o- “kwoh. 

Rose-wood, AL BUT fa-*li- 

Rosin, AA Ze ts‘uung-heung. 
Rot, (dry) Aa ae foo- ko, 
(damp) Ze mooi. ; 
Rotten, 74 Keel mooi-laan , 
(putrid) is Kia foo -laan’, 
Dae Re eaten) ie Neal chue - 

laan . 
Rotate, lifg ite luun-chuen’. 

Rouge, AS Bp chi- fun, pis 


Rough, +H ts‘o, liz haai, Bh 

ee lak-k‘ak. 


Risin Fl uen, ne nte FS 

t‘um-t‘um- buen, (turn) fh 

> > 
chuen , t‘um-ttum-chuen . 

Rouse, a nae tik-‘hi, tT pak 
i¢ ta-‘ C fi 
seng, (urge) By FE koo 

Rout, BR KN Bl, BA chuung - 

yan-lnen’-tsue BL x 

Route, 34 BB to -lo. 

Routine, fF $K kwaan -king. 
Rover, lt F yau- shau. 
Row, (rank) 47 hong, ra 


Row, Se fomteauatiad Ral Le 

naa -8ze . 

Row, (to) He chaau . 
Rowdy, BE #€ {/-t*. 
Row-lock, A Jia “tseung- 

keuk . 
Rub, te ch‘a, pe ts‘aat , ie 

pee moh-ts‘wat , (the hands) 

+A 2 noh-soh. 
Rubbish, lee fai -mat, ial 
LE laa’ -nail, i HE laap- 

saap . 

Rubble, & a maan-shek. 


peas ST 8 huung-po- 

Rudd, es fA “‘ts‘uun-ue, 

Rudder, }f¥ t‘oh, fk “taal, 

Rude, #H ts‘o, fie ie ‘mo- 
‘lai, Gh AB ‘pi-luet', 


Rudiment, hs piooi, AY) Be 
ch‘oh-tso -ke , (of learning) 
Jy & siu-hok. 

Rue, (to) 9p foi , (a plant) 
A) Ea chau - ts 0. 

Rueful, pA ES nai di . 

Ruffian, il higteies-o, 

Ruffle, 433 HH isa’ -maai. 

Rug, (hearth-) it a EE lo- 

| “hau- chin. 

| Ruge a: Way kii-kue, Bh 
We lak-k‘ak, per ngaam- — 

Ruin, We BY proh paai 1) 
bid Pag paai ” By Be paai> - 
waai . 

Rule, FA 555) k‘wai- kue, + 
RE faat -to , (to) 1 5p 

| ‘koon-‘li, (paper) [Rj 


ba | 
kaan -sm . 

“ 7S 

RUP 219 SAC 

Ruler, Bs: SE “chue- tsi, (an Rural, 32} HA heung- li, Hi 
peerament) fg R kaan’ - aS heung- ‘ha. 

chiel Rush, (to) JA 38! ch‘wung- 
Rumble, dah kwang, (COL.) tat. 
t‘um-t‘um-sheng. Rushes, PEK XD Fa tung-sum- 

Ruminate, tL 3 faan-“ts‘o, ‘tso, (mat-) By IK [=J 

Dy ‘faan-ngit, (reflect) |  haam-‘shai=‘ts‘o, 

XD Fa HM, Ae Sum- see Ot | | Russia, Fea Ae 37 Ngoh- 
Rummage, tk ti chaau-wan, _— loh-sze-kw ole. 

Bia] Bl, lo- luen’, chiar . | Rust, F sau (to) He oF 
Rumour, PF A siu-sih, a shang-sau . 

= Suung-shing, viii int Rustic, pia aS heung-‘ha. 

lau-fuung. Rusticate, KE SER kue-heung. 
Rump, Ate ‘mi-kan, Ee | Rustling, vp 10'4 ie sha- 
"ey ‘mi-luung-hwut. sha-sheng, sa-sa-sheng, s0- 

Rumple, ap ch‘aau, ch‘aau-|  s0-sheng. 

mang-mang. Rut, C3} B= i ‘evai-to- Jo i 

7 Run, # “tsa, 20) + “‘n‘aau- try chée-chit . 

“tsa, By tele , (as water) Vit, Rye, BR mak, ay BE “site 

lau, (off) # hes “tsauclo . yeas 

Runner, (official) JB 4& ¢ing- S 


Running-hand, i=) BS “Hs0- Sabbath, FF Bh H Ohn-sik- 
shue. — yat. 

seaggeeal knot, xz RE lo- | Sable, (fur) Eee pia hak- 
“shue-‘i. tiu-p'l. 

Rupture, (See Hernia), (to) | Sack, Be nong; Bs *toi, (to) 

Bu lit. | 5] 7S Ieipy -huung, 

SAG 290 SAL 
Sack-cloth, > ts‘o- | Said, (the) BY oi. 
ob, AL WOR AE to | Soi, (ede) BH ta 

ma-po . 
Sacred, HY shing . 

Sacrifice, 3& Fil tsai -tsze , 

(to part with) 1 ‘she, $3 
p‘oon” FSB pon: “Kung. 

Sad, $e fd yau-moon , fa 
JER pat -ai, (how!) F By 4s 

“hoh-lin, Wy RE “0t-sik. 
Saddle, ie ohn, 5 Be ‘ma- 

Safe, fs 53 = “toan-tong , 2 

= t‘oh-tong’ , FSH wan- 


Safe, (for meat) PRURE fuung- 

tang, (an iron) $Y $y tit - 


Safflower, (colour) 4p eT fa- 

Saffron, £1. ae 4p, huung- 

Sagacious, 1 iil ling-li’. 
Sage, (a) ae AK shing -yan, 
(herb) FE HP HE loi-*lo’- 
— ch’a, FRB Ying-kwok- 


Sago, vp ey st sha-kuuk- 

Sail, PH “i, Hi], faan, (to) FF 
fx hang-shuen, B eye ‘shai, 
Bh al ‘shai-fung, (set-) 
bs Hy hoi-shan, Fit i" 3 

“oShe- ‘li. 

Sailor, KF anes “shau. 

Sake of, e, wai. 

Salacious, We all. 

Salad, AR Ae shang-ts'0i 

Salary, FRIES ‘fuung-luuk, (a 
teacher’s) (G A> sau- kum. 

Sale, iA vat siu-lau, 3 Be 
siu-lo’, (for) HH BS ch wut- 
maai’, (auction) Hi +e 
ch‘uut-tau, (deed of) 32% 
kai , Bie 32 cheung-kai . 

Balishosy seeds, Fy Le paak- 

Saliva, 9k “hau- ‘shui. 

Sallow, fa Fa I =| wong- 

won’ Dash gern: 

Sally, + Ht “ts Hal . ‘wut. 

Salmon, , oom ma-‘yau. 
Saloon, Ze Be haak - -t‘ong. 

Salt, Fei im, (salted ) iy haan, 
(Epsom) ap RB? ‘okt -siu, 
(to) DBE iv’. 




Saltpetre, By Rey falas. 

Ka siu. 

Salubrious, rhe FM wan-woh. 

oo spaletl ae KE ho- shui 
Salute, (to) it “tsting- ohn, 

(a) qi Al “lai-p‘aaw. 

Salvation, 4X2 kaw, FER tak- 

kau , p 5 ie have -faat . 

Salve, a-ak, 7} ko-yeuk-liu’. 

Same, la tuune. 
Sample, AK -¥- yeung - tsze, 

eee *paan 
Sanctify, 145 ay tsok -shing’ 
WM Ho shing-s/ ing. 
Sanction, HE ‘chuun. 

wD sha. 

. Sandals, (grass-) 3 BE “ts‘o- 

Sandal-wood, pal bs t‘aan- 
heung. : 

Sand-stone, lai -shek. 

Taan- heung g- shaw 

Sanguine, nD sum- ‘tiene | 

sum-huung-ke : 

Sanity, Seen tszé -tsol . 

Sap, He chup, TS “vei, JK 
“shai, (to nice # 

uh py koht -ti-keuk . 

Sapan-wood, feRAR soo-muuk. 

> FE BE Bg mo 
*waan -shue ,muuk-*waan . 
Sapphire tsing-yuuk, 
Sarcastic, ae eA ki-fuung . 
Sarcenet, }ffl 49 ch‘au- ‘ling, 

(for fans) ARE “chi-kuen’, 
(for lanterns) Hb sha. 

Sarsaparilla, Ta fuuk-ling. 

Sash, a tan Ahi BB - 
foo -t‘au-taai , Ags ER in 

faar . 

Satin, HEY *tuen (native) vAN 
For She paat -sze-*tuen . 


| Satire, ae Hl ki- ise. 

Satisfied, hak JE um -tsuuk, aN 
Ke. sum-tsuul, Fie kin’ - 


Saturate, fe 3 tsum -tau . 
pavareny nea 7 * 73" ‘lai- 

Saturn, (planet) -- Be T*o- 


Sauce, ge tseung . 

_ Sandwich Islands, #2 tt a | paai -luuk. 

| Sauce-pan, % po. 


Sei * a sy atti, e | Soabhank ZI id to-hok . 

py ch‘a-*shuen. 

| Scaffold, 5728 rs} taap ’-*ka’, 

Saucy, Hi NS me -maan ia | AHA p‘aang. 

Ne ngo’ -maan , Pb Be sha- | 
Scale, (series) oe 4M ‘tang- 


Saunter, fj Sif. haan-yau. 
Sausage, 3 ee chue - 

*ch‘eung, (dried) HES Ps | 


Sav age, ‘tes maan, (a) BP J 

‘ye-yan, shaang- 

Save, BE hens TERK chs in 

kane , AF ts‘uen, (gain) BEB 

echaan . 

Saviour, BC ti: = Kau - 

shai -‘chue. 
Savour, Hea mi--to . 
Saw, (a) + oF ‘na-kue (to) 
tir HE laai-kue , ge kue . 
Saw-dust, AR muuk- pene 

Saw-mill, fi. 7,3 Fak “kaai- 

muuk- “chiond. 

. C C C. 
Saxifrage, Anes lo- foo- i. 
> ° 
Say, aa wa, (a saying) sh. 

Scab, ie a faai “im. 

| Seald, bai louk. 
Bubs cconaparar e) Bap fo 

a oot faut . 

Scales, (for weighing) KP 
Hin-p‘ing ; (of fishes) gee] ie} 


Sealy, (in flakes) — Fe 

yat-pin ps in’. 
Sopndal, (a) para 38 ‘ch‘au- 
» (to. talk) at #2 JE 

ae shi -ji. 

Scandalized, Bi ay kin’ - 

“hs aU. 

Ronacalous, ae ‘chsan, ee = 
iG hoi. “tei ing, (abusive) bp 

waai -meng. 

Seanty, 4 yo hh chaak - 

ae 7 > a 
=haak -* ti. 

Scar, JE han, Dyed nS han- 

Scarce, A “hohn- ‘yan, An 
ZB hi- “hohn, Ay shin. 
Scarcely, qi id 

Scare, Bia at haak -shat . 

SCH 223 SCO 

Scarf, sean cheung-pok - School: master, 519 HE sin- 
kan, (join on) I pok . shang, (mistress) Zr Bi 

- Scarlet, KL taal ‘-huung, © NUE-sze. 

Scatter, HY Fa saan -hot. Science, ih hok. 

Soi i BH Ie do Pee 
Scattered, 233 BY sing-saan NCISSOTS, GF BY cadU - isin, 

Scavenger, (street) te fe so - | Scout, ne Bs ki-siv 

‘haai, Bl tt 5 “fo laap a Sceold, Fd naau. 
sap (house-) £3 Be to- | Reelding, iy ng Wasi lut, 

‘shi. (a) fi — ya naau -yat- 


Scener Ge “kine Gee cige | 
4 ake é 5 | Seoop, (to) Py waa. 

Scent, ] -hvi 
_ AF livery < cm | Scope, KE. taai-i 

heuny, (to) 2) ei pi -mun 
' Scorch, tsiu, OAD 
Scented capers, EK eal 4 yee fe Jvuuny, 


: iS dg- Wat 2 
Sceptical, Ze toh-i ; Scorn, [ss i wig-mMaan 

Sceptre, 4 bide, a ladle- | Ba He im’ “hi u, ei) Te 

- shaped ue-i. mius 
ped) WH bs : Scorpion, Be 3k fuung-hit . 
Schedule, ff ch‘aak . } . 
: tare Reaunte, Hf HF kwong- 
Scheme, st ai kai -mau. OS : 
Schism, Ay PA fun-moon. Scour, YA Bey PIE b‘o-kohn- 

Scholar, 3. fa hok- shaung, tseng”, LY “shaang. 

a ae tuuk- igs eae Scourge, if pin. 
School, a BH shue- koon, oe | st. ae (disdain ) BR ae im = 
fiz hok- ‘Joon, 6B. ap hok- | , (to spy) map chony- 


gol fellow, es R aden: age oA 4 nau-shik, YS 

*Vau. | ” tsau -mi. 

SCR 224 SEA 
Serpe a Hi ey shaw - Scrimp, va yp “tuen-‘shiu. 


| Serofula, TA Te loh-lek. 

Scramble, 1 ji) k‘um-p‘a, | Scroll, 48 “kuen, so AS 

=. JE ye * sham -p‘a-p'a. 
Scrap, BY sui. 

Scrape, (to) wl kwaat , call 

il] kwaat seul 
Scratch, te wet, 7 
nyaau, Bi vis ‘chaau- "we, 
Scrawl, = 7 waak-/a. 
Scream ) 
Sereech | 

= . HS ko-sheny-hiv 

Screen, piz2 jal ping- fuung, 
fie *lim, (to) EK Se che- 

Screw, Be AOR A loh- ze, (cork-) 
py ge tsau-tsuen> , (miser) 
Es Be £3 ha-chuun-tsuen . 

Screw- CLINE BA oR dase loh- 

Sze- ning” ‘ 

Scribble, » BL ER luen -‘ch‘a. 
Scribe, = ae a K. tuuk-shave- | 


, BL pet kiu -sheng, | 

His gas om - | 

= P) 
“Sea-sickn ess, AER YE au-long., 

‘shau- “kuen, (a pair of 

scrolls) ey tui. 
Scrotum, ae shan’ "noe | 

| Serub, Fil] shaat , pe tstaat . 
» | Scruple, 

(doubt) FH, ra 

Scrutinize, ESS ha-ch‘aat 
Scuffle, SF Fy chaang-tau . 

Seulk, fA ES “ch*uen-nik. 
Seull , BB ape t‘au-hoke , (bare) 

A ih EA BA foo-lo-t‘au ; (of 
al hoes his ‘lo, (to) 12 44 

iu- ‘lo. 
Scum, - TK fau-moot, Be 

Scurf, He Ye ‘Jo-nai, (on the 
heal) BA Ye t‘an-nail. 

Seurrilous, Ty 00-wai . 

Scythe, fe Ge ch‘eung-lim. 

Sea, Veg “hoi, FE YE yeung- 


— > > 
wan -lo NB - 

i Tf 

| Sea-weed, Vt. Ax “hoi-ts*ot. . 




Seal, (animal) yfyf Ff “hoi- 
ch‘aat , (to) Ey yan, 
EI Hup-yan’, (ap) 3 
Juung, (-character) ar 
t‘o- ‘Sida Ze + suen’- 
*tsz0 , es imperial) iff) 
HL ue -‘saai. 

Sealing-wax, IK a Soh-ts‘at. 

Seam, (a) BP ey luen-hwut, 
Re FF luen- ‘hau, (in 
boarding) #2 la’, (to) its 
Inen, # fuung, 4> HH 

~ hop-maai 

Seamstress, Hy Bt iF cha- 

chum- ke. 

3 earch, a Fe * sau- kim, i 


ay Mga ale Ft nm 
song *-leung-sum, FHE IS XD 

¢ ig 
mo- poon-sum. 
Season, ff shi, (4 seasons) 

pu ZS sze Iwai , HF 

> < 
sze -shl. 

pe sbeahie, ae Ay cheuk- |. 
& Sedge, si] Ee. p‘o- ts‘. 

shi-hau . 

Seasoning, ? Pe lok-mi'- 

“9 ba tsoh’, PE ir tsoh’- 

ae Wyse pooi . 

Second, 4 — tai-i. 

Second-hand, = = 

Secret, (i 2B ki-mat, a 
om, (a) i oe YAN-SZE . 

Sobran. pu RS Sai-tsik, 
(private) ya mok-* yan 
(Colonial-) i DBZ A] foo - 

ching? ~S2Z0. 

Secretion, Yat Wy scaeh bar 
Secretly, 7p, If s20- ‘ha. 
Sect, Ze PH kaau -moon. 

Section, PY tuen’, (a cutting) 
tsit. : 
Secure, fs Weg “wvan-chan , 

“chue- koo’. 

Security, +68 fie taam- po, 48 
FFE taam-hohn- Ki. 
Sedan- chair, JH Hitz “ting- 


Sedan-poles, #5 FF- *kiu - 

Sediment, Ay yar cha-tsze, 

| keuk . 




Seditious, iis sl i Juen’. 

Seduce, Hk 5| iu yan; Fi 
# ‘yau-waak, Bl yan- 

Sedulous, ra) ys) k‘an-lik, 
See, Ju kin’ , Fs Fi “tai- 
kin’, (look) BB ip “tai- 
hha, (after) 3 Sp hohn- 

Seed, “chung, yan, 
~ “mai. = 
Seek, #4 “wan, 
(ask) He k‘an. 
Seem, 4)J “ts‘ze, Baty “hin- 

ch‘uut, (seems to me) VW) 
“ts‘ze-kok | 

Seen, Fi sh kin’ -kwoh’. 
Segar, (Manila) 3 A 

“Lue-suung =, in, (a) —[F 
yat- halts in. 

Seize, PETE seek chs ad 
AF. pa’ -chue? » FB “ts‘eung. 

Seldom, a shiu-‘hoh, fit 

FS fy ‘mo-‘ki-*hoh. 

Select, 3 chaak, PR “Laan, 
332 “suen. 
Self, FP, teze’- Ki. 

Fy ts‘um, 

Self-contradictory, Ey 7 
Ft UG tsze -seung-mau- 

Self-examination, By SF teze = 

Self-sufficient, =a JE tsze’- 

Self-will, vt +f Jao ; 

Selfishness, 7, NY sze-sam. 

Sell, i maai , B == maai - 
hue = SOR to) ey 8 faat - 


Semen, Fifi ‘olewung, Bey ising. 

Semi-, ep. Poon. 

Send, 25 ki’, (a person) Ef 
‘hin, 47 ae “ta-faat . 

Senior, fS ‘cheung. 

Senna, we, ae waai-ip. 

Sense, Ai at chi -shile B=) 
it iin’ -shik, (common) Ra 
FE ts‘ing-‘i. 

Senses, (five) FR = “ng- 

Sensitive, iB ~ ts‘ing-Lup, 
PE + sing -kup, 

Sensual, [HK shi’-yuuk, $y, 

@R sze-yuuk. 




Sentence, 4] aG hue -wa ° 
(judicial) 4yy By] es -—p'oon’, 
ti rETH i-ting -ying, KE 
= ting” -faat, ¥He ea 

Sntinel, ay A shaau -yan. 

Separate, Hilf BH pit- ge Af 
wl Naot ri (aps.) 5 Xp 
ling’ -ngoi » 

September, crak Iu A Ying- 

. “kau-uet. 

. Sepulchre, HA fun-moo . 

— Sequester, #p ch‘aau, 3} 

Serene, te ts‘ing-p‘ing. 

Serge, pil: lS put- Iki. 

Series, KR a ts‘ze -tai, yi) 
ms lit- chan’ — (¢ ‘ae 

yat-kin’ -kin’. 

Serious, (person) HEA chong- 
king , (affair) bla kwaan- 
hai’, Ht chuune’. 

Serpent, (a) (be t‘iu-she. 

Servant, RE sd ui {Hi 
He A" ee fon -yan, (boy) 
aes sxe - {sdi. 

Serve, Wet EB fuuk- S20 « 

Servile, ZA. ji yau-shaan’ : 

ft Mg ha’-tsok . 

Sesamum, 2S RR chi-ma, YH 
ivi yatl-ma. 

Set, (to) ar laap, FE ce’, ba 
chat, (as the sun) ver lok, 
A yor, @) fal foo, (of 
people) PIE paan, 

Settle, iE ting’, (accounts) te 
wy ts‘ing-sho, (as dregs) 
Use ig i) aera 

Seven, + ts‘at, 

Seventh, $a 4+ tai -¢s‘at. 

Sever, al At koht -‘tuen. 

Several, 5 AR “i-keoh? ; BE 


Severe, fae EX im-‘kan, Fil 
= li’-hoi’, (grievous) Ht 

Sew, ies luen, WE fuung. 

Sewer, Hp YEE haang-k‘ue, iy 

YEE om -k‘ue. 

Sex, Ke i AF yum- 


Shabby, BA He pi-tsin’. 

Shackles, rie RG chat-kuuk, 

ae ie 

mae 5 fa pare 




Shaddock, Rie Ah luuk-*yau, 

Ah yau- {s2e. 

Shade, i a> che-yum, (lamp-) 
PES =} tang-chaar , (a 
slight) 4 taai - 
‘yau- ll. ad - . 

Shades, [f4> i] ywm-kaan. 

Shadow, ry “ying. 

Shaft, ae kohn, (handle) A 
peng . : 

Shaggy, 34 3— suwung-mo, 
suung-mo-ke . 

Shake, a Wp iu- ha, +r. iE} 
iu-tuune , an “yeuny, (as 
dice) EAS ngo, (the head) 
tm 8 ning -*t*au, (hands) 
+ cha-‘shau. 

Shall, We AK tseung-lol, Wh prt. 

Shallow, V3ee “ts‘in, 

Shallows, Yf€ lek, (rapids) 
vate aan. 


Sham, SE 
SE cha 
ra foe 

: af: HV 
Shame, 5 sau, se Fh sau- 

chan gai, (to) 

Shampoo, RR & ‘fum-shan. 

Shape, ravi shik, (Ze tseune’, 
Rei 4{ moo-*yeung, ie 

Share, (to) Af ah fun-sho’, 
(a) AP -F fun’-“tsze, FH 
Af “koo-*fun’ 

Shark, rb Fh sha-* ue. a 

Sharp, Ff li’, $e Zap faa? Ww. 

Sharpen, pe fil mob-li’. 

Shatter, 4 wy “Ha-sui « 

Shave, Hl (ar , (to plane) fal] 
p‘aau, , 

Shaving, il] 2&  p‘aau- 
*ch‘aai, (gum-shavings) fall] 
AE pfaau-_fa. 

Shawl, Z-Fla HE taap -pok - 

She, he, or it, 1B ‘k‘te, 

Sheaf, ys R woh-ch‘uuk, (a) 
— + yat- “pa. 

Shear, BY “tsiin. 

Shears, ae BY kaau -‘tsin., 

| N cae ) —- 
Sheath, ify is‘lut , TX ‘0- 

‘chi, (to feel) Fle iin - | 

ae - > 
sau, (for another) A hok . 


ie gas,” * at N 2 f. 
kin'- chiau, (disgrace) pis | Shed, a, at ch‘ong, 3 hi 

pouung- ch‘ong. 




Sheep, =F *veung, 

iin =F 
Sheep-fold, ce riba eee 


3 Bheepish, gi Bu ane SOE ts‘ok, 

_ ts‘ok -ngok-ngok, . 

Sheer, ¥t {# tseng hai’. 
Sheet, (of a bed) 4h We. p‘l- 

daan, (of paper’ BFE vheung, 
(-ropes) We Hil liu -shing. 
pelt, wraiya kaulk - -“paan, Aa 

ke . 

Shell, Ly Aayed loh-hoke , lb- hok 
(of eges, &c.) ire tok. 

Shelter, BE th fi cecpa ; Ise 
SE i pi -00 eres pi -yum 

‘Shepherd, We 36 AL munk- 
yeung-yan, Ag it a muak- 

Shepherd’s purse, Pi “ts‘ai. 
Sheriff, {ii weit f= ch‘uen- 
psiu -koon, 
Shield, hi ja p'aai- tun, 
(rattan-) ia jas t‘ang-p‘aal. 
Shift, (to) +f. oon’, rid poor, 
ip i, (move) $s yuuk, 

a = E 
(expedient). Bp kav. 

Shin, Sy Mi Hi ts‘in-lim. 
Shine, BB ait. faat -kwong, HG 

chiw, (upon) HE Ye chin - 

aed FY shuen, (fall rigged) 

— = 1% hfs id saam-chi- 


Ship-building, ae py chong- 


Ship-wreck, BY ppt poh ~ 

Shirk, Sf sHé “toh- pi. 

Shirt, Ay 42 noi - shaam, 
(under ) alk 4 K kan’ 

shan-t hohn’ = 
) 2 

Lshiver, (with cold) 47 Uy tine 

‘a Thang; chan , (shatter) 

4J fx ta-sut. 

Shoals, oa aE sl sha-taan. 
Shock, s hake) fe Hi} rhan = 

tuung™ , (violence) ii Vie 

shar -huung. 
: ey, 
Shocking PB “ts‘aam, 13 iD 

Shoe, fet: haai, (pair of shoes) 

a HE fui -haai. 




Shoe-horn, ak: +e haai-pat, 
rel: Ah haai-ch‘au. 

Shoot, (to) At she, 4<J “ta, 
(sprout) aE FR. ch'uut-‘suun, 

Shoots, bamboo-, Wy FF chuuk- 

Shop, rai 5A noo -*tau. 
Shop-man, 2 se] = maak: 

foh-‘shau, (head) a2 ia 

C ) 
cheung-*kwai . 

Shore, ie ngohn . 

Shore up, 42 ARE ch‘aang- 


Short, 4 ‘tuen, (time) BM 
HF tsaam -shi. 

Short-hand, Ka kaam- 

pnet-tsze . 

Mhort ight, Jr me AB kan’- 

shi’ - “ngaan, 

Shot, iil -F- taan’- tsze, 
Should, (ought) fie ying- 

Shoulder, Jal kin-pok ie 
BA poke -t‘au. 
Shoulder of mutton, 3& F 

yeung- shaw, 

Shout, By Tee hoht -sheng. 

Shove, He BE tui-“uung, PE 
ia “wuny-ho, (along) rH 
tran’, (pole) ts ch‘aang. 

Shovel, Sik “chsaan, 

Show, {# —§_ if; “ni “Kai, 
(point out) 48 RR “chi-shi « 

Shower, [ret hy chan’-‘ue, 

Showy, #f #4 p‘aai-ch‘eung, 

Shred, Ke] (x laan -t‘iu, 

Shrew, Bt GE ok-* poe 

Shrewd, ffi ffl ma- ate 

Shriek, HS} jee iw -sheng. 

Shrike, {F{ #2 paak-liu. 

Shrill, i oe ‘han~‘heung. 

Shrimp, bE ita. 

Shrine, jill ZE shan- hom. 
| Shrink, a SH shuuk-maai. 
Shrivel, fb ch‘aau, 

Shroud, ee KK shau -i. 
Shrouding, IAC Hx shau- ‘lim. 

Shrouds, ik Tia 4a BE 

‘sheung- -wal-*shing-fa2. 

Shrub, 5 his} “ai-shne 

Shrug the shoulders, a Fes 
sh uule-poke 

Shudder, 47 the “ta-chan , Ft 
wa chin’ -luut. 

ee ee ee ee Oe ee 


STE 231 SIL 
Shuffle cards, wt: ja ‘sai- | Sieve, fi SS shai- tau. 


Shuffing, BY PY Ma a 

Shun, Hee pi. 

Shut, | kwaan, PR He 
shaan-maai, Tet pei “im- 
maai, ~ pit hop-maai, 
(lock) $8 Ae ‘“soh-chue , 
(stuff), FE sak, (seal) 3B 

| Shutters, 7x BL eh‘eung- 

Shuttle-cock, Bn ik tek-*in . 

Shy, 4. Ma wat shun 
Siam, 1 ate Ea Ts‘im -loh- 

kwok . 

Sick, AZ Hj ‘yau-peng’, 

(stomach-) oy Filia ‘ooi- 
‘au, FE I “seung-‘au, 

Sickle, Ge lim. 

Side, yes pin, a es p‘ong- 
pin, (Al ue chak- pin, (of 
the body) y]y FRE “siu-‘im. 

Siege, (to lay) HE wai- 

Siesta, fol ee fun -aan - 

kaau . 

Sift, fh shat. 
Sigh, iE ‘yan-hi , Ee A 

taan’ -sik. 

Sight, AR FF “ngaan-hin’, 
(power of) ABR ys} ‘ngaan- 

Sightly, BF PER “ho-“tai. 

Sign, (one’s name) Sr A 
ts‘ tease (a baa Ee 
Br ‘ying-tsik, (an omen) 
Jk BA chiu’-t‘au, (a mark) 
ye ho. 

Signboard, #4 J chiu-p‘aai. 

Signify, eet Ais 
4. yau i 20 , it th | 

i-hai’, (refer to) 44 chi 
oaks signs) ais yaa shi - 
i, @ = ooi -1 , EG 

Silence, FX na) tsik-tsing’, 
GE Fee ‘mo-sheng. 
Silent, #38 fit *tsing’-tsing”. 
Silently, jt igs ising’ -*tsing . 
Silk, (material) wh sze, (cloth) 

aia sine. (thread) ' ae A} 

sze-sin . 




Silk-worm, ta eh ts‘aam- 


Sill, KE ‘ch‘aan, ‘ch‘aam. 

Silly, IS Ae ngoi-ngoi, Ip] 
& nup-shik. 

Silver, aaN ngan, *ngan. 

Similar, 4)) ‘ts‘ze, a Oy) 
seung- ts‘ze, RF ty) “ho- 

Simper, Yer Fe ‘Jaang- sit . 

Simple, Ah Be piok “50 , 
(minded) fay Te “ch wun- 
chik, (easy) ry) yuung- 

ee AR f& ngoi- “To. 

Sin, JE tsui’, FE ites tsui - 
ole , (to) At SE faan -tsui . 

Since, 4%¢-— Y ARS ts‘uung 

‘j-loi, (seeing that) EL 

BR ra ki -in-kaan, othe 

tone ‘) itt Fi 3% ii “hi- 

‘yau- “ki-*noi ? 

BX Eq shing-shat, 
i. YY chan-sum. 

Sinew, hi kan. 

Sing, AA ch‘eung, WE EUR 

ch‘eung - koh. 
Singe, JHE} shiu-nuunyg. 

Sincere, ay 

Single, Fe aan, 46. chek. 

Singly, (one by one) —— 
yat-yat, a —_ 29 aes 

Single-hearted, Ff XM) taan- 

. NAY chik-sum. 

Singular, 4y wy Se ki-i. 

Sinister, ie “tsoh, (bad) {Hi 
Fe Bk ‘shai- ‘tsoh-, (iu. 

Sink, WKY ch‘am-lok (as a 
wall) 4 tgoh’. 

tsui -yaul. 
Sinus, Ft uet, (bay) ee waan. 

Sip, a. mi, Wee tsuet . 
Siphon, 4 fay kok nee 
Sir, 7B fF leet ‘-sheung’ , 

"fe tsuen- ka, (Sirs) Fi] 
BN lit-kuung. 

Sister, (elder) AG aH a - 180 
(younger) BoA @ a -*mooi « 
Sister-in-law, ip ABE “shum- 

my colder beige s wife) 

He Ae a -‘s0, oui 

brother’s wife) Wy i a - 

‘showin, (wife’s sisters) Ay 
ee ti 6s dy (husband's 

sisters) he. i a -ko0. 

Sit, 4p tsoh’, ‘ts‘oh. 

sum, 7 





Situation, 4h $2 ti-wai, Py 
TE “shoh-tsoi , (office) Ha 
(£ chik-yum . 

Six, AG luuk. 

Sixth, a ~ tai -luuk. 

Size, ae jie ‘fai-to , (capacity) 
iz it to -leung , (what ?) 
3% kK “fi-*taai . 

Size, (glue) FJ kaau. 

Skate, (fish) hi satan 

Skate, (to) ri shin. 

Skein, AL chaat , F- tsze. 

Skeleton, a kewut- ‘tai. 

sketch, ne: i pul, (a 
rough) Fa. iq “ts‘o- ‘ko, 
| | (to) 4a ‘foot. 
| Skewer, ee Py BR shiu-yuuk- 

“ch‘aan ( chum }. 

Skill, (Xi Ly ki - “haau, 70 

ts‘ol- -neai . 
Skilled, ate 5 shin -ésing. 
Skim, #Ry pit’. 
Skin, iia p‘i, (to) ¥l] aja 
Skin (cast off,) ie tui. 
Skin-flint, HES ae Eh wa- 


Skip, Bk tia’, Bk HB tiv’ 

Skirt, 7B Fe shaam- mi, 
(woman’s) #4 k‘wun. 

Skulk, &c. See Sculk, &c. 

Sky, BF FE ts‘ong-tin, B 
4 k‘uung-ts‘ong, Fe tin, 
Ik taai -huung, (in 
the) ZX FA huung-chuung. 

Sky-light, FE ZX tin-ch‘eung. 

Slab, BE Ay faai -shek, 43 
hi shek-‘paan, Ay A 

Slabber, 4% BE faat-faat- 


Slack, BA syteg (remiss) Die 
Or laai-law , (water) Kis 

“shui- -maan. 

Slake, Bi “kaai, (lime) a 
faa . . 

Slam, Ls ti ch‘wung-chong” ‘ 

Hifi p‘uung’. 
Slander, #R Be ‘wat-p'ong , 
(a) ae = ts‘aam-in. 

Slang, Th SE FH ‘shi- tseng- 

Slanting, #3} ts‘e, tse . 



SLI y “aie 

Slap, 4 “ta-pa, (veith 
the hand) #7 &, - “ta- 
pa-‘cheung, ¥s kwaak , $F 
w‘aal . 

Slash, Hf “chaam, BL By 

luen - chaam. 

Slate, 7 iy shek-‘paan. 

Slattern, Fay BA laai-taai, We 
7G shap-m0ool. 

Slaughter, Fy FG shaat-luuk, 
F& 3% t‘o-luuk, (butcher) 
= tong. 

eons (female) HX HK no- 

pi, (male) 1E3 puuk, mM 
E2 taf pee 

Slay, 47 FE “ta-‘s2e. 

Sledge, Hy # ioh-*kin’. 

Sleek, PEP fate waat-chaak. 

Sleep, Fall fun? Hide shui , 
a3. Hf ‘éa-shui’, Halll 
fun -kaau . 

Sleepy, AR Ball ‘ngaan-fun’, 
7H Fil ‘seung-fun , hap- 

Sleet, Be SH sin -suet . 

Sleeve, rat tsa’. 

Sleight of hand, Fig shau- 

faut . 

Slender, YH 3H yau-si, 
5p yeuk, ie site A) 

Slice, > Prin, ve, fags , (to) 
YJ ts Gt, isl Tek. 

Slide, eA shin... 
Slight, (to) Him. 27 28, Sing -fut, 
(small) ah ap situ- “sit. 

Slim, #& és‘im. * 

Slime, VE (itt nl ening’, ie 

shaan. | 

Sling, (for stones) Ae HE 
fi-t‘oh, (for carrying) bts 
lok, (of rattan) ff 
t‘ang-lok. | 

Slip, (to) Ry shin’, 3 
shat, (fall) PR tit, (off) 
a A waat-lut, (grow from 
a) FRE chaap -shang, Hex 
pok . 

Slippers, 45 RE ‘oh-haai. 

Slippery, ey waat, (cliarncagg 

Fy ms St paak-pi - toh, . 


Slipstitch, $y AR “¢uung-sin « 





Slit, Bk BH lit-ho:, (a) Be 
lit, HR BE triu-lit, (& He 

aK AY ‘shui-ngan 

Eoin, i? 7K By long- 

§ “shui-‘oon. 

Slope, 48} ts‘e, ts°e. 

Sloth, (the) FX 23 muuk- 
“kan, fs3) yas shue - laan. 

Slothful, eA P§ ‘Jaan-toh’. 
Slouching, 4% HE tum -tui, 

AK BA it fie tai-t‘au-wat- 


Slovenly, nih Fe laai-lue ; 
(in dress) Fag BK laai-taai. 

- Slow, i: ep ch‘i-maan . 

Slowly, ap lap maan -*maan , 

: jx je moh-moh. 

Sing, Ba i me pi tai - 


Sluggard, — ey {ye - yat- 

Sluice, =] A tau’ -‘paan. 

Slur, Hh fe tim -yuuk, Fy | 

WY, ha-ts‘ze. 
Slush, Jp vif nai-paan’. 
Sluttish, #3 F, “hau-‘ch'e. 

Sly, BR ver lo-waat. 

Smack the lips, 4 Fe 

tap - ‘hau- sheng, chaap - 

Small, ma ay sai -‘siu, {F 
“tsa, (very ) ra mi. 
Small-pox, Hi Fe ch‘wut- 
*tau , K 47 tin-hang. 
Smalts, ‘¥ Fy yeung~. ts‘ing. 
Smart, fie Wl ling-li TRA 
faai li , Hig FG tsing- haau, 
Hey tseng, (to) IFA, twung 
=) Dea kin? “tung. ! 
Smash, 4J we ta-sui . 
ease, to have a, ae 
A shik- kei- ch‘ing. 
Smear, ue to, ie ch‘a, wy 
Smell, (generally bad) =k 
chia , FB ts‘ui-sit, (to) 
Smelt, (to) Gata 
ye lin’, 
Smile, 4y os hom-siwv ; 

mi- siu . 

Smite, FJ “ta. 

Smith, 4 (4>) PR 

(kum-) *tgeung . 

{Gq siu- ‘ye), 




Smoke, KA in, 3K A ‘foh- 
im, (to, tobacco, &c.) E 
WA shik- in, (emit) H4 WA 
ch‘uut-in, (hams) Jet fe 
fun-‘foh, (blacken) eK PA 

Smooth, ver waat, $e nau, 
(level) 2p. Ping. . oo 
Smother, =) HEP kuuk-‘sze. 

Smoulder, fa B Ay ise 
>¢ . : 
sheung - yau-ti-shiu. 
Smugegle, x #, “tsau-sze. 
Smuggled goods, Fi. Bp SZe- 
Smut, YE 0o-mooi. 

Snail, in ZE. woh-ngau, AY 

WA t‘in-loh. 
Snake, (a) ( Pe t‘iu-she. 
Snap, (break) al “tuen, (the 

fingers) HE =F ly ‘ching- 
Snapper, fish, ir. fA laap-ue. 
Snare, fi] 4 huen-t'o . 

Snarl, tae shai -nga. 
Snatch, $er “tseung, $= tuet. 

Sneaking, }Ai Sa wat-hi. 

Sneer, ya Se ‘Jaang-siv . 

Sneeze, FJ ne Ie * ta-p'an - 
tai, (co.) ta-hat-ch'. 

Snipe, ve AE sha-chu.- 

Snobbish, FE #& ‘is‘o-‘mong. 

Snore, Fit & Bi) ‘ch‘e-pi’- 

Snort, HEL pan -pi. | 

Snout, 24 teui, (pigs) 5 
B&B chue-pi . 

Snow, = suet, 

Snub, (short) Ke Be Bd 
“tuen-ch'it-ch'it (to) FIR 
IK ch* es ‘tfaam- ‘shut. 
Snnff, Baa pi -in, (a candle) 
BY pes AL, “tsin- Pee ~fa. 
Pi: ES ohn-"wan. 

So, (in degree) wt kom, (in 
kind) 9 ‘kom, (80 nid 80) 
rat mau- mau, (so pes, 

2 5. a] ‘eom- chi-lui . 
Soak, ie tsum WA shap- 
Soap, a HH faan-‘Keaan, 
Soap-stone, ver Ay waat-shek. 
Soar, Fy Ae 40-7. 
Sob, Ma SA shuuk-hi . 

Sober, Jule 7 “sing-ting . 

| SOL 237 SOM 
i pecable, HF 7 Bi. “ho-seung- | Sole, (a fish) HEvD fh Hanke 

3 ‘ue. 
Society, (a) a, ooi , (in 
| ee) AA Bi Eid Ba aS 

seung- ‘ne-tsue -tgaap. 
Sock, See Hose. 
Socket, Ef tau . 
j ee raher, tay AK Hoh- 


Sodomy, fess. kai-kaan, B 
4 naam-shik. 

’ Sodomite, 3 Hs ktai tai. 

L a pe kong: , Hite 44 shui - 

1 a Zz i yau- “nen, AS 
WR num-‘nen. 

; Soil, Ye + nai- ¢“0, (to) HE 
WR “ching-oo. 

Solanum, Hig *k*e. 

- Solder, GF hohn’. 

_ Soldering-iron, $y $i@ nact- 

| pai (kai). 
Soldier, Fe ping, £2 J ping- 
ting, Fe Zé ping-tsuut. 

Sole, (only) FAL taan, Fj tuuk. 
Solely, Fj 4 tuuk- hai, > 

Si pat-kw oh. 

Solemn, Aa lag wai-im, 33 

Solicit, yfe k‘au. 
Solicitor, Jy ik Ein ‘siu- 
chon o- See. 
Solicitor, (Crown-) [at] Be 
ae bi Kwok -ka-chong - 
ticttade. +h ja kwa -lue’. 
Solid, Bi shat, Aip ngaang’, 
Solitary, JM A koo-tsik, iy 

FE tuuk-hue. 
sgsemie (summer) B - ha’- 
chiv E (winter) Az peeing 

chi . 
C; F 
Solve, fi. haar. 

Sombre, $A ffi, yau-shik, fz 
aya yTR yum-yum-chum- 


1 Sole, (of foot) FR Ag heuk’- ‘Some, (AZ) fy Cyan) i. 
1 pau, (of shoe) ek JE Somersault, 47 fay bo “ta- 

haai- tai. 





Something, Ps ‘ye, ial Hag 

haan- ye, AA EL ‘yau- ye, 
AY AE tie ye. 
Sometimes, AA Hey ‘yau-shi. 
Somnambulism, Fite HA 47 47 
shui eh nee. 

Son, {F “tsa, a2 “1820, 

i, (your) PRS ling’ *long, 
(my) vf fe siu- he 

Son-in-law, 5 He nue-sai . 

Song, & Hi chi-k‘uuk, te 
Fk {F chek -koh- tsai. 

Sonorous, ‘a In] ‘ooi- Hewii)s 
Wn) So heung- he . 

Soon, Bt aK tsau ‘loi, HK Bitte 
3% iy mo- ki-*noi , FR 
ee aai- pin. 

Soot, KH YH. in-mooi, 1K KS 
WH. ‘foh-t‘aam-mooi. 

Soothe, XK ket ohn-wat , BH 
ch ‘age. Wi Yot-2vat-ning- 
shan, (a child) [BR jiy 
tum -uen. 

Sophistry, DF 3% “haau-pin . 

Soporific, 3Y fe chi -shui , 
chi -shui -ke’. 

Sorcery, Ak 4 moo-shuut. 

Sordid, $3) wht [ie lak-Zom’- 

Sore, +B nee ‘suen- tuung . ; 
Sorrel, ps TK i=} suen- mi- 

“ts‘o, (in Shi- -king) mo. 

Sorrow, dk fig yau-moon . 

J Sorrowful, Bn J pai ai. 

Sort, 1 yeung’, hee pay 

we MR ey te laan’ -‘tsau- 
Soin HE Kiel BR “sce-laan = 


Soul, ii 2H ling-wan, 

Sound, (a) fe sheng-yum, 
(to) Ma) hen (sleep) Fall 
Lian fur -num , entire) a> 
ts‘uen, BRR [Ay zin- koo, (to 
try) ee Kaam . 

Soundly, Es ‘ch‘uung. 

Soup, ya tong. 

Sour, PY suen, (sullen) By 

3 00-hi . 

Source, yf BA uen-t‘au, 

Souse, yi chong’, (in water) 
we fe ‘yum- ha. 

South, Ez] naam, (S8.E. &c.) 

Ba By fuung-naam, &e. 




Southernwood, 7] pS ts‘ing- 
he, | rea t‘uung-ho, (in 
- Shi-king) aa lau. 
“Sovereien, = ‘chue. 

: Sow, (to) tH saat . 

- Sow, (a) iS {BE chue- na. 

] Soy , BE Yh shi -yau. 

‘ Space, id kuan, (room) oa 
q Ti ti fong, ph 
taat -ti -fong, (all) ja fe 

—— chau-wai. 
Spacious, FA ve foot -lok. 
“Spade, ZK ‘ch‘aan, (a small) 

; is‘vu. 

q Spain, 14 ae “Tme-stang q . 
“Span, #4 naam . 
‘Spanish-flies, $¥. ih pun 
'  maau. 

§ Spare, (save) 3 ip eI oi -sik, 
3 a “shaang, (give away) #4 

Spark, 4K Fe ‘foh sing 

fol shi. 
. Sparkle, Bal as shim-leung’ , 
—— KRW for. 

E Sparrow, bii% ma-tseuk . 

(seng), (sparks) -3X Be 

Spasm, Hh fi ch‘au-kans 

tsaat -‘ha. 

Spatter, (with the hand) yee 

Spattered, (by , walking) [Be 

VG fit tsaan’ -00-tso, 

Spawn, #4 ia ue-ch‘uun. 

Speak, ate ‘Heng a Be aie 

“kong-shuet -wa . 

Spear, Af; = 9a chuuk-ko- 
<is*eung, (a) — TE | yat- 

he <is‘euny. 

Special, HERS tak- tang, ER 
X$ chuen- tang, (extra) 2A 
Ath ngaak-ngoi . 

Species, pies “chong g. 

Specify, ie El wa -shat, x 
—~ ae chuuk-yat- ‘hong. 
Specimen, RF yeung - ‘826, 
Be ae ‘piu-suut, at * paan’, 
Specious talk, Lh = “haau- 


Speckled, — BRS yat-‘tim- 
“tim. | 

Spectacle, (a) = ‘hing. 

Npectacles, HR os “ngaan- 





Spectator, PA FZ A ‘tai- 
kin’ -chi-yan, ‘Kai-kin -ke . | 
Speculate, 35 74 chui-‘seung, | 
nh. iy wa’, ae ae 
shuet -wa. 
Speedy, fH ts‘wulk, lis faa. 
Spell, (to) We ts‘it - gum. | 
Spend, {ih 1 ‘shai-fai , 
day) 3h A ze oh -yat. 
api -thrift, ife F 

“tsze. | 
Sphere, FR k‘au. ; 
Sphex, WEL Fa “kewoh-‘loh. 
Spice, A+} heung-*liv . 
Spider, wes Ie k‘um-*lo, ta | 
WR cli- chue, Be FR pik- 
Spider’s web, PARA chi- 
chue- mong. 
Spike, Hil sze , ‘BE chui, 
(wooden) FX “J muuk- 


Spikenard, “Ef Ab AR kom- 

ts‘uung- heung. 

Spill, yin HY lau-ch‘uut, Tin 


» ag 
te lau -se . 

Spin, i KE “fong-tsil, th 
Ai “fong-sin , (round) ti 
Ha ning -chuen’, aS "Ae 
He tum-t*um-chuen’ 

Spinage, We Ae poh-ts‘oi. , wy 
oe ES poh-ling-ts‘o% , ES | 

in’-ts“07 . 

: (aaa (0) Si (eit > 


ate: Hf yay poor tek. 

| Spinning -mackuw, th i 

‘fon g-ki. 

Spinster, eo tk ‘lo-‘nue. : 
Spiral, hye an loh-sin’, py 


Spire, a taap , a kB 

Spirit, }f shan, (drink) Vere) 
Ee . e 8 
shiu- tsau, (animal spirits) 

Zi tsing-shan. 
Spiritual, ‘be sek a ling, Di shan. 

Spit, pe to, Hil toh’, le, 
@ RAL chek -yuuk- 

os a. 

Spite, 7B AB wen "chan, PAs 

ven? -tuuk.. 





Spittle, [J Jk “hau a 
(ejected) aK 4 ‘hau- 

“shaui- {4 

Spittoon, J He t‘aam-koon’, 
De a t‘aam-*ue. | 

Splash, (to throw) vee kiu, 
(to rebound or splash up) 
ries tgaan’, tsaan . 

Spleen, ithe) J pi, His i 
lim-tip’ , (feeling) ie SA 
wat-hi . 

Splenaia, ye ao kwong- 

leung” ; en ae wa- mi. 

Splice, HR 8 pok -laam 
Splinter, > p‘ in’, ee nin. 

Split, 77 Be ta-lit, FR P ‘oh, 
Kee p ‘oh. 

: Spoil, eR ching-wabs?, Neal 


Spokes, Hae funk: 

Spoliation, te A “ts“eung- 
kip . 

Sponge, JIC Hh “shui-‘p'o. 

Sponge-cake, $8 45 RE hai- 
taan - ko. 

Spongy, Df pat. 

peor tatioots, Ey = YR BR 

tsze -tsze -in-in. 

San: Bp as shi- hang, Be 

Sport, 7H RB waan- ‘sha, 

Spot; BA ‘tim, Hh tim’, HE 
ts‘ze, (place) a. taut . 

Spotted, —F WE yat-taat - 
taat . 

Spout, (of a kettle) ne tsui, 

(on a roof) 7K A ‘shit 
ts‘o, (to) WPF chit, MEF p‘un’. 

Sprain, tt 5 “‘nau-sheung, 
fe 4H “ch‘au-ts‘an. 
Spray, of water, 7K GFE “shui- 

oe \ : AY chi. 

Spread, out, PH EA “aan-hot, 
HY EF saan -hdi, oi BA 
p gia (as_ ink) YA A 

r num > hoi. 

Sprightly, i fr ying- mun. 

Spring, (season) 52R FE ch‘uin- 
iin, (water-) JH Spe uen- 
ts‘uen, (of a machine) 
al ki-kwaan, sHi #4 lin- - 
ki, (miain-) BS (ee fait - 
“tin, (to) Bk caw, 2S 
faat . 




Spring-water, [[] 7€ shaan- 

shui. | 
Sprinkle, 78 “sha, yee liu. 
Sprout, WA 3 mang-nga, Pt 
lum, HK muuk, (bamboo-) 
VIF chuuk-‘suun, (to) 14 
\ ch‘uut-muuk. 
Spur, FB “k‘ue, (to) BE tek. 
Spurious, 4B, ngai Ee “Ke 
Spurn, #4 3 pun hi. 
Spurt, PEF 7K 2 um -‘shui. 
Bpaiter, ao: ‘is IKE pun - 
“hatu-‘shui- Sa. 
Spy, (a) var XM sin -yan, Pe 
taam - ‘ts2 G9) aT 

ve ta-aam Hs: fong- 

370 : chong, vat. 
Squabble, WS AE aai = aa 
Squad, (a) — BK yat-tui 
Squalid, Fee BB laam-lne . 
Squall, (a) —[RUELNY yat- 

chan’ -fuung- ue. 

Squall, (to) Hi wii RE ‘nya- 


Squander, im: AL HL fa-saan . 
Square, 77 Fy Fong, VF HE 

sze - - fong-ying, (a tool) HH 
R huule-ch'ek . 

Squash, (a) JI Awa, hairy, 
i) JIL tsit’-kwa, ditter, 
a" IAN “fo0- wa, bottle, 
YL. Fj “ong-p‘oo, (to) BR 
Tit aat -‘pin. 

Squat, pA mau. 

Squeak, 40 Ag ee ngit-ngit- 

Squeamish, Dik KR im -ue 
VE RR tsok’ -moon . 

eee PEAE cha -chue TB 

t, We AE kaap -chue , 

ae ih 5 i lak-sok’. 

= Ht 4K ee “hi- foh- 

RD BT HR ts‘e-ngaan, 
| BB to - gaan. 
Squirrel, Fa faut “woh- shue. 

| Squirt, (a) 7K HF fal ‘shui- 

_chit-*t‘aung, (to) ay chit. 

Stab, Fl] zat, bE ch‘aam, 

Stable, (a) Fe sie ‘ma-fong, 
(firm) ZS ohn- wan, cE 
=I ting’ -shat. 

Stack, (a) A, bE woh- tui. 

Staff, Fy “kwaai-*cheung 




Stag, EB, *luuk, HE *luuk- 

‘agli (a platform) on t‘oi, 
(scaffold) AY pfaang, (of 

a journey) ee wy yik- 
chaam . 

Stagger, reel and, 4 4 (58 
ME If hang-tak-‘p‘e-‘p‘e- 

Stagnant, 5 ae ch‘i-chai_, 

ee, 5 vit, "m-lau. 

Stain, (a) Aj 3 yan tsk, 
(to) Be YF im-oo. 

Stairs, PE} lau-tai, (stone-) 
Ay OM shek-k‘up. 

Stake, #G tak, As. chong, Fe 
tuung’, (to risk) $f ‘p‘oon. 

Stalactite, a el Ay chuung- 


Stale, iH ch‘an, 46 kau, 13 


Stalk, 4 kohn, AY chit FE 


Stall, (for goods)  ¥ sey 
Hie maai -foh- - eaan, (for 
cattle) ries “ia laan-wai , 
(horse’s) & pe ‘ma-ts‘o. 

Stamen, #6 SR fu-yui, FE 
Bp aS fa-fun- yui. 

Stammer, 3 co lau -“hau, 
Bae fee AY We “kong-tak- 

Stamp, Ely yan , (the foot) 

ae JED tum’ -keul . 
Stamp Office, FJ] 48 a) 

yan -keuen-kuuk. 

Stanch, (to) tk ‘chi, (hearty) 
BS ND hin-sum. 

Stand, 4 ir ‘ki-laap, 4 
Bl “ki-'wo, (ap) ea | 
“hi-shan, Ay qa “ki~hi, 
(aside) 4s FR] ‘katoi, 
(endure) $E AE: “tai-chue , 
ya kum; (a) 2) ha. 

Standard, (flag) fff k‘i, (rule) 
JE to. 

Staple, (a) oy Eb tit ~%i. 

Star, it FL nup- sing, seng. 

Star-board, ft At shuen- 

yau . 
Starch, Aw tseung. 

Stare, FEE AR BR chang- 

C a ae 
ngaan- tad. 




Start, (set out) BA FF fwi- 

hang, (by water) Bil y 
— hoi-shan, (ap) fk 7b tine’ - 
‘hi. : 
Startle, He FE chan -king. 

Starve, ie chai -shik, (to 

death) OE chat -‘sze, ER 

AE ngob - sze. 

State, — (condition) i ah 
ts‘ing-shai , (nation) ea 

kwok; (to) as =] “kong- 

shat, aa wa, [sei ae x 

shuet , 

He ‘pun- Ko. 

Statics, Hr 3, channg’ -hok. 
Station, Evap shan-fun’ , 4if. 

wai , kon a road) yy BA 
chaam -t‘an, (guard’s) YAU 

Hh suun -ti, Copation) By 

LE “shoh-tsoi’, (police) 3B 
fif ch‘aai- “Koon. 

Stationary, YS Ff} ’m-yuuk. 

Stationer’s aboP, AK oe Fai 
chip #0 , AK It fi 

“chi-liu - *yo . 

(to a superior) 

Statistics, ie chi ; 
Statue, {FA Re ‘ngau-tseung’. 

Statute, 44: il laut deine 
Stay, (to) 22 Ip ‘tanga, 
Br hit , HE chue'. 

_ | Steady, KS (ey “wun- tong ; 

(stand) 4 “k4i-“wun. 
Steak, (beef-) 2h Py xs 

Steal, {Aj Cau, #8 sit. 
Steam, YEIK SE “kwun-‘shui- 

hi , (to) Ze ching. 

Steamer, Je Heep “foh-luun- 


Steel, Aan kong. : 

Steelyard, FFE ‘pa-ehting : 
(money-) rise IM li-*tang’. 

sad ie 2) 4p ah “k‘i-ts‘e j Rt 
ts‘e . 

Steep, (to) Fe tswm, (dip) 
we as ‘yuim- ‘ha, 

Steeple, OH fue chuung-*lau. 
Sieer, (to) F4 9% ‘pa-‘v‘oh, 
(coL.) FR fit cha-‘t'aai. 
Steersman, 7 ZS shaau- 


Stem, Af kohn, Ay chi, te 
‘Twaang, (to) [SEL ik choh- 
“chi, BEAE * tai-chue’. 

— ‘ 




Stench, A=) chau 2 — TES 
yat-puung” “ts! ui, (a vile) Fa 
Be ch‘au -hang-hang. 

Step, 25 poo, (to) Sf Je) 
tsuun’ -keulk , 47 hang, (in 
a stair) $y kup, Me aN 

Step-father, fe Oe. kai “foo! : 
(-mother) 2 ff kai -‘mo. 

Stepping-stone, pe JA 

taap-keuk’ -shek. 

Sterculia, BB YE p‘an-*p‘oh, 

Pz Nil’ ng-t‘uung, 

Sterile soil, 4 + tsekt ~‘t*o. 
Stern, lag Be im-suuk, (phe) 
Ae we hau’ pin, EB ‘mi. 

Stew, (to) “ ool . 
Bteward, ts Ee AK “koon- 

gze “yan, (comprador) B 
phe maai-*paan’. 

Stick, (a) (& HEE tiu-ewun’, 
(pierce) FI] at, (adhere) 
avi Ses chi‘ kan, (fail) 
He 47 pat-nang- hang, (to 
paste) Alf tip , (stick in) 
+i = ch‘aap -lok, 

Stickle, Fi) gh Mue-chup, JB 


Stiff, hifi ngaane’, re “Tang. 

Stiffnecked +f) Boe au - 

Stifle, aj OE kuuk-‘sze. 

Stigma, Ae Fee “tim-yuuk. 

Still, (apvy.) Vi BS ying- 
in, Fr chuung” : ja waan, 
(quiet) aad ine tsik-tsing’, - 
inh ae *tsing’ -tsing , tsing’ = 

Still, (a) Ypy iy ‘tsau-tsang « 

Stilts, Be IL AEE pok -keuk’- 

Stimulate, Ge #2 Sswung- 

Sting, $y eng, st chum, (to) 
iil] ts‘2e . 

Stingy, PR haan, FH a) 

Stink, uh A chéau -hi, Ast 
AA ngat cha . 

Stink-pot, PK 4 fooi- po. 

Stint, (to) [Shs ill haan’-chat , 

(a) THe kuung-foh . 
Stipulate, ¥] iE. yeuls - 




Stipulations, R FR tiu-‘foon, 
¥en) 1a yeule -b1u. 

Stir, (to) +3 S kaau, Chegim to 
move) a ibe hing- hi, Hi) 
& tuung -shan, (a) Bal 
at naau -it. 

Stitch, (of a needle) 4} 36 
chum-poo , (to) ca teng, 
(fine) i] Dra kau -mat, 
(pain) Hf Wea ts‘ek -tuung . 

Stock, (of a tree) FX BA 
muuk-t‘au, hes} Ey shue - 
shan, (of a musket) ALS 
ch‘ong, (in trade) FF AS 
foh- poon, (shares) FR 4p 

“koo-fun . 
Stockings, Ais mat. 
Stocks, ul Aa keule -kea . 
Stoical, fae HF ~mo-ts‘ing. 
Stolid, fj tuun’. 

Stomach, ee By pii- -wai. 
Booman Parag, Wi aK aT 

yup-hau- ‘ shui-chit. 

Stone, 44 shek, 43 BA shek- 
t‘au, (of ho LA wat, (to) 
AH Ay FT “ni-shek- ta 

Stone-cutter, 4 4G R “ta- 


Stool, “ES tang’, (go to) Ar 
JAW] ue- reds 20 , ARRAS ch‘uut- 


ses pig luen-iu, WEG 
00 -tai. 

Stop, {i} HN t‘ing-‘ha, RE 
hit -sik, iin AE: ‘chi-chue , 
ras the hands) Hf: AE 
cha’-chue, (up) 5e AE 

sak-chue . 

Stopper, yal chat. 

Store, (to) fgg BF tsik-ch‘ue, 
qi HH tsik- sani, (-house) 
sa 4a foh istong, 7g 

*chaan” A AS i chaan’- 

: ote (basement) + jit 
“t0- -f00 . 

Stores, is tsik-foh , (food) 
{KE ‘foh-shik. 

Stork, yj #4 paak-*hok. 

Storm, PR RY ACE Suung- 
“ue-taai -tsok , int BE 
fuung-po . 

Story, bed — ea FF yat- 

tuen’- ko, (of a house) Jar 

Stout, ep Yt tsing-chong _ 
(fat) AB yt fi-chong’. 




Stove, IK Ws ‘foh-lo, a) it 

Stow away, Ze Hl chong- 


Straddle, Y BAB nga -hoi- 

keuk . 

Straggle, AFT BY hang-° age. 

Straight, [fy chik, aK tim’. 

Straighten, “34 i tso °-chik, 
es “ching-tim . 

_ Straightway, Ell Hee tsik-shi, 
Bt iE tsau ching’ « 

Strain, iy Ry kaak -chi, 
(tighten) FILER * nau- len. 

Strainer, 446 an loh- ‘tau, 
(wine-) yp¥ is “sau-*lan 

Strait, He pik-chaak v5 
5 “ts*in-chaak , De, ak, 
(a) [fake haap. 

Stramonium, ff SE LE 

Strange, “a bs k4i-kwaar , 
(not at home) He xp 

shaang-* ngoi. 

naau - 

Stranger, san-haak , 
He 3B shaang-*p0°, (‘po) 
AE Ty shaang-* miu . 

Strangle, #4 aE ai -‘sze, a 
aE lak-‘sze, (with the hand) 
FADE cha-‘sze. 

Strap, (a) ai pi-*éaai. 

Strata, Jf [i ts’ ang-kaak . 

Stratagem, wk 3, mau-leuk, 
By 2 to *-leuk. 

Straw, 7% Tia woh- ‘ko, Kk 

A woh- “kohn. 
Straw-hat, i=) va “ts‘o-*mo . 
Strawberry, pie 5g. she-mooi. 

Stray, 77 HH hang- saan, AF 
ge hang-ts‘oh , (from the 

ek) Bite Fa KEN li-hoi- 


Streaks, FL BE voy “foo-paane 


Stream, yi IK lau- ‘shui, 
(small) YA Wal k‘ai-kaan 
(& Jk tiu- shui, 

Streamer, iit a k4i-taat. 

Street, Hy kaui, (a) ( By 

t‘iu- aut. 
Strength, Ji lik. 
Strengthening, Ai FI: ‘po- 

Strenuous, x Ba yan-k‘an, 




Stress, Ht chung’, Hr a 
chuung’ ~ch* ue y (on) Hi Ze 

chuung” -tsoi . 

Stretch, +t ie mang -ch‘eung, 
(out) qi shay, (as clothes) 

te BH ca 0 

Strew, tid saat , 
Strict, lag BS BS im- ar 

Stride, y yi nga °-koulk 
(long) Ka taai~po . 
Strike, 47 “tat, oi “tum, 

(stop) ag pa’, (a match) | 

aa waak. 

String, (a) 4c Fh t‘iu-*shing, | 

ae *taai , (a string of) — 
ai yat-ch*uen , (1,000 cash) 
— ip ! yatta, (to) A 

ch‘uen’ -maai. 

Strip, (a) — & yat-tin, 
(to) RS tuct’, FF lnct, 

Stripe, PIE SY paan-*mun, AI 
(P43 ‘lau-tu-*mun. 

Strive, Ff chaang, AW ar 

seung-chaang, (endeavour) | 

Hi yi] ch‘uut-lik. 

boon > ehuen , oe PH) 

Stroke, (line) 3S waak, (@ 
blow) 47 — Wh “ta-yat- 
‘ha, (rub). $f lip. 

Stroll, FE zk waang’, liv’. 

Strong, AS Tj ‘yau-lik, ‘yau- 
lik-ke, He Efe chong -kin , 
+e “chue-koo, (as 
tobacco) i kang , (as tea, — 
&e.) Ye nuung, yuung. 

Strop, (to) PRY Fil Aone lr. 

Struggle, 47 TH nH ai 
“ta-‘moo-kom -‘ta, toh ii 
‘min-‘k‘eung, a Se ‘foo- 

Strut, Fe. .3A 

Strychnine, iB re ‘ma+ts‘in. 
Stubborn, Ap 33 ngaang = 

“keng, ria BH “paan-‘keng. 

47 ngok-t‘au- 

Stucco, 4y = shek- ko. 


Stud, (a button) 447 Ik nup- 
‘nau, eff tir Gt sheung- 
nup- nau. 
Study, (to) AA eh, tsaap- 
hok, _o 35 tauk-shue, 

(a) He Se Fy tuuk-shue- 





Stuff, (material) At Ht ts‘oi- 
liu, (useless) ee oy fai - 
mat, (nonsense) ae a7 
ngaam -wa , (to) Re 21 

Stuffing, A ih yup-ts‘oi- 

Stumble, By G FE tek - 
cheuk-keuk: , F- ye shat- 
keuk , (fall) in El tit ~‘to. 

- Stumbling block, 23 %& chat- 
ngoi’, ft 44 ngoi -shek. 

Stump, (a) ABA kwut-t‘au. 

Stun, in pe chan’ -wan, ie 
ae keng-mai. 

Stunted, Jt 4 wut- tuen. 

Stupid, By FS ue- ch°wun, 
ae I pun -ngoi, (boy) a 
{F pun = tsai. 

Stupified, - raith shat-wan, 
ER pe Jun-mai. 

Sturdy, 7 Fj taai -lik, 

Sturgeon, far aa git] ts‘um- 


Stuttering, WZ J kat- haw, 
A Fj lau -hau. 

Sty, Ff Na) chue- Jaan. 

Style, 4{ mun, Be mun- 
faat , AR *yeung , (address) 
Hii} np: ch‘ing-foo. 

Suavity, (2a Ae wan-yau. 

Sub, aS ha’, he i ha - 

Subdue, iiss bila shing -fuuk. 

Subject, Ea ae shan-ha’, 

(people) Fe mun, (of 
discourse) jp 247 ‘shoh- 
luun’, (of an essay) =3 

=) cheung= chi, fe A t‘al- 
Subject ¢ 
A 40 ta-fouk. 
Sublimate, FF seung. | 
Sublime, #2¢ shuung-taai. 

Submissive, [fp i fuuk- 


Submit, Rk fuuk, fae bila 

Subordinate, )23 JV shuuk-ha’. 
Suborn, 2 Aa ‘maai-chauk. 
Subscribe, ox HA ts‘im-t‘ai. 
Subserve, fit Ke kuung-ying . 
Subside, SE king, 2p. at 

p‘ing-faan, A sik. 
Subsidiary, Jj] choh’, 




Substance, Fae = chat-tai, 

PH AP} ts° oiliw, » mat. 
Substitute, (a) Ap. 54 toi - 

tso . 
Subtile, ar iar ling-oot, 
(subtle) 2 “haau. 
Subtract, EK “kaam. 

Subtraction, 30 s “kaam- 
faat . 

Suburbs, BE dh sheng- ngoi . 

Subvert, 4 fA] king- “to. 
Succeed, (get on) #1 DK tak- 

shing, Kfoliqw) Ae kat a 
tsip -ts0.. 
Successive, eae luuk-tsuuk. 
Succinct, fifj yes “kaan-leuk. 
Succumb, Me fuuk. | 
Such, fz “kom, An IE ue- 
Suck, WAZ tsuet , Ke shok . 
Suckle, ei) wai -“naai. 
Sudden, 7% iy Hs Jut-in, fut-in- 
Suddenly, 74 KAS BR TE Sut-in- 

Sudorifc, BS YF aie faut - 

hohn’ yenk, 
Sue, 4& ko’, (for) He kan. 

Suet, i vi ‘paan-yan, rea 
YEH iu-yau. 

Suffer, HES “tai-shaw , i> 
shau, HE JE ‘tai-ngaai’, 
(permit) AE “chuun. 

Suffering, @% +z shan’-foo. 

Sufficient, #Y kare , AE. tsuuk. 

Suffocate, yay He kuuk-‘sze, 

Sugar, #H¥ t‘ong. 

Sugar-candy, pI #HF ping- 

Sugar-cane, jit che . 

Suggest, Fe jee t’ai- hi. 

Suicide, Ey Ax tsze -shaat , 
Fy at tsze -tguun’. 

Suit, (to) = hop, GF cheuk, 
(a, of clothes) — iS yat- 
tuet , (petition) Ei “pun. 

Suitable, 3 {Efi cheuk- ‘shai, 
We fugaam, 

Suite, Fl PE kan- paan. 

Sulley \ vO \ OE nau-yan- 

ke , ry 4 ‘koo-tuuk, §¥ 

me “koo-hiv ; beh is] hak- 
ae zt WE tim’ -00. 




Sulphur, fff Bi lau-wong, 
(flowers of) Agiff Arg AS lau- 

lanai } 
Sultry, 3a. NS P “shue-ai . 
Sum, 3 Fey kuung” -kai , fie 

Aa ‘luung- ‘suing. 

Summer, B K } ha’ Lin. 

Summer-house, {Ff Pf leung- 

Summit, jh ling, “tend. 

Summon, {if M} ch‘uen- hin 

Summons, (ij HH TAY ch‘uen- ee int. 

Sumptuous, BY ip, Dp ‘oh. fai. 

Sun, “a yat, ae BA it-*t‘au, 

Kk Y (‘aai -yeung, (to) 

yy shadi . 

Sunday, ice J£H ‘Jai-paai - 
yat, ‘ai pau . 

Sundries, {f° #28 sup-sui. 

Sun-flower, JA) A BX Leung g - 

Sunken-rocks, YEE) Ay “hot 

Sun-rise, HI yat-ch‘uut. 

Sun-set, HA, yat-yup, 8 
ve yat-lok, 

Sunstroke, A 3% chuung - 

Sup, WR yaa WE ns haap - 

Super-, 3h kwoh oo sheung . 

Supereargo, TIE ay paan- 
sheung’ , AE taai - - pan. 

Superficial, va * ts‘in, (scholar) 
FL 2 ch‘uung-sze-mun. 

Superfluous, Kk Ze Silk Fa 

taai -toh- mo-yuung’ , Bitte 
Fd ‘~mo-yuung’, {iE Fs 
‘mo-wai , Pe AL she-tsuuk, 
Superintend, Te JP tuuk-i, 
(work) 7x "Lo tuuk-kuung. 
Superintendent, B47 kaam- 
tuuk. 3 
Superior, $e “cheuny, he 
sheung - “0, (better) Hiky 3 
kang -‘ho, ER ‘ho-kwoh . 
Supernatural, pif He shan-i’. 
Supersede, Rg + fai -hue. 
Superstitious, y94 43 Fy IDE 
re > 
nik-suun - koo-kwaat . 
Supervene, EJ = tse -chi. 
Supine, Aly ey tsau = ‘shaw. 
Supper, He maan- ts‘aan. 
Supplant, 38 Fi prk-lut. 
Supple, pk Pe tiv -tsaat . 
Supplement, FS 4H t‘im-<po. 




Supply, es i kuung-k‘up. 
Support, 7 AE shing-chue , 
(with the hand, or morally) 

Tf Ae foo-chue , ER TF 

Suppose, fa a “roo-leung’ , 

Supposing, (x BEB “Tea 8ze- 

Suppress, in TAR chan’ -aat 

bia Jaa t‘aan-aat . 

Supreme, 42 a. chi -sheung 
Hy 7. tsui -sheung” : 

Supreme Being, [F ip 
Sheung’- Tai. 

Ke) sia Court, A. a4 nip- 

‘shue, nip- ‘ch‘ue. 

Sure, FRE j= kok -shat, ‘= 

Wy “wun-tong « 
Surety, (a) Ho taam- “po. 
Surface, ci min’ ae 

sheung’ -min 
Surfeit, ABS shik-to’-we . 
Surfeited, WX #3 im -‘paan, 
3 Bil 72h ‘paau-naw . 
Surge, 8 dn Be air 


long’ - 

Surgery, A) F| ngoi - Soh. 

Surloin, Fe BE 41 ‘mi- 

Surly, Aen maan. 

Surmise, 44 “koo. 

Surmount, Hes shing RES 44: 
a shing -tak- kawoh 

Surname, WE sin ¢ . 

Surpass, 74 FA Sia ohtings 
ch‘euk -kwol , Bk jy uet- 

kwoh . 
Surplus, Er tel ue-shing . 
Surprise, @& 2% king-ngok. 
Surprised, ais kin’ -kwaat , 
(frightened) Fe BR shat- 
Surprising, HY = ch‘uut-k%. 
Surrender, 7% |ZE t‘au-hong, 

(to prison) #y Be tau- 

Jaam, (give up) ff ZB 
foo -kaau. 
Surround, PA wai-maai, 

r) ‘ > 
AE wai-chue . 

Survey, PF ¥¥ chia- -ch‘aat . 

Sneyey ah it Jah ‘Ep leung- 
ti’-koon, General, 7 F 
Hy Kuung-moo - Sze. 




Survive, fay 7 sheung: -00t, 

ia TE tH waan- -tsoi -shai. 

Susceptible, By a i -‘kom, 
i-‘kom-ke . 

Suspect, eg Fae chiaairi, Fh 
+A “Ruung-p'a . 

Suspend, Hh kwa, (stop) ae 
pa, {es ting. 

Suspense, FpeYZ twa’ -mong’. 

Suspicion, JH, Paty sze-i. 

- Sustain, (suffer) #3 ‘wi- 
shau, (be -fit for) oe, Ey 
hak- “tong (keep up) rv 
foo- chue , AK Ate shing- 
chue’, _ (alive) 4¥ ts‘uen, 
Ae ‘young. 

Sustenance, ERE “yum-shik. 

Swab, (a) 4 Hif po -fut. 

Swagger, 28 Fe k‘wa-taai’. 

Brallow, (a) ane -F- *in - 
“tsze ; (to) Ap Te tun- ‘ha, 


Swamp, fa) ‘lft laan’-paan . 

Swan, a kuuk, KG (‘in- 

Swarm, (a) — HE yat-tui. 

Sway, (power) Ree Ap k‘uen- 

Swear, Bs ar faat -shai. 

Sweat, /¥ hohn’, (to) apace 
ch‘uut-hohn . 

Sweep, fay so, AT Fe ‘ta- 
50 , (at a) — a yat-so , 
— fae ae yat-so' - kwong. 

Bweeping: assertion, iH be 
Ws wa’ -maai- -ts‘ae 

Sweet, Ff t‘im, a: i kom. 

Sweet-bread, 2b. AY ngau- 


Sweet-potato, Ay ae faan- 

Swell, (to) FRY ‘chuung-‘hi, 
(a) Zs je chong- jong, K 
1 - taai -ha=‘tsze. 

Swelling, Hes Ak ‘chuung- | 

cheung . 

Swift, iS faai , ER ts‘uuk, 
PR pe tsaat-ts‘ewuk, 

Swim, yA aK yau- shui, Fi 

Swimming, (dizziness) BA re" 

Swindle, BEE ia hong Pin, 
(and oe ae Fe V= ‘hi- 


Swine, IG chue. 




Swing, (a) tk ae ts‘au- 
sin, (t9) +4. iu, a ae 

ju- padi. 

Switch, ih min, 

Swivel, ital A ‘chuen-suut. 
Swoon, AK ai shat-wan. 
_ Swoop, (to) — +} +yf\ At 
yat-p‘ok - chaau-chue . 
Sword, Ff 4a] ‘na-kim 
Sycee, 44g $f} mun-*ngan. 
Sycophant, iy fe HB. paak- 
kop - “neaan. 
ee, yaaa hs Fe 1 ‘iu- 
i -chi-mat, “piu-t ke - ‘ye. 
Symmetrical, AH FR seung- 
ching , aI 45 iF tui -tal- 
“ho. : 
Sympathy, lal ie t‘uung- 
ts‘ing, (with sorrow) Noe 
sum-suen, FAAS seung-lin. 
Symptom, J PR ying- -tsik, 
(of disease) Whi iz peng” - 

Synagogue, oe ooi -t‘ong. 
Synonymous, a fir. tuung- 
“atti, lal t‘uung-i . 
Syphilis, AE 97 Fy shang- 

teng-peng’ , 

Syphon, Fi fal kole -t* uung. 
Syringe, 7K by ‘shui-chit, 
System, PE xt faut -shik, (a 
set of ihiage) — il Ke 
pe at foo ~ Ying tong yf . 

Table, ya cheung-*t‘oi, Pr 

-F- cheuk -tsze, (a spread) 
Ji tsik. 

Tablet, jae p‘aal, aE Dr, 
sanceaitel) HE i shan- 

‘chue-* *p‘aal. 

Taciturn, XZ y® Ht Be *m- 

Tack, (nail) ¢7{F .teng-‘tsai, 

(on) Watt naai -chue , i 

Ae tani -chue’, (in sailing) 
i e ee uung, He 
: % kau-puung. 
Tackle, 2 Aq hi -yuung . 
Tact, AX ae chi -mau. 
Tactics, BG J t‘o-leuk. 
Tadpole, FR ZS fi lovi- 
at 0 

Tael, ha “Teung. 
Taffeta, 45 kuen. 




Tail, Fe “mi, 1 KE tiv- 
‘mi, (cue) FRE pin. 

Tailor, 3X WE ts ‘ai-*faung: 

Pepor-bird, LH it B “haau- 

“foo-" niu. 

Taint, ye ' im, yin Ge chim- 

Take, Pe “Toh, Fit ning, nim, 
sR tseung, J “ts¢ “ss +a 
“na, thy k‘aal, kaai , (up) 
ht, chup, (an opportunity) 
Fe eK shing-/i. 

Tale, 2 EE 4G wan- mo- 

Tale, (a) — Be WR yat- 

tuen -‘koo. 
Tale-bearer, a Hie “hau-shoh. 
Talent, J ts‘oi. 
Talk, 3 BA aK t‘aam, Se “hong, 3% 

Talkative, hy Ae arth ho - “kong. 
Tall, Ey “0, yan shan- 
Tallow, ASH chi-yau, (ox’s) 
| FE yf ngau-yau, (sheep’s) 
=E yy yeung-yau. 
aeieateas i zie 4 00- 


Tally, (a) =e, ch‘au, (to) 4} 
& foo- hoe 

Talon, ih “cha. 

Tamarind, pas -F- suen-‘tsze, 

Tamarisk, aa Bi shui- 

8Ze- Tau. 

Fambourine, yi [Ay Be taan- 

min - “Ie 00. 

aint, Fh shuuk, 7S ries Fh 
‘yeung-tak-shuuk, ei ah 


Tampering, FB “shau-toh. 

Tan, Rie siu-p'i, PaaS RE 

page proof, pie ee 
kue , + fy ‘pa-ping « 

Tank, 4y ¥ij, shek-ch‘i. 

Tanner, JE Dr pi- tseung’. 

Tantalizing, fie Ko BY. Fel 

Tap, +4 praak , (let out) it 

Tap, (a water) aK J “shui- 

Tape, rH wh min-sha- 
tai . 

Tape-worm, | (O0i- 





Tapering, of tsim. 

Tapioca, Py aK rai mai, 
Tar, pea pier “iH “na ‘na-ya 
Tardy, 5F chi, Peas maan . 
Tares, FH pai’. 

Target, aff a, ‘na- tsze. 
Tarnish, RHE shat-kwong. 
‘Taro, =F BA oo -*t‘au. 
Tart-fruit, JB% aS lo ~ kwohs 

pis suen- kwoh. 
Tartan, 9H. 7 k‘i-p*oon- 
po ie = 4 
Tartar, ¥pq Wh “Moon- chau, 
ae ns Muung- “oo. 
Task, TO ae pie fol. 
Tassel, Hf gS pa: *sui 
or Asia yy mi reid’; (to) fit 
‘tim, Ee oe 
Tasteless, "Ye ‘t‘aam. 
Tattered, Tee fe laam-lue . 
Tattle, (to) YR ngup. 
Tattooed, Ml & se a a 
Taunt, ak | ki- is*iv 
Tautology, HS an ché uung- 
Suuk- *wa’, 
Tavern, ¥P4 Jib “tsau-tim . 
Tawdry, We: (ET kwong-*min . 

Tawny, mS ia ‘lo-wong. 

Tax, Ai fey shui ~“heung, (to) 
Wa shau-heung, HAS 
shau-shui . 

Tea, I ch‘a, (leaves) ATE 

Teapoy, AE JT ch'a-ki. 

Tea-taster, Ae fi ch‘¢. 

Teach, HY kaa. 

Teacher, 4, He sin-shang, 
a AX “cheung-kaau . 

Teak, -YfH FX yeas 

Teal, 7K HB “shui-*aap 
(mandarin duck) es G 

uen- yeung. 
Tear, (to) ith Ry Sze-p ‘oh, 
ee Bh maak -lit, (off) Na 

Tears, 7 lui, ARR ‘ngaan- 
lui’. ; 
Tease, BE F naan-wal, Bik 
HY nat-nau, (comb) Fill 

shaut , (with a bow string) 

ria t‘aan, (oakum) aa 
A sze-ma-kan. 

Teasing, We A loh-soh. 
Teat, Ws BA ‘naai-t‘au, a1 
DA ue-t‘au. 

Tedious, fe SR ¢ ch‘eung-hi « 

a ee ee ee ee Oe ee ee ee ee eS ee eee ee ee 
. ~ 




Teeth, >, nga, w Fa “chi- 

Teetotum, Bi Ze ch‘e-“me. 

Telogn raps :, (electric) Fe ¥R 

tin’ po « 

Telephone, ii it fil tak- 

luut-fuung, $f, Al He ti’- 
G. > 
li-foon . 

snepel te = Ae cs t ts‘in-‘li- 
keng . 

Tell, a —Fal wa thi 

(stories) Se ‘ong- “koo, 
(-tale) [J Die “hau-shoh, 
“ag sae a aa “kong- 
taai-wa . 

Temerity, =| Ig mo - him. 

sy ie We Sa mA pi-hi > OM 
$e * ‘pun-kaak , (to temper 
steel) Fa 7K Lin’. “shui. 

Temperate, i} ‘fill tsit -chai , 

| Fil tsit -kim’, (weather) 
ee ol wan-woh. 

Temperature, ey ib Af 
‘laang-it-fun . 

Tempest, Fk Jal po -fuung, 
ANG AE feng 

taai -tsok . 

Temple, iy 4¥ tin’ -t‘ong, fail] 
ae min -t‘ong, (an idol-) 
mh weap sh sn-min, *miu . 

Temporary, a nF tsaam - 

shi, isaam > -shi-ke . 

Temporize, is Ae Wak ts“ni- 


Tempt, at ax shi -waak, aa 
Jae “yau-waak, Bla ‘yan 

Ten, -> shap. 

Tenacious, +l Ei “pa-shat, 
BS ngan -p‘i, ica] ngan . 

Tenant, ya haalk , rail ye 
po -haak . 

Tench, fiir fA ‘waan-*ue, ve 
#8 taai -b‘au-*ue, 
Tend, (agend) mE TE hohn- 

chue , hg sick) fz Le 

fauk-sze , (towards) [Hy 
heung , FY chi, flier ‘Ooi. 
ose (soft) > i num- 
‘uen, (brittle) “He ts‘ui , 
up- ay -ts‘ui , (hearted) ik 
nm” uen-sum, (young) }iRy 

Tender, (a) HB AY piw-t‘au. 




Tendon, *F) kan. 

Tenon, #46 54 “suun-ta‘n. 

' Tendrils, Bis, A aig sa 

Tenor, 5,8 san taai-< , pz 
rj (tee, a) hue - 

heun g. 
Tense, ES “kan. 

Tent, (a) WE i cheung: - 

Tenth, $4 -- tai “shap, (part) 
+ aes meet ~yitt. 

Tepid, #2 > 

Term, (time) re Hy haan - 
ki, (word) an BA wa’ -t‘au. 

Termination, WA FR shau- mi. 


Terrible, ae A Ba “ho- 

Terror, ft? SE “suung-hip , 
ais Ne wai -kue , oy aye 

Test, at & bate shi -im’. 

Testament, zl = 3 wai-shue, 
(Old and New) ey FE XY 

. San-kaw -yeule -shue. 

Testicles, Ath er ngoi - ‘shan, 

Felis “Tuun-‘tsze. 

Fe tin-*t*ol, ay 

Testimony, 48a “chi-ching . 

Testy, HE 8H “nau- Ikeng. 

Text, (subject) FY FA tai- 
muuk, (classic) 4F ao 
ching -mun, 

Texture, xt 4 chik-mun, 

Than, aA Kwok ~Ue, HR we. 

Thank, ai} tse’, cman thanks) _ 

By toh-tse . 

Thankful, Je PA “com-yan, 
he ait “kom-tse . 

Thankless, 57 24 mong-yan. 

That, 4] (| “hoh-toh’ (Put 
the proper classifier, when 
known, instead of hci’), AH 
koh, ‘Icoh, (things not’ 
numbered, as water) {ji 
AY koh - hh. 

Thatch, se Aa k‘oi -maau. 
The, AR koh’ ; 4 k4. 
Theatre, eaeey hi -*ch‘eung, 

<8, . 2 
2 fal hi -* uen. 

Theairicals, a BE ts0 -Ii. 

Thee, tr ° ni, (Sir, Madam, — 
&e. are used for the 2nd 
person in polite digcoker: 

Theft, i EF tau- Fe 
Them, 7 4h “k‘ue-ti . 




Theme, a5] =| t‘ai-muuk. 

Then, AVE (itt ey “koh-chan ~ 
shi, Reiierwatas) WR FR i in- 
hau, We tsau . 

Thenceforth, Ey fie 

tsze - 

haw, Ey fil Beg i toze"- 

“koh-shi- hi. 

There, 4 Fa ig koh-shue , (is 
or are) A yau, (is no 
more) $f wy * mo-lok. 

Thereabout, {i BHA 
“Teoh-shue -‘tsoh-*yaw , FE 
AG “tsoh-*ya 4) His. 
yeule -*mok . 

Therefore, ST VA ‘shoh-“i, EX 
koo -‘ts‘ze. 
Je Be St 

hohn-‘shue- chum. 
These, Pe ay ni- ti. 
They, {5 sh “k‘ue-ti . 
Thick, 4 ‘pan, JB ‘hau, 
(as soup) ips nuung, ae 
kit, (close) 2 mat, 7H 

Thicket, is 

Hi AK Hing-kik-lom. 
Thief, He *ts‘aak, BR F& 

ts‘aak- ‘Jo. 


AK ‘ai-lum, #4 

Thigh, Kk ee taai - ‘pi. 

Thills, JL. kong’. 

Thimble, Bt JA chum- ting, 
(archer’s) Hz Aa psaan- chi. 

Thin, ye pok, (rare, wae 
Aq, Wi, (lean) Jaa shaw , 
[H] mp, (-skinned) ai) ie 

Thing, Wy 4¢ mat-kin” , BP 
‘ye, Ri py sea 8 id 
(affair) Ze L234 kin’ “08 

Think, 4 sze-‘seung, 

os | es 

(guess) fe *k00. 
Thinly, Hp ~% shoh-lok. 
Third, = = tai-saam, (a) 

= FP — saam-tan’-yat. — 
Thirst, Ss ve “eng-hoht ; 

4 vey “nau-hoht, (after) 

vey A hoht -‘seung. 
This, We 4H] i-koh’, (that or) 

AR lin “‘pt- “ts‘Ze, ee ~ 
Thistle, K Bil fall taal "shea Pe 

HA tsaat-lai. 

Thither, | 4a be to -‘koh- 

shue . 
Thorn, 99 lak, if ts‘ze , 

(bush) 45 Af lak-lum. 


. 260 



Thorough, 34 tung. 
Thoroughfare, Fi AF tuung- 

hang, A hes uung- lo’. 
Tyoroughly: 7a JH tsuun - | 
“ti, saat . 

Those, AB Hy koh - li. 

Thou, “Ay ‘ni, (See Thee). 

Though, FRE Bll swi-isal, Gye 
LAS sui-in, YAR svi. 

Thought, FA, Gy 2 _nim , fay 
8 sito’ Moui ee mw 
sxe, AM BA “seung-t‘au. 

cae Ff ts‘in. 

Thread, i sin, (a) {RR 
tu-sin’, (to) a ch*uen. 
Threaten, oh haak an wa,’ 
(frighten) jj RL Bp “huung- 

haak . 

Three, —= saa. 

Thresh, Bi es a7 
“p‘aang- “ta, AT “td, (grain) 
ay K “ta-wob. 

Threshing-floor, A Yi woh- 

Threshold, FA Af moon- 
‘ch‘aan (‘ch‘aam). 

Thrifty, (EX te haan-kim . 


C : 

Thrill with pleasure, HAN ee, 
| Ee foon-‘hi-to -chan’. 
Thrilling, (sound) Wp E 
‘ch‘aau- ‘i, sil] = kati. 

Thrive, 4% pee faat -taat. 

Throat, If gz hau-luung. 

Throne, -E fi¢ wong-*wai, 
fi) 2 ue -tsoh’. 

Throng, Fas bie tscui-~ yung. 
3H yan-pok, 

Through, Ht yau, nt Si 

king- -kewok , SH tau. 
Throw, FE tiv, 4K wing, He 
p‘ek, (dice) {5h _ chaak, 
(one’s self) ie tau. 
Thrush, (white eyed) = Jy 
SE wa -*mi-tseuk , (black) 
Be pe EB chue-‘shi-*cha,, 
(a disease) a Tied “hau- 


Thrust, iy] piu, (in) Tif 
oa ‘ 

Thuja, 1 al 79 uen-paale . 
Thumb, - 44 IS ‘shau- 

“chi- -kuung. 

Thump, +i y cuung , Fah G 

> C 
‘ EY 
puung -cheuk, oid tum. 




Thunder, R ay lni-kwang, 
(clap) Fa prek, lB pik- 

Thunderer, the, 4a aS lui- 

Thunder-struck, Fe GK shat- 

penne ay itd FF pu ‘lai- 
padi -82e . 
ney ed “kom- 

Thus, ty kom, 
*yeung’, (-much) iff 
kom - toh. 

Thwart, (to) +i BH kang - 
“choh, ir ngaak, 

Tick, (to) 94 yPy HE tik-tik- 

Ticket, ee pu, “piu 

hs ti ae “chi. 
Tickle, fig WW “ching-yeung, 
HT chit . 

Ticklish, yey ie swen -‘uen, 
Cayenne) Bie + 3p 

naan-liu = li. 
Tide, veal 7K ch‘iu- ‘shui. 
Tide-waiter, 5 ag ‘lo- Haat, 
ig PF ts‘im-tsze -‘shau. 
Tidings, 7p] EA siv-sik. 

Tidy, wR ts‘ai- ching, Att 
ER nga- hit . 

Tie, (a) ip *tani , a 
tiu-*taai , (to) xen * pong, 
(up, or on) Wh EF nadi- 
chue’, (a knot) 4J 4k * ta- 
kit ( lit Ne 

Tiffin, ee HE, aan -ts‘aan, 
(take) Be é#4 shik-aan’. 

Tier, ie ts‘ang. 

es Tiger, aN “lo-‘foo. 

Tiger-lily, HEP} “kuen-taan. 

Tight, Ex “Jan, 47 hang. 

Tile, Jf, ‘nga, (round) J fay 
‘nga-*t‘uung, (flat) J, = 
‘nga-*p'in’, (for floors) #E 
fee baa- chuen. 

Till, BA to’, Fe kap. 

Till, (to) itt Hy kang-t‘in. 

sas (of . boat) fi nit 
“taal peng « 

Tilt, $b j§% tav- hi hea (I 
as gpieamcagh 2 ‘ha. 

Timber, A p} muuk-liv’. 

Time, IRF : Hep shi, Hy NR shi- 

hau, (set) Hy ki, (at, or 
keep) YB “chuun. 




Times, (occasions) le} 001, He 
cheung , R ts‘2e WR pin’, 

EI wan, ere times three 
are nine) == == 3% jy, 
saam-saam-koi- ‘kau, = 
Ais Fl, saam-saam-ue‘kau. 

Time-server, i jE fe ts‘ui- 

fuung-ning? : 

Timely, Fa ER cheuk-shi- 
haw, (early) A “t80. 

= DEH taam-sai. , 

$HE YE Sno-“aam, HE 
“taam-hip . 

Tin, By sek. 

Tincture, a py yeuk- ‘tsaw, 
YE BA “tsau-hoi, (See Tint). 

Tinder, 4 ais AK ‘foli-mooi- 

Tinder-case, AIK Hie 4 “fol 
lim- Eth (-box) 4K Yh 
Fe ‘foh- -mooi- peuey. 

Tinfoil, BD a sek - -*pok. 

Tinge, Wf Hy im- ti. 

Tingle, ijn] ‘heung. 
Tinkle, STS ling- tong- 

“heun g. 

Tin-plate, iE J ey ma- 

“nau-tit . 

Tinsel, 4> 26 i7 ae ST. kum- | 

fa- ¢s‘oi-huung. 

Tint. of, ibinge of) a Ai 

HY tani - ‘yau-, ti. | 
Tiny, Je ngan, Asem ngan- 
sai PAPA sai -sai. | 
Tip, Ge JG tsim-ch‘ue’. 
Tipple, px TH ‘ume Rewaan’. 
Tiptoe, RR iy Pay HE) ngan’-ko- 
keuk , (of i ig RR 
ja ey nan’ -keule “mong. 
Tired, Site kin’ -kuen’, FF 

Jer kin’ -kooi’. 

Tiresome, (tedious) fe 

Tissue, MEL loh-mun, aa] Bo | 

ts‘ai -shing, ts‘ai Ne, ke’. 

Title, Po He iswen-ho , 3 
#$j ‘oon-haam, (title to) 

He 44 ying-tak. 
Title page, = iT shue-min , 

FE 7, AE shue-meng- ‘chi, 

7 aL shue-‘kwat. 
Tittle- tattle, % En chui = 

*wa’, KE of chi- 

chi- cha’ -cha’. 



To, Ei. “ue, 5h kwoh , (up to) 
ZB Fi] chi’ -to’, (in order to) 
EK yuuk, 

To and fro, BE 4: loi-* wong. 

Toad, B HE k‘um-*k‘ue, 
kop - “wads. 

Toast, (to) Kr hong, Wye‘ 
hong “tsi, (bread) Ki Ba 
Aaj hong -min’- - paau. 

Tobacco, MAH .in-ip, MA in. 

To-day, AAW kum-yat. 

Toddle, HEY fy Ay fy a- 

Toe, FR) RI heuk’-“chi, (of a 
shoe) ise BA haai- “tau, 
igreqt- ) pit) Bik LAN keuk - 

— chi-Feuung. 

Together, =k }H kuung’- 
maai, fq] BE t‘uung-maai, 
na-maai, (united) FF: pH 
ma-maai, He kuung’, | 
—_ 7K t‘uung-yat-*ts‘ai. 

Toil, Sy HY haam- foo, oi 
He  lo- ‘foo, (to) Sif oy 
k‘an-lo, 3 Fife lo-lwuk. 

Toilet, zie ED pe, chong-shan- 
toi, (lady’s) 4k fax chong- 


=p oe ki -ho , Be 

Tolerable, 4 44 a tso - 

Tolerate, ££: 4% yum’ -ts* ‘wung, 
4F 2S itt yuung- tsuung . 

Tomato, G>gere ieum-ts‘in- 
kat, 4 Hii faan-*k*e. 

Tomb, sy fun-moo , 
Cranien BA ix ming- 

“ch‘uun q. 

Tomfoolery, Zr FE a 5 
Es He ‘oh’ uun-“chwun- 

ngol-ngoi-sze > _kohn 
Tomorrow, Fi A ting-yat, 
A HL ming-yat. 
Ton, By tan, +A + 4H 

shap- ak: taam . 
Tone, HE shen, 
Tongs, ke Ht ‘foh- ey” 
Tongue, (3 fifi] tiu-li’, 
Tongue-tied, Fs Al chéi-li’, 
fae mn nak-*nea. 
Tonic, (med.) Ai fr “10 

huet . 
To-night, AX HA wm-‘maan. 
Tonsure, Jes% lok-faat . 


TOR 264 TOT 
Too, Jx Kanai, se BA kwoh - | Torn, ech lit-hiu, Noel (SE 

tau, FE fie tak-tsai , (also) 

a loc. 

Tool, Bh ha- for, Be A 
hi -kue . 

Tooth, fF nga, FF Py nga- 
‘chi, (a) IF chek -nga, 
Tocth- “ache, a Dea nga- 

ung . 
Tooth-brush, 3 fil] nga- 
chaat , Tf pe nga-*és‘aat . 
Tooth-pick, re nga- ts‘im. 
Tooth-powder, ro IK nga- 
Top, 1H BI] ‘teng-*t‘au. 

py work, ahs wat- 

“koo-shue . 
Topic, BA fy t‘ai-muuk. 

Topple over, [Re Wk p‘uuk- 

Topsy-turvy, ile] Bt aes 
In BA fl ED tin-t‘au-‘to- 

keuk . 

Torch, 4 #3, “foh= “pa. 

Torment, jou iff moh-naan, 

ine “HE moh- foo, (to) Bié 


> 2 
laan -Aiv 

Torpedo, (fish) aa i fi 
\ ‘o-koh-*ue, (in warfare) 
aK fa “shui-lui. 

Torpid, A , Ci pat-yan, Hit 
Jix Mia-murs, (insects) 3b 
gn Chat-ch‘uung. 

Torrent, <k Yar IK kup-lau- 
‘shut, (mountain) ily a3 

Torrid, pak it, zone) Faia 
it-taai . 
Tortoise, a kwai. 
Tortoise-shell, Jf tH toi - 
*mooi , to -*mooi . 
Tortuous, Heh 44 luen-kuen. 
Torture, FE FT haau-ta, AF 
Ffi] hang-ying. 
Toss, Hy p‘aau, TR wing, 
(roll) Hf8 Ep luuk-shan. 

Total, — Aa yat- tswung. 

otter, mi MR MR ning 

ning - ‘ha. 

Tottery, Bs ise 3th “him- 

“him-*ti . 




Touch, Hi ee tim -cheuk, jee 
: 5 moh-cheuk, (meddle) 
FY tau’. 

Touchy, 4K ¥F Soh Keng 

Tough, #9) ngan’. 

Tour, H{ Sth ch' uut-ngoi « 

Tow, $H jpp ¢3‘o-ma, (to) {ii 
eh ‘shai-laam’ -t‘oh, it 

A laai-laam’, (at the stern) 

WE naai -chue . 

Towards, [uj heung 

Towel, [Hj i min - Jan. 

Tower, = aap , = ko- 
*lau, + it “t0--foo. 

Towering, 1H KS “ting 

Town, fr, yup, (walled) BY 

Toys, DN TF euung-"tsai. 

Trace, Ezioh tsuung-tsik, ie 
Bk ying- -tsik, (on paper) 

EJ yan , #4 miu. 

Brack, 3 boat) Far BAe laa- 

laam’, (foot steps) +4 EN 
«BR Gaia? -tsik, 

Tract (small book), shy = 


Tractable, Ys shaw -kaa , 

BaF aio eg- wa. 

i. He fe shaang-i : 4 
By mau ore ie 

Tradesman, Al Be Re D Q - a. 

Tradition, De hau-ch‘uen. 

Traduce, ae ee “ong -waai 

Tragedy; vk if EE AL 0 - 
ying -hi-mun, 4 aye 34 
‘fo0- -ts‘in o-hi . 

Trail, hi t‘oh, (a) tii Sra 

Train, as ~ I ga be Ane 
ts‘2e -tai -ts‘ui-ts" uung, (of 
followers) He XK ts‘uung- 
yan, (of pow ae) IK as 
A ar ‘foh-yeuk- -sin, (of car- 
riages, &c.) —3iff ya/-lin, 
ot | yat-laat, 3 

Train, (to) Ae AS kaa - 

Trait, En ch'ue . 
Traitor, ¥F Sy kaan-shan, 
=] oc maai -‘chue, maai - 
C > 
chue-ke . | 
Tramp, (trample) is pee 
‘ts‘in-taap, Hae ees ‘ch ‘aai- 

taap, fis “tein. 




Trance, (in a) A fe yup- 
° P) =< 
ting , Hi ye ch‘uut-shan. 
Tranquility, Ze age ohn-ning, 

(general) Jy 7 taai -pting. 
Transact, pye paan’. 

Transcend, ned Fi Sa ch‘iu- 
> > 
ch‘euk -kwoh . 
Transcribe, 4} ch‘aau. 

Transfer, i Ag noh-i, Ke 
et i- -kwoh , Be Shy haau- 

kwoh . 
Transformation, i 4Y, pin - 

Transgress, za faan . 
Transgression, Sha AL, woh - 

Transitory \ ? By Hey tsaam - 

shi, HE iif} ‘mo-noi . 
Translate, #5 ase faan-yik, 
nae Af AE yik-ch‘wut-lai. 

Transmigration, jig; |e] luun- 

Transmit, {i ch‘uen, Be By 
kaau-ki RIE WE ch‘uen- tai. 

Transparent, 3 +i: tau - 
kwong, tau -kw ong- -ke, 

4S is ‘ai-tak-kindhe. 

Transpire, ‘pe Hi 3k ie 

Transplant, (rice) FR EY 
ch‘aap -t‘in, Te AR shi - 
yeung, (a tree, &¢.) Fe Stet 

chuung. -kewoh . 
Transport, $A} iii poon-wun’, 

(convicts) FE HA ch‘wung- 

Transpose, fa] HE tiw’ -‘chuen, 

AH PA. seun g-00n . 

Transverse, iii waang. 
Trap, BR kaap , % *wung. 

eis ae, {uke a ira lau- 

“hau-° paan, 

| Trash, tet 25 laap-saap , Bs 

TK IK waai -ka--foh. 
Travail, ye TH “ch‘aan- 
Huung , rai) eri k‘ue-lo, (to) 
Ay Ae fun-‘min. 
Travel, H{ $F ch‘uut-hang, 
45 SHE hang-yau. 
eres rise sh waang- 
kwoh , (go about) JA) Si¥. 


Travesty, BY FF 5d an “koi 

2 Pe > 
tsok -siu -*wa . 

Tray, Ft FR t‘ok-*p‘oon. 




Treacherous, 3ff a “kwai- 
kwut, FY waat, Be A 

Treacle, HE aK tYong- shui, 
(thick) >} figs t‘ong-kaau. 

Tread, 47 hang, (on) pF 
taap, ii eae) ‘ch‘aai-ts‘an, 

Treason, £%& Jy mau-(faan. 

Treasure, op ha ngan- 
“leung, ge op 
*ngan, (wealth) Bf fy 
ts‘oi-paak, (a) + A “n0- 

00% . 

Treasurer, Res jit A “koon- 
foo -yan, apes neiel) Aft 
LB] 0 ching? ~ S20. 

Treasury, ii neaSs -fo0 , 
ieee foo -moo -‘shue. 

Treat, a 4¥ hohn-toi , hes 
45 “Zoon-toi , 45 toi’, 
(discuss) Att “kong. 

Treaty, Fay woh-yeult yi 
¥A] pfang- youl . 

Treble, —= = saam- p‘ooi. 

Tree, fBI7X shue -muuk, (a) 
i) poh-shue . 


Trellised, is AY “laam-wat. 

Tremble, 4 f= ‘ta-chan , + 

Fat “ta-chin’ , rey a chin - 


Tremendous, ig. 1E 2 | 

chan- ching: -kaau- cee 

Trench, $% ho, Hy haang, 
Yih, chi. 

Trespass, Jf faan, (idle 
people are forbidden to) [ff 
K Fi xf haan-yan- min- 

Triad- “Society, =f PB saam- 
hop-* oo’. 

Trial, a shi, =A Ee Fe es 
im, (to make) ve nA 
taam -shiv i aA fp shi’-“ha. 

Triangle, = = Fy WB saan- 
kolke -ying. 

Tribe, ize tsuuk, 3 Ve chi- 
padi . 

Ll tome 5 inte waan - 
naan . 

Tribulus, Ye a tsaat-lai. 

Tribunal, AL 3 keuung-ohi 

Tribute, =I kuung’ , (to pay) 

i) EL naap-kuung ; aL 

naap- -shui. 




Trice, WA YA) 5 [Bl “Keing- 

Trick, aii =} “kwai-Kai., (to) 
Be wun, wis ngs! “ching- 

Trickle, RAR TE oh he tik-tik- 

Trident, (a) — AY PL yat- 
chi-p‘a, = =. saam- cha. 

Trifle, (a) #3 BU) mi-mat, (to) 

oF ang , (with things) 


 Wwaan- ‘sha. 

Trigger, (f& FN tiu-chat . 

Trim, BS 7K ‘ching-ts*ai. 

Trimmer, (a) Pe JEL fic ts‘ui- 

fuung- ning” ‘ 

Trimming, (fancy braid) Ni 
AF laan- ohn. 

Trinity, =— saam-yat, = 
> — saam-hop-ya. 

Trinket, A a) | “siu-kin’- 

Trip, Cie foot) J: yan shat- 
_ Keul, (up) ‘ee EG kiu’- 
‘ma, 2h HA) kau- keuk , (2) 
sie — |B) yau-yat-ooi. 

Tripang, Vy 3B “hoi-shum. 

“nun, (play) WE +f, 

Tripe, ZF. FL ngau- “to, He 
[=] ie ngau- pale -ip. 
Triphasia, | [4k shaan--nim. 
Triple, =} saam-'p‘ooi. 
Tripod, ia “ting. 
Trippingly, fink IP heng-po 
Trite, Ae FEY ( “kong-to- 
tsuuk. | 
Triumph, Bil ai ‘hoi-koh. 
Trivial, sly Ay siu- Siu. 

Trocar, jin aK St fong - 


Troop, off kwun. 

PERC (N.) eet AL rt ites: 
taai -pak-baan (S.) web as 
ipa [Sf it- taai -naam-haan . 

Trot, fag vi tif ‘paau- fa- 
tai, 324 AE lau - - fi. 

Trouble, aR HE iaan-naan, 
(to) ‘KA BS faan- iu, 
Con lo- -iuung’, (I will) ZB 

KEY toh-faan. 
Troublesome, yan =. fai “Sze : 

(person) Wade “ im-tsim. 
Trough, rf ts‘. 

Trousers, {§& Fig ttiu -00 
(short) ‘<P BA fis ngs 

t‘au- [00 . 





Trowel, rere fooi-shi (*ch‘i). 

Truant, (to play) Hb ed, t*o- 

Truce, BF A AP Az tsaam’- 

Trudge, BR Th ‘ch‘au-‘ha, 
chuung- ha: 

True, 16x chan, I EF chan- 

Truly, FRR kwoh-in, 21E 

chan-ching : 

Trump up, #4 HY nip-shing. 

Trumpet, Bye ey ho’ -t‘uung, 
(coL.) h6-20. 

Trundle, Hi luuk, ie TF 

Trunk, (tox) Fa Suny, 

(body) Hy shan, kK } 

taai -shan, ood sare 8) Vd 
Bata tseung -pat. 

Trunnions, Ky #- maa ~ i. 
Truss, i hernia) ay HA Sat AM 

‘siu-ch‘eung- “hic -kaap ‘ 

(frame) 4y =e: BA kewm- 

tsze -ka. 
Trust, 1 RB swan -laai 

(on-) Sr i he SUE kwoh - 

suUn . 

Trustworthy, oS =] ‘Jo-shat. 

Truth, 1 ad chan-Vi, TE a 
chan-*wa. . 

Try, aA, Up shi -‘ha, ap 
an shiv =yeat-shit (before \ 
court) ae Ae “shum-moun’. 

Tub, Fx fi muuk-p‘oon. 

Tube, is “hoon, fal tung, 


Tuber, ee — (i qi yat- 

koh. - “chuung. 
Tuberose, -f; Spe 4E 1, rial 

isaam- [. 

Tuck up, hits ee hi, +H 
He 2 yaap ha . 

‘ct re : Eis ne ‘lai- 

pani -i. 

Tuft, Je chek -*kai., a 
—_— ee yatta. " 

Tug, (to) Ei, toh, Fag laat. 

Tumble, PR ve tit’ -lok, #8 
“5 kwaan ~to, (roll) tip 
455) luule- to. 

Tumbler, (on the stage) >& 
Af- lauk-fun, (glass-) Dy 
FES AR poh-li- poor. 

Tumour, PRY $4 yuuk-*lau 
(lo), PPA fun-*lau (lo). 




Tumult, (bustle) Fal ht 
naau -it, (uproar) piss id 
ts‘o-naau . 

Tune, (a) — Bal yat-tiu , 

(to) Hy Mar} kaa -sin , iy 

es, € 
He kaau - chuun. 

Tunnel, [Ly [hla] shaan-tuung 

Turban, ae BA rf chin’ 

Turbid, Vie chuuk. 

Turbot, FE 4 a3 “tsoh- 

Turbulent, 1%, ze tsze-Sze . 
Tureen, YE 3B tong-tau. 
Turf, i=) JE. “ts‘0-pi. 
Turgid, ee Ars fau-chuung, 
(bombastic) HF Fe, cheung- 
Turkey, (a) 1K ZB ‘foh- eat. 
Turmeric, iy 3 wong- 


_ Turmoil, er Rife lo-luuk. 
Turn, iii ‘chuen, yy ae 

Faan-chuen (as a wheel) 

ce ee fat -tum-t‘um- 

chuen’ (in a lathe) ce ch‘e. 
Turner, Ba Pr ch‘e-tseung . 

Turns, by, ie vat, luun-lau. 

Turning-lathe, Hi. ik ch‘e- 

Turnip, Be | loh-paak. 

Turpentine, Ay fill it 
ts‘uung-tsif ~yau. 

Turtle, HE FR toi -*mooi , 
He pit , FE fai keuke -*ue. 

Turtle-dove, Pg AE paan- 


Tush, Dt “mai-sheng. 

Tusk, ke 7 ch‘eung-nga. 

Tutenag, (zinc) Fy @¥ paak- 
uen, (white copper) Fj $a) 

Tutor, = BY “cheung-kaau . 

Twang, oe Re k*wang-sheng. 

Tweezers, Be. {F- kaap ~‘tsai, 
ay nt ‘siu-nip. 

Twelfth, nee tai - 
shap-i. # r | 

Twelve, 4+ — shap-i’. 

Twenty, —, + i’-shap. 

Twice, fly JE] eung-ooi, (See 

Twigs, E mit, AY YE chi- 

hang ( “k‘waang ). 

Se ee — 3 

a ee ee LS ee 

eS ee, ee ee eee ee 

) 2a 



Twilight, (eve) THe won: 

fun, (morn) Fie 3K mooi - 
“shong. 7 

Twilled, 48} ¥7 ts‘e-*mun. 

Twine, WF shing-‘tsat, (to) 
ey “kaa. 

Kady Hi] ts ek, (to) +L 

ea Ba “shim. 
aeoeting, (a) He AR ‘chuen 


Twins, FF HE fF ma-shang- 

“tsai, tof pag abi si 
Twist, +H nau, Ho “kaa. 
T witching, HH: “ NAU, the 

muscles) Ai) ti kan- “chuen, 

tsaat ~‘ha. 
Twitter, Wy WH; Be si-si- 
sheng, WE AX WA] whe) chi- 

chi- Chaau- ‘a0 U. 

iw, ti, ie Teung. 

Type, a MR =F oot-° paan- 
tsze', a (sign) Fa # ue - 


Typhoon, Pal Wil fung-kaw’. 

Typhus, Ep jig 2b Jie shan- 

hue-it-ching’ . 
Tyrannical, Be JE po -yeuk. 

Tyranny, #4} SE pa to. 

Tyrant, Pai] By pa wong. 

Tyro, 39) “2 ch‘oh-bok, #9 
A a - ch‘oh, 

Ubiauity, I EXA mo- 

ch'ue pat yall. 
Uely, Bd chan, AR BF 
’m-‘ho- tai. 
Ulcer, fe Ves hong-*lat 
Ultimately, E:) jE to - ‘tai, 

#| DA to -t‘au. 

Ultramarine Pi & fig "elit 

Umbra, ¥* yum, ry “ying. 

Umbrage, AN FE 00-1. 

Umbrella, BF erat ‘pa che, BEY 
yee ue- che. 

Umpire, miter AK tuen’ - 

sze -chuun g-*yan. 

Unable, YX AE ’m-nang, FR 
Unaccommodating, ZR FA . 
aie ’m-seung-yeung . 
Unaccountable, - fi FS 4 
“kaai-’m-tak, TR fipp him - 

€ ; 




Unaceustomed, QR ie ’m- 


Unacquainted, ARG ’m- -shih, 

Unadorned, RARE pok -80 . 
Tey isable, AF yas a ffi, 
’m-hop-shat -shik, “Xr RY 
’m- ho. 
Unadulterated, Keg vai tsing- 


Unaffected, iff jak Hy ‘“mo- 
Cc 2 rs 
kom-tuung , (real) TEL chan. 

Unalienable, JR (#48 A, ’m- 
“pi-tak-yan-ke . 
Unalloyed, AL fa tsuuk-shik, 
ne ching -shik. 
Unalterable, 4H€ Bl Bu wa 
ig Cate | 
mo- hoh-kang- kov. 
eigen — iy yat-sum, 

# OR HS 

chuung- i. 

Unanswerable, ae ul By hit 

ts‘ze-mo- hoh- pole é 

Unanticipated, AX & Ati # | 

’m-ts‘ang- sewng-to . 

Unapt, dull, as eh ‘ch*uun- 

chuet . 

Unassisted, ff XN +f * mo- 


Fa, m0-pat- 

Unassuming, BAR TR lim- 

sun = 

Unavoidable, #H£ 4% fry ‘mo- 
noi -hoh, $e FY] il mo- 
“hoh-pi , A FH. pat. min. 

Unaware, YS ff ’m- “koe, 3 

Unbend, XX #4 fong -suung. 

Unbiassed, 48€ {fq “mo-p‘in. 

Unbind, fit FA “eaai-lut, 

sa Niggts fi c= ee mo- 

chaake ~ch'ue . 

Unblemished, ESTE mo- 

Unblushing, ik ge ‘mo- lim, 

fi Be Hid ‘mo-lim- “Ch. 

Unboiled, Fe 4 mi ~p0. 

Unbounded, 4i£ sft mo- “haan. 

Unbridled, ipa Eft fong -s2e . 

Unbusiness-like, XZ yas ae 
Bil nha dae 

Unceasing, JK TE pat- ‘chi, 
Ar FA, pat-sik, Hr FAK 
pat-hit . 

be ih AEE *m-tak- 
ting, AE nat-ting . 

Unchangeable, HESS mo- 

“Koi pin. 




Uncharitable, 4H Afi ‘mo- 

Unehaste, A IE 4K *m-| 
ching -king. | 
Uncivil, iE fie HH mo- ‘lai, fi 

Uncle, {7 AL pack’ -shuuk, 

(maternal) fe 4 AY kan 

#foo . 

Unclean, * cn vit ’m-kit - 


: : Uncomfortable, Ay BE 

*m- “shong fai . 
Uncommon, FER fi-sheung. 

Unconcerned, YR ar ’m- 

‘ ‘sheung-swm. 

- Unconscious, Ae Fa HR ey 

pat-chi-pat-kok . 

Unconsirained, DR tsze - 

Uncouth, Hi] 44 zs‘o-tsuuk. 

Uncover, 187, BA “kSin-hoi. 

patente, ae ry Lan m- 
song - “taam, 

4 oh aety _ 

Undecided, fag. +43 AE mo- -ting” 

& iE He saint 

“chuun. | 

Undefiled, Fez ey kit -tsing 

Under; WW ha, TP EE hae 
“tai, (to be) AE fp tsoi - 
ha’. | 

Undergo, &% shau . 

Underhand, Fi, if sze-*ha. , 

igs FA om -chuung, a 

yum- shau. 

Undermine, 43 Bh 28 2 “ta 

ti’ - <luung. 

Understand, [EB ‘hiv, WA 
Fy ming-paak, “ey “Ooi. 
Undertake, » 4a] 7K bec 

Undertaker’s shop, ae a 
rail shaw - -“paan- *0 o. 
Undervalue, a AG hohn - 
tai, Ey Hit “¢ai-heng. 
Undeserved, JR Je Re *m- 

ying-shau . 

Undestagts Ae EL FE w- 

koo -i. 
Undignified, [\ BE ha -tsin’. 
| Undisguised, | BR “hin-in. 
Undivided attention, Be sie 
chuen-yat, BA XY chuen- 




Undo, (loose) ff FR “haai- 
hoi, Ayah) Bx poh - 

Undoubted, iE WR ting -in. 

Undoubting, 49 KB “mo-i. 

Undress, Mees 4B chtue- 
shaam. | 

Undulating, YR #4 poh- 
*mun, Pe ie Ae poh- 
long -*yeung . 

Uneasy, FR Fe him -ohn, Nes 

204 *m-ohn-lok. : 

Unemployed, ie Ess am 
“mo-sze ip. 

Unequal, AK Sp pat- ‘tang, 
a AY a m-seung- “tang, 

Ar fal -m-tcuung. 

Pasian fie 6 “mo- 

Uneven, JR 7 ’m-p‘ing, 
Ae FE pat-ts‘ai. 

Unexpected, t > fr isoi . 
pat- “hoo, = a Al i i -ngoi . 

Unfair, Fr Zs 4 *m- 

kuung-to . 

Unfavourable, Ae XK pat- 
sui, Sf D yy te * NE 

"m- shuun’. 

Unfeeling, a i poking 
Unfilial, FR 2 pat-haa 
Unfinished, Ie AX mi *-shing, 

Unfit, AX 4 ‘m-hop, 

ni ea 

Unfold, ij BA “kaat-hoi, ie 
| “chin-hoi, F% shue. 
Unforeseen, Ie #} pat-lin’, 
et * JA liu’-’m-to’, 45 

br * ngau-in. | 

Unforgiving, ca We s 

chaang-taam’ “hi. 
Unfortunate, $i EZ ‘mo- 
Unfounded, iff ape $e 7X 
Ungenerous, yy BE “siu-he . 
Ungovernable, 4) FR. Fe 
chai -pat-tak, chai -'r-tak, 
Ungrateful, 7 JA mong- 
Unhappy, $M jij mofuuk. 
Unhealthy, YA 3% ’m-‘shong. 
Uniform, i e259 — ae 
t-wung-too-yat-yeung , | 
HK rit ca ao “_ ie 
AK ho =i. 

UNI 275 UNN 
Unimportant, #& BX BB | Unjust, a I i) m- 
Smo-kan-iv' , fe AQ | hung to. 


Hnintentionally : $e A, HA 

‘mo-a - chuwng. 
Uninterrupted, ith Hi > 
fait lau-lin-pat-‘t‘uen. 
Union, a @ hop-ooi , 
(heart and soul) lal xn 
th y tuung-swm-hip - 
lik, (sexual) AE Wg kaau- 
kan . “ea 
Unison, fal <F tuung-yum. 
Unite, <> HH hop-maai, 
SHE Hl lin-maai. 
United States, 4 FR 
Hop-chuung -kwok , Av, Hie 

Bl Fa-ki-twok, FS fel 
“Mi-kewok . 

Unity, — ya, ate — 

Universal, + ie a “p'00-p'in 
(peace) fe 2p. taai - 

Universe, oe Hh ‘ne-chau , 

fy ‘won, FE 

‘ ; an > 
Wy {in-ti -maan -mat. 

Unkind 4 i Ne “mo-yan- 

Unlawful, FR & YE ’m- 
hop-faat . 

Unless, FE pl 4% yeuk-’m- 

Unlike, AR 4p) ’m- ‘size, 

Unlimited, He RR 

Unload, Hy Fi ch‘uut-fol , 
rial) SEI se -foh . 

Unloose, fi A “kaai-lut. 

Unlucky, [Xf Auuny, AN EF 

4 m-‘ho- ts‘ob. : 

Unmanly, ZF kK eEK 
fi-taai ’-cheung’ -foo, ’m m-hai’- 
tai °-cheung’ -foo, yjy Ad 
“siu-yan- -(800. 

Unmerciful, Hs aA ts‘aan- 
‘yan. ‘y 




Unnatural, 3 PE: yik-sing’, 
Cts ‘faan-sheung. 


; atoh tsuun - 

UNR 2 

6 UNS 

Unnecessary, FR (i ’m- ‘shai, 
Ae i TP 43 ’m-‘shai-y’- 
tak, Kx sr pat-pit. 

Unnoticed Fay 

acc BEALE sig 

Unofficial, Fe fa mun-kaan. 

1 as tig > Di 4 A 

m-she -tak-lut. 
Unpleasant, FS E> TF 
- hop-tsting. 
Unpolluted, FR yh YA pat- 


Unpopular, ATF BAN’ m- 


Unprecedented, Ae AK fie 

ts‘uung-loi- mo. 

Unprejudiced, 4 (fq ‘mo- 

Unprepared, gilts YE tii mo- 

“chuun-pi . 

Unprincipled, ses HB mo- 

to - di. 

Unprofitable, ike ‘mo-yik. 

Unreasonable. fe) BH ‘mo- 
ts‘ing- i. 

Unrelenting, 4B] 3 ‘mo- 


Unremitting, FR BR pat-hit . 
Unrepraing, 7S It we pat- 

waai-wen . 
Unreserved, Ta Ky chik-paak, 

tH A “faan-i. 
Unrestrained ¢ 
Unrestricted \ FE PR mo- 

haan . 
4 ei x 35 pat-i. 
Unripe, 7 Bh mi -shuuk. 
Unroll, Fe BA “chin-hot. 
Unruly, QASPEE pat-‘shau- 

faat , i @ au fong -sze . 
Unsafe, AR FS 'm-“wan, [BF 


Unsatisfactory, Ie wn 3s \ a : 

’m- ue-. 

Unsay, m ry “faan~ ‘hau, Ke 
iti SF “faan-chuen’ -wa. 
Unseasonable, A ae Ay ’m- 


Unseemly, FAEPsK ’m-hop- 
ancy PSE *m-‘ho- 
i -sz6 ; pata ‘chau. . 

Unselfish, SEFLINY er | 


Unsettle, +42 yf iu-tuung’- 

a * i 
; , , j i v4 
= * . a eee Fite 6 « - is Es a 
i "a Parte (2 oe ae ee a 4 ‘, ‘ 

i. ONS 277 UPH 
peeeighily, ZA aa maau - Until, = ¥ chi -to’, oF 
‘chau, He HG Ey ’m-“ho- A] “tang-to 


Unskilful, > WF = ah ” m- 

. “ho- ‘shau-shat. 

Unsociable, 4f£ Fil A, “mo- 
woh-hi , uy ‘laang. 

Unsophisticated, AA ale LF 

Fe 8 
"m-kwai- haau. 

Unsound, BS Ea ’m-hin- 

Unspeakable, = JS HE Zt 

: P) 
in-pat-nang-tsuun . 

Unspotted Lat 
Unstained \ fit FS DE mo- 

Unsteady, iE 5E lr ‘mo- 
tine -heung’, Ir FS ’v- 


Unsuitable, Te Fe” m-cheuk. 

sr cosa At AS a a 

mi - “yau-shing’ -kwoh . 

Unteachable, a SS a m- 

shau -kaat . 

Unthankful Al mong- 


— Untidy, DA jE Hes "m-ts‘ai- 

i ry 
> Jn 

Untoward 5) 
Gicia be » 3) Boca 
Untrue, DA IE. ’m-chan. 
Unusual, JE ee Ji-sheung, 
FEB ji-tsuuk, ve shum. 
Unwarrantable, 2 4 ts‘im = 
fuu. | 
Unwearied, HEF ‘mo-kuen’, 
fie Fee ‘mo-kooi . 
Unwelcome, JA cs Te ’m- 
Unwell, A 52 FA *m-shau - 
: . 
yuung. 3 
Unwilling, > A ’m- hang, 
* jes ’m-uen’, aS WH 
wae "m- -chuung-t . 
Unworthy, ASHE pat-hom. 
Up, upon, #2 ——_f. tsor 
sheung’, (to go) EP 
‘sheung, (get) i * ha, (raise) 

Upbraid, BB ma’, Ba naa, 
we aH ki-ts‘iu . 
Uphold, $k Fzf foo-ch‘. 




Upper, f cheung’, (of a 
shoe) [Hj *min’. 

Upright, 4 ‘ks, TA ST 
chik- “lap, (just) JF 
ching? -chik. 

Uproar, Pp Mal pa-pdi , pret 
Bl, ts‘o-luen’, FL ra la- 

Upset, (to) Fy 4A] ‘ta-“to 
(price) 4B T chi. iene, 
BA (a hoi-ka. 

Upshot, ae Fa kit -Tewoh. 

Upside down, 38H J tin- 

Upstairs, fee a lau-sheung’ , 
(go) cof fez icine, aa 
Upwards, mn ke heung - 

sheung -ko, (of) —— oy 

ling,—— 3B —— “ki, 

oa ‘j-sheung” ; 

Urbanity, ita 245) Jai-maau . 

Urge, 42 3 ts‘ui-pik, ns 

- ya. 

Urgent, <k kup, G ES 
cheuk-‘kan. ~ 

Urinate, jit re oh-niv , ayy 
(8 “siu-pin’. 

Urine, yt niu’. 

Urn, yA taap , 4EL kong. 

Ursa major, Jy 2 pak- 
“tau. | tT 

Urticaria, FE Kit none 

Us, Fe Bb ngoh-ti. 

Use, (to) {iB ‘shai, JA 
yuung’, (treat) i toi . 
Useful, {i FW pin -yaung’. 
Useless, fife Hi FA ‘mo- 

chuung- yuung’, 
Usual, 4 ‘Er p‘ing-sheung. 


2H i ers 
| Usurp, Sj 44 pa -chim’, $e 

Fe “tseung-tuet. 

vey, Fil B Ft li -sike 

Utensil, 2 IML hi - “ming. 
Uterine, [Rj Af t‘uung-paau. 
Utmost, 3 Aig chi’ -kik, + 
Ape shap-fun. 
Utter, (to) BB Hy “hong- 

Utterance, [J 4% “nau-kok , 
I ¢h “hau-ksim. 
Utterly, Tea Fe ghee “ch‘oh. 

wae yi tsuun “ti. 

Uvula, i Sia tiv - chuung. 





Vacancy, (office) sER kuet . 
Vacant, vss Hie huung-hue. 
Vacate, Fi ZS poon-huung, 
(an office) f£I se’. 
Vacation, ZS FR} 2uung- 
haan, ” ka , ! 
— sical 
Vaccinate, [As] Fg im- *tau , 
ii iF Ja chuung -yeung- 

Vacillate, a yea ‘faan-fuuk, 
By = = YY chiu-saam- 

moo ~820 
BA ing 

(long) tong’. 

Vagina, [2 yum-00 » ye 

FA ‘ch‘aan-moon. 
Vagrant, 3H =P. yau- shau, 

ib Bite lau-li. 

| ‘Vague, iy FA shue foot 

Ny LAs “fong-fut, Pad faan’. 

Vain, ae Jee chong- hong, 
jig. yp. /we-fau, (proud) 
ifs, Se yaa kiu-ch‘e-wun, 
(in) BR FE ue-tio. 

| Valance, #7) 9 fuuk-*yum. 

Valerian, $% 5p, SA hoi-i- 

ITs Fs Whi ‘yeung- 

Valiant, Fak HB young: “kom. 

Valid, Be ee = “tYoh- -tong . 

Valise, FY Fy p‘i- seung. 

Valley, [Ll] ZR shaan-kuuk, 
4} kuuk. 

Valour, 54 Sq ‘yuung-hi . 

Valuable, s=I Ht kwat - 


Value, (8 ka’, (of) 4 6S 
sania (to paz) c= I 
Ft kwai -chnung: , (to) 474 

“too-kat . 

Valve, Ze “im, = koi. 

Vampire, (iit a pin-Sfuuk), 
hes Fa, fuuk- “shue. 

Van, 7 & sin- fuung, By 
BK ts‘in-tui . 

Vane, Jal 4 Tk fuung- 
sun i, i Fa 
ting - ee: 

Vanish, aa x siu-mit, 
(disappear) 7 Wh tsuet- 
sil, - iB = mo-hiw 




Vanity, his $] hue-waan’. 

Vapour, Sx hi, (rising) Na 
YE in-puung -puung’ 
(of water) IK ‘shui- 

Vapouring,, hie aS hue-k‘wa. 

Variance, GF chaang. 

Variegated, PX ff Pacn-elet. 

Various, Zen Ae holt ~yeung’, 
Ie XE pat-ting’. 

Varnish, Hf yf ming-*yau, 
(lacquer) ¥Z> is‘at. 

Vary, nes Ear pin - chuen, 
ZB = ts‘aam-ts'ze. 

Vase, AE WE fa-tsuun, 45 
if, fa-*p‘ing: 

Vast, i£ K shum’-taai . 

Vault, (cellar) #h 3 ti’-lo. 

Vaunt, 34 K kewa-taai. 

Veer, fit chuen i 

chuen’ -waan. 
Vegetable, ° TS isto (king- 
dom) J AS. “ts‘o-muuk. 
Vehement, tx aii 
Vehicle, iy EB. ts0i -ch'e. 
Veil, (to) YE HE che-o0, 
(a) 33 fy ww kot -min - 

3 sha. 

Vein, [E) iit as ooi-huet - 
“koon, (streak) 4 *mun. 

Nebpeuy, relate ®) ibe gp 
faui -maan’. 

Velvet, BY 498 ‘tsin-*yuung, 
ZB UE HR toh-loh-*yuung. 

bier B ‘maai-tak, 

“maai-tak-ke : B Wa Te 


Venerable, oo BX ‘lo-shing, 


Yenerate, ra. Ht tsuen- 

chuung’. | 

Venerial, He ie ch*uun- 
ts‘ing, ch‘uun-ts‘ing-ke , Ze 
> kaau-hop, FE PM fa 
‘lau. | | | 

Venetians, Fy BE ZX paal - 
ip- ch‘eung. 

Vengeance, (to take) #% tht, 
po -ch‘au. 

Venial, 2B 73 3 3 shue -tak- 

? ae FF 
kwoh . 

Venison, ie AJ *louk-yuuk. 
Venom, Fe: tuuk, | 
Vent, (escape) F> hue - 

lo, A ay tuung- lung. 




Ventilate, 37 JR, t‘wung- 
'  fuung. 
Ventricle, a kin, a0 
luung, Fy fong. 
Venture, #4 kom, (hazard) 

| HF poon . 
Venus, (planet) <g> ft 
_ Kum- sing. | 

_ Veracity, > 7 ‘lo-shat. 

Verandah, Bay {ul k‘e-*lau, 
OR EB tin-*t0i. 

Verb, ray a oot-tsze , lass 
Be sn shang-tsze . 

Verbal, hme RF 


Rertan. 4] ‘al 7H fal 

kue’-kue -seun g-Haung, a 
= chuuk-tsze . 
Verbose, ES BS chui lui. 
Verdant, Fy Ye és‘ing-oot, 
Fy ye sau -mau . 
Verdict, ay BI] nai-poon . 
Verdigris, Zi rat t‘uung- 
Verge, (on the) He FY 
mun -moon. 

Verify, Hy Es 

PPE ier 
ching -im . 

Vermicelli, $i % ‘fun- Sel, 
Pp {F ‘fun=‘tsai. 
Vermilion, 3} # #8) ngan- 

chue- Sun. 
Vermin, eh ch‘uung. 
Vernal, $e ch‘uun. 
Verse, (poetry) ay shit, (a) 
=i) tsit . 
Versed in, wh shuuk. 

Version, (a) #9 aan Se fuan- 

yik-shue, (more than one) 

Aes aa ch‘uung-yik. 
Vertex, A “feng. | 
Vertical, (to be) HA K TH 

iz “hai-tin-teng-shue , 1H 

*K “ting-t*in. | 
Vertigo, BA fg: t‘au-wan, 


Very, 7 r=] shat- ‘shat, = 
LE shat-tsoi , -- 4 
shap-fun, HF ‘ho, $e 
shum’, IK Kaa , Ai lok. 

Vesicle, Hf {F- piaau- tsa, 

ILE , ¢ 
1) {F piaau- tsai, pro 
C 8 
Ys ee Cig 
Vessel, ay iL. 22.- ming, 

(ship) f#¥ shuen. 




Vest, (a) Ef xm 00% = sum. 

Vested estate, ¥f ae shat-ip. 

Vestige, Hee Spd ‘sin-han, Ed 
Ph han-tsih. 

Veteran, ‘Jo- ‘shan, 
+ Ea [a] Jo-‘chue-*Iko0 

Vex, fz ‘naan, Ke is 
faan-‘iu, RE + naan-wai, 
(irritate) ay kik. 

Vexed, KA fg faan-moon 3 
Ke Te faan-- no, vee ay 

im-moon . 

Vial, rh BY Fe HS “sit 

poh- h- tsuun. 

. > 
Viands, a fice ngaau-chaan . 

Vibrate, 41%. alk iu-yuuk, tae 
Con ‘paai-tuung, (quiver) 

eS chan . 

Vice, Be id ok -tuen, * 

iy sit! 

Hii pai -peng . 

Vice, (a tool) 42 fost Ke 
‘lo- ‘shue-*kaap : 

Viceroy, Cel Et “‘tsuung-tuuk, 
‘till ae chi -t0i. 

Vicinity, im in kan’ -ch‘ ue. 

Vicissitude, ff Hs hang pin . 

Victimize,, $e — 2p fs tong. - 
ngau- ‘shat. 

Victory, rte He wok-shing , 
4 He tak-shing , (@) inh 
— [pet yeng-? yeat-cha 

Victuals, ER E faan -shik, 
BR faan’ ; Ee shik. 

Vie, Fy tan , BE chaang- 

View, (to) FEF Ja ‘tai-hin’, 
Ay FA hohn kin’, (a) oP 

Er kwong- “hing. 

Vigorous, Ht {Ep chong ie 

Vigour, WI it lik-leung’, 
i mh person. 

Vile, pa “ch‘au, Et ok’, 
(mean) “fv B& ha -tsin . 

Vilify, RX Be “wai-p'ong « 

Village, $6} Aap heung-ts‘wen, 
¥PR fe heung-*ha , (a) (i . 

yy) t‘iu-.fs*wen. 

Villain, Se AEE tevong- 

Villainous, BA YY hak-sum, 

as Ae kaan=‘kaau, (agly) 

pale Chu. 




Vindicate, as Re ‘po- 00" ) 
KA piu-paak, (avenge) 

_ 3 TL po °-ch‘au. 

Vine, 3 $e hes} p‘o-t*ai- 
shue, (48 44 p‘o-t‘o). 

Vinegar, is ts‘o’. 

Violate, Ff faan , (defile) Vy 
Je o0-yuuk, 

Violence, Hift k‘eung, (to use) 
Bilt ‘k‘eung. 

Violent, Fi 27U ‘mang-lit, 


Violet, a ve eal “tsze-loh- 
laan, Ey ES ‘kan-ts‘01 
Violin, pu Be. 44 ay sze = 


Viper, Fy: Pe tuuk-she, ay 

Bk ae faan -shi-t‘au. 

Virago, Be. its WE ok -*p' oh, 

- Virgin, Ey K es a “nue, 

Ee K ‘ch ‘ue~ nue. 
Virility, 7G i uen-shan. 
Virtue, fa tak. 

Virulent, $B ee shum-tuuk. 
Viscera, the five, Fy. ix ° "ne- 

tsong” : 

Visible, A ie fi ‘yau-ying- 


baci >(faculty) ft B 
“ngaan- koon, (a) Raa (Fe i i- 

tseung . 

ey iE aA uung - 


Visit, vk A Hai hin: ; 
a) kin’. 

| Vising ont %, hk ming- 

“tip . 

Visitor, KN Ze yan-haak , 
(a lady) a Ze t‘ong- 
*haak . 

Vital, Bal VE: i kwaan- 
sing -ming , BE. El tu - 

Vitals, ai} FA ming’ -moon. 

Vitiate, We a ‘ching-waai . 

Vitriol, (blue) Ne es “taam- 

Vivacious : Pe, 
Vivid TE Yee oot-p'oor . 
Viviparous, fq HE 

Vocal, Ff > “hau- yam. 
Vocation, HF 38 sze ~ip. 
Vociferate, TE lef huen-wa, 
re eae 
pit wh ts‘o- chtaau. 

of 0- | 




Vogue, fF XK shi-foon. 

Voice sheng, at 
. ie J ee HI 
sheng-hr . 

Void, yas huung. 

Volatil “ooi-fi- 
olatile, AY FG BL ooi-fi 


Volcano, IK ily ‘foh- shaan. 
Voluble, YAR ta yau- ‘sui. 

Volume, vad poon, Tat po. 

Voluntarily, Hi XD kom-sum. 

Voluntary, 9 ia ts‘ing-uen’, 

Volunteers, Fe Yt mun- 
chong, == Fe i ping, (to 
raise rebel-) ) ie 35 “hiei. 
Voluptuary, HK FF 

‘Keo-leung- tsze- tai’. 
Vomit, i au. 

Voracious, K EX taai > _shik, 
: taai -shik-ke ; BRE faam- 

shik, , e wai -shik. 
Vortex, Je 7K XY suen- 

C ‘ 

Vote om; Sik “ue, ie Shh 

uen - “ue. 

Voucher, ne He pang-kue . 
Vow, ar Mie “hue-uen , ar. 

2 ) 
ie shal -uen . 

Voyage, aK pes ‘“shui-lo , IK 
ye ‘shui-ch‘ing. 

Vulgar, #§ tsuuk, (low) Fy 
If ‘shi-‘tseng. 

Vulture, eA clin. 


Wabble, Hii 45 ee “chuen= 


Wadded, 4% 4y min-naap. 

Waddle, Ary if rity ify 
tut-‘ha-tut-‘ha, ‘leung-pin- 

Wade, ym aK kaang g- “shut. 

Welt, Ke A ‘foh- -ts‘al- 

Wafiles, Ae fHf kaap’-‘peng. 
Watt, ca vit piu-lau. 

Wag, () iy ER ee “ho- 

is‘ue -yan, (to) Fae “padi, 

44 iu. : 
Wager, BA 5 23 “to-t8‘00 . 
Wages, Tg Awung-*ts‘in, 
T $B buung-*ngan, J 
L. yan-kuung. | 
Wagele, Bl Bal ‘er tin -tiv - 
fing. | 

an ey 
si ee ee 




Waggon, HY i FA. tsoi - 
foh -c'he. | 

Wagtail, #2 ¢8 tsk’ -ling. 

Wail, ye BK oi-huuk. 

Waist, fe iv. 

Waistcoat, rei AW oot - sum. 

Wait, Se te “tang-hau , oe: 
h “tang-*ha . 

Wait on, (serve) AEs fuuk- 



Waiter, Eo {F sze - tsiti. 

Waive, Fy 4 yau-tah. 

Wake, paz ‘seng, (from sleep) 
Fall ile fun’ ~‘seng. 

Waken, 47 fae “ta- send, HS} 
put hiv -‘seng. 

Walk, (to) #7 hang, 47 Hes 
hang-lo, (take a) Ee YE 
hue -k‘waang , (path) ay 
ies ‘siu-lo . 

Wall, HF ts‘cung, BE pik, (a) 
Dai ie Juuk-ts‘eung. 

Wallow, 2% Juen, Fe Wei 

“chin-‘chuen, (like a beast 

in the mud) [% ‘afi aam - 
paan’ (paam ), (in the water) 

Va 7K aam ~ ‘shui. 

Walnut, ASA, hop-t‘o. 

Wampee, jet] JE wong-*p‘l. 

Wan, FAY Ay i} paak-paak- 

Wand, AY ith AY chi- pin- 


Wander, Ys Bie lau-li, SIRF 
chau-yau, (miss the way) 
vet Hea tong’ -shat-lo . 

Wane, 4 shut, haa fai, (of 
the moon) F] fh uet-k‘uet . 

Want, We int , (defect) ERS 

k‘uet -fat, (destitution) a 

iL k‘uung-ki, Sy os aau- 

ai . 

Wanton, Hf (4, ho -shil ag 
ys ho -p‘iu, KK yes fong - 
tong’. f 

War, FJ Tk “ta-cheung , Fe 
ze chin -82e , 28 Fe kaau- 
ping, mee kohn-kwoh. 

War-vessel, Fe ft ping- 

Ward, (division) #7 Ff 
kaai- fong, (apartment) iE 
*fong, (to) iy + fong- 





Wardrobe, KK Hk Ke t-fuuk- 


Warehouse, AS ies chaan’- 
*fong, ie foh - ts‘ong. 

Wares, i fol’. 

Warlike, TA ‘i009, (man) 7H 
oS “moo-foo, (arms) as ae a 

Warm, Ie * nuen,, 396 it. 

Warming-pan, Ve bia < nuen- 

Warn, fa “king, elt “Ieing- 
haat » he ME t‘ai- ‘ing, tH 
He 25 Sy ue -sin- = chi. 

Warp, RE king-sin , kaang. 

Warp, (to) Lis luen, i ies 

Warped, ih luen, Hy “aa. 

Warrant, (a) Bat x p ‘i, (police) 
FEE ch’ aai-ptn, (to) iJ, 
fi paau- omg 

Warren, Ci Fal uen-yau ‘), 
fia] *Wwai. 

Warrior, 5 : ee ‘yuung- s7e . 

Wart, Hat hau- észe, Bes 
1 faan’- ‘yui- ché ong. 

Wary, (be) ify ft “tai-chan. 

Wash, FE “sai. 

Washer-man, ER K “sati- 
i-yan, (’s itch) yy agg yau- 

Wash-stand, jeu A Ba min’- 
*p‘oon-*ka . 

Wasp, iu 2 wong- fuung. 

Waste, (to) yar fai , Vs var 
long’ -fat , me sad, saii- 
taut . | 

Watch, (to) vin hohn, (at 
night) AT Ht hohn-kaang, 
Bo BE ‘Hai-kaang, (a time- 
piece) Ae Jie &3 shi-shan- 

Watches, (the five) Fr 

“ne- Bi) 
Watchful, Et (A “tan-shan- ; 

ee aE ting” 
Watchman, Hf Fe kaang- foo. 
Watch-tower, Bf fyk kaang- 
Watch-word, Hi BE om -*ho . 
Water, aK ‘shui, (to) dh 
lum, tha laai’. 

Water-caltrops, oe $4 ling- 
kok, 2 ki’. 

Water-chestnut, 7K ae “shui- 

lout, 5 Bit “ma-*t*ai. 

WAX 287 WHA 
Water-closet, en) 5) - | Wax, (to) Fe “cheung, H- 
shoh. shaang, BY shing. 
Water-course, aK yin “shui Wax-candle, ibe Ki laap- 
kau. chuuk. 

Water-cresses, 7K Ir ES 
‘shui-k‘an-ts‘ ai , py VER 

sai-yeung-fs‘ on. 

wages fall, The Afi IK puuk- 

po ~“shui. 
Watering-pot, FE yi fa-‘sha. 
Water-lily, Hi 46 lin- fa. 
Water-melon, PY JI sai-hwa. 
Waiter-mill; 7K jp “shui 
Water- mpOul, ad ie 7K 
luung- ‘sheung- shui. 
Watery, JR ‘taam, AE IK 
shang- shui, (thin) F% hi. 
Wave, (of the sea) yf long’, 
WH Viz poh-long’, (to) 
Hae iu-‘paai. i 
Waver, ya yea ‘fuan-fuul, 
#8 SE SZe-l. 
Waving, YS 43 long’-*mun; 
Tk PR #2 ‘shui-poh-*mun. 
Wax, HB) laap, (white) ih 
Ey Hy) ch‘uung-paak-laap. 

ies K ie ttiu-lo’, ie] hea 
to -lo, (method) Wil ie 
fong- -faat . 
Way-farer, BS Ze lo -haak . 
Wayward, 4% 34 aau ~‘keng. 
We, AK Bh ‘ngoh-ti’, (our, 
or my) FR Ay ‘ngoh- fi, 
nD goh- ti-ke. 
Weak, ii bis 
(watery) ie “t‘aam. 
Wealth, Bf fy . ts‘oi-paak, 
eben of) Bf =e ts‘oi- 

Oo ue. 

¢ £ 
Wean, a ‘tuen- naai. 

Mees, Fil aa li -hi, oN 
A hi -haai . 
Wear, (clothes) Soy Waceese 
cheule , (a hat) Shbs tai’ - 
*mo , (a shawl) if sai: 

(out) > Bs cheuie -waai , 
(well) ve k‘um. 
Wearisome, gr) mi lq-shatt. } 

Weary, Be Ke P i-kuen’, HK 


1 aw -kuen , kooi . 




- Weasel, Fill Se yau- shue. 

Weather, FR SA, tin-hi , ak 
Hee tin-shi, (good) RE FE 
“ho-tin, (hot) FE HF Bb 

Weather-cock, Me Jal fa 

shuun’ gus g-* ue. 
Weave, % » chil. 

Web, — 4% Fy yat-hi ipo . 

Web-footed, sel Aa re i AR 

Ha keuke -chi-kaan -“yau- 
*mok, Hee nggts “cheuns 4. 

Wed, Bors ts‘ue -ts‘an. 
Wedding, AE HA fun-yan. 

Wedding sedan, 4% i fa- 

| Wedge, 2. F# tsim-chaang”, 
(to) Hi sip . 

Wednesday, ig FF = ‘lai- 

paai -saam. 

Weed, Bp Ea ye- 68°, (to) 
TF Es i=} mang “ts‘0. 

Week, qf] ‘ai-paai 

Weep, Win wR lau-lui’, BE 

vA. houule- yup, (aloud) Py 


Weeping- willow, ie ty pS 

shui-yeung- ‘lau. 

Weevils, ee inai-*ngau, 
Veigh, Hitt ché ing. : te tui. 

Weighing-machine, =F> Jr 
FE is‘in-kan-ch‘ing - 
che, Fee pong’. 

Weights, 3 7G) fuat-‘ma. 

Weighty, FA chining 

Wetooe (to) . +e “hi- 
tsip , FER I foow-ying. 

Weld, Pe pelt] yuung-maai.. 

Welfare, 2). Fe pting-ohn, 
tg fuul. 

Well, (a) FF “iseng, AR +t 

“ngaan- “tsen g. 

Well, AF “ho, (in health) By 
LE tsze -tsoi BY “ho, (get) 

WF ah “ho -faan. 

Well sone, A F 43 HF tso = 
tak-ho, (meat) BE ak “ho- 
shuuk, (bravo !) Ry: “ho! 

West, P@ sai, (the) Py a 
sai-pin, py Fi sai-fong. 

Wet, ye2, shup. 

Wether, Fea 36 aa Wenge 

Wet-nurse, Th a ‘naai- suse 

Wa WEG shup- ana. 


Whale, yf fk 44 “hoi-ts‘au- 
*ue, iis FA k‘ing-ue. 



c FF 7 o 
~ | , 
ee an i) 
; HI ' , _ 

Wharf, Ms BB ‘ma-t‘au, 4 

BA po > -tfau. 
What ? 44, BF mat-‘ye ? (that 
which) BT “shoh. 


<udesqesa san , 4, oy cae 
‘ye, AR fi EF ’m-luun- 
mat ye. 

Wheat, IE mak, 

Wheedle, aM BR noh- nun. 

Wheel, Eat luun, FG ch‘e- 

*Iuun, (turn the) jfk Gu 
‘chuen-ch‘e, (round) Wier iii 

Wheel-barrow, = Hi. ‘shau- 
Wheezing, Jeg fet ha-sheng. 
When ? 342 HF “ki-shi? 

When, AS EE —— koh - 
Whence ? HY ae ie yau-pin- 

ch'ue’ 2 ees E AAS “hat 

pin-chiue -lai ? 

Whenever, Va Hep ts‘ui-shi, 
45 ben “mooi-fuung. 
~ Where ? ee be pin-ch*Ue 2 

ee Wh pine ha? ee ‘. 

pin=*wai ? 

| pre —— AN Be —— ho’ 

ji —— toh 
chiue (shue ). 

Whereabout, Hipeana kan’- 

pin- hue . 

Wherefore, Br VY “shoh= ‘i. 

Whereupon, RE tsau . 

Whet, je 73) moh-li’. 

Whether or not, —— {2 ize 
4% hai -’m-hai , 
+ RH HE shi -pat- 

shi . 

Which ? veil pin-koh. 2 Ma » 

Hy pin- 4? (that which) — 
Fit “shoh, (that by which) 

ir Ve ‘shoh- ‘i. 
While, (2) —Hy[B] yat-shi- 

Whilst, ]—t Hep tong 
koh -shi. } 

Whimper, ip Sa shok -hi. 

Whimsical, ya Hh ‘faan- 
afin . 

Whine, lie ee nge-sheng. 

Whip, (horse-) FR em" ‘ma- 
pin, (to) BAA 47 pin- ta 

Whirl, ee t‘um- t‘um- 

; chuen : 




Whirlpool, we K i suen- 
“shui-sum, Al Pe ye to- 

ts‘o- “shut. 

Whirlwind, Be JEL suen- 
Whisk, #8 faak’. 

Whiskers, ea im, 5A Bee 


Whisper, [2 #t Zi yum- 
: sheng-‘Iong. 
Whistle, (to) Wi F ch'ui- 

yum, ER si, (a) ee ye 

likes ih Es sze-ho, — FY 


White, Fy 5, paak-shik, Fy 

Whitebait, ¢8 48 TF ngan- 

ue- ‘tsa, 1 @ $4 paak- 

faan’ -*ue, 

Whites, 4 i paak- tai . 
White-wash, 73 JX ax “sha- 
fooi-shui, Fe FA so ” -paak, 
Whiting, {= #4 ch‘eung-ue. 
Whitlow, 44 FA JEL “chi- 

kaap -tsue. | 
Who? 43 SE mat-shui 
(*shui) ? 33% 4] pin-koh ? 

Who, — 1 fi — koh= 

Whole, an aoe uen-ts‘uen, 

— i, yat-k‘ob , WK, shing, 

ithe) Eps ya ° luung-" tsuung, 

ham? -pang ‘lang’ a 
Wholesale, $$ 4 faaé -hong. 
Wholesome, 3 has 

bes UF bie sai, Pk eae 

Whore, YA Ye ch‘eung-ki’, 

5 i yal ‘Jo-‘Kue. 
Whose ? ty, EAE IE, mat- 

*shui- ys 2 

Why? #4 “, HB, a [ee wai - 
wae ged: 2 Al {i yan- 
hoh? 4 bso’ -mat? 

Wick, (lamp-) = NY) tang- 

Wicked, °, eRe okt = 

Wickerwork, FA f& "i Fl 

yuung *-tfang-pin-tso . 

Wicket gate, Six PA pat-moon. 
Wide, BS Ry “kevong-foot. 

‘Widgeon, Be o° 

Widow, Bini kwa- ‘foo, ‘@ 
Ey YE “kwa-‘moo-*p‘oh. 




Widower, Bt “kwa- lo, RR 
Ft kwaan-foo. 

Wield, Hy cha. 

Wite, LYE ‘lo-p‘oh, (respect- 

: fully) c= es ts‘ai-shat, BE 
ts‘ai, ent) > XK foo-yan, 
4y iE ling -ching’. 

Wig, (for women) #4 jf 
“mong-kan, (false hair) BA 
pea tau-pi , (for the cue) 
eee HAE pin-*p‘aai. 

Wild, Bf ‘ye, (mad) JF 
_- Kwong, (roving) i 
fong -tong . 

Wilderness, isi BE fong - ye, 
Bp Ap ‘ye-ngoi . 

Wile, 23 Sf “kwai-kar.. 

Will, (a) Bs a chuuk-shue; 
WH ae wai-shue, (wish) ee 
ya “chue-t , iG ba chit, 

(future tense) Hoe. tseung, 


Wilful, [ii] <% hoo-7, fa] HE | 

koo -chup. 

Willing, ‘hang, FA 

chuung-i . 
Willingly, FP XQ kom-sum. 

Willow, rps hs} ‘lau-shue . 

Wily, Sfé LH kewaai-‘haau. 
Win, Lat yeng. 
Wince, (to) $3 44 wai -shuuk. 
Wind, (to) fen HE chin’-maai, 
Reve ‘k‘iu-maai, (up) Bes 
SH chip -maai, (a watch) 
A. SH ‘sheung-*lin, (an 
- account) fa oy ts‘ing-sho , 
(an. affair) J ‘lin-sze . 
Wind, (the) Jal fuung. | 
Winding, #4 th waan-huuk, 
Windpipe, aif nye ngaang - 
hau, St ee hi ‘oon. 
Windlass, rE ite luuk-lo, 
luut- lon. 
Window, ial cheung, al FA 
Window-bars, ZX 
aat . 
Windward, JR #& fuung-pin 
(pin’). | 
Wine, yp “tsau, (port) 1. 
py haik- tsa, (sherry) [J 
py paak- ‘sa, (claret) mL 
74 huung- “tsa. 

Ne ch‘eung- 






World, {it shai ; {iF | 
shai -kaat , (the whole) 

ae K as ‘p‘o-ttin-ha 
(the present) AMT kum- 

shai, (the future) AR TEE 

loi-shat . 
shai -tsuuk. 

Worm, (earth-) Hit wong- 
Hue 5) 

Worms, gq ch‘uung, 
yau- yan, (internal) will sea 

Wormwood, pel rs 


Worried, vies) im-moon . 

Worry. (bite) ff Beye ngaau- 
waai- (tease) Bee —* naan- 

wal, i) eal, lo- luen’, VE. 

wan cheung: ‘ 

Worse, FA SRF kang -pat- 
“ho, kang - ‘m-"ho, Et 1 

chuung’ -pai’ : pa ole - 

HE $F shoung- 

- Worship, 
pani, FE paar. 

Worst, ZpAan chi -ole . 
Worsted, gR¢t yuung-sin’. 




Worth, ffi chik, m nh, 

HE 7% “wi-tak, (virtue) 
{ili tak. 

Worthy, fit hom, (man) Ey : 

Would, RK yuuk, ia. uen’, 
is ‘seung, (-that) (A ZR 
48 han’ -pat-tak, LAE 

Wound, 5 sheung, (to) 5 
car) sheung-ts‘an. | 

Wrangle, WeA¥ aai - kaa. 

Wrap, 49 4 ‘ta-paau, 4 
EE paau-kwoh, Fil YF 
paau- ho. 

Wrapper, AVBR DOES 
Wrath, je jin chan -no, 2m 

7 ‘fun-no . 

Wreck, (a ai Burs pv ‘ol? - 
shuen, Bhp 4 AY poh ~ 
laan’-chek -shuen. 

Wren, as ie tsiu-lin, 

Wrestle, 54, yi} Kok -lik, WR 
aa kaa -shing ; Tr" Fi 

tau -lik. 

| Wretched, Nai ii ts‘ai-leung, 

lB is‘ai-‘ts‘aam. 




Wriggle, B43 lwen-kuen, iy 
AK “niu-‘noh, (as a worm) 
A CASES ae Pru 4 
miu- miu- ha. 
| wring, (dry) ik #7; "nae 
~ kohn, (out) ii ir “nau 
ch‘uut, PR nin. 

Wrinkle, 42 ¥3¢ tsau “mun, 

(to) ye HH tsau -maai, 


Wrist, =. Bs ‘shaw oon, =F 
ROR “shau- raga hart 

Wie, a ‘8 A =F 
tsae (*tsze ), (down) eee 

“se-lok, (an essay, &c.) f 

Writhe, Phy ch‘au-ch‘uuk. 

‘Wrong, $i tsoh, Ar FE 
‘m-cheuk, (all) et Wie 
ts‘oh -saai, (tO) tH EE 

Cc oo 
suen-hoi . 


Wry, ZB waai, “mo, Bt ts‘e, 

(to make % face) rf 4 

a “ch‘e-‘me-min . 



Yak, Bee li-ngau. 
Yam, Kez taai -shue. 

Yama, [2s] ae Im-loh. 

Yard, (of a ship) KL kong 
(measure) 7ilj FL “ma-ch‘eh . 

Yarn, wb sha, Ait sin’. 

47 hk 28 

Year, ae nin, is sui. 

Yearn, TAA iuung -‘seung. 

Yeast, pee EE kaau -‘m0, 14 
pai “tsau- pend. 

Yell, Ton taai -haam . 

Yellow, Tir wong, Ti ffi, 

Yes, (AMX hai’-lok, $% shi’. 
Yesterday, HE A tsok-yat, 
Fa Ff ts‘um-mat, k‘um- 
yat, (the day before) By 
HJ is‘in-yat, (the day 

before that) k By Fy 

Yawn, ‘ta haam - 

tani -ts‘in-yat. 
Yesternight, HE NA tsok- 

Yet, ap sheung , FA 
chaung’, (not) Ky mi - 


WOR 2 


World, {it shai , {iF SN 

shai -kaat , (the whole) 

Ee ER p'o-tin-ha’, 
(the present) At kum- 

shai, ts future) FA TEE 


shai -tsuuk. 

Worm, (earth-) Hit wong- 

Worms, gg ch‘uung, We §5| 
yau- yan, (internal) tial eh 

Wormwood, Pel yun- 

Worried, var el im-moon . 

ba cc (bite) ree neaau- 
waai- (tease) BE af naan- 
wal, 41d Fal, lo-luen’ ‘ VEE 

wan cheung? ; 

Worse, HRS kang -pat- 
‘ho, hang - ‘m-ho, Et Re 
chuung’ pai’, FE ok’ 

kwoh . 
- Worship, ee FF shuung- 

2 > 
paai , FE paar. 
Worst, opRe chi -oke . 
Worsted, 494% yuung-sin’. 




Worth, A duty PE “tai, 

ine 45 ““tai-tal, (virtue) 
{iia tak. 

Worthy, fit hom, (man) BF 

au t: y 2 
Would, BK yuuk, Mie. uen , 

| a “seung, (-that) pe x 

45 han -~pat-tak, ER 4 | 


Wound, #% sheung, (to) % 
3 sheung-ts‘an. | 

Wrangle, BEZE aai - kaau. 
Wrap, 47 4 ‘ta-paan, Aq 

Ba pad ‘kwoh, il HF | 

paau- “ho. 

Wrapper, ADBR paau-fauk. 

Wrath, ee chan -no, 
Fe ‘fun-no . 

Wreck, (a ship) FR PHY poh - 
shuen, the) 4 Ay poh ~ 
laan’-chek -shuen. 

Wren, (£8 #8 tsiu-liu. 

Wrestle, 4 Ji kok -lik, ey 
iad kaau -shing , im Fj 

tau -lik. | 
Wretched, yt Hi és‘ai-leung, 

eB ts‘ai-‘ts‘aam. 



tn a ae ats : _ P 
Ree Cc Tae 




Wriggle, B45 luen-kuen, ip 
BK mniu- nob, (as a worm) 
“niu-“miu- ‘ha. 

Wring, (dry) Fl: By, “nant 
~ kohn, (out) EE ir “nau 
ch‘uut, PR nin. 

Wrinkle, 48 ¥5¢ tsau “mun, 

(to) ye HH tsau -maai, 


Wrist, =f. be “shau- oon, =F 

«ARE ‘shaw- aclogpes “aout. 
Wr Ny i hg ia *F 
tsze. (*tsze ), (down) vr 
‘se-lok, (an essay, &c.) f 

Writhe, Hh ae: ch‘uuk. 

Wrong, $i ts‘oh, Hr Fe 
‘m-cheuk, (all) eH WEE 
tsi Seas (to) +y EB 
‘suen-hoi . 

Wry, ZE waai, “me, Bb ts‘, 

(to make % face) aR 4B 

ie “ch‘e-‘me-min. 



Yak, #EAF. li-ngau. 
Yam, K ae taai -shue. 

Yama, [zl He Im-loh. 
Yard, (of a ship) KL kong’ 

(measure) 455 Fa ‘ma-ch‘ek . 
Yarn, Yb sha, AS sin. 

Yawn, 47 EY Be “ta- haam - 

Year, ae nin, is sui . 

Yearn, Deane iwuny -seung. 

Yeast, pee EE kaav -‘mo, 1 
yt “tsau- ‘peng. 

Taetl. TK taai -haam . 

Yellow, Hr wong, Ti ffi 

Yes, {AMX hai’-lok, FE shi’. 
Yesterday, AE 8 tsok-yat, 
Fu HH ts‘um-mat, k‘um- 
yat, (the day before) By 
FY is‘in-yat, (the day 

before that) r. 3 By Fy 

‘<s ° 
taal -ts‘in-yat. 

Yesternight, ff Jf tsok- 

Yet, fay sheung , eza 
chuung, (not) Ke mi - 




Yew-tree, *EE hes} “q-shue . 
Yield, (submit) Bek fy dewai- 

fuuk, (bend) ye wut, 
(produce) jie “ch‘aan, 
(concede) 2 AE “hue- | 

‘chuun, (up) ae yeung’. 
Yoke, a aak, (of oxen) 3h 
2b tui -ngau. 
Yolk, 7G Ta taan’ -* wong. 
Yonder, fi] as EL wi] koh - 
shue -ti - Jong. 
You, fi” ni, Sadie ti sh 

ii ; “at ee “ni- tang Ys 
. (See Thee). 
Young, 47 5 slaté -nin, Ap 
Hy shiv -nuen , AF Hin 

nin-hing, (of animals) 4¥- 

Young gentleman, yp at 
shiu -ye. 

Young lady, ite) His koo- 

Your, #p IPE ‘ni-ke, Tp Ht 
Youth, (time of) aE He iF 
nin-hing-shi, (a) ie He: 

nau - shaang. 

Zeal, FU hp 37 
chi-k . 

Zealous, ES faat - ‘fun, 

EE? 4. “fun-lit. 
— Se Bt hes Joo pan 

ae fe > Fe Be en 

Zenith, KIA tin- ‘teng. 

Zest, aA S tsze-mi . 

Zigzag, 72+ chi-tsze 

Zinc, EF gy paak-uen, 4 
te woh-chaak. 

Zizyphus, Be “tso. 

Zodiac, Ea 4 wong-to , 
H 3H yat-to , (signs of, 
Chinese) — --> JV % 

i -shap-paat -swul, 

Zone, Wry 4 taui -to . 

E lithite 

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